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The War on Ethnic Minorities (1/2)

Watch and take notes on the US government film: “We Work Again”.
Extension: Add the key terms to your glossary.

Lesson Objective:
1. To explain the impact of New Deal policies on black Americans.
2. To evaluate the impact of the Indian Reorganisation Act and the change for Hispanic

1. Take detailed notes under the following headings:
 The impact of the New Deal on Black Americans
 The impact of the New Deal on Native Americans
 How did the New Deal affect Hispanic Americans
2. Use the timeline on the board to create an illustrated timeline (p. 224) in your notes.
3. On balance, do you think the New Deal improved the lives of different ethnic minorities
with the USA? Explain your answer.

How much insight does Source 3 (p. 221) offer into the position of Black Americans during
the New Deal years?

Complete the following Part A style exam question (45 minutes in exam conditions):
Study Sources 2 and 3 before you answer this question.
How far could the Historian make use of Sources 2 and 3 together to investigate the effects
of the New Deal on the USA before 1940?
Explain your answer using the sources, the information given about them and your own
knowledge of the historical context (20 marks).
Tip: You will need to refer to the provenance of both sources and the audiences at which
they were directed. It is important that you address the ‘how far’ instruction by providing a
balanced answer.

Jim Crow Law
Racial Quota
Migrant worker

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