Written Report in Thesis (Trinchera, Simborio, Espanol) BSF 3a - 122656

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Introduction: Research design is the process of planning and executing a study to investigate
a research question or hypothesis. It includes the selection of research methods and
techniques, data collection and analysis, and the interpretation of results. The three main
research design approaches are qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method.

Qualitative Research Design: Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that seeks to

understand a phenomenon from the perspective of those involved in it. It is often used to
explore complex, nuanced, and subjective phenomena, such as attitudes, perceptions, and
behaviors. Qualitative research involves collecting data through methods such as interviews,
focus groups, and observation. The data collected is typically analyzed using techniques such
as content analysis and thematic analysis. The main advantage of qualitative research is its
ability to provide rich, in-depth insights into the experiences and perspectives of research
participants (Creswell, 2014). However, its findings are not generalizable to larger populations
due to the small sample sizes typically used.

Quantitative Research Design: Quantitative research is a method of inquiry that seeks to

quantify the relationship between variables. It involves collecting numerical data and analyzing it
using statistical methods to test hypotheses and draw conclusions. Quantitative research can be
conducted using a variety of methods, including surveys, experiments, and observational
studies. The main advantage of quantitative research is its ability to provide objective, numerical
data that can be used to generalize findings to larger populations (Creswell, 2014). However, it
is often criticized for its focus on surface-level measurements and its inability to capture the
complexity of human experience.

Mixed Method Research Design: Mixed method research combines elements of both
qualitative and quantitative research. It involves collecting both numerical and non-numerical
data and analyzing it using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Mixed method research is
often used to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon by triangulating
data from multiple sources. The main advantage of mixed method research is its ability to
provide a more complete and nuanced understanding of a research question by combining the
strengths of both qualitative and quantitative approaches (Creswell, 2014). However, it can be
time-consuming and requires expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Selection of Research Approach:
Choosing the right research approach is crucial in ensuring the validity and reliability of research
findings. Researchers can choose from various research approaches, including quantitative,
qualitative, and mixed methods research. The selection of the research approach depends on
the research question, the nature of the research problem, and the available resources.
According to Creswell and Creswell (2017), the research approach "provides a lens through
which the researcher views the world, selects data collection and analysis techniques, and
draws conclusions" (p. 12).

Review of Literature:
A literature review is a critical step in any research study. It involves analyzing existing research
on the topic to determine what is already known and to identify gaps in the knowledge. A
comprehensive literature review is essential because it helps the researcher:

 Identify and formulate research questions or hypotheses.

 Determine the scope of the research.
 Understand the theoretical and conceptual frameworks underlying the research.
 Identify potential methodologies for the research.

According to Fink (2019), "a well-done literature review is the foundation of good research" (p.

Use of Theory:
Theories are frameworks that provide explanations and predictions for observed phenomena.
Theories are essential in research because they help to:

 Provide a conceptual framework for the research.

 Guide the development of research questions and hypotheses.
 Determine appropriate research methodologies and methods.
 Interpret research findings.

According to Trochim and Donnelly (2008), "theories help to organize knowledge and make it
meaningful by providing an explanation for why things happen and how they work" (p. 19).
Writing Strategies and Ethical Considerations:
Effective writing strategies are critical in research because they help to organize ideas and
present them in a clear and concise manner. Ethical considerations are crucial in research
because they ensure that the research is conducted in a manner that is fair, respectful, and
responsible. Ethical considerations include obtaining informed consent, protecting the privacy
and confidentiality of participants, and ensuring that the research does not harm participants.

According to Neuman (2014), "ethical considerations are an essential part of the research
process because they help to ensure that the research is conducted in a manner that is
respectful and responsible to all parties involved" (p. 125).

Introduction of a Research Study:

The introduction of a research study is the first section of the research paper, and it provides an
overview of the research study. The introduction should include:

 A statement of the problem or research question.

 The significance of the research.
 The theoretical and conceptual framework underlying the research.
 The research methodology.
 A brief overview of the research findings.

Why is it crucial to review the literature before starting a research study? What are the benefits
of conducting a comprehensive literature review?

How do researchers ensure that they are using the appropriate theory for their research study?
What are some examples of how theory can be used in a research study?
Why is it important for researchers to consider ethical considerations in their research? What
are some common ethical issues that researchers should be aware of and how can they ensure
that they are conducting their research ethically?

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage


Trinchera, krishia apple
Simborio, Renmark M.
Espanol, Jeremy T.

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