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A travel blog

How to write a blog

Remember to think about the following
1 Work in groups. Choose a famous festival in any
country in the world. Then complete the steps. ideas.
• Agree on which festival you want to write about. • O
 rganise your information and choose the
• Find out as much information as you can and most important or interesting ideas.
put it in a spidergram. Remember to include • Include a short, but interesting title.
information about when and where the festival • S
 elect one big attractive photo or drawing
takes place, what the people do, wear, eat and as the main focus, but also include small
drink, when and how it started and why it is photos, maps and drawings.
• C
 heck your grammar, punctuation and
• Imagine you have been to the festival. spelling before you finish.
• Think of an interesting title for your blog.
• Decide who prepares each section.
• Prepare your section. Use photos, maps,
drawings, etc.
• Give your section to someone in your group to
• Work in your group to put the blog together.
• Add photos, maps and drawings.
2 Present your blog to the class. Remember to
include information about your festival, photos,
maps and drawings, and the tips from How to
write a blog.
3 Listen to your classmates’ presentations and
complete the notes.
What was the most interesting festival?

Write down two interesting facts about it.

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Ice and snow festival Sun for all Swinging in the trees

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival More Photos

Wow! What an amazing experience. We went to the Harbin Ice and Snow
Festival last week – and it was incredible … and freezing, −30 °C!
The festival began in 1963, but for many years, it didn’t take place. It started
again in 1985. In the past, it was mainly Chinese people who visited the
festival, but now artists from around the world come to the event and
compete to build the most beautiful sculptures from snow and ice. It takes
place every year and it is the largest ice and snow festival in the world.
When we were there, we saw sculptures of castles, trains, dragons and
lots of famous buildings from around the world. Many were covered in
colourful lights. Our favourite sculpture was of Moscow’s Red Square. Apart
from looking at all of the snow and ice sculptures, there are other things
going on. We did winter swimming in the Songhua River, and you can
also do other sports like ice hockey, skiing and fishing. There were dance
performances and people singing folk songs and best of all … fireworks!
It was an unforgettable experience. I’d definitely recommend it to
everyone. You won’t be disappointed!

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