The Wife of Bath's Tale

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The Wife of Bath’s Tale

In the times of King Arthur there was a young knight who did very bad
things that made the King very angry, so he decided to kill this knight. But
the Queen gave him a last chance: he had to return one year later with the
answer to her question “What do women want most?”. The knight
travelled around the whole country, but he couldn’t find an answer,
because everybody gave him different answers. The year was over, and the
knight had lost all hope of finding the answer, when he arrived in a large
forest where he saw twenty-four women, but when he tried to talk to them,
they all disappeared except for an old lady. She told him the answer to the
Queen’s question, and in exchange he would do anything she asked. So, he
returned to the Queen’s castle, and he said the right answer was that all
women want to have power over their husbands. He had the life saved
thanks to this answer, but then the old lady came to the castle and asked
the payment back: she wanted to marry the knight. He couldn’t refuse, so
he had to marry her, but he wasn’t happy because she was old, ugly and
poor so, in their first night together, she offered him a choice: she could
stay old and ugly, and she would be with him forever, or she could become
young and beautiful, but other men would come for her. The knight
decided to let her choose what was the best for them, the important thing
was that she was happy, and he would be happy too, so she became the
most beautiful woman in the world, and they lived happily ever after.

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