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Development and validation of a differential scanning calorimetry purity

determination method for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Article in Accreditation and Quality Assurance · May 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s00769-010-0632-6


10 3,434

3 authors:

Vikram Kestens Gert Roebben

European Commission European Commission


Thomas P J Linsinger
European Commission


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Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281
DOI 10.1007/s00769-010-0632-6


Development and validation of a differential scanning calorimetry

purity determination method for polycyclic aromatic
Vikram Kestens • Gert Roebben • Thomas Linsinger

Received: 8 May 2009 / Accepted: 4 January 2010 / Published online: 22 January 2010
Ó Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Based on a standard test method for purity by uncertainty  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ASTM E 928, a Purity  Trueness  Validation
purity determination method for highly pure polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been developed and Introduction
validated. The robustness of the developed method was
investigated by determining, under varying measurement Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
conditions, the purity of two PAH certified reference mate-
rials (CRMs), benzo[c]phenanthrene and dibenzo[a,h] Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are environmen-
anthracene. The repeatability and intermediate precision of tal compounds composed of two or more fused benzene rings
the developed method was determined by analysing the substituted by N, O, methyl, hydroxyl or nitro groups. They
purity of benzo[c]phenanthrene and dibenzo[a,h]anthracene are mainly emitted through natural (e.g. volcanic eruptions,
and PAH candidate CRMs indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, forest fires, etc.) and anthropogenic (e.g. fossil fuels, iron and
6-methylchrysene and benzo[a]pyrene. The trueness of the steel production, etc.) incomplete combustion processes.
method was studied using the same (candidate) CRMs and a PAHs have been detected in air, water, soils and sediments
series of 42 other PAH CRMs. For each of the five (candi- and in plant, animal and human tissues [1–4], where they
date) CRMs, a full measurement uncertainty budget was accumulate. Based on genotoxicity studies, the US Envi-
developed. Also for PAH materials for which the DSC purity ronmental Protection Agency has identified and classified a
determination method has not been explicitly validated, the number of PAHs as group B, probable human carcinogens
relative expanded measurement uncertainty was estimated. [5–8]. European legislation has been put in place over the
years to protect public health and environment from these
Keywords Certified reference materials  contaminants. In 2000 and 2004, the European Parliament
Differential scanning calorimetry  Measurement and Council have adopted the Water Framework Directive
2000/60/EC and Directive 2004/107/EC on arsenic, cad-
mium, mercury, nickel and PAHs in ambient air [9, 10]. The
Certain commercial equipment, instruments, and materials are
monitoring and toxicologically acceptable maximum levels
identified in this paper to specify adequately the experimental of PAHs in drinking water and food products are imple-
procedure. In no case does such identification imply recommendation mented by amending Regulation (EC) No. 188/2006 and
or endorsement by the European Commission, nor does it imply that Council Directive 98/83/EC, respectively [11, 12]. As a
the material or equipment is necessarily the best available for the
result, the levels of PAHs in foodstuffs and environment
need to be continuously monitored by qualified testing
V. Kestens (&)  G. Roebben  T. Linsinger laboratories. To ensure the traceability and uniformity of
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM), measurement data and to allow intra- and interlaboratory
Joint Research Centre, European Commission,
comparisons, the availability of standardised analytical
2440 Geel, Belgium
e-mail: methods and fit-for-purpose certified reference materials
URL: (CRMs) is of paramount importance [13–16].

270 Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281

PAH certified reference materials many researchers [25]. In this method, a sample is heated at
constant rate through its melting range. Since thermody-
To facilitate the implementation of European legislation namic equilibration of the whole sample during the DSC
concerning PAH monitoring and to support testing labo- measurement is of crucial importance, both sample mass
ratories in analytical quality assurance/quality control (QA/ and heating rate should be kept as low as possible. Gen-
QC) and for the validation of analytical procedures, the erally, a sample mass and linear heating rate of maximum
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements 3 mg and 1 K min-1, respectively, should not be exceeded.
(IRMM) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the Euro- The dynamic purity method has led to the development of a
pean Commission has produced a group of high-purity standard method (ASTM E 928), by Committee E-37 on
PAH CRMs. These CRMs are the basis for the preparation Thermal Measurements of the American Society of Testing
of calibration standards when dissolved into appropriate and Materials in 1983. This standard method is claimed to
solvents. The CRM production activities at the IRMM are produce SI traceable results and has been revised several
accredited according to ISO Guide 34 [17, 18]. The pure times [26]. In 1974, Staub and Perron [27] established and
PAH raw materials are produced under subcontract to the proposed another approach, the isothermal step method, in
IRMM. After being tested for homogeneity and short- and which a sample is heated stepwise through its melting
long-term stability, the candidate RMs are then tested in an range. However, all commercial instruments use the
interlaboratory comparison study which is led and super- dynamic method to provide values for the measurand
vised by the IRMM. In this characterisation stage of the defined in ASTM E 928. The stepwise method is not fur-
certification project, different laboratories are asked to ther discussed and the term ‘‘purity determination method’’
determine the PAH purity using independent analytical as used throughout this paper refers to the dynamic method.
methods such as GC–FID and GC–MS, HPLC–UV and
direct probe inlet MS. The data obtained from the labora- van’t Hoff theory
tory intercomparisons are then technically and statistically
evaluated to establish on a metrological basis (traceable to The principle of purity determination by DSC is based
SI units) an assigned purity and corresponding measure- upon the colligative properties of the test material, as
ment uncertainty value for the tested candidate RMs. increasing levels of impurities in a material broaden the
melting range and lower the melting point compared to the
Differential scanning calorimetry pure compound. In the case of a eutectic system of near
purity [amount (mole) fraction C98.5%], and with impu-
It has been suggested to also use differential scanning rities that dissolve in the liquid phase, but not in the solid
calorimetry (DSC) in the certification of PAH reference phase, this melting point depression is captured in the
materials. DSC is a technique from the group of thermal following relationship, Eq. 1:
analysis methods in which a physical property of a material
RT02 x2
is studied while it is subjected to a controlled temperature T0  Tm ¼ ð1Þ
Dfus H 
programme. Many of these thermal analysis techniques are
used on a large scale in research and quality control where T0 is the melting temperature of a 100% pure
laboratories in different industries (e.g. polymers, phar- compound, Tm is the melting temperature of the test
maceutics, chemicals, etc.) [19, 20]. DSC determines the sample containing impurities, DfusH° is the enthalpy
enthalpy change during phase transitions by measuring as a change of fusion (J mol-1), R is the molar gas constant
function of temperature or time the difference in heat flow (J mol-1 K-1) and x2 is the amount fraction of the
(heat-flux DSC) or power (power-compensated DSC) detectable impurity component in the sample system.
between a test sample and a reference sample. A variety of DSC purity determinations are performed by measur-
methods applying the principles of DSC have been devel- ing the enthalpy of fusion of the primary component
oped [21]. The theory and practical aspects of conventional (melting peak area) and integrating at least ten series of
DSC are well known and have already been intensively partial peak areas (between 10 and 50% of the total
investigated and described in the literature [22]. peak area), at a number of temperatures Ts between the
onset of melting and the temperature of the melting
DSC for purity assessments peak maximum. These data are used to construct an
enthalpy-corrected linear relationship in the following
The use of DSC for purity analysis is common in phar- way [28].
maceutical industries [23]. A ‘‘dynamic method’’ was As can be seen from Eq. 2, while the fraction of liquid
described for the first time by Gray in 1966 [24], and has phase (F) grows during melting, the amount fraction of
since then been continuously and critically evaluated by impurities in the liquid phase (x) decreases.

Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281 271

1 Also, inorganic contaminants as well as volatiles (water,

x ¼ x2 : ð2Þ
F solvents) and compounds that become volatile before or
during melting will not be detected.
Equation 3 shows the relationship between T0, the melting
temperature of a 100% pure compound, Tm, the melting
Method-defined measurands
temperature of the sample system and Ts, the sample
temperature at which a certain fraction, F, is molten.
The assumptions made in the DSC method are critical, and
T0  Tm therefore the method always needs to be stated when
F¼ ð3Þ
T0  Ts reporting DSC results, for example in the following way:
purity (amount fraction) as determined by DSC in accor-
After rearranging Eq. 3 and substituting into Eq. 1, a linear
dance with ASTM E 928. In other words, the measurand,
relation, given by Eq. 4 and known as the van’t Hoff
being the fraction of impurities detected by DSC, is method
relationship, from which the sample impurity can be
defined [30]. From this point of view, DSC does not differ
calculated, is obtained.
that much from other existing purity determination meth-
RT02 x2 1 ods: all methods have their own limitations towards certain
Ts ¼ T0  : ð4Þ
Dfus H  F groups of impurities and also their measurands are method
defined [31]. An important advantage of DSC compared to
Theoretically, plotting the reciprocal of the melt fraction
traditional purity determination methods is its potential to
against the sample temperature Ts should give a straight
determine impurities (e.g. isomers, polymorphisms) that
line. In practice, the obtained curve shows non-linearities
are chemically and/or physically very similar to that of the
due to instrument effects, the absence of thermodynamic
primary component [32]. Chromatography-based tech-
equilibrium in a dynamic experiment, thermal gradients in
niques are often not able to separate these kinds of
the sample and pre-melting behaviour or non-detection of
impurities from the primary component, resulting in
the eutectic melting [26, 29]. To eliminate these non-
overestimated purity results. This has been recently con-
linearities, different methods have been implemented.
firmed during a study in which different grades of
After linearisation, the intercept with the Y-axis is T0 and
commercially available high-purity chloramphenicol sam-
the slope of the curve can be used to determine x2, the
ples have been tested by means of different purity
amount fraction of the impurity component. The amount
determination methods (e.g. GC–MS, HPLC–DAD, DSC
fraction of the primary component is then obtained as
and Karl Fischer). This study is still ongoing and the results
x1 = 1 - x2, requiring the assumption that all impurities in
will be further discussed in a following paper (Kestens
the sample are detected by the DSC method.
et al., to be submitted). Acknowledging the limitations of
each of the different purity determination techniques and
Limitations of the DSC method for purity assessments methods, purity determination based on only one method
should be strongly discouraged since the intrinsic purity
Compared to traditional analytical techniques, DSC does will always be overestimated. A good estimate of the
not require difficult sample preparation. Moreover, DSC intrinsic impurity can only approached by using different
sample preparation is less time consuming since the com- methods and techniques. In this respect, DSC can be
pound after encapsulation can be directly placed in the regarded as a valuable tool for purity determination toge-
instrument and measured. It is therefore tempting to ther with other analytical techniques such as HPLC–DAD,
neglect the different limitations of the DSC purity method. GC–MS and GC–FID [33].
Several assumptions are made when applying the van’t
Hoff theory: (1) impurities dissolve in the melt phase of the Validation of the DSC method for purity assessment
primary component; (2) the fraction of impurities forming
a solid solution is regarded as negligible; (3) thermody- However, in contrast to chromatographic techniques for
namic equilibrium throughout the whole sample during which validation procedures are well established, DSC
melting; and (4) the relative molecular mass of the present purity methods have rarely been validated and thus realistic
impurities is close to the relative molecular mass of the measurement uncertainties are not available. These mea-
primary component. As a result, the method cannot be surement uncertainties are critical to allow reliable
applied when the amount fraction of the primary compo- interpretation of purity values measured by DSC. The aim
nent is below 0.985 mol mol-1, and the specificity of the of this paper is to report on the robustness investigation of
method is an issue as well. Many impurities may cause the developed DSC purity determination method for PAHs.
broadening of the melting peak; however, the method Furthermore, a top–down method validation study in which
cannot identify the nature of the individual impurities. the repeatability, intermediate precision and trueness of the

272 Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281

developed method was investigated, was performed. Sev- artefacts. A two-point temperature and enthalpy calibration
eral reference materials such as SRM 1514 (NIST, was performed simultaneously by fusion of 2 mg of highly
Gaithersburg, MD, USA) and LGC 2013 (Teddington, UK) pure (amount fractions [99.999%) indium LGC 2601
are commercially available and can be used for the vali- (Teddington, UK) and tin LGC 2609 (Teddington, UK)
dation of the DSC purity determination method. However, CRM samples in standard aluminium crucibles at a
since the suitability and validity of the method is strongly constant heating rate of 1 K min-1. The temperature cali-
defined by the nature and composition of the compound bration was based on the determination of the extrapolated
under investigation, the matrix of the reference materials peak onset temperatures (Te) for the applied heating rate
used in the validation study should be as close as possible (b), followed by a linear extrapolation to zero heating rate
to the matrix of the test samples under investigation. (b = 0). Subtracting Te (b = 0) from the experimental
Therefore, PAH (candidate) CRMs were used in this vali- transition temperature yielded the temperature calibration
dation study. factor. The enthalpy calibration factor was obtained as the
In order to compare and interpret the quality of the ratio of the certified enthalpy change of fusion and the area
obtained DSC purity results in a metrologically sound and enclosed by the transition peak and an interpolated
rigorous manner, the measurement uncertainty for the baseline.
(candidate) PAH CRMs was estimated from repeatability
and intermediate precision data. To allow comparability of PAH samples
the DSC purity results with purity results obtained by
means of other methods and techniques, a second uncer- High-purity polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon CRMs
tainty budget was established also taking into account the benzo[c]phenanthrene (BCR-134) and dibenzo[a,h]anthra-
bias uncertainty. The latter approach clearly deviates from cene (BCR-138) and candidate RMs indeno[1,2,3-c,d]
the approach followed by ASTM E 928 which does not pyrene (ERM-AC053), 6-methylchrysene (ERM-AC082)
foresee any corrections due to experimental bias. and benzo[a]pyrene (ERM-AC051) were all supplied by
the Reference Materials Unit of the IRMM in Geel, Bel-
gium. A commercial phenanthrene sample was supplied by
Experimental Dr. Ehrenstorfer GmbH (Augsburg, DE). An overview of
some characteristics of the tested PAH CRMs are given in
Differential scanning calorimetry Table 1. Relative molecular masses, melting temperatures,
purity values (mass fraction) and the total mass fraction of
All DSC measurements were carried out under nitrogen inorganic impurities were taken from the certificates and
atmosphere (flow rate 50 mL min-1) using a Q1000 heat- certification reports. Both certificates and certification
flux differential scanning calorimeter (TA Instruments- reports can be accessed via the online CRM catalogue of
Waters LLC, New Castle, DE, USA). The instrument was the IRMM [35].
cooled by a refrigerated cooling system (TA Instruments- During the method development and validation experi-
Waters LLC, New Castle, DE, USA). The general perfor- ments, samples were prepared in either standard aluminium
mance of the instrument was tested monthly by melting a crucibles or aluminium crucibles that could be closed
sample of an indium CRM and evaluating the height/width hermetically. Sample masses between approximately 0.5
ratio of the obtained melting peak. and 2 mg were carefully transferred into the crucibles and
accurately weighed using a microbalance with a readability
Calibration of 0.001 mg. The crucibles were then closed with an
appropriate aluminium lid and sealed using a crimper. An
Differential scanning calorimetry is a relative method empty crucible and lid of the same type were used as ref-
which means that all instrument responses require cali- erence. The samples were then rapidly heated up to 25 K
bration. The instrument was calibrated according to below their theoretical melting point, followed by a con-
TzeroTM, for enthalpy (transition peak area) and for tem- stant heating rate of 0.5 or 1.0 K min-1 until
perature. TzeroTM is a technology patented by TA approximately 25 K above the melting point.
Instruments-Waters LLC, that consists of consecutively
heating the empty instrument cell in a first run, and a-
alumina (synthetic sapphire) CRM disks, located on both Suitability of the PAH melting peaks for application
sample and reference position, in a second run [34]. The of the DSC purity method
TzeroTM calibration allows detection and compensation for
instrument imbalances and sample–reference side asym- The DSC purity method as outlined in standard ASTM E
metry that contribute to instrument baseline heat flow 928 is only valid for highly pure (amount fraction C98.5%)

Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281 273

Table 1 Properties of PAH CRMs selected for method development and validation study
CRM code Compound name, abbreviation, Mr (g mol-1) Tm (K) Purity (g g-1) Inorganic
formula and chemical structure l ± U(l) (k = 2) impurities (g g-1)

BCR-134 Benzo[c]phenanthrene, BcPh, C18H12 228.29 339.3 0.9968 ± 0.0014 0.0011

ERM-AC082 6-Methylchrysene, 6MC, C19H14 242.32 434.2 0.983 ± 0.010 0.0007

ERM-AC053 Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, IcP, C22H12 276.33 436.8 0.996 ± 0.005 0.0003

ERM-AC051 Benzo[a]pyrene, BaP, C20H12 252.31 451.3 0.973 ± 0.013 0.0013

BCR-138 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, DhA, C22H14 278.35 539.7 0.990 ± 0.007 0.0013

Mr, relative molecular mass; Tm, melting temperature; l, certified purity; U(l), expanded uncertainty of l (k = 2)

and thermally stable organic and inorganic compounds. sample and heating it again for a second time, the unre-
Furthermore, the obtained endothermic melting peak must solved melting peak was not present anymore and the
not be interfered by any decomposition or other thermal obtained melting peak could be used for purity assessment.
events and therefore, a critical evaluation of the melting Furthermore, ASTM E 928 describes a procedure to test
peak is of utmost importance before applying purity anal- the required thermal stability of compounds by comparing
ysis [36]. For example, the main melting peak of IcP the melting onset temperatures obtained at different heating
contained an additional partially unresolved melting peak, rates (1.0, 5.0 and 20.0 K min-1). According to this pro-
potentially disqualifying the use of this melting peak for cedure, a compound is found to be thermally stable when
purity determination. However, when cooling down the the onset temperatures of the melting peaks, measured at

274 Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281

the different heating rates, do not change by more than 1 K.

The different melting onset temperatures (not corrected for
b = 0) for BcPh, 6MC, IcP, BaP and DhA, measured at
different heating rates (b), are listed in Table 2.
When melting phenanthrene at a heating rate of
1 K min-1, a sharp and clear endothermic peak, at first
sight suitable for purity analysis, was obtained. Neverthe-
less, when subjecting the sample also to heating rates 5.0
and 20.0 K min-1, a shift by 1.5 K between the lowest and
highest melting onset temperature was observed. Although,
the temperature shift is rather small, it indicates that
phenanthrene might be thermally unstable at lower heating
rates. Measuring phenanthrene at a heating rate of
0.9 K min-1 resulted in an irregularly shaped endothermic
melting peak (Fig. 1) and confirmed this hypothesis. On the
other hand, the melting onset temperatures obtained for Fig. 1 DSC scan of phenanthrene (heating rate 0.9 K min-1)
BcPh, 6MC, IcP, BaP and DhA did not shift significantly
and therefore it was concluded that the purity of these robustness study showed to be robust for the purity
compounds could be assessed by means of DSC. assessment of DhA. Variation in sample size, heating rate
and crucible type did not result in significantly different
purity values based on one-way ANOVA (analysis of
Robustness evaluation and method development variance). The mean amount fraction (n = 3) and corre-
sponding standard deviation of DhA were determined as
The DSC purity procedure described in ASTM E 928 0.9996 and 0.0001 mol mol-1, respectively. The robust-
involves the use of relatively small sample sizes, a tight ness of the same method was also evaluated by analysing
encapsulation of the sample in the crucible (to minimise the purity of BcPh. Compared to DhA, the method showed
temperature gradients) and a slow heating rate [25, 28]. To to be less robust A Student’s t test identified significantly
examine, for the case of PAH materials, the potential different purity values (P B 0.05) between the different
sources of variability from these parameters (sample size, sample sizes and crucible types. The standard deviations
crucible type and heating rate) a robustness study was were in all cases higher than these for DhA. The mean
carried out. Based on preliminary tests, BcPh and DhA amount fraction and standard deviation of BcPh were
were selected as model systems for the robustness study, 0.9971 and 0.0007 mol mol-1.
which was used to develop a general DSC purity deter- Different factors can explain the less reproducible
mination method for PAHs. The different method results for BcPh compared to DhA. A first possible reason
parameters and parameter levels that were considered and is the presence of small fractions of compounds which
investigated for both PAHs are listed in Table 3. Each level become volatile during melting. If standard crucibles are
of each parameter was tested in triplicate. The measure- used, the volatiles will easily escape from the sample pan
ments were carried out in a randomised sequence and were and interfere with the sample melting. The heat-flow
spread over different days. As for each set of data only one changes that arise from the evaporation are expected to be
parameter was varied, possible synergistic effects could not rather small and hidden under the endothermic melting
be investigated. Results are graphically represented in peak of the primary component. If hermetically closed
Figs. 2, 3 and 4. The DSC method used during this crucibles are used, evaporation is initially suppressed and

Table 2 Onset melting

PAH compound (CRM code) Onset melting temperatures (K)
temperatures (K) at different
heating rates (K min-1) of b = 1.0 b = 5.0 b = 20.0
PAHs selected for method
validation and validation study Benzo[c]phenanthrene (BCR-134) 339.2 339.8 340.2
6-Methylchrysene (ERM-AC082) 432.6 432.6 432.9
Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene (ERM-AC053) 437.4 437.0 437.3
Benzo[a]pyrene (ERM-AC051) 451.4 451.4 451.4
Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene (BCR-138) 539.9 539.8 540.4
Phenanthrene 369.9 370.1 371.4

Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281 275

Table 3 Method parameters selected for robustness study

Parameters Level

Sample size 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg

Crucible type Standard and hermetically closed aluminium
Heating rate 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 5.0 K min-1

Fig. 4 Effect of the heating rate (0.5 K min-1, white; 1.0 K min-1,
light grey; 1.5 K min-1, grey and 5.0 K min-1, dark grey) on the
measured amount fraction for BcPh (BCR-134) and DhA (BCR-138).
The error bars indicate the standard deviation of three repeats. Purity
determinations for DhA at a heating rate of 5.0 K min-1 did not result
in a detectable standard deviation

Table 4 DSC purity method developed for PAHs

Fig. 2 Effect of the sample size (0.5 mg, white; 1.0 mg, light grey Parameters Levels
and 2.0 mg, grey) on the measured amount fraction for BcPh (BCR-
134) and DhA (BCR-138). The error bars indicate the standard Sample size 0.5–2 mg
deviation of three repeats. Purity determinations for DhA at sample Crucible type Normal and hermetically closed aluminium
sizes 1.0 and 2.0 mg did not result in a detectable standard deviation
Pre-melt Compound dependent
Heating rate 0.5–1.0 K min-1
Atmosphere Nitrogen
Gas flow rate 50 mL min-1

are present and interfere with the primary component in an

unpredictable way.
Based on the robustness tests and the statistical evalu-
ation and preliminary characterisation tests, a generic DSC
purity determination method for PAHs was developed and
established (Table 4).
The two most common types of crucibles used for DSC
experiments are standard aluminium crucibles and alu-
minium crucibles that can be closed hermetically. Some
PAHs might contain volatile compounds which can evap-
orate before or during melting. In this case, hermetically
Fig. 3 Effect of the crucible type (standard aluminium, white and
hermetically closed aluminium, light grey) on the measured amount closed crucibles are recommended. To approach thermal
fraction for BcPh (BCR-134) and DhA (BCR-138). The error bars equilibrium conditions within the sample, only small
indicate the standard deviation of three repeats sample sizes and low heating rates were used. Nitrogen gas
pressure and flow rate were kept constant.
can occur at temperatures above the melting temperature.
As a consequence, the evaporation would not interfere with
the sample melting. A second possible explanation can be Method validation and uncertainty assessment
the nature of the sample. Although, all PAHs used in the
study are highly pure compounds, limited fractions of To diagnose the quality of the developed DSC purity
different types of organic (e.g. intermediates and deriva- determination method for PAHs, a method validation
tives of the primary component) and inorganic impurities study was carried out, according to EURACHEM

276 Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281

Table 5 Parameters varied during method validation study factors for purity determination and thus proper instrument
Parameters Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
calibration (temperature, enthalpy and heat flow rate) is of
utmost importance [39, 40]. For the validation study, the
Crucible type Standard Standard Hermetic Hermetic Standard instrument was calibrated for temperature and enthalpy
Sample size *1 *2 *0.5 *2 *0.5 using indium and tin CRMs. The melting temperatures of
(mg) indium and tin are both defined points on the ITS-90
Heating rate 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 temperature scale. The central idea behind instrument
(K min-1)
calibration is to identify and subsequently to rule out
sample and instrument dependences. This can only be done
by measuring appropriate CRMs and selecting calibration
recommendations [37]. The parameters that varied during conditions that are as close as possible to the experimental
the validation study were determined during method conditions applied to the PAHs. Since the aim of this study
development and by experiences gained from earlier DSC was to develop a general DSC purity determination method
studies [38]. The different performance parameters con- for PAHs, calibration conditions were not varied with
sidered and investigated during the validation study are respect to the type of PAH compound. Due to the instru-
discussed below. For each of the five selected PAH CRMs, ment calibration, the method-defined results of the DSC
five series of each three measurements were performed. purity determination method are SI traceable [30].
The measurement series were carried out on different days On the other hand, the current validation study was only
and under varying conditions (Table 5). evaluated via the top–down approach and therefore
uncertainties due to instrument calibration were not
Measurand definition separately added to the overall uncertainty budget.
Uncertainties that originate from temperature and enthalpy
Purity determinations using DSC lead to values for a calibration are expected to be covered by the intermediate
method-defined measurand. In this study, tests are gener- precision uncertainty, whereas uncertainties due to any
ally performed according to ASTM E928. The measurand systematic errors are assumed to be covered by the bias
therefore is defined as the amount fraction (mol mol-1) of uncertainty contribution.
impurities detected by DSC, according to ASTM E 928. It Looking at Eq. 4, one would expect a linear relationship
is implicitly assumed that the organic impurity component between instrument response and sample impurity content.
mainly consists of isomers of the primary component and However, in many cases, it is found that the van’t Hoff plot
intermediates and/or products of side reactions that origi- deviates from the predicted straight line (Fig. 5). By
nate from PAH synthesis and that the relative molecular applying a correction factor, linearisation is achieved.
masses of these organic impurities are not very different According to ASTM E 928, the method is considered to be
from the relative molecular mass of the primary compo- unreliable if the correction factor exceeds 20%. In our
nent. By making this assumption, the conversion factor study, the correction factors were always below 10%.
between mass fraction and amount fraction is considered
not to be significantly different from 1.

Working range

The working range of the proposed DSC purity determi-

nation method for PAHs is defined by ASTM E 928 [26].
According to this standard, the method is only applicable to
thermally stable organic and inorganic compounds that
during melting form a eutectic system (impurity must
dissolve in the liquid phase and must be insoluble in the
solid phase). The method also requires that the amount
fraction of the primary component (purity) is at least
0.985 mol mol-1.

Calibration and linearity

As can be seen from the van’t Hoff relationship, a correct Fig. 5 van’t Hoff plot of BaP (ERM-AC051) before (circles) and
melting temperature and enthalpy of fusion are crucial after (squares) linearisation and least-square fit (dashed line)

Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281 277

LOD/LOQ consists of three consecutive stages: bias calculation, esti-

mation of the uncertainty related to trueness, and bias
According to the EURACHEM guidelines, the limit of evaluation. In the first stage, the experimental bias ( Dm)
detection (LOD) is the lowest content of the analyte or was calculated from the absolute difference between the
property that can be confidently detected by the method. certified purity value (corrected for inorganic impurities)
The limit of quantification (LOQ) is the lowest content of and the mean measured purity value. In the second stage,
the analyte that can be determined with an acceptable level the uncertainty related to trueness (uD), also called bias
of precision and accuracy [37]. Since the van’t Hoff plot is uncertainty, was estimated from the measurement uncer-
linearised, the LOD and LOQ of the DSC purity determi- tainty and the standard uncertainty of the certified purity
nation method could be estimated as three times and ten value. The standard uncertainty of the certified purity value
times the intermediate precision standard deviation, and the measurement uncertainty were then combined
respectively. Based on the results obtained on DhA, which according to the usual root-sum-of-squares manner, giving
gave the best repeatability, an LOD and LOQ of 0.0003 the standard uncertainty of the bias assessment, uD. Finally,
and 0.0010 mol mol-1 were calculated. for each of the PAH compounds, the experimental bias Dm
was compared with uD. If Dm B 2 uD, then the bias is not
Selectivity and interferences significant. This trueness assessment procedure is discussed
in detail in ERM Application Note 1 [41].
Due to the presence of different crystalline forms of the The certified purity values, corresponding to standard
same composition, some compounds (e.g. IcP) can reveal uncertainties and mass fraction of inorganic impurities
different endothermic melting peaks during the first melt. were taken from the certificates and certification reports
However, for some of these materials a single melting and are summarised in Table 1. Note that the uncertainty
peak, which allows DSC purity determination, can be values given in Table 1 are expanded uncertainties and that
obtained by cooling down the molten compound slowly to they need to be divided by the coverage factor (k = 2) to
room temperature, followed by a second melting. Due to arrive at the standard uncertainty. The measurement
the relatively slow, natural cooling and the large und- uncertainty was estimated as the standard deviation divided
ercooling (room temperature), it can be assumed that this by the square root of the number of measurement repli-
premelting will transform all crystals to the same phase. cates. An overview of the number of measurement
replicates, (nr), mean measured purity values, (ym), stan-
Trueness dard deviations, (s), and measurement uncertainties, u(ym),
is given in Table 6.
For the five PAH compounds that were investigated during Using the multi-step trueness assessment approach, it
the method validation study, an individual trueness was observed that the DSC purity values for DhA, BaP and
assessment study was carried out. The trueness assessment 6MC significantly deviated from their for inorganic

Table 6 Number of measurement replicates, nr; mean measured and bias, uD), experimental biases and relative expanded uncertainties
purity values, ym; standard deviations, s; and measurement uncer- (nr = 3) with, Uwith, and without, Uwithout, bias uncertainty and
tainties, u(ym), used for the assessment of trueness and relative experimental bias
standard uncertainties (repeatability, ur; intermediate precision, uip
PAH compound nr ym s u(ym) ur uip uD Dm Uwithout Uwith
(mol mol-1) (mol mol-1) (mol mol-1) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (k = 2) (%) (k = 2)

Benzo[c]phenanthrene 25 0.9974 0.0004 0.0001 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.05à 0.06 0.16
6-Methylchrysene 15 0.9963* 0.0007 0.0002 0.05 0.05 0.51 1.27 0.12 2.74
Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene 15 0.9957 0.0015 0.0004 0.13 0.09 0.25 0.07 0.23 0.56
Benzo[a]pyrene 15 0.9990* 0.0003 0.0001 0.03 0.01 0.67 2.47 0.05 5.13
Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 25 0.9996* 0.0001 \0.0001 0.01 \0.01 0.35 0.83 0.01 1.82
PAHs for which the method has NA NA NA NA 0.03 0.05 0.25 0.30 0.11 0.79
not been validated (1 melt)
PAHs for which the method has NA NA NA NA 0.12 0.09 0.25 0.30 0.23 0.82
not been validated (2 melts)

* DSC purity value significantly higher than the certified purity (corrected for inorganic impurities), NA, not applicable; minimum uncertainty
component; u*ip, estimated from RSDr; à non-significant bias, not included in the overall expanded uncertainty U (k = 2)

278 Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281

impurities corrected certified purity values. The bias Dm The above discussed trueness and bias issues have also
was therefore added to the overall uncertainty budget been observed and reported during a previous study [38]. In
(Table 6). On the contrary, the biases determined for BcPh that study, a series of 34 different PAH CRMs have been
and IcP were found not to be significant and as a result, tested by DSC for trueness. Due to thermal instability of
there was no need to include the Dm values in their the primary component, the purity of five compounds could
uncertainty budget, only uD. 6MC and BaP are outside the not be determined by DSC. For 11 out of the remaining 29
DSC working range since their certified purity is below PAHs, the purity determined by DSC deviated significantly
0.985 mol mol-1. During the DSC method validation from its SI-traceable certified value. After applying a cor-
study, the certification study of both PAH compounds was rection for known inorganic impurities, for most of the
not yet finalised so this information concerning the impu- PAH compounds the value of the bias became insignificant.
rities was not yet available at that time. Nevertheless, nine compounds still remained with a sig-
There are a number of potential reasons that may (par- nificant bias. This indicates that inorganic impurities,
tially) explain the experimental biases. As for all existing although they contribute to the experimental bias, should
purity analysis techniques, also DSC will not detect and not be regarded as the only source leading to systematic
quantify all impurities. Only impurities that form during errors.
melting a eutectic system will be detected. This means that When evaluating an experimental bias, it is important
the DSC purity determination method is blind to inorganic that one can differentiate between the constant or method
impurities and impurities or fractions of impurities that bias and the bias due to the nature of the samples. This
form a solid solution during melting. This is why certified aspect has been investigated and reported during another
values were corrected for inorganic impurity before com- recent study [42]. During that study, a selection of 42 high-
paring them with the DSC values. Also, volatile purity PAH CRMs were investigated for their purity,
compounds that evaporate before or during melting of the melting temperature and enthalpy and entropy of fusion.
primary component will not be detected. For the tested The method biases were additionally investigated based on
PAHs, the potential mass fraction of volatile compounds a series of DSC measurements on a high-purity indium
was assumed to be negligible, since baseline irregularities CRM. The obtained indium melting peaks were analysed
that are caused by the evaporation effect were not for melting temperature and enthalpy of fusion, both
observed. If present, they were hidden under the endo- identified as being the most crucial parameters in the DSC
thermic melting peak. purity determination method, and evaluated for trueness
Another aspect which may contribute to the experi- following the same procedures as described above [41]. It
mental bias is the approach that was used to establish the was found that the biases were not significant at a signifi-
certified purity values. In general, these certified values cance level of 5%, neither for the melting temperature, nor
are obtained by means of different conventional tech- for the enthalpy of fusion. From this, we can conclude that
niques, such as GC–MS, GC–FID and HPLC–UV. Since the major part of the total experimental bias for DSC purity
each analytical method has its own (separation) limita- determinations on highly pure PAH compounds must
tions towards certain groups of impurities, it was often originate from the nature of the PAHs itself, rather than
assumed that impurities detected by one method would from instrumental and/or method limitations. It would be
not be detected by the other methods. The total impurity impossible to validate the DSC purity determination
component of the PAH CRMs was then established as method for each single PAH compound. However, when
being the sum of all impurity fractions determined by reporting DSC purity results and uncertainties for these
each of the analytical methods used. Although, the kinds of PAHs, it would be incorrect not to include an
uncertainty related to this approach is included in the uncertainty contribution related to trueness, as it has been
overall uncertainty budget of each of the PAH CRMs, the proven that the uncertainty originating from trueness sig-
intrinsic purity might for this reason be rather nificantly contributes to the overall uncertainty. From the
underestimated. selection of 42 PAH CRMs that were analysed during the
Further, the good repeatability of the DSC purity previous study, a generic bias uncertainty value that fairly
determination method in combination with the relatively reflects the uncertainty of the experimental bias for the
high number of measurement replicates (Table 6) will majority of PAH compounds was estimated [42]. For each
underestimate the real measurement uncertainty and sub- of the 42 PAHs, the individual biases and bias uncertainties
sequently also the bias uncertainty. Finally, it is also were determined. Both the biases and uncertainties were
noteworthy that when determining the bias, one actually then classified (bin size 0.05%). The bias (0.30%) and bias
compares the certified purity values, which are expressed uncertainty (0.25%), corresponding to a cumulative per-
as mass fractions, with the DSC purity values, which are centage of approximately 68%, were taken as being the
obtained as amount fractions. best estimate for the generic bias and bias uncertainty.

Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281 279

Repeatability and intermediate precision experimental biases and the relative standard uncertainty
contributions from repeatability, intermediate precision and
Often, an important source of uncertainty is measurement trueness is given in Table 6. The different relative standard
repeatability. Repeatability indicates the closeness between uncertainties and biases (if applicable) were combined
results, performed over a short period, using the same according to Eq. 8, resulting in the relative expanded
instrument and method and performed by the same oper- uncertainty, Uwith. These expanded uncertainties are meant
ator. The relative standard uncertainty for repeatability (ur) for use when testing those PAH compounds for which the
for a single measurement can be expressed as relative DSC purity determination method has not been validated.
standard deviation of the tests performed under repeat- Additionally, use of Uwith allows the DSC purity results to
ability conditions (RSDr) and was estimated using Eq. 5. be compared with purity results obtained by means of other
The mean measured purity value is indicated by ym. The methods and techniques. However, for within-method
mean of squares within measurement days (MSwithin) was comparison of DSC purity results, the bias and its uncer-
calculated using one-way ANOVA from the 15 measure- tainty do not have to be included in the uncertainty budget,
ments that were spread over 5 different days. resulting in Uwithout (Eq. 9).
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
MSwithin u2r  
ur ¼ RSDr ¼ ð5Þ Uwith ¼ 2 þ u2ip þ u2D þ D2m ð8Þ
ym nr
An overview of the relative standard uncertainties for sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
repeatability of the investigated PAHs is given in Table 6. u2r
Uwithout ¼ 2 þ u2ip ð9Þ
From the same data sets, relative standard uncertainties for nr
intermediate precision, uip, were estimated using Eq. 6.
The relative expanded uncertainties, Uwith and Uwithout,
The standard uncertainty for intermediate precision
were obtained by multiplying the respective combined
expresses day-to-day variations. The number of replicates
standard uncertainties with a coverage factor, k = 2,
per day is given by n, mean of squares between
corresponding to a level of confidence of approximately
measurement days is given by MSbetween.
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 95%. As can be seen from Table 6, for all PAH
MSbetween MSwithin compounds, the largest contribution to Uwith comes from
uip ¼ RSDip ¼ ð6Þ trueness. In general, the repeatability uncertainty becomes
ym smaller with increasing measurement repeats, nr. However,
If the method gives highly reproducible results, then for the PAH compounds under investigation, it was found
MSbetween can be smaller than MSwithin. In such a case, uip that more than three repeats do not significantly reduce the
needs to be replaced by a minimum uncertainty repeatability uncertainty anymore and thus also not Uwith.
component, u*ip. This minimum uncertainty component Note that all standard uncertainties, listed in Table 6, are
was calculated according to Eq. 7. relative values (amount fraction).
RSD r 2
uip ¼ pffiffiffi
n Nðn  1Þ
The total number of measurements in the validation study
is given by N. The results of the method validation study, obtained on five
For all tested PAHs, the repeatability and intermediate (candidate) PAH CRMs, show that the proposed DSC
precision uncertainties of the DSC purity determination method for the purity determination of PAHs, which is
method were below 0.2%. In the field of CRM production, based on ASTM E 928, is robust and repeatable, within its
this makes the method highly suitable to investigate the narrow but well-defined working range. On the other hand,
homogeneity and short- and long-term stability of candi- for two of the five PAH CRMs (BaP and 6MC) the
date (C)RMs. The good reproducibility of the DSC purity experimental bias, after correction for inorganic impurities,
determination method was also shown during the certifi- was unacceptably large. These CRMs were recently pro-
cation study of 6MC, IcP and BaP [42]. duced and the certified purity values have only been
established after having run the tests for the DSC purity
method validation study. It is now known that both
Combined and expanded uncertainty candidate CRMs have a certified purity below
0.985 mol mol-1, and therefore they are outside the scope
A complete overview of the standard deviations, mea- of the proposed method. The large bias values explain the
surement uncertainties, relative expanded uncertainties, high Uwith values reported for these two materials in

280 Accred Qual Assur (2010) 15:269–281

Table 6. Herewith, the validation study confirms that the between apparent and intrinsic purity can only become
DSC purity determination method is only valid to those smaller, and sufficiently small for the certification of a
compounds with an amount fraction of at least reference material, when purity is assessed by means of
0.985 mol mol-1. different analytical techniques, all having their own spe-
Also for the PAH CRMs of higher purity, within the cific affinities and limitations towards certain types of
working range of the DSC method, the method trueness impurities. In that perspective, the DSC purity determina-
was checked. The DSC purity values were compared with tion method should be regarded as a valuable method
the certified values of the tested CRMs, and it is observed amongst other more traditional purity determination
that the DSC method systematically provides overestima- methods for highly pure PAH CRMs.
tions of the PAH purity. From the new data, and supported
by data from previous studies, it is observed that the
experimental bias varies strongly between results obtained References
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