Phys 002 PHW2

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PHYS 002


Show all necessary solutions and box all final answers.

1. The water level in a reservoir is maintained at a constant level. What is the exit velocity in an outlet pipe 3.0 m
below the water surface?

2. Water is flowing at 4.0 m/s in a circular pipe. If the diameter of the pipe decreases to 1/2 its former value, what is
the velocity of the water downstream?

3. A fountain sends water to a height of 100 meters. What must be the pressurization (above atmospheric) of the
water system? 1 ATM = 1.01 105 N/m2.

4. The siphon shown is used to transfer liquid from a higher level to a lower level. If the
fluid is drawn up and is continuous through the tube, determine the velocity of flow of
gasoline if the vertical distance from the liquid surface to the outlet is 1.0 m.

5. A venturi tube may be used as the inlet to an automobile carburetor. If the 2.0-cm diameter pipe narrows to a 1.0-
cm diameter, what is the pressure drop in the constricted section for an airflow of 3.0 m/s in the 2.0-cm section?
( = 1.2 kg/m3.)

6. Ann uses a hose to water her garden. The water enters the hose through a faucet with a 6.0-cm diameter. The
speed of the water at the faucet is 5 m/s. If the faucet and the nozzle are at the same height, and the water leaves
the nozzle with a speed of 20 m/s, what is the diameter of the nozzle?

7. The density of the liquid flowing through the horizontal pipe in the drawing is 1500
kg/m3. The speed of the fluid at point A is 5.5 m/s while at point B it is 8.0 m/s. What
is the difference in pressure, PB PA, between points B and A?

8. Water flows through a fire hose of diameter 6.35 cm at a rate of 0.0120 m3/s. The fire hose ends in a nozzle of inner
diameter 2.20 cm. What is the speed with which the water exits the nozzle?

9. The figure below shows a stream of water in steady flow from a kitchen faucet. At the
faucet, the diameter of the stream is 0.960 cm. The stream fills a 125-cm3 container in
16.3 s. Find the diameter of the stream 13.0 cm below the opening of the faucet.

10. Water is pumped up from the Colorado River to supply Grand Canyon Village, located on the rim of the canyon.
The river is at an elevation of 564 m, and the village is at an elevation of 2 096 m. Imagine that the water is pumped
through a single long pipe 15.0 cm in diameter, driven by a single pump at the bottom end. (a) What is the minimum
pressure at which the water must be pumped if it is to arrive at the village? (b) If 4 500 m3 of water is pumped per
day, what is the speed of the water in the pipe? (c) What additional pressure is necessary to deliver this flow? Note:
Assume the free-fall acceleration and the density of air are constant over this range of elevations. The pressures you
calculate are too high for an ordinary pipe. The water is actually lifted in stages by several pumps through shorter

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