Units 5 6 Grammar

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I Did I drive/work? Yes, I did/No, I didn’t
YOU -ed / 2 nd didn´t + Did you drive/work? Yes, you did/No you didn’t
HE/SHE/IT column infinitive Did he drive/work? Yes, he did/No, he didn’t
WE (worked / (didn’t Did we drive/work? Yes, we did/No, we didn’t
YOU drove) work/ Did you drive/work? Yes, you did/No, you didn’t
THEY didn’t Did they drive/work? Yes, they did/No, they
drive) didn’t
USE: Past finished actions
EXPRESSIONS: Yesterday When Last week/month/year In 2005 3 days ago



I was wasn´t Was I …?
YOU were weren´t Were you …?
HE/SHE/IT was wasn´t Was he …?
WE were weren´t Were we …?
YOU were weren´t Were you …?
THEY were weren´t Were they …?

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
1. I …………………… (wear) a red hat yesterday.
2. Sue ……………………… (go) to the party last night.
3. He ……………………… (do) his homework yesterday.
4. We ……………………… (talk) last week.
5. You ……………………… (have) a great holiday last summer.
6. You ……………………… (wear) a nice tracksuit yesterday.
7. Ron ……………………… (not enjoy) his weekend.
8. I ……………………… (read) an interesting book about volcanoes last week.
9. Laura and I ……………………… (not meet) at the library.
10.…………………… Pamela …………………… (find) her dog yesterday?
11.…………………… your family ………………… (travel) to another country last winter?
12. I ……………………… (not write) the correct answer on the test.
13.……………… you………………… (study) for the English exam?
14. Lynn and Frank ……………………… (be) on holiday last month.
15. We ……………………… (not be) at home last night.
16. I think the programme ……………………… (be) excellent!
17.……………………… (be) you at the theme park on Sunday?
18. ……………………… (be) Adam at the party on Friday?


+ Am / is / are + going to + infinitive - am not / isn´t / aren´t + going to + infinitive

? Am/ is /are + Subject + going to + infinitive?

1. For plans and intentions: I´m going to study Medicine.

2. For predictions based on evidence: She is very fat. She´s going to have a baby.


+ Am /is / are + ing - am not / isn´t / aren´t + ing ? Am / is/ are + Subject + ing?

1. For definite plans in a near future: I´m travelling to Valencia next Friday.


+ will + infinitive
- won´t + infinitive ? Will + Subject + infinitive?

1.For predictions and opinions: I think Chelsea will win the Cup / Perhaps she won´t like the film.
2. For spontaneous decisions: It´s hot. I´ll open the window.
3. For offering help and promises: I´ll take you to the airport.

1. Complete the paragraph with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct form of will.
These are my predictions for 100 years from now: Scientists 1. …………………… (build) underground
cities. The temperature inside 2. …………………. (be) warm. It 3. …………………. (not be) too hot or too
cold and people 4. …………………. (not see) any rain or snow. A special machine 5. ………………….
(clean) the water and the air, so people 6. ………………. (live) a healthier life. People 7. …………….
(grow) their food above ground and animals 8. …………………. (live) above ground, too. People
………………. (enjoy) both “worlds”.

2. Write questions with the words below. Use will.

1. your family / live / on / the moon / one day?
………………… ......................................................................
2. children / play / outside / 200 years from now?
……………. ............................................................................
3. people / drive / cars / on roads / in 50 years?
…………….. ...........................................................................
4. the sun / shine / in the year 3000?
…………….. ...........................................................................
3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to.
1. Mark and Tom …………………………. (visit) Amanda on Monday.
2. A new student …………………………. (join) our class next week.
3. We …………………………. (not have) a big party on Saturday night.
4. On Friday, my family and I …………………………. (have) dinner in a new restaurant.
5. I …………………………. (not run) in the marathon next week.

4. Write questions with the words below. Use be going to.

1. you / visit / your cousins / next week?
…………….. ...........................................................................
2. you / do / anything exciting / on Friday night?
3. Adam / travel / to Dublin/ this summer?

5. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets using the Present Continuous.
Liz: 1. …………………. you …………………. (go) to the party on Saturday night?
Sue: Of course I am. I can’t wait!
Liz: 2. …………………. you ………………. (take) anything?
Sue: Yes, a birthday cake for Sandra. I 3. …………………………. (bake) it on Saturday morning.
Liz: I 4. …………………. (make) some pizza. 5. ……………. Tom ……………. (come) to the party?
Sue: No, he 6. ……………………. (not come) because he’s got tickets for a concert.
Liz: Oh. What 7. ………………. you ………………. (buy) as a present?
Sue: I don’t know, but I 8. ……………………. (go) shopping on Friday. Let’s go together!

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