LeydianeSouza S40057348 Innovation Ass2

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Family Name: Given Name:

Leydiane Costa de Souza

Student ID: Course:
S40057348 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
Subject: Trainer’s name:
Assessment 2
Written Responses

1. You lead the R&D team in Samsung Electronics. As the manager, explain how you can
promote sharing information and knowledge in your team.
 Offering access to differentiated content
Sharing knowledge encouraging reading. This is a good way to make your employees
develop personally and professionally. Content relevant to the profession in question
can be passed on via email, virtual library or even messaging apps such as WhatsApp
and Telegram. From articles, news, e-books, newsletter and more.
 Organizing training and capacity building
Another way to share knowledge with your employees is by organizing courses for
employee training and qualification. Each of these courses not only offers tools for
professionals to perform their tasks with greater accuracy, but also encourages
 Offering extension courses
Enabling your employees to take an extension course such as an MBA and a graduate
degree is a way of stimulating and encouraging them to seek new knowledge. Even
though the company itself is not sharing the knowledge directly, it is implementing a
strategy that supports the circulation of knowledge.
 Building a space to disseminate specific content
The company can also share knowledge with employees using internal marketing tools.
One of the alternatives is to create a blog and invite directors, managers and even the
employees themselves to share knowledge with content production.

2. In order to support innovation in your team, what attitude and behaviours are
required from your team members?
Whether inside or outside the workplace, an engaged employee will always act as an
ambassador. He will publicize the company, promote its mission and values, and defend it in
any discussion.
Before taking action, he will reflect on how that behavior can affect the company. In an
emergency, you can count on this employee to help, even if it's not part of your duties.
Engaged employees really wear the company shirt. Imagine how positive it would be to
have an entire team of professionals with this profile!
A satisfied employee is actually more motivated (compared to a dissatisfied employee) and
therefore more productive. He wants to keep his job as long as the situation is good. But the
engaged employee goes further, and not just produces more efficiently within their
3. Explain why innovative ideas should be discussed with the team members and enough
time must be given to test the ideas.
Innovation requires a significant number of concepts to discover breakthrough changes and
business value.
When acquired from different points of view, these ideas need to be scrutinized closely to
see if any of them match your goals, vision and business strategies.
So how you qualify and evaluate these ideas will have a huge impact on the success and
effectiveness of your innovation efforts.
When your inbox is overflowing with innovation ideas, you can use the Prioritize the Best
Innovation Impact Model like this tool.
The Innovation Impact Model is designed to help you evaluate each submitted concept
based on your estimated investment and impact.

4. Explain why successful innovation should be reviewed. A relevant example should be

included in your answer.
The company must follow up on the idea that has been implemented. And, despite being
the last one, the process does not end here, as the follow-up needs to be done
continuously. As it is a very strategic point, it is important that the board and managers are
involved. But how to do it in practice? Keeping track of people who are using your
innovation. Ask for feedback via email, forms, and social media.
Also, create indicators that help measure whether the results are coming out as expected.
And, of course, take the opportunity to use your learnings in your next innovation!

The emblematic case is that of Amazon. Instead of being limited to product innovations, the
company renewed its entire business model: created as an e-commerce for books, today it
is one of the largest internet market places, offers IT services, and formed its own logistics
that is one of the most efficient in the world.
Innovation management, of course, played a central role in this process, as it allowed
Amazon to identify the best opportunities along the way. In other words, out of all the
change and diversification that the company has gone through in the two decades since its
founding, nothing has been done solely on the basis of intuition.

5. Explain why sharing successful innovation is important.

In practice, sharing is synonymous with investing in a culture of innovation that sensitizes
employees, brings benefits to the entire production process and generates valuable external
alliances for business growth. In general terms, it is about finding solutions to your pain and
also establishing new relationships beyond the corporate world.
6. Explain why reflection must be taken on implementing innovative ideas.
Experimentation is an important step because it tests an idea, like a prototype, a pilot. It is
no longer a theory, but a practice, which enables analysis to adapt a given innovation.
In some cases, a new idea may not fit for that moment, either due to the current consumer
profile or the company's capacity at the moment. But it is during this phase that you realize
whether it brings any real value to people. If so, it can either be saved to be developed later,
or receive the “ok” needed for its large-scale implementation.

7. Explain how to seek feedback from relevant stakeholders to identify improvements in

To measure the performance of an innovation, it is important for a company to go beyond a
simple assessment of its financial return or even how much was invested. Often, this
simplistic assessment fails to analyze innovations as creative processes and rarely allows a
comparison between the phases of the innovation cycle. There is still the aggravation
related to the reactivity of the indicators, that is, the fact that they have already happened
and that they cannot be modified. What is the best way to evaluate the performance of the
innovation process?
The best way to evaluate the results is to analyze the satisfaction of end customers. Through
qualitative and quantitative indicators, which can be monitored during the innovation
Have market research taking place at the same time the innovation is launched to the end
consumer, in order to assess product feedback.
By management reports issued daily, regarding the added value of innovation.
Evaluate, through news in specialized newspapers and in the journals released by
technology parks.

8. Explain why relevant stakeholders must be involved in discussion for challenging

As we are talking about something very important for the company, as is the innovation
process, it will certainly be necessary to involve the main stakeholders of the company.
These stakeholders will be directly involved in the innovation process. Among them we can
mention: all directors, occasional collaborators and other interested parties.

9. Why should feedback be documented? Explain the types of documentation that could
be used.
Documenting feedback is effective and must contain, above all, the characteristic of being
applicable, specific, timely, direct and impartial in its responses.
For it to be applicable, it must present a behavior towards the employee so that any
irregularity in his actions is corrected.
As for the feedback, to be specific, it needs to be clear and must have knowledge about the
impact of the observed attitudes.
With this we see that documenting feedback can become timely for the team when they
have spontaneity and have specific dates to present the reports about the company.
It can be impartial when it comes as anonymous feedbacks giving certain impartialities. It
should not contain judgments or personal opinions. It must contain an organizational
culture in its context.

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