Guidelines Writing Argumentative Essay

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Writing an Argumentative Essay

What is an Argumentative Essay?

A piece of writing that makes a stand about an issue.
It aims to persuade readers to understand and support the writer’s point of view
by providing data, facts and evidences to prove their point

Writer should
Make sufficient research to support their claim and invalidate the opposite claim
Show that their claim is the only logical / correct conclusion about the issue

Basic outline
Present the writer’s point of view regarding an issue > logical reasoning > evidence

1st Paragraph. INTRODUCTION
Present the topic
Provide some background information (what, when, where) about the topic
Thesis statement. One-sentence summary of your claim / stand on the topic

2nd / 3rd Paragraph. BODY

Each paragraph presents different points (reasons) to support your thesis (claim)
Explain the reasons clearly and concisely by providing examples, statistics,
research findings, facts, etc.
Mention the opposing points; Explain why they are disagreable

Final Paragraph. CONCLUSION

Restate the thesis (claim)
Summarize all the major points presented in the body
Suggest possible course of action to the readers
Sample Argumentative Essay:

Essay on the Effects of Smoking

More and more countries and cities around the world are banning smoking in
public places. According to numerous medical studies, smoking not only causes
innumerable health problems for a person but also for every single non-smoker close by.
Even though people carry on debating the pros and cons of smoking, the reality is that a
ban is the most fitting and logical decision in the case of smoking in public areas.

Even though there are some arguments on both sides, there are reasons why the
smoking ban is essential. First of all, smoking, even outside, can cause many health
problems, such as bronchial infections and asthmatic attacks even in non-smokers. This
point is predominantly crucial for nearly one million people in the US who suffer from
chronic sinusitis, asthma, bronchial infections, and additional conditions that have
something to do with breathing. Smoking harms our environment. That’s a fact. In
addition smoking is harmful to the smoker and their family members.

It damages damages ecosystem. All the plastic filters, cigarette butts, and other
elements of smoked cigarettes are most likely to pollute waterways, soil, and beaches.
The most recent lab studies demonstrate that such toxic compounds of cigarettes as
pesticide residues and nicotine are harmful to fish and other microorganisms.

In addition to some outward damage being done by smoking, it is imperative to

mention the cost of this dubious pleasure. The fact is that smoking is like a fiscal trap for
every individual addicted to nicotine. As reported by the CDC, the financial burden that
smoking places on individuals keeps on rising, with approximately $193 billion spent
yearly in the US. One of the vital things that many young women are anxious about is
aging. And this is the case where smoking and its side effects should be mentioned as
well. The reality is that one of the most substantial causes of premature aging is nicotine
& smoking.

People who smoke regularly are more likely to face early skin vagaries. As stated
by the scientists of the American Academy of Dermatology, regular smoking causes a
variety of biochemical changes that push the course of aging. For example, if you’re a
regular smoker, you contribute to depriving the living skin tissue of valuable oxygen.

As a consequence, blood can’t reach your organs quickly and easily. In

conclusion, it is clear from the whole shebang discussed above that smoking should be
branded illegal in all public places all over the globe. As an effect, this would advance the
state of the environment & the health of each person, and that is more than enough.
Essay on Capital Punishment

Humans value the sanctity of life, and taking another's life is considered a grave
offense. However, capital punishment is a practice adopted in many parts of the world. It
is the process of sentencing convicted murders to death. Capital punishment is immoral
and a violation of human rights.

Capital punishment is morally wrong and violates natural rights. It harms the
innocent, criminals, victims' families, and our nation. Instead, we should replace it with
life imprisonment without parole, a safer and more cost-effective alternative. The death
penalty doesn't guarantee safety for the innocent, fails to align with our nation's values,
doesn't effectively deter crime, and denies closure to victims' families. Hate begets
nothing good, and capital punishment is fundamentally flawed.

Wrongful executions have occurred, casting doubt on the justice system. It's a
painful reality that evidence proving innocence often emerges after execution. This
uncertainty erodes trust in the justice system, especially for those in dire need. The
irreversible impact on families of the wrongfully executed is profound. We cannot bring
back innocent lives lost. The imperfect nature of courts makes it difficult to prevent
wrongful executions in death penalty-prone countries.

Capital punishment denies the wrongfully accused the due process they deserve to
prove their innocence, furthering injustice. Delays in gathering evidence can result in
execution before exoneration. This injustice could be prevented without capital

Lastly, a society that values life should not endorse intentional killing by the state.
Capital punishment essentially sanctions government-approved homicide as a solution to
societal problems. This sends a disturbing message to the youth, undermining the
government's moral authority.

A society that values life does not intentionally kill people. The truth is that
capital punishment is a traumatic case of homicide that has been approved by the
government. This practically supports killing in order to impose a solution to the
problems that are being faced by society (Mandery 58). Capital punishment should be

Argumentative Essay. (2016).

Ellis, M. (2022). How To Write A Standout Argumentative Essay.

Masterclass (2021). How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide.

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