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NARRATOR: Once upon a time in a field on a summer day , there was a happy
Grasshopper who liked to play, sing, and dance all day.

GRASSHOPPER: What a splendid day!. la,la,la,la,la, I have nothing to do, but sing
and play. La, la, la, la,la.

NARRATOR: As she was singing, an ant was passing by.

ANT: Don’t you ever get tired of playing?.

GRASSHOPPER: Who, me?. Of course not!.

ANT: Don’t you ever work?.

GRASSHOPPER: Who, me?. Of course not!. Do you want to play with me?.

ANT: No, I have work to do.

GRASSHOPPER: Come on, let’s sing together.

ANT: No, I’m very busy right now.

GRASSHOPPER: Work, work, work!. That’s all you do. You don’t have time to
play or sing with me.

ANT: No, I don’t.

GRASSHOPPER: Why are you in such a hurry?.

ANT: I have to take home this kernel of corn.


ANT: I have to store food for the winter.

GRASSHOPPER: How can you think about winter on such a fine day?.

ANT: Because the winter will be here soon, and food will be too hard to find and
you should do the same.

GRASSHOPPER: I don’t want to worry about winter right now!. You just go
ahead and work, work, work and I will just play, sing, and dance.

ANT: Soon, you will not have enough food to eat.

GRASSHOPPER: I have plenty of food right now.

ANT: And what about tomorrow?.

GRASSHOPPER: I don’t worry about tomorrow.

ANT: I do. Good-bye.

NARRATOR: So the Ant went on its way and continued its work. The weather
soon turned cold, and all the food lying in the field was covered with a thick white
blanket of snow.

GRASSHOPPER: I should have listened to the ant!. It’s so cold that I can’t even
play, or sing songs any more and I don’t have food to eat. I am sure the ant will
help me!.

NARRATOR: The grasshopper went to the ant’s hill.

GRASSHOPPER: Please, ant give me something to eat. I am cold and hungry.

ANT: Why should I help you?. What did you do all summer?.

GRASSHOPPER: I played, sang, and danced.

ANT: And I worked, worked, worked!. So go and play, sing, and dance.



NARRATOR: Once upon a time there was a very arrogant fox. She had a shiny
and furry tail and bright eyes. One day she decided to visit her cousin who lived in
a near village. She put on her pink hat and started to walk.

FOX: What a lovely day. Oh, yes!.

NARRATOR: She kept walking, but after a while she was tired and thirsty.

FOX: Oh, It’s hot, and I’m getting tired. I wish there was some water to drink.

NARRATOR: She walked, and walked, and she was getting thirstier, and thirstier.

FOX: I’m thirsty and hungry. I wish I had something to eat, but there isn’t anything
on the road. And I still have a long way to walk. Oh, my I should have stayed home.

NARRATOR: Suddenly, she looked up and saw a vineyard full of ripe grapes.

FOX: Those grapes look sweet and juicy. They look so delicious!. Oh, those are the
most beautiful grapes I have ever seen. I have to eat some!.

NARRATOR: She tried to get them. So she jumped upwards but she could not
reach the grapes. She jumped again as high as she could. She still could not reach
them. The grapes were just too high for her. She couldn’t even touch them.

FOX: Hmmm, now that I think about it,I am sure that those grapes are not ripe.

NARRATOR: But she kept looking at the grapes.

FOX: I must be dreaming. This not true. Oh well, I am not going to look at those
grapes anymore. They are sour, even tough they look so sweet and juicy.

NARRATOR: The fox wanted to leave, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the grapes.

FOX: They are sour. Yes they are!. They are not sweet. No they are not! Why
would I want them anyway?. I better leave, it was a mistake trying to get them. I’m
just wasting my time.

NARRATOR: And the fox walked away. Maybe she didn’t believe what she was
saying, but what else could she do?. THE END


NARRATOR:  One  day  a  hare  was  making  fun  at  the  tortoise.  

HARE: Ha, ha, ha!. Your feet are so small and you walk so slow that you take too
long to get to a place.

TORTOISE: You may be as faster as the wind, but I will beat you in a race.

HARE: That is simply impossible. Ha, ha, ha!. But, I agree, let`s have a race.

TORTOISE: Very well then. The fox will choose the way and will wait for us at the
winning post.

FOX: Very good!. I will be waiting for both of you. Let`s see who wins!.

NARRATOR: On the day of the race the two started the race together.

FOX: 1, 2, 3, Go!.

TORTOISE: I will not stop walking. I will keep walking slow but at a steady pace
straight to the end of the finish line.

HARE: Oh well. That tortoise walks so slow that I have time to take a
nap. zzzzzzzzzz

NARRATOR: When the hare woke up.

HARE: Oh I fell asleep. I have to run as fast as I can. I think I wasted some time.

NARRATOR: Then he saw the Tortoise had reached the winning post.

HARE: How did you do it?. This is impossible!.

TORTOISE: While you slept, I kept walking. I may seem slow, but I am constant
and patient, so I won the race.

HARE: You`re right Tortoise, being fast doesn’t mean that you will win. I learned
my lesson!.



NARRATOR: Once upon a time there was a Fox and a Stork who were very good
friends. One day the Fox invited the Stork to dinner.

FOX: Would you like to come to dinner?.

STORK: Sure. What will you cook?.

FOX: It will be a surprise!.

STORK: When and at what time shall I come?.

FOX: How about tomorrow night at seven?.

STORK: Sounds good for me. See you tomorrow.

FOX: See you, and be on time!.

STORK: I will!.

NARRATOR: Next day the Stork arrived on time at the Fox`s house.

FOX: Hello!. Come and sit down, dinner is ready.

STORK: Tell me, what did you cook?.

FOX: I cooked a delicious soup. I`m sure you will like it!.

NARRATOR: But when the Stork sat down at the table, the fox served the soup in a
very shallow dish.

FOX: What`s wrong?.

STORK: It`s just that I can`t eat it with my long beak.

FOX: Oh, really?. Well at least you can wet the end of your long bill in it, right?.

STORK: Well, yes, but… never mind. Anyway I hope you will return this visit, and
come and dine with me soon.

FOX: Of course I will.

STORK: How about tomorrow night?.

FOX: I`ll be there!.

NARRATOR: So that night the Stork went home hungry. Next day the Fox showed
up on time at the Stork´s home.

STORK: Come in, my good friend, I was expecting you.

FOX: What did you cook?.

STORK: Since you are my special host, I cooked your favorite food. A delicious

FOX: Oh, really?.

STORK: Sure, come and sit down, dinner is served.

NARRATOR: But the Fox was surprised to see that the soup was served in a very
long-necked jar with a narrow mouth.

FOX: The soup indeed looks delicious, but my good friend, I can`t even insert my
snout in this jar!.

STORK: Oh, really?. Well at least you can lick the outside of the jar, right?.

FOX: Well, yes but, never mind.

STORK: Listen, my good friend, I am not sorry to say this, but what comes around
goes around!

The End




NARRATOR: Once upon in a small village there lived a shepherd boy named
Peter. He lived with his uncle Jim and his aunt Angie. Every night they sat together
by the fireplace to tell stories about wolves.

UNCLE JIM: And that was the end of the story.

PETER: And what happened to the wolf?.

UNCLE JIM: He was never seen again.

PETER: Oh!. Uncle, are you afraid of wolves?.

UNCLE JIM: No, but they can´t be around people.

PETER: What would happened if they came near our town?.

UNCLE JIM: Well, they could harm us, especially our sheep.

PETER: What about you, aunt Angie, are you afraid of wolves?.

AUNT ANGIE: Yes, I am Peter!. Everybody in town is afraid of wolves!.

PETER: Oh, I see!.

AUNT ANGIE: It´s late Peter. Tomorrow morning you must take care of the

PETER: See you tomorrow.

UNCLE JIM AND AUNT ANGIE: Good night, dear.

NARRATOR: Peter went to bed, and next day while he was sitting in the hillside he

PETER: I am bored. I don´t like to be here just taking care of the sheep. I should
be in the lake swimming!.

NARRATOR: Then he thought of a way to have fun.

PETER: That´s it!.

NARRATOR: And he started shouting.

PETER: The wolf!. The wolf!. The wolf is coming!.

NARRATOR: Some people came to see what was happening. They brought picks
and shovels, and everything else they could find to get rid of the wolf.

VILLAGER 1: What´s wrong?.

PETER: I saw the wolf over there. He´s looking at us right now!.

VILLAGER 2: Where?.

PETER: He´s behind those trees!.

VILLAGER 3: I can´t see anything!.

VILLAGER 4: Are you sure Peter that you saw the wolf?.

PETER: Yes I am. He´s moving. Look!.

VILLAGER 1, 2, 3, 4: Let´s get him!.

NARRATOR: As the villagers approached the trees where the wolf was supposed to
be, Peter started laughing.

PETER: It wasn´t true!. Ha, ha, ha, ha! . It was a lie!. Ha, ha, ha, ha!.

NARRATOR: Then the villagers came back to where Peter was.

VILLAGER 4: I knew it!.

VILLAGER 1: Why did you lie to us, Peter?.

VILLAGER 2: You know this isn´t funny!.

PETER: Yes it is!. Ha, ha, ha, ha! .

VILLAGER 3: Let´s go, we have work to do, and I will talk to your uncle about

PETER: You are scared of the wolf!. You are scared of the wolf!. Ha, ha, ha, ha!.

NARRATOR: When the villagers left, Peter kept laughing.

PETER: At least I had a good time today!.

NARRATOR: But what Peter didn´t know, is that the wolf as indeed hidden behind
the trees, just watching him. When he went back home that afternoon, his uncle
and aunt said.

UNCLE JIM: They told me what you did today.

AUNT ANGIE: I feel ashamed of you, Peter.

PETER: But aunt, I was bored. You know I don´t like to take care of sheep.

UNCLE JIM: That is not a good reason to lie.

PETER: I am sorry. I will not do it again.


AUNT ANGIE: Go to bed now, and we will see you in the morning.

PETER: Good night.

UNCLE JIM AND AUNT ANGIE: Good night, dear.

NARRATOR: Next day after having his usual breakfast, Peter went to the hillside
once again. While he was taking care of the sheep, he saw the real wolf
approaching, and he started shouting.

PETER: The wolf!. The wolf!. The wolf is coming!.

NARRATOR: The same people that a day before tried to help him, heard him, and
they said.

VILLAGER 1: Sure!. Sure!. You are trying to fool us again!.

VILLAGER 2: Give him a piece of bread!. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

PETER: No!. I am telling you the truth!. Help!. Help!. The wolf is chasing the

VILLAGER 3: He must be tired!. Give him some water!. Ha, ha, ha, ha!.

PETER: Please, come!. The wolf is here!.

VILLAGER 4: Leave us alone, Peter!. We have work to do!.

PETER: Oh No!. The wolf ate all the sheep!.

VILLAGER 1: Sure!. Sure!. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

PETER: It´s the truth!. The wolf is gone, and the sheep too!.

NARRATOR: Then one of the villagers went to where Peter was.

VILLAGER 1: Stop it, Peter!. But, why are you crying?.

PETER: I told you, it was the wolf. He was here.

VILLAGER 1: Oh!. So you were telling the truth.

NARRATOR: The rest of the villagers came and said.

VILLAGER 2: We thought it was a joke, just like yesterday. Do you remember?.

PETER: Yes, I remember, and I am sorry.

VILLAGER 3: We hope you learned your lesson, Peter.

VILLAGER 4: You should not lie. People will not trust liers, even if they say the

PETER: I will never lie again, I promise!.


Author: Aesop Fable


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