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Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873

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Effect of projectile parameters on opening behavior of PELE

penetrating RC target
Li-zhi Xu, Cheng-xin Du, Chun Cheng, Xiao-dong Wang, Jiang-bo Wang, Zhong-hua Du,
Guang-fa Gao*
School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, 210094, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: When a penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE) impacts on a reinforced concrete (RC) target, the
Received 14 November 2019 target is damaged with a large opening. An understanding of how PELE projectile parameters affect the
Received in revised form opening dimension, is essential for effective design of the PELE projectile. In this study, under the
14 February 2020
condition that the impact velocity and target parameters (strength and thickness) were fixed values, the
Accepted 17 April 2020
Available online 20 May 2020
important influence factors of the PELE (jacket wall thickness B, jacket material strength Y1 , filling
material strength Y2 and angle of monolithic jacket q) were determined by a dimensional analysis. Tests
and simulations of the PELE penetrating the RC target were conducted to analyze the influence of these
Penetrator with enhanced lateral effect factors on opening diameter (D, an equivalent diameter under relative kinetic energy). Based on the test
Opening behaviour and simulation results, it is found that the influence of these factors B, Y1 and q on the deformation mode
Reinforced concrete target of the jacket shows a similar trend: as values of the three factors decrease, the jacket deforms from small
Dimensional analysis bending deformation to large one, and then to curling deformation. This causes the opening diameter to
first increase with the decrease of these three factors, and then decreases. It is well known that the
bending resistance of the jacket is related to these factors B, Y1 and q. Therefore, a plastic limit bending
moment (M0) of the jacket was quoted to characterize the influence of these factors on the bending
deformation of the jacket and the opening diameter of the target. The influence factor Y2 causes D to first
increase with the increase of Y2 , and then decreases. A formula was developed to predict the opening
diameter, whose influence parameters were considered in a dimensionless way. It has been shown that
d f
the dimensionless opening diameter D=d1 is dependent on two dimensionless parameters Q ¼ M1 0c and
G ¼ Yfc2 , where d1 and fc are the outer diameter of the projectile and the compressive strength of the
target, respectively.
© 2020 China Ordnance Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi
Communications Co. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

1. Introduction component. Based on the mechanism of the PELE, it has been

applied in a minor-caliber ammunition to attack gunships and
A penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE) is a new type of cruise missiles in the field of anti-aircraft [2]. Under the background
penetrator consisting of a low-density material in its core (the of the urban war, the PELE is also used in a heavy caliber ammu-
filling) surrounded by an outer jacket of a high-density material [1]. nition to cause large opening damage to buildings. The size of the
Once perforation of a metallic target, the jacket forced radially by large opening is approximate 3-4 times diameter of the projectile
the filling is broken into a large number of fragments, which have a [2]. Therefore, the damage mode of the PELE penetrating a rein-
radial velocity component in addition to a residual velocity forced concrete (RC) target is different from that of the PELE
penetrating the metallic target, which has also aroused extensive
For the research of the PELE penetrating the metallic target, a
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G.-f. Gao).
series of tests including filling materials, target thicknesses, target
Peer review under responsibility of China Ordnance Society materials and impact velocities, were conducted by Paulus. et al. [3]
2214-9147/© 2020 China Ordnance Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (
860 L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873

to study how these factors affect formation and distribution of

fragments, and then a theoretical model to predict the maximum
radial velocity of the fragment was established based on the elastic
wave theory. Zhu. et al. [4] derived an improved model by
considering a shear resistance of the metallic target to predict the
maximum radial velocity and residual velocity of the fragment. In
Ref. [5], we proposed a model, which considered the influence of
the radial motion of the jacket on the maximum radial velocity of
the fragment. Verreault [6] found that above analytical models all
used the approximate elastic wave theory, and the multiple wave
interaction at the filling/target interface were neglected. Therefore,
he provided an improved analytical model by using the Rankine-
Hugoniot relation of the shock wave to determine the material
state. However, this improved model did not consider the effect of
the axial compression force of the jacket on the fragment radial
velocity. To evaluate the effect of the axial compression force, Fan.
et al. [7] developed a theoretical model using the shockwave and
energy conservation theories to estimate the maximum radial ve-
locity of the fragment.
For the research of the PELE penetrating the RC target, we
attempted to optimize the structure of the PELE by engraving
prefabricated grooves on the jacket [8]. Based on test results, it was
found that the prefabricated grooves added on the jacket is bene-
ficial to the opening behavior of the PELE penetrating the RC. Fig. 1. Projectile schematic diagram: (a) 3D photograph; (b) dimensions.
However, the influence of some projectile parameters (such as
jacket material strength and filling material) on opening behavior
penetrating the RC target, the opening diameter (D) of the RC target
of the PELE penetrating the RC target, until now, has not been
was generally determined by:
studied. Therefore, the goal of this investigation is to analyze the
influence of the projectile parameters on the opening behavior, and
to provide a model to predict the opening diameter. D ¼ f ðm; v0 ; d1 ; d2 ; l; N; Y1 ; Y2 ; fc ; hc Þ (1)
In the present paper, the important influence factors of the PELE Based on the dimensional analysis theory, the mass (M), length
projectile were determined based on the dimensional analysis. (L) and time (T) were selected as the basic dimensions to analyze
Three groups of tests were performed to analyze the influence law the influence factors of the projectile and target, as listed in Table 1.
of factors (jacket material strength, jacket wall thickness and filling
Moreover, the parameters of m, d1 and fc were selected as three
material strength) on the opening diameter. Combing with the
basic references, so Eq. (1) was transformed into the following
method of numerical simulation, the influence law of the pre-
dimensionless form:
fabricated groove number was also studied, and the influence
mechanism of these factors on the opening diameter was further !
analyzed in detail. Based on the test and simulation results, a for- D d2 Y Y mv2 hc
¼f ; N; 1 ; 2 ; 3 0 ; (2)
mula was established to predict the opening diameter of the PELE d1 d1 fc fc d1 fc l
projectile impacting the RC target, whose influence parameters
were considered in a dimensionless way. The effect of the geometric and material parameters of the
projectile on the opening behavior are the focus of this study. From
d2 Y1 Y2
2. Dimensional analysis Eq. (1), the four dimensionless parameters: d1
, N, fc
and fc
include the geometric and material parameters of the projectile: d1 ,
Some analysis and assumptions about the PELE projectile d2 , N, Y1 and Y2 . Therefore, the parameters of m, v0, d1, l, fc and hc
penetrating the RC target were made as follows: (i) the PELE pro- mv2
related to d3 f0 and hlc were set to fixed values in this study, and Eq. (2)
jectile normally penetrated the RC target, without considering an 1 c

impact angle of the projectile; (ii) Both the projectile and target could be decomposed into:
produced large deformation and damage during the whole pene-
tration process, so the effect of elastic parameters of the projectile
and target, such as Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, was not
considered; (iii) The reinforcement ratio of the target plate is about
3%, so the reinforcing bars were only considered to ensure the
integrity of the concrete target, and the influence of the reinforcing
bars on the local response of the target was ignored. Therefore, the
main influence factors of the projectile and target were listed as
The influence factors of the projectile: mass (m), impact velocity
(v0), outer diameter (d1), inner diameter (d2), effective length of the
jacket (or filling length) (l), prefabricated groove number (N), jacket
material strength (Y1), filling material strength (Y2). The projectile
structure is drawn in Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Schematic diagrams of RC target.
The influence factors of the target: strength (fc) and thickness
(hc). The target structure is shown in Fig. 2. For the PELE projectile
L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873 861

Table 1
Dimensions of projectile and target influence factors.

physical quantity D m v0 d1 d2 l N Y2 Y2 fc hc
dimension L M L∙T L L L - M ∙ L1 ∙ T 2
M ∙ L1∙ T 2
M ∙ L1∙ T 2

  ! projectile was measured by a speed measurement at distance of

D d2 Y1 Y2 mv20 hc S2 ¼ 34 m from the muzzle. Due to the influence of air resistance on
¼f ; N; ; $K 3 ; (3)
d1 d1 fc fc d1 fc l the projectile velocity in flight [9], an attenuation coefficient of the
projectile velocity was determined to be w ¼ 0.217 [(m/s)/m].
! Therefore, the impact velocity (v0) of projectile was calculated by
mv20 hc
where K ;
d31 fc l
was constant. Now, the emphasis was to analyze Eq. (4) based on the value of v35. In this study, 14 shots were carried
out to study the influence of these projectile factors.
the influence of the projectile factors on the opening behavior, and
then to confirm the functional expression of Eq. (3). Thus, tests and v0 ¼ v35  ðS1  S2 Þ$w (4)
simulations of the PELE projectile penetrating the RC target were
carried out in Section 3 and Section 4.

3. Penetration test 3.3.1. Tests of jacket material strength

Six shots with different material strength of the jackets were
3.1. Projectile structure conducted to study the effect of the material strength on the
opening behavior. In this group of tests, Nylon 1010 (compressive
As shown in Fig. 1(a), a PELE projectile was mainly composed of strength was about 52 MPa) was selected as the filling material, and
three parts: a projectile ogive, filling and jacket engraved with its inner diameter was d2 ¼ 80 mm. A relationship between hard-
prefabricated grooves. The projectile ogive was designed to ensure ness and strength of metallic material has been established.
the flight stability. Fig. 1(b) illustrates the dimensions of the pro- Therefore, the material strength of the jacket was determined by
jectile, including the outer diameter (d1), inner diameter (d2), total different heat treatment methods to achieve different hardness
length of the jacket (L), effective length of the jacket (or filling values. The jackets of the test schemes from ST-1 to ST-3 chose
length) (l), prefabricated groove length (l1) and prefabricated 50SiMnVB as the jacket material, whose Rockwell hardness values
groove number (N). It should be pointed out that the parameter N (Hr) obtained by heat treatment were 43HRC, 41HRC, 36HRC,
was able to be represented by an angle of monolithic jacket (q), 36.4HRC, 27.3HRC and 27HRC, respectively. According to Ref. [11],
because the prefabricated grooves were uniformly distributed on these Rockwell hardness values were translated to Vickers hard-
the jacket. In all tests and simulations of this study, the values of the ness values (Hv), as shown in Eq. (5), and then the strength values
outer diameter, effective length and prefabricated groove length (Y1) were calculated by a widely used relationship that strength is
and prefabricated groove number of the projectile were fixed, triple relation of Vickers hardness [12,13], listed in Table 2. It should
which were d1 ¼ 105 mm, l ¼ 300 mm, l1 ¼ 240 mm, and N ¼ 6, be noted that the plastic hardening properties of 50SiMnVB ma-
respectively. The materials and other parameters of the projectile terial were basically consistent under different hardness conditions
were introduced in detail in Section 3.3. [10], so the yield strength of 50SiMnVB was considered to be main
3.2. Target 8
< Y1 ¼ 3$Hv
The dimensions of the RC target are illustrated in Fig. 2, where 223Hr þ 13700 (5)
: Hv ¼
both length and width of the target were 2.0 m, and the thickness 100  Hr
was 240 mm. The RC target was reinforced by a double-layer steel
mesh with a spacing of 200 mm, whose mesh size was
200 mm  200 mm, and the diameter of the reinforcing bar was
12 mm. The unconfined cylinder compressive strength (fc) of the 3.3.2. Tests of jacket wall thickness
concrete was approximately 42 MPa. Four shots with different wall thickness of the jackets (B ¼ d1 d
2 )

were performed to analyze the effect of wall thickness on the

3.3. Setup opening behavior. Detailed test conditions and parameters of this
set of test schemes (TH-1 and TH-2) are listed in Table 2, where B of
The schematic diagram of the PELE projectile penetration test is the two sets of test schemes were 10.5 mm (d2 ¼ 84 mm) and
depicted in Fig. 3. The projectile was fired by a tank gun with 11.5 mm (d2 ¼ 82 mm), respectively. It should be noted that the
105 mm caliber and impacted normally on the RC target, which was consistency of the projectile mass was ensured in about
S1 ¼ 180 m away from the muzzle. The velocity (v35) of the 15.5 ± 0.2 kg by adjusting the total length (L) of the jacket. The

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the projectile penetration test.

862 L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873

Table 2
Tests of different jacket material strength.

Number v0/(m,s1) m/kg d1/mm d2/mm l/mm Y1/MPa Y2/MPa fc/MPa hc/mm D1  D2/(mm  mm)

ST-1-1 672.8 15.6 105.0 80 300 1225 52 42.0 240 400  390
ST-1-2 640.3 15.4 105.0 80 300 1162 52 42.0 240 370  350
ST-2-1 671.8 15.6 105.0 80 300 1018 52 42.0 240 420  410
ST-2-2 669.2 15.7 105.0 80 300 1029 52 42.0 240 410  400
ST-3-1 669.0 15.5 105.0 80 300 816 52 42.0 240 400  340
ST-3-2 670.9 15.5 105.0 80 300 810 52 42.0 240 380  360
TH-1-1 665.3 15.5 105.0 84 300 1018 52 42.0 240 320  310
TH-1-2 665.4 15.4 105.0 84 300 1018 52 42.0 240 420  330
TH-2-1 672.0 15.6 105.0 82 300 1018 52 42.0 240 390  380
TH-2-2 669.6 15.6 105.0 82 300 1018 52 42.0 240 390  355
FL-1-1 670.2 15.5 105.0 80 300 1018 28 42.0 240 380  300
FL -1-2 e 15.6 105.0 80 300 1018 28 42.0 240 360  360
FL-2-1 662.4 15.4 105.0 80 300 1018 90 42.0 240 420  390
FL-2-2 666.4 15.6 105.0 80 300 1018 90 42.0 240 420  400

Note: ‘-’ means that the velocity was measured but it had no result in the test. v0 ¼ 670 m/s was adopted due to the same launch conditions.

jacket and filling material adopted 50SiMnVB and Nylon 1010, model, the projectile ogive was designed to ensure the flight sta-
respectively. The same heat treatment method as test scheme ST-2- bility, and this part had little effect on the test results, so it was not
1 was used to reach 1018 MPa of the jacket material. modeled. A separate modeling method was used to separately build
the concrete and reinforcing bars, which interacted by defining a
3.3.3. Tests of filling material strength “tied surface-to-surface” contact mode. It should be noted that the
Based on above two sets of tests, two other kinds of materials section of the reinforcing bars was a square with a side length of
(polyethylene and Nylon 66) were selected as filling materials to 10.6 mm (determined by the section area) in the simulation model,
analyze the effect of filling material strength, because Nylon1010 which facilitated the meshing of the concrete and reinforcing bars.
[14], polyethylene and Nylon 66 [15] possessed the similar acoustic To save computational time and ensure precision simultaneously,
wave velocity (1000e1300 m/s) and Poisson’s ratio (0.42e0.45) the local mesh refinement was employed for the concrete target.
parameters, but they varied in the material strength (listed in The minimum element size for the target was selected to be e near
Table 2). 50SiMnVB with material strength 1018 MPa was also the impact location, which was enlarged to double e after a distance
applied to be the jacket material. Structure sizes of the projectile beyond 400 mm from the target center. The reinforcing bars were
were exactly the same as these in Section 3.3.1. The results of this meshed to be half of e, and the projectile was modeled using an
group of tests would be compared with schemes ST-2 (selecting element size of e. A mesh convergence study was performed (taking
Nylon 1010 as filling material) to study the effect of filling material ST-2 as an example), and Fig. 5 shows the influence of element size
properties on opening behavior of PELE penetrating RC target. (e) on the simulation results. As the element size decreases, the
opening diameter increases, and the simulation results are stable at
e ¼ 5 mm. It means that the mesh starts to converge at e ¼ 5 mm,
4. Numerical modeling and simulation
which was used in this study. Three-dimensional elements (Type-
164 in LS-DYNA) were used for this model, and an eroding surface-
4.1. Modeling of PELE penetrating RC target
to-surface contact model was employed to define the contact
behavior between the projectile and the RC target. According to the
Based on the test conditions, finite element modeling of the
test results, the element sizes, element types and contact modes
PELE penetrating the RC target was carried out using the LS-DYNA
were determined by trial and error, and the simulation accuracy
software. The model was axisymmetric, and a 1/2 model was
were described in Section 5.
established to save calculation time, as shown in Fig. 4. In the

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of simulation model.

L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873 863

According to the mechanical properties of Nylon 66 under different

strain rates, these parameters were determined and listed in
Table 3.
To investigate the effect of hydrostatic pressure on yield re-
sponses of polymers, a Drucker-Prager model was used to describe
the semi-crystalline polymers’ yield behavior by:
J2 ¼ a0 þ a1 I1 (8)

where a0 and a1 are material parameters, J2 and I1 are second

deviatoric stress invariant and the first invariant of stress, respec-
tively. Since the basic mechanical properties (density, Young’s
modulus and yield strength, etc.) of the Nylon 66 material used in
the tests were similar to these of the literature [17], the test results
of Nylon 66 under complex stress state were used to confirm the
material parameters of a0 and a1 . There the model was imple-
mented employed into LS-DYNA to characterize the filling material,
Fig. 5. Verification of the mesh convergence. and the parameter of yield strength was only adjusted according to
the filling materials.

4.2. Material models

4.2.3. Material model of the target
4.2.1. Material model of the jacket K&C model was employed to present the behavior of concrete
Johnson-Cook model [16] was employed to model the flow material [18]. Three independent strength surfaces of compressive
stress behavior of 50SiMnVB. Since the impact tests were con- meridians, namely, the initial yield strength surface Dsy , the
ducted at room temperature, the Johnson-Cook model describes
maximum strength surface Dsm and the residual strength surface
the flow stress as:
Dsr were defined by
s ¼ A þ BεNp ð1 þ Cln_ε* Þ .  .
(6) 8
< a0y þ p a1y

þ a2y p ;
p  fyc 3
Dsy ¼
where, s is the equivalent flow stress; εp is the equivalent plastic : 1:35T þ 3p 1  1:35T fyc ; 0  p  fyc 3
strain; ε_ * ¼ ε_ =_ε0 is the dimensionless strain rate, ε_ is the strain rate; 1:35ðp þ TÞ; p0
ε_ 0 is reference strain rate; A, B, C and N are material constants. The
parameters of the model were determined to be B ¼ 262 MPa, 8
< a0 þ.p=ða1 þ a2 pÞ; p  fc =3 .
N ¼ 0.28 and C ¼ 0.018 according to Ref. [10]. Due to 50SiMnVB Dsm ¼ 1:5 jðp þ TÞ; 0  p  fyc 3 (9)
possessing similar plastic hardening properties under different :
3ðp=h þ TÞ; p0
hardness conditions, the values of these parameters (B, N and C)
were fixed for different jacket strength, while the value of param-
eter A equals to the jacket strength.

4.2.2. Material model of the filling

Referred to previous research [15], Nylon 66 material was
studied under different strain rates, and a one-dimensional
constitutive model has been established to characterize the mate-
rial. The model contains viscoelastic and viscoplastic components
and it was given by:
8 εe
> sðε e Þ ¼ E $εe þ E ð_
ε Þ ts ð_
ε Þ 1  exp 
0 1
ts ð_εÞ
2 3 (7)
>   h i ε_ * 1=
: s εp ¼ s 1 þ mεn 41 þ asinh1 g5
ds p

where, εe and εp are the elastic and plastic strain, respectively; E1 ð_εÞ
is defined as E1 ð_εÞ ¼ p$½expðlgð_ε=_ε0 ÞÞq  1, ts ð_εÞ is defined as
lgts ð_εÞ ¼ lga  blgð_ε =_ε0 Þ, and others are material parameters.
Fig. 6. Quasi-static compressive response of concrete.

Table 3
Parameters for constitutive model of Nylon 66.

E0 a b ε_ 0 /s1 p/MPa q sds /MPa a b g m n a0 a1


2300 0.665 0.175 1 3.852 1.790 90 0.51 2665.47 1.42 0.25 0.28 34.54 0.1
864 L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873

Table 4
Parameters of K&C model for 42 MPa concrete.

Strength surface Damage Others

a0/Pa 1.242  107 b1 1.60 fc/MPa 42.0

a1 0.4463 b2 1.35 ft/MPa 3.634
a2/Pa1 1.924  109 b3 1.15 r/(kg$m3) 2300
a0y/Pa 9.374  106 l1, 2, …, 13 0, 8  106, (2.4, 4, 5.6, 7.2, 8.8)  105, (3.2, 5.2, 5.7)  104, 1.0, 10.0, 100
a1y 0.6250
a2y/Pa1 6.131  109

a0f 0 h1, 2, …, 13 0.00, 0.85, 0.97, 0.99, 1.00, 0.99, 0.97, 0.50, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
a1f 0.4417
a2f/Pa1 2.817  109

Dsr ¼ a0f þ p a1f þ a2f p

where ai, aiy and aif (i ¼ 0, 1, 2) are constants determined from a

suitable set of triaxial compression test data. fyc ¼ 0.45fc, fc and T are
the initial yield strength, unconfined uniaxial compressive strength
and tensile strength, respectively. p is the hydrostatic pressure, and
j denotes the tensile-to-compressive meridian ratio.
The current failure surface of the model was determined as

r 0 h Dsm  Dsy þ Dsy
Ds ¼ 3J2 ¼ 0 (10)
r ½hðDsm  Dsr Þ þ Dsr 

where J2 is the second deviatoric stress invariant, r ’ is the ratio of

Fig. 7. Schematic of typical opening model.
the current meridian to the compressive meridian, h is the yield
scale factor related to the damage function l, which was deter-
mined by: 4.2.4. Material model of the reinforcing bar
For the reinforcing steel bar, it is a standard material, which can
8 . be divided into three grades (HRB 335, HRB 400 and HRB 500)
< Dεp ð1 þ p=TÞb1 according to its yield strength. In our tests, the reinforcing steel bars
X .
l¼ Dεp ð1 þ p=TÞb2 (11) with grade of HRB 400 (i.e. yield strength 400 MPa) were used in
:   the targets. In the literature [19], they used the same grade of
b3 fd kd εV  εV;y
reinforcing steel bars as ours, and the Plastic-Kinematic model
(Mat_003 in LS-DYNA) was employed to calculate the yielding and
where kd is the internal scalar multiplier, εV is the volumetric strain,
plastic flow of the bars. The model assumes the equivalent flow
and εV;yield is the volumetric strain at yield. The damage constants
stress s in the following form:
b1, b2, and b3 usually have different values for compression and
tension with considering different damage evolutions of concrete. 2 3
According to the Keyword Manual of LS-DYNA, all parameters of the    ε_ 1
s ¼ sY þ Et εp 41 þ 5
K&C model can be generated automatically by LS-DYNA software (12)
using the unconfined compressive strength (also including density
2300 kg/m3). Therefore, a series of uniaxial compressive experi-
where s was the equivalent flow stress, εp was the equivalent
ments of the concrete specimens directly taken from the test target
were conducted, and the stress-strain curves are shown in Fig. 6. plastic strain, ε_ was the strain rate and others were material pa-
The compressive strength (fc) of the target was approximately rameters. According to the literature [19], the parameters of the
42 MPa, so the parameters of K&C model for 42 MPa are listed in model were determined and listed in Table 5.
Table 4. Since there were no available element erosion criteria in
the K&C model, the maximum and minimum principal strain cri-
terion was adopted by using *MAT_ADD_EROSION in LS-DYNA. In 5. Results and analysis
this manuscript, the maximum and minimum principal strain
values are MXEPS ¼ 0.35 and MNEPS ¼ 0.70, respectively. The opening diameter of the RC target was recorded and
considered as an important index to analyze the opening behavior
of PELE penetrating RC target. A typical opening mode of PELE
Table 5
Parameters for constitutive model of reinforcing bar [16].
penetrating RC target is shown in Fig. 7. The opening shape is
approximately an ellipse, so the maximum (D1) and the minimum
r/(kg,m3) E/GPa v sY/MPa Et C P b (D2) sizes of the opening were measured after tests. In this study, an
7830 210 0.29 400 0 0 0 0 equivalent diameter (D) was introduced and calculated by Eq. (13).
Note: If C ¼ 0 and P ¼ 0, rate effect is not considered; for b ¼ 0, isotropic hardening is It means that the ellipse shape of the opening was equivalent to a
obtained. circle shape.
L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873 865

Fig. 8. Process of PELE projectile penetrating RC target: (a) acceleration and residual velocity of the projectile; (b) deformation mode of the jacket; (c) six typical processes of

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi bending angles (a and b) and an opening mouth (nd1) were defined
D¼ D1 $D2 (13) to measure the bending deformation of the jacket. At the time of
the process three, the acceleration arrived at the peak, and the
In these 14 shots, the impact velocities fluctuated significantly penetration depth was about 125 mm. After that the acceleration
(the maximum: 672.8 m/s and the minimum: 640.3 m/s, relative dropped gradually due to appearance of shear failure in the RC
difference: 5.1%), which affected the analysis of the test results. In target, such as the process four and five. Process six illustrated the
order to exclude the effect of impact velocity (or initial kinetic damage mode of the target, including front crater, rear crater and
energy), the equivalent diameter (D) of the opening was trans- opening. The axial position of the opening was approximately
formed into an equivalent diameter under relative kinetic energy 106e136 mm from the front side of the target. It was found that the
(D), as shown in Eq. (14). The impact velocities of these tests fluc- position of the opening was very close to that of the maximum
tuated around 670 m/s, so the impact velocity vr ¼ 670 m/s was acceleration, which suggested that the opening diameter was
taken as a reference. mainly determined by the jacket bending deformation (or the de-
gree of opening mouth) at the position of the maximum accelera-
D tion. Therefore, the jacket bending deformation (or the degree of
D¼ (14)
mv20 mv2r opening mouth) at the position of the maximum acceleration was
selected as an index to analyze the damage mechanism of the PELE
To analyze the damage mechanism of the PELE projectile
projectile penetrating the RC target in this study.
penetrating the RC target, serial sets of simulations of PELE pene-
trating RC target were conducted, and a meaningful phenomenon
5.1. Influence of the jacket material strength
was discovered. When a PELE projectile impacted on an RC target
instantly, the acceleration of the projectile reached about
Fig. 9 shows the equivalent diameters and damages of the RC
4.0  104 g, as shown in the process one of Fig. 8(a). For the process
targets of the test schemes (ST-1‒ST-3). According to Eq. (14), the
two of Fig. 8(c), the jacket was radially expanded by the filling due
to Poisson effect, which led to an increase on the axial resistance above equivalent diameters were transformed into D (the equiva-
(acceleration) of the projectile. With the penetration going on and lent diameter of the opening under relative kinetic energy) to
the axial resistance growing, the jacket began to occur bending exclude the influence of the impact velocity, and Fig. 10(a) shows
deformation, and presented a double bending deformation mode, the D  Y1 relationship. By comparing the test and simulation re-
as shown in Fig. 8(b). For the deformation mode of the jacket, two sults, the differences of D were 6.8%, 0.8% and 7.8% to different
866 L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873

Fig. 9. Equivalent diameters and damages of the RC targets in test schemes: ST-1‒ST-3.

jackets which were 810 MPa, 1018 MPa and 1225 MPa, respectively. opening mouth degree at the position of the maximum accelera-
Therefore, the simulation results had a good agreement with the tion, was a completely positive correction. Therefore, Y1 mainly
tests, and the simulation model was used to investigate the influ- affected D by changing the bending resistance of the jacket. With
ence of Y1 on the opening diameter in a greater range of the decrease of Y1 (or the bending resistance), the increase of the
Y1 ¼ 600e1400 MPa. It was found that D first increased with the bending angle a (less than 90 ) and b was beneficial to D, but the
increase of Y1 , and then decreased. growth of a more than 90 was bad for D.
From the recovered jackets of the tests, as shown in Fig. 10(a),
the bending deformation of the jackets got larger with the decrease
5.2. Influence of the jacket wall thickness
of Y1, and the jacket which was Y1 ¼ 810 MPa produced a break-off.
The jacket deformation affected the opening diameter. Based on
Fig. 11 shows the equivalent diameters and damages of the RC
above simulation analysis, it was also verified that the opening
targets of the test schemes (TH-1‒TH-2). In order to exclude the
diameter was related to the jacket bending deformation at the
influence of the impact velocity, the values of D (the equivalent
position of the maximum acceleration, so the jacket deformation
was obtained at different Y1 to analyze the influence mechanism of diameter) were also transformed into D (the equivalent diameter of
Y1 on D, as exhibited in Fig. 10(b). Since the decrease of Y1 weak- the opening under relative kinetic energy), and D  B relationship
ened the anti-bending capability of the jacket, the bending angle b was illustrated in Fig. 12(a). There was an obvious fluctuation of D
displayed a dramatic increase with Y1 dropping. In addition, as Y1 (about 18%) in schemes TH-1, so the average values of D of every
decreased from 1400 to 1018 MPa, there was also a significant rise scheme were calculated as 352 mm, 377 mm, and 407.5 mm,
of the bending angle a, and the growth of both bending angle a and respectively. By contrasting D of the tests and simulations, the
b led the degree of the opening mouth to expand from 2.21 (d1/2) to maximum errors between every scheme were 14.9%, 3.3%, and 0.8%
2.88 (d1/2). However, as Y1 continued to fall, the decrease of the to jackets which were different B (10.5 mm, 11.5 mm, and 12.5 mm),
bending resistance of the jacket made a exceed 90 , and a greater respectively. However, the error of the simulation result and the
bending deformation (curling deformation) appeared on the jacket mean value of schemes TH-1 was approximate 4.3%. It suggested
which was Y1 ¼ 810 MPa, but the curling part were eroded due to that the simulation results correspond well with that of the tests,
large deformation. In the condition of Y1 ¼ 600 MPa, the curling and a wider range of simulations were also conducted to observe
deformation was not predicted by the simulation model, which was the influence of B (10.5e13.5 mm) on D. It was found that D first
taken placed by more serious erosion. It indicated that the curling increased with the increase of Y1 , and then decreased.
deformation brings the degree of opening mouth to descend from From the recovered jackets of the tests, as shown in Fig. 12(a),
2.88(d1/2) to 2.53(d1/2). The relationship between D and the the decrease of B caused the jackets to deform from bend to break-
L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873 867

Fig. 10. Influence of Y1 on PELE penetrating RC target: (a) D  Y1 relationship; (b) deformation of jackets with different Y1 .

Fig. 11. Equivalent diameters and damages of the RC targets in test schemes: TH-1‒TH-3.
868 L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873

Fig. 12. Influence of B on PELE penetrating RC target: (a) D  B relationship; (b) deformation of jackets with different B.

off, which was the same as the influence of Y1 on the jacket

deformation and the opening diameter. Thus, the jacket bending
deformation at the position of the maximum acceleration was also
acquired at different B to analyze the influence mechanism of B on
D, and Fig. 12(b) presents the jacket deformation here for various B.
It is well known that the anti-bending capability of the jacket is
related to B, so the bending angle b (ranging from 10 to 22 ) got
bigger with decrease in B. The bending angle a grew up from 55 to
72 , when B varied from 13.5 mm to 12.5 mm. However, as B
continued to drop (from 11.5 mm to 10.5 mm), the jackets behave
curling deformation and more serious erosion during simulation.
The variation of both bending angle a and b caused the degree of
opening mouth (or D) firstly to rise, and then to fall. The trend of B
affecting the bending deformation, was similar to that of Y1,
because B also had an important influence on the anti-bending
ability of jacket. Therefore, B mainly affected D by changing the
bending resistance of the jacket as well. When the value of B (or the
Fig. 13. D  q relationship of PELE penetrating RC target.
Fig. 14. Equivalent diameters and damages of the RC targets in test schemes: FL-1‒FL-2.

Fig. 15. Influence of Y2 on PELE penetrating RC target: (a) D  Y2 relationship; (b) deformation of jackets with different Y2 .
870 L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873

Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of force analysis of projectile.

Table 6
Dimensions of projectile influence parameters.

physical quantity M0 d1 d2 Y1 q
dimension M∙L2∙T2 L L M∙L1∙T2 e

bending resistance) decreases, the increase of the bending angle b

was always beneficial to D. However, the growth of a above 90 was
bad for D.

5.3. Simulation analysis of the influence factor q

Based on the analysis of Y1 and B, both of them affected D by

changing the bending resistance of the jacket. It is well known that
the angle of monolithic jacket was one of the influence factors on Fig. 18. Verification of M0.
the bending resistance of the jacket, so a group of simulation
models (schemes: AN-45 and AN-90) with different angle of
monolithic jacket were established, including q ¼ 45 , 60 , 90 can be seen that the bending angle b and a increased with the
(corresponding prefabricated groove number N ¼ 8, 6, 4). Other decrease of q, while the curling part were eroded due to large
structure parameters of these simulation models were deformation. Therefore, the degree of the opening mouth reached a
d1 ¼ 105 mm, d2 ¼ 80 mm, l ¼ 300 mm, and l1 ¼ 240 mm, and maximum of 2.88  (d1/2) for q ¼ 60 , and the degree of opening
material strength values of the jacket and the filling were 1018 MPa mouth reduced to be 2.64  (d1/2) (for q ¼ 45 ) and 2.39  (d1/2)
and 52 MPa, respectively. Mass and initial velocity of the simulation (for q ¼ 90 ). The variation of D was also the same as that of the
models were 15.6 kg and 670.0 m/s, respectively. opening mouth degree. It suggested that the influence of the jacket
Fig. 13 shows simulation results of D and the corresponding anti-bending ability on D was verified again.
jacket deformation at the position of the maximum acceleration. It

Fig. 17. Plastic limit bending moment: (a) relationship between M0 =Y1 d31 and d1 =d2 ; (b) relationship between M0 =Y1 d31 and q.
L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873 871

Table 7 Table 8
Values of dimensionless parameters Q. Values of dimensionless parameters G.

Number d1/mm d2/mm Y1/MPa D/d1 M0/(N∙m) Q Number d1/mm d2/mm Y2/MPa D/d1 fc/Y2 G

ST-1-1 105.0 80 1225 3.73 (3.46) 2842.538 4.136 FL-1-1 105.0 80 28 3.22 1.5 1.225
ST-1-2 105.0 80 1162 3.76 2696.350 4.246 FL-1-1 105.0 80 28 3.43 (3.57) 1.5 1.225
ST-2-1 105.0 80 1018 3.93 (3.90) 2362.207 4.537 ST-2-1 105.0 80 52 3.93 (3.90) 0.808 0.899
ST-2-2 105.0 80 1029 3.87 2387.732 4.513 ST-2-2 105.0 80 52 3.87 0.808 0.899
ST-3-1 105.0 80 816 3.51 1893.478 5.067 FL-2-1 105.0 80 90 3.95 (3.95) 0.467 0.683
ST-3-2 105.0 80 810 3.52 (3.76) 1879.556 5.086 FL-2-2 105.0 80 90 4.00 0.467 0.683
ST-simulation 105.0 80 1400 3.35 3248.615 3.869 FL-simulation 105.0 80 200 3.543 0.210 0.458
ST-simulation 105.0 80 600 3.50 1392.264 5.909 FL-simulation 105.0 80 300 3.415 0.140 0.374
TH-1-1 105.0 84 1018 3.04 (3.50) 1889.970 5.072
Note: the data in parentheses are the corresponding numerical simulation results.
TH-1-2 105.0 84 1018 3.66 1889.970 5.072
TH-2-1 105.0 82 1018 3.64 (3.66) 2120.330 4.789
TH-2-2 105.0 82 1018 3.54 2120.330 4.789
TH-simulation 105.0 78 1018 3.63 2616.489 4.311 rv20 =Y2 ), so the decrease of Y2 led to a larger expansion of the filling.
AN-45 105.0 80 1018 3.70 1565.525 5.573 There should be a larger degree of the opening mouth due to the
AN-90 105.0 80 1018 3.45 4367.833 3.336
larger expansion of the filling, but the relationship between the
Note: the data in parentheses are the corresponding numerical simulation results. degree of the opening mouth and the bending angle b was not a
positive correlation. Therefore, there must be the other influence
factor. From the failure of filling, the residual length of the filling got
5.4. Influence of the filling material strength
shorter with Y2 decreasing. For the filling with 52 MPa and 28 MPa,
quick erosion of the filling during penetration reduced the expan-
Fig. 14 shows the equivalent diameters and damages of the RC
sion effect of the filling on the jacket, so the jacket also showed a
targets of the test schemes (FL-1‒FL-2). In order to exclude the
small bending deformation. However, for the filling with 200 MPa
influence of initial kinetic energy, the values of D (the equivalent
and 300 MPa, the filling occurred minor erosion but deformed
diameter) were also transformed into D (the equivalent diameter of small, which caused the jacket to bend small. Based on above
the opening under relative kinetic energy), and the D Y2 rela- analysis, Y2 mainly affected D by controlling the expansion and
tionship is plotted in Fig. 15(a), where the average values of D of erosion of the filling.
every scheme were 349 mm, 407.5 mm and 417.4 mm in turn. By
contrasting D of the test and simulation, the maximum errors of
6. Opening model
every scheme were 9.9%, 0.8% and 0.6% to the fillings which were
different Y2 (10.5 mm, 11.5 mm and 12.5 mm), respectively. It
6.1. Determination of plastic limit bending moment
proved that the simulation results correspond well with that of the
tests, and a series of simulations were performed to observe the
Based on the analysis of the influence of Y1, B and q on D, the
influence of a greater range of Y2 (200e300 MPa) on D. The
simulation results are plotted in Fig. 15(a). When Y2 continued to three factors all affected D by changing the bending resistance of
the jacket. Therefore, a parameter, plastic limit bending moment
increase to 200 MPa and 300 MPa, D descends gradually.
(M0), was quoted to characterize the bending deformation of the
To explain the influence mechanism of Y2 on D, the jacket and
jacket. In this study, the jacket of the PELE projectile was engraved
the filling deformation at the maximum acceleration are obtained
with prefabricated grooves, so the jacket should be assumed to
and illustrated in Fig. 15(b). It was found that the bending angle b
consist of several monolithic jackets which alone penetrate the RC
got higher from 6 to 15 with a decrease in Y2 . According to the
target, as shown in Fig. 16. For the structure of the monolithic
study of the plastic deformation theory in impact [20], the plastic
jacket, plastic limit bending moment is mainly determined by its
deformation of cylindrical projectile was inversely proportional to
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi outer diameter (d1), inner diameter (d2), angle of monolithic jacket
the material yield strength (A1 =A0 ¼ 1 þ u þ u2 þ 2u, where u ¼ (q) and material strength (Y1). These factors have been proved to

Fig. 19. Opening diameter model: (a) relationship between D/d1 and Q; (b) relationship between D/d1 and G.
872 L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873

have a great influence on the opening behavior of PELE penetrating affected by two dimensionless factors
d31 fc
and Y2
. The first term in
M0 fc
RC target by tests and simulations. Therefore, it was important to
Eq. (4) may be interpreted as the ratio between a resistance force of
determine the relationship between the plastic limit bending
moment and these factors, and to know how the plastic limit the target d21 fc and a bending force of the jacket M0 =d1 . The second
bending moment affected the opening behavior. term was noted as a ration of the filling material strength and target
For the structure of the monolithic jacket, its bending defor- strength, which have been widely used in penetration and perfo-
mation is no longer a pure bending state structure under the action ration mechanics [22]. It was assumed that the two dimensionless
of force, especially at a larger angle (q) [21], so it is impossible to factors on the opening diameter were decoupled, and D
and the
accurately predict the plastic limit bending moment by the theory d31 fc Y2
two dimensionless parameters: and satisfied a quadratic
of plastic mechanics. In this study, the plastic limit bending M0 fc
moment relationship was established by numerical simulation and functional relationship, so Eq. (19) was expressed as:
dimensional analysis. Referring to dimensional analysis theory,
mass (M), length (L) and time (T) were selected as basic dimensions 00sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 1 0 sffiffiffiffiffiffi 1
2 !2
to carry out dimensional analysis of the influence parameters, as 3
D B@ d1 fc A C @ fc A
listed in Table 6. Taking the plastic limit bending moment as an ¼f@ A$f (20)
d1 M0 Y2
objective parameter, the general functional relationship between
M0 and above factors was established.
To determine the two unknown formulas in Eq. (20), the results
M0 ¼ f ðd1 ; d2 ; q; Y1 Þ (15) of tests and simulations were transformed into dimensionless
values. Firstly, M0 of the jacket under different jacket wall thickness,
After simplification, it was gotten: jacket material strength and angle of monolithic jacket were
    calculated, and then dimensionless plastic limit bending moment
M0 d1 d1 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
¼ f ; q; / M0 ¼ Y d
1 1
$f ; q (16) 3
d1 fc
Y1 d31 d2 d2 (Q ¼ M0 ) were also calculated according to fc ¼ 42 MPa and d1 ¼
105 mm. Both values of the two parameters and dimensionless
Here, it was assumed that the effects of d1
and q on M0 were
opening diameter (D/d1) are listed in Table 7. Based on Eq. (20), the
decoupled, so Eq. (16) was expressed to
relationship between Q and D/d1 is plotted in Fig. 19(a). It was found
  that the test data were very well represented by the proposed two
M0 ¼ Y1 d31 $ f $f ðqÞ (17) dimensionless parameters, and they approximately satisfied
quadratic function relationship. Under the condition of l ¼ 300 mm,
To determine the two unknown formulas in Eq. (17), three-point 0 ! 1
qffiffiffiffi 2
bending simulation models of the monolithic jacket were estab- d1 ¼ 105 mm, fc ¼ 42 MPa and Y2 ¼ 52 MPa, f @ fc A was
lished to confirm the plastic limit bending moment values under
different conditions. Fig. 17(a) and Fig. 17(b) show the influence of assumed to be 1, thus the expressions of Q and (D/d1) were deter-
the ratio of inner diameter to outer diameter and the angle on the mined by unilinear fitting to
plastic limit bending moment, respectively. Based on these two sets
of data, Eq. (17) was determined as follows (0:65  d1 =d2  1:00,
0  q  90 , 750 MPa  Y1  1750 MPa): D
¼  0:56 þ 1:875Q  0:202Q 2 ; 3:00  Q  6:25 (21)
 "  2 # d1
d1 3q 3q
M0 ¼ Y1 d31 $  0:00643 $ 0:533  þ 0:464  Based on the results of tests, dimensionless filling material
155:5d2 p p qffiffiffiffi
strength (G ¼ Y2 ) and dimensionless opening diameter (D/d1)
were calculated (listed in Table 8), which are plotted in Fig. 19(b).
To verify the accuracy of Eq. (18), three-point bending models of Analysis of Fig. 19(b) shows that the relationship between fc/Y2 and
the monolithic jacket were simulated under other different con- D/d1 approximately also satisfied a quadratic function, so the un-
ditions, such as a monolithic jacket (d2 ¼ 75 mm, q ¼ 60 ) with  
different material strength. Fig. 18 illustrates these simulation re- known formula dD ¼ f Yfc2 was determined by fitting to

sults, which were compared with the plastic limit bending moment
values calculated by Eq. (18). It was found that the expression of the
plastic limit bending moment was in good agreement with the D h i
simulation results. ¼ Q0 $ 0:705 þ 0:75G  0:42G2 ; 0:2  G  1:4 (22)

where Q0 ¼ 3:907.
6.2. Establishment of opening model
From Eq. (21) and Eq. (22), the dimensionless opening diameter
of Eq. (20) was confirmed. It should be point out that the opening
Based on Eq. (18), the relationship between the plastic limit
diameter model was obtained within a certain range
bending moment (M0) and the influence factors of the projectile
(3:00  Q  6:25 and 0:2  G  1:4), so the applicability of this
(d1, d2, N, Y1) were built. Therefore, the influence factors d1, d2, N
model in other ranges need further verification.
and Y1 in Eq. (3) were able to be replaced by M0, and taking D as the
characteristic parameter, Eq. (3) was simplified to
! D h i h i
D d31 fc Y2 ¼  0:56 þ 1:875Q  0:202Q 2 $ 0:705 þ 0:75G  0:42G2
¼f ; (19) d1
d1 M0 fc
From Eq. (19), the dimensionless opening diameter (D= d1 ) were
L.-z. Xu et al. / Defence Technology 17 (2021) 859e873 873

7. Conclusion could be construed as influencing the position presented in, or the

review of, the manuscript entitled, “Effect of projectile parameters
Based on the test and simulation study of PELE projectile on opening behavior of PELE penetrating RC target”.
penetrating RC target, the influence of projectile structure and
material parameters on the opening behavior was analyzed. The
main conclusions drawn from the test and simulation results are as
The author(s) disclose the receipt of the following financial
support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
(1) A dimensional analysis was conducted on the influence of
article: The project was supported by the National Natural Science
the PELE projectile and target factors on the opening
Foundation of China (Grant No: 11472008, 11772160, 11802141), the
behavior. In this study, the impact velocity and target pa-
Opening Project of State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and
rameters (strength and thickness) were fixed values, thus the
!  Technology (KFJJ18-01M), Beijing Institute of Technology.
function K d3 f0 ; hlc was considered to be constant. f dd2 ; N; Yf 1 ;
1 c 1 c

was determined to be the important influence projectile
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