Act 1

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Activity Number 1


Team Team Name:



Topics Covered: Ideas that Change the World, UN’s 17 Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs)

Estimated Completion Time: 1 meeting (2 hours)

Instructions: Create a team that will be used for the entire trimester. Select one
of the UN’s 17 SDGs, and develop your team’s story, BDUF, and BHAP based
on that.

Team Creation
● A maximum of three (3) members is permitted. Students who wish to do
the succeeding activities individually or in pairs are also accepted.
Those who will persist in having teams of more than 3 members shall be
forcibly split.
○ Alternatively, your instructor may change the limit on the
number of members per team as well as the selection process
(i.e., choose your own, assigned, or randomly generated).
● Please be informed that the teams formed shall be your team for all of
the group activities for this trimester.
● After this activity, you are not allowed to switch team members. Please
choose wisely.
● Team members not participating in the group activities will be
removed from the group and expected to create an entirely new
concept different from other teams. This team member cannot go to
other teams or will not form teams with other students removed from
their group.
● Request for switching of teams after establishment shall be denied.
● Create a team name. This will refer to your team for the rest of the
UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals
● Your team is requested to select at least one (1) of the UN’s 17 SDGs.
As such, the problem you will focus on should depend on this.
○ Alternatively, your instructor may assign you an SDG to prevent
● Please take note of the targets and indicators of the SDG
selected/assigned. Ensure that the content in the output is in line with
the identified targets and indicators set by the United Nations. This will
not be placed right away, but it will be relevant during the subsequent
● Please refer to the official website for more details on the targets and
indicators at
● Please write the following:
○ SDG Selected / Assigned - Only include the number and the
short description of the goal (i.e. 1 - No Poverty). Do not include
any targets or indicators.
○ BDUF (Big Dream Up Front) - What are the team’s biggest
dreams? This must be related to the selected SDG.
○ Your Story - Identify at least three (3) significant scenes/chapters
of the team members’ lives about the SDG. Identify skills that the
team members possess that can be used to make change.
○ BHAP (Big Hairy Audacious Problem) - Use the template: I want
to help (who) to (what) because (why).

Criteria Description Total Your Score

Big Dream Up Output is a 1-2 sentence

Front description concisely
encompassing the team’s
dream that provides insight into
the problem they want to solve
about the SGD

Your Story Output includes at least three

(3) significant scenes that the
team has experienced; 50%
includes at least one
superpower per team member

Big Hairy Output is a 1-sentence

Audacious description concisely
Problem encompassing the team’s 25%
problem; output uses the
template provided

Total 100%
7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

BDUF (Big Dream Up Front)

The team’s biggest dream is for everyone to have access to a
sufficient and/or stable supply of electricity. It will help people to do their work
easier and result in a more exceptional outcome.

Story 1:
Back in our province, during mid-year, we always have a power
shortage that affects many residents to do and finish their work. Aside from
that, the rate is very expensive and makes us residents suffer more to earn
money for the electric bill. Almost all of the residents are working class, and
most of the work is manual labor making it more difficult and tiring. Students
also have a hard time studying because there is not sufficient light to easily
read their lessons. In our family’s case, we bought a solar-powered
emergency device that is good enough to provide us light at night for a few
Story 2:
During typhoons, a power outage happens, and we have no
electricity in our town, so things get boring. We also have no generators as it is
expensive. So, if there is a power outage, we cannot dry our clothes using the
washing machine, the inside house gets hotter as the electric fan and air
conditioner do not work and we have a hard time doing things during the
day without the aid of electricity. As these things usually happen, we prepare
our power banks to charge our phones. To address the issues encountered,
we buy a lot of candles to light up the night, we prepare battery-powered
fan to cool the house and we unplug the sockets to avoid sudden electric
shock. In addition we hung up the clothes at night in any covered area for air
drying if it is still raining and there is no electricity.
Story 3: (Acosta)
We are used to experiencing hot, humid summers in our province of
Pangasinan, but sometimes the heat becomes intolerable and reaches as
high as 50 degrees Celsius. Given that our province experiences heat strokes
frequently, the current temperature is dangerous for us. We put on the air
conditioning to address the issue, but we closely adhere to the schedule to
conserve electricity. We can get the room cool enough by turning on our air
conditioning at noon and setting a timer for one to two hours. Saving energy
is good for the environment and your bank account.

BHAP (Big Hairy Audacious Problem)

I want to specifically help the people in our locality to have sustainable
and affordable energy because it helps them to get work done comfortably
and easily.

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