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Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

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Does renewable energy reduce per capita carbon emissions and per capita
ecological footprint? New evidence from 130 countries
Rongrong Li a, b, Qiang Wang a, b, *, lejia Li b
School of Economics and Management, Xinjiang University, Wulumuqi, 830046, People’s Republic of China
School of Economics and Management, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, 266580, People’s Republic of China


Handling Editor: Mark Howells This study explores whether increasing renewable energy consumption can alleviate environmental pressures
(per capita carbon emissions and per capita ecological footprint) and the heterogeneity of the effects of
Keywords: increasing renewable energy consumption on the environmental pressures of countries in different income
Renewable energy consumption groups. We analyze 130 countries and three income groups from 1992 to 2019 based on a panel threshold
Ecological footprint
regression estimation approach. The results show that (i) There is a negative relationship between renewable
Carbon emission
energy consumption and per capita ecological footprint and per capita carbon emissions, indicating that
Environmental pressure
renewable energy consumption alleviates environmental pressure. (ii) When renewable energy consumption
increases, the negative effects of renewable energy on per capita ecological footprint and per capita carbon
emissions become more significant. This means that the more renewable energy is developed, the more it helps to
alleviate environmental pressure. (iii) The inhibitory effect of renewable energy consumption on per capita
ecological footprint is more significant in low-income countries than in middle-income countries. This indicates
that renewable energy is more effective in reducing environmental pressures in poor countries than in rich

1. Introduction International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) indicates that global

renewable energy generation in 2020 has reached 2799 GW, an increase
Due to the negative impact of high pollutant emissions in the com­ of 110.48% compared to 2011 and 10.27% compared to 2019 [3]. Even
bustion of fossil energy on the environment and the negative impact of if the global economy slows down in 2020 under the impact of
fossil energy price fluctuations on the social economy, renewable energy COVID-19, renewable energy generation in 2020 still exceeds that of
has become more popular as a low-carbon and sustainable energy source 2019. This shows that the transition from the traditional energy struc­
[1]. To reduce environmental stress, achieve decarbonization, achieve ture to the renewable energy structure is a major trend. However,
climate neutrality, and achieve sustainability as specified in the UN renewable energy also has some negative impacts on the environment
Agenda 2030 and its SDGs as well as the Paris Agreement, renewable [4]. For example, damage to land, water quality, and ecosystems from
energy is a crucial component. A quicker energy transition with rapid hydroelectric power generation, waste ash from biomass combustion,
deployment of renewable energy is essential for the 1.5◦ Paris-compliant and environmental pollution from the construction of renewable energy
future. Renewable energy has been intensively pursued in recent years production factories. Thus, this study uses empirical analysis to answer
to slow down climate change and reduce our overdependence on fossil the following questions: what impact does the promotion of renewable
fuels. It has emerged as a key policy goal on the global agenda, such as energy consumption have on the sustainable development of the envi­
SDG 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Na­ ronment? Is the degree of the impact the same in countries with different
tions, which calls for universal access to affordable, dependable, and income levels?
modern energy services [2]. According to IEA (International Energy The sustainable development of the environment depends not only
Agency) statistics, the proportion of renewable energy in total energy on the amount of pollutants discharged but also on its ability to absorb
consumption has risen from 6.6% in 1990 to 10.5% in 2017. The " environmental pollutants [5–7]. Ecological footprint refers to the
Renewable Capacity Statistics 2021″ report published by the amount of land and water with the productive capacity required by a

* Corresponding author. School of Economics and Management, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, 266580, People’s Republic of China.
E-mail address: (Q. Wang).
Received 26 May 2022; Received in revised form 21 June 2023; Accepted 28 June 2023
Available online 20 July 2023
2211-467X/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

certain population unit, such as a person, city, country, or all human also a nonlinear relationship that needs to be fully considered.
beings, to produce the required resources and absorb the resulting waste Therefore, in this study, we use a panel threshold regression model to
under the existing technical conditions [8]. On the one hand, the explore the nonlinear effects of renewable energy consumption on
ecological footprint measures six aspects which include built-up land, carbon dioxide emissions and ecological footprint at different renew­
cropland, carbon, grazing land, fishing grounds, and forest footprints, able energy consumption levels. We find that there is an asymmetry in
thus capturing the overall environmental dynamics [9]. On the other the impact of renewable energy consumption on the environment, thus
hand, the size of the ecological footprint symbolizes the human con­ providing a theoretical basis for policy makers to formulate renewable
sumption of natural resources and services. By comparing the ecological energy development policies. Third, previous studies have mostly
footprint with the biological carrying capacity, it is possible to deter­ focused on one country or one region [20–22]. In this paper, the
mine whether the area is experiencing an ecological deficit [10]. impact of renewable energy consumption on carbon dioxide emissions
Therefore, to have a more comprehensive understanding of the impact and ecological footprint is studied from a global perspective (130
of the promotion of renewable energy consumption on environmental countries are included). Since carbon dioxide emissions and ecological
sustainability, this article analyzes this issue from the perspectives of footprint are global indicators of pollution and they are transient and
carbon emissions and ecological footprint. variable [23], a global study may be more beneficial to obtain uni­
Analyzing the mechanism of the effect of renewable energy on the versal regularity.
environment, we find that there may be a double effect, namely the The rest of this article is structured as follows. The second part in­
substitution effect and the technology effect. The substitution effect troduces the relevant literature in detail; the third part introduces the
refers to the fact that renewable energy can replace traditional fossil research methods and data sources; the fourth part carries out relevant
energy and reduce environmental pollution by optimizing the energy empirical analysis, and the fifth part concludes.
mix [11]. The technology effect refers to the intermittency and insta­
bility of renewable energy generation due to the immaturity of pro­ 2. Literature review
duction and storage technologies. The power sector has to use fossil
energy to meet the demand to maintain the safe and reliable operation of In this section, we review the literature on factors that affect
power supply system [12]. In this case, renewable energy production ecological footprint and carbon emissions.
occupies a certain amount of production space, which contributes to
environmental pollution [13]. When renewable energy consumption is 2.1. A brief review of factors affecting ecological footprint
low, the technology effect may be greater than the substitution effect
due to the immaturity of renewable energy-related technologies. As Ecological footprint is a comprehensive indicator of environmental
renewable energy consumption increases, the substitution effect may be degradation and a measure of environmental sustainability [24–26].
greater than the technology effect under the influence of the scale effect There are many studies on the factors that affect ecological footprint.
[14,15]. Therefore, we propose the hypothesis that renewable energy Some studies have discussed the impact of economic development on
consumption has a negative impact on environmental protection when ecological footprint and verified the EKC hypothesis. For example,
renewable energy consumption is below the threshold. When renewable Uddin, Alam and Gow [27] examined the relationship between eco­
energy consumption exceeds the threshold, renewable energy con­ nomic growth and ecological footprint in 14 Asian economies. The re­
sumption has a positive effect on environmental protection. sults showed that the EKC hypothesis is only supported in India, Nepal,
The objective of this paper is to study the nonlinear impact of Malaysia, and Pakistan. In other countries, economic growth and
renewable energy consumption on carbon dioxide emissions and ecological footprint are positively and linearly correlated. For example,
ecological footprint to optimize energy transition pathways. For this China, Japan, and Singapore. Hassan, Baloch, Mahmood and Zhang [28]
purpose, data of 130 countries from 1992 to 2019 were selected as the used the method of autoregressive distributive lag to study time-series
research sample. This study explored the nonlinear causality between data of Pakistan from 1971 to 2014 and concluded that economic
variables by the method of panel threshold regression analysis, using per growth increases ecological footprint. Furthermore, they found that
capita ecological footprint and per capita carbon emissions as the biological capacity also increases ecological footprint. Charfeddine and
explained variables, renewable energy consumption as the explanatory Mrabet [29] studied 15 Middle East and North African countries from
and threshold variable, and GDP per capita, population aging, and ur­ 1975 to 2007. Their research results showed that the actual GDP per
banization as the control variables. capita and ecological footprint in oil-exporting countries have an
In this paper, we contribute to the existing literature in several inverted U-shaped relationship, which is consistent with the EKC hy­
ways. First, we investigate not only the impact of renewable energy on pothesis. In non-oil exporting countries, the actual GDP per capita and
carbon dioxide emissions but also the impact of renewable energy on ecological footprint are in a U-shaped relationship, which is not
the ecological footprint to cover all aspects of environmental sustain­ consistent with the EKC hypothesis. They also concluded that urbani­
ability. To the best of our knowledge, only a few existing papers have zation, life expectancy, and fertility improve the environment. Ahmed,
compared both carbon dioxide and ecological footprint perspectives Asghar, Malik and Nawaz [30] studied China from 1970 to 2016 and
when exploring the environmental impacts of renewable energy con­ concluded that economic growth exacerbates environmental degrada­
sumption [10,16]. Secondly, in terms of methodology, most of the tion. They also showed that urbanization promotes the growth of
current studies use quadratic or interaction terms to study nonlinear ecological footprint, and human capital reduces the growth of ecological
relationships [17–19]. Panel threshold models differ from these ap­ footprint. The study of Zhou, Abbasi, Salem, Almulhim and Alvarado
proaches. On the one hand, the panel threshold model allows finding [31] obtained similar conclusions. Zhou, Abbasi, Salem, Almulhim and
the value of renewable energy consumption corresponding to the time Alvarado [31] used dynamic Autoregressive Distributed Lag to study
when a nonlinear change occurs. This is useful to help countries with Pakistan from 1980 to 2018. Their findings indicated that economic
different levels of renewable energy consumption to develop targeted growth promotes the growth of ecological footprint. At the same time,
policies. On the other hand, panel threshold model can observe the they also found that the increase in human capital index and the increase
change in the magnitude of the correlation coefficient when the rela­ in urbanization both have a negative impact on the ecological footprint.
tionship between renewable energy consumption and carbon emissions When studying the impact of economic growth on ecological footprint,
or ecological footprint is always positive or negative. Heterogeneity is most articles incorporated population factors into the research variables.
a common problem in panel data. In our study, when renewable energy However, some studies examined the impact of population factors on
consumption changes, the relationship between renewable energy ecological footprint. For example, Ahmed, Zafar and Ali [32] used
consumption and environmental indicators may also change. This is CUP-FM and CUP-BC methods to analyze data of the G7 countries from

R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

1971 to 2014. They found that urbanization increases ecological foot­ In summary, energy consumption promotes the growth of ecological
print, and human capital reduces ecological footprint. Nathaniel [33] footprint. However, the existing research on energy forms mostly focuses
studied the data of G7 countries from 1980 to 2016 and concluded that on fossil fuels [45,49], and there are relatively few studies on renewable
biological capacity and urbanization promote the growth of ecological energy. Moreover, most studies only consider the static impact of
footprint, and human capital inhibits the growth of ecological footprint. renewable energy on ecological footprint [50–52]. There are only a few
Tsuchiya, Iha, Murthy, Lin, Altiok, Rupprecht, Kiyono and McGreevy studies on the dynamic relationship between renewable energy and
[34] used the GLM method to estimate Japan’s 47 prefectures and found ecological footprint. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct further research
that aging promotes the growth of ecological footprint. Wang, Wang and on the relationship between renewable energy and ecological footprint.
Li [35] conducted a study to analyze 134 countries from 1996 to 2015.
The results indicated that urbanization does not help reduce environ­ 2.2. A brief review of factors affecting carbon emissions
mental stress, but population aging does.
In addition to economic and demographic factors, some articles The factors affecting carbon emissions have been very extensively
have considered the impact of energy consumption on ecological studied. Among them, economy, population, and energy play an
footprint. Chen, Chen, Yang and Jiang [36] were the first to study important role in reducing carbon emissions [53–55]. There are many
energy consumption factors. They studied China from 1981 to 2001 related studies. For example, Kais and Sami [56] studied the impact of
and found that the consumption of fossil fuels has a negative impact on economic growth and energy use on carbon emissions in 58 countries
ecological footprint. After their research, researchers began to study from 1990 to 2012. The results of their study showed that economic
other countries. Caviglia-Harris, Chambers and Kahn [37] studied 146 growth has a positive effect on carbon emissions in Europe, North Asia,
countries from 1961 to 2000. Their research results showed that to the Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore,
achieve environmental sustainability, energy consumption must be they found that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the
reduced by more than 50%. Ozturk, Al-Mulali and Saboori [38] used two. Moreover, they found that energy use promotes the carbon emis­
the time series GMM and the system panel GMM to research 144 sions of all the panel data. Abdallh and Abugamos [57] studied 20
countries from 1988 to 2008 and showed that energy consumption countries in the Middle East and North Africa from 1980 to 2014 and
promotes the growth of ecological footprint. Baloch, Zhang, Iqbal and found that energy consumption and economic growth are the main
Iqbal [39] conducted a panel regression analysis of 59 Belt and Road factors affecting carbon emissions. Ali, Bakhsh and Yasin [58] used the
countries from 1990 to 2016 and showed that energy consumption ARDL method to study the impact of economic growth, urbanization,
pollutes the environment by increasing ecological footprint. Nathaniel and energy consumption on carbon emissions in Pakistan from 1972 to
[40] investigated the relationship between energy and the environment 2014. Their research results showed that economic growth, urbaniza­
in Indonesia and found that energy consumption exacerbates envi­ tion, and energy consumption promote carbon emissions in both the
ronmental degradation, both in the long and short term. Alper et al. long and short term. Kim, Lim and Jo [59] used FMOLS to analyze the
(2022) studied the impact of energy consumption on ecological foot­ regional panel data of 16 provinces in Korea from 1998 to 2016 and
print of the ten countries with the highest CO2 emissions in the world. found that there is a U-shaped relationship between economic growth
The empirical results showed that energy consumption has a negative and carbon emissions, and the EKC hypothesis does not hold. Chen,
impact on ecological footprint in all countries except Indonesia. Ere­ Tackie, Ahakwa, Musah, Salakpi, Alfred and Atingabili [60] studied the
gha, Nathaniel and Vo [41] used the cross-sectionally augmented relationship between economic growth, energy consumption, urbani­
autoregressive distributed lag model, augmented mean group, and the zation and carbon emissions in BRICS countries from 1990 to 2019.
common correlated effects mean group estimators, results showed that Their study found that both economic growth and energy consumption
energy consumption contributes to the growth of the ecological foot­ contribute to the growth of carbon dioxide emissions, but the effect of
print of the eleven fastest emerging economies. Some studies further urbanization on carbon emissions is not significant. Musah,
divided energy and examined the impact of fossil and renewable en­ Owusu-Akomeah, Boateng, Iddris, Mensah, Antwi and Agyemang [61]
ergy consumption on ecological footprint. For example, Ibrahiem and studied the relationship between energy consumption and carbon
Hanafy [42] studied data of Egypt from 1971 to 2014 and showed that emissions in North Africa from 1990 to 2018 using CS-ARDL and CCEMG
the burning of fossil fuels is an important reason for the increase in methods. The results showed that energy consumption has a contribu­
ecological footprint. Shi, Matsui, Machimura, Gan and Hu [43] con­ tory effect on carbon emissions. Meanwhile, they found that urbaniza­
ducted a study on Hong Kong from 1995 to 2016 and found that fossil tion and economic growth also promote CO2 emissions. They also found
energy consumption has a crucial impact on the increase in ecological that an aging population reduces carbon emissions. Some studies
footprint. Yousaf, Ali, Aziz and Sarwar [44] investigated the main divided energy consumption into two parts—renewable and
reasons of the increase in ecological footprint in Pakistan. Their non-renewable energy consumption. For example, Li and Haneklaus
empirical analysis of data from 1972 to 2020 for Pakistan found that [62] used the ARDL model to investigate the factors affecting carbon
fossil energy is the main factor contributing to environmental degra­ emissions in China from 1990 to 2020. Their study showed that
dation. Ramzan, Raza, Usman, Sharma and Iqbal [45] used non-renewable energy contributes to the increase of carbon emissions in
non-parametric causality-in-quantiles techniques to investigate the China. Renewable energy consumption promotes China’s carbon diox­
relationship between non-renewable energy and ecological footprint. ide emissions in the short term and inhibits China’s carbon dioxide
The results of the study indicated that the use of non-renewable energy emissions in the long term. Sharif, Raza, Ozturk and Afshan [63] used
sources increases environmental stress. Wang, Yang and Li [46] panel data of 74 countries to study the relationship between
investigated 14 SSA countries from 1990 to 2014 and showed that the non-renewable energy and renewable energy and carbon emissions from
burning of fossil fuels increase ecological footprint, and renewable 1990 to 2015. Their research results showed that non-renewable energy
energy reduces ecological footprint. Alola, Bekun and Sarkodie [47] has a negative impact on the environment, and renewable energy has a
analyzed 16 EU countries from 1997 to 2014 and concluded that the positive impact on the environment. Yao, Zhang and Zhang [64] studied
burning of fossil fuels promotes the growth of ecological footprint, 17 major developing and developed countries and six geo-economic
whereas renewable energy inhibits the growth of ecological footprint, regions of the world. They found that for every 10% increase in
which is conducive to improving environmental sustainability. Li, renewable energy, carbon emissions reduced by 1.6%. Al-Mulali, Ozturk
Wang and Wang [48] examined how economic growth and the and Solarin [65] showed that renewable energy consumption has a
ecological footprint are affected by renewable energy using a panel significant impact on carbon emissions in Central, Eastern, and Western
threshold model, showing that renewable energy lessens the ecological Europe, East Asia, the Pacific, South Asia, and the Americas. Conversely,
footprint. they found that renewable energy consumption has no significant

R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

impact on carbon emissions in the Middle East, North, and Sub-Saharan threshold model was grouped based on exogenous thresholds Lim and
African countries. Menyah and Wolde-Rufael [66] believed that only Tong [70]. To avoid subjective problems caused by exogenous
when renewable energy consumption reaches a certain benchmark, can thresholds, Hansen [71] proposed a panel fixed-effect threshold model
renewable energy reduce carbon emissions. Chen, Pinar and Stengos that has been widely used. The threshold of this method is determined
[67] also demonstrated through a dynamic panel threshold model that if endogenously by the model, which is more consistent with the actual
and only if countries achieve a particular threshold of renewable energy situation [14,72–74]. The method is mainly divided into three steps—
consumption, higher renewable energy use would reduce CO2 emissions (1) endogenous estimation of the threshold value, (2) threshold effect
per capita. and value tests, and (3) a regression estimation based on the threshold
In most cases, ecological footprint and carbon emissions growth are value.
influenced by economic development considerations. People use more The initial model constructed in this study, which is based on the
energy and resources to meet daily requirements and raise their level of research of Hansen (1999) is shown in Formula (1).
living as the economy develops. This consumption of resources and
energy frequently puts more strain on ecosystems, increasing the Yit = β′1 Xit I(qit ≤ γ) + β′2 Xit I(qit > γ) + μi + ξit (1)
ecological impact. The effect of demographic considerations on the
where the subscripts i and t represent national and time indicators,
ecological footprint and carbon emissions is controversial and needs to
respectively. Yit represents the explained variable. Xit stands for the
be taken into account from several angles. For instance, land develop­
explanatory variables. qit represents the threshold variable. γ represents
ment and building construction are frequently associated with urbani­
the threshold value. μi represents an unobservable individual fixed-
zation, which causes the depletion of natural resources and the
effect term. ξit represents random error. I (⋅) represents the indicator
degradation of ecosystems while simultaneously having the potential to
function. When the conditions in parentheses are met, I (⋅) = 1, other­
promote sustainable development. Based on urban design and man­
wise I (⋅) = 0. β1 and β2 represent regression coefficients.
agement, urbanization enables a more focused and effective use of re­
Formula (1) can be expressed in the form of Formula (2).
sources and can lower the ecological footprint.
In summary, most of the current research (see Table 1) on energy and β′1 Xit + μi + ξit qit ≤ γ
carbon emissions focused on the impact of energy consumption on Yit = (2)
β′2 Xit + μi + ξit qit > γ
carbon emissions. There are relatively few studies about the impact of
renewable energy consumption on carbon emissions, and the conclu­ Formula (1) can also be expressed in the form of Formula (3).
sions are not consistent. Therefore, it is necessary for us to conduct
further research on the relationship between renewable energy and Yit = β′Xit (γ) + μi + ξit (3)
carbon emissions. {
Due to the importance of environmental sustainability, it is essential Xit I(qit ≤ γ)
Where, β=(β’1 β’2)’, Xit (γ) = .
Xit I(qit > γ)
to study the relationship between renewable energy consumption and
ecological footprint and carbon emissions. However, this is still an After the transformation within the group eliminates the individual
under-researched area. Therefore, this article fills the gap in the existing fixed-effect term μi, Formula (4) is obtained.
literature by conducting an empirical analysis of this issue. The main Yit∗ = β′Xit∗ (γ) + ξ∗it (4)
contributions of this paper are as follows. (i) In this study, renewable
energy consumption is used as both explanatory and threshold variables, Where, Yit∗ = Yit − Y i , Xit∗ (γ) = Xit (γ) − Xi (γ), ξ∗it = ξit − ξi .
and the dynamic changes in the impact of renewable energy consump­ After two accumulations of individual and time, it is expressed as
tion on ecological footprint and carbon emissions above and below the Formula (5).
threshold are investigated. The existing studies mostly focused on the
static impact of renewable energy consumption on ecological footprint Y ∗ = X ∗ (γ)β + ξ∗ (5)
and carbon emissions [69]. Therefore, this research helps us to have a
The slope coefficient β can be estimated using Formula (6).
more comprehensive understanding of the impact of renewable energy
on both ecological footprint and carbon emissions. (ii) To systematically β(γ) = [X ∗ (γ)′X ∗ (γ)]− 1 X ∗ (γ)Y ∗
̂ (6)
and comprehensively study the impact of energy consumption on the
The residual vector can be obtained using Formula (7).
sustainable development of the environment, this study is conducted
from two perspectives, ecological footprint and carbon emissions. ̂∗
ξ (γ) = Y ∗ − X ∗ (γ) ̂
β(γ) (7)
Moreover, this article discusses the impact of renewable energy con­
sumption on the sustainable development of the environment, since the After obtaining the slope coefficient and the residual vector, the re­
existing research mostly focused on the impact of total energy con­ sidual sum of squares can be obtained using Formula (8).
sumption on the sustainable development of the environment. (iii) This ∗ ∗ ′{ }
ξ (γ)′̂
S(γ) = ̂ ξ (γ) = Y ∗ I − X ∗ (γ)’[X ∗ (γ)′X ∗ (γ)]− 1 X ∗ (γ)’ Y ∗ (8)
study incorporates GDP per capita, population aging, and urbanization
into the control variables, thereby alleviating the bias caused by po­ Then, the estimator of the residual variance can be obtained, as
tential missing variables. (iv) This study examines the income hetero­ shown in Formula (9).
geneity (high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries) of
renewable energy consumption on ecological footprint and carbon 1 ∗′ ∗ 1
σ2 =
̂ ̂ξ ̂ξ = S1 (̂
γ) (9)
emissions due to the disparities in renewable energy consumption and n(T − 1) n(T − 1)
environmental quality across different countries. The development of The confidence interval and critical value are calculated using For­
present renewable energy sources can be hastened with the help of more mulas (10) and (11), respectively.
effective and concrete legislation.
S1 (γ) − S1 (̂
LR(γ) = (10)
3. Methods and data σ2
( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅)
3.1. Methods L(α) = − 2 log 1 − 1− α (11)

If LR(γ) exceeds the critical value L(α), reject the null hypothesis H0:
The panel threshold model is a method used to test whether there is
γ = γ0, implying that the threshold value selected is incorrect.
a nonlinear relationship between variables. The original panel

R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

Table 1
Summary table of related literature.
Author(s) Data Method Result

Hassan, Baloch, Mahmood and Zhang Pakistan/1971–2014 ARDL GDP→EF↑

[28] BIO→EF↑
Charfeddine and Mrabet [29] MENA/1975–2007 FMOLS, DOLS EKC hypothesis is validated (oil-exporting countries)
EKC hypothesis is not validated (non-oil-exporting
Uddin, Alam and Gow [27] 14 Asian economies/50 year period OLS GDP→EF↑
EKC hypothesis is validated (India, Nepal, Malaysia, and
Ahmed, Asghar, Malik and Nawaz [30] China/1970–2016 ARDL GDP→EF↑
Zhou, Abbasi, Salem, Almulhim and Pakistan/1980–2018 ARDL GDP→EF↑
Alvarado [31] URB→EF↑
Ahmed, Zafar and Ali [32] G7/1971–2014 CUP-FM, CUP-BC URB→EF↑
Tsuchiya, Iha, Murthy, Lin, Altiok, Japan’s 47 prefectures GLM AGE→EF↑
Rupprecht, Kiyono and McGreevy [34]
Wang, Wang and Li [35] 134 countries/1996–2015 TRM URB→EF↑
Nathaniel [33] G7/1980–2016 AMG BIO→EF↑
Caviglia-Harris, Chambers and Kahn [37] 146 countries/1961–2000 OLS, 2SLS EC→EF↑
Ozturk, Al-Mulali and Saboori [38] 144 countries/1988–2008 GMM EC→EF↑
Baloch, Zhang, Iqbal and Iqbal [39] 59 Belt and Road OLS EC→EF↑
Nathaniel [40] Indonesia/1971–2014 ARDL EC→EF↑
Alper, Alper, Ozayturk and Mike [68] the top 10 countries that cause the highest carbon ARDL EC→EF↑ (except for Indonesia)
dioxide emissions in the world
Eregha, Nathaniel and Vo [41] the eleven fastest emerging economies CS-ARDL, AMG, EC→EF↑
Ibrahiem and Hanafy [42] Egypt/1971–2014 FMOLS, DOLS FFE→EF↑
Shi, Matsui, Machimura, Gan and Hu [43] Hong Kong/1995–2016 comparison FFE→EF↑
Yousaf, Ali, Aziz and Sarwar [44] Pakistan/1972–2020 ARDL. FMOLS FFE→EF↑
Ramzan, Raza, Usman, Sharma and Iqbal Pakistan/1960Q1- 2019Q4 NCQT FFE→EF↑
Wang, Yang and Li [46] 56 countries/2003–2018 FMOLS, TRM EKC hypothesis is changed
By income gap
Alola, Bekun and Sarkodie [47] 16 EU countries/1997–2014 ARDL FFE→EF↑
Li, Wang and Wang [48] 120 countries/1995–2014 TR RE→EF↓
Kais and Sami [56] 58 countries/1990–2012 GMM GDP→CO2↑
Ali, Bakhsh and Yasin [58] Pakistan/1972–2014 ARDL GDP→CO2↑
Abdallh and Abugamos [57] 20 countries in the MENA region/1980–2014 FE GDP→CO2↑
Kim, Lim and Jo [59] Korean/1998–2016 FMOLS EKC hypothesis is validated
Chen, Tackie, Ahakwa, Musah, Salakpi, BRICS/1990–2019 AMG, CCEMG GDP→CO2↑
Alfred and Atingabili [60] EC→CO2↑
Musah, Owusu-Akomeah, Boateng, Iddris, North Africa/1990–2018 CS-ARDL, GDP→CO2↑
Mensah, Antwi and Agyemang [61] CCEMG EC→CO2↑
Li and Haneklaus [62] China/1990–2020 ARDL FFE→CO2↑
RE→CO2↑(in the short term)
RE→CO2↓(in the long term)
Yao, Zhang and Zhang [64] 17 major developing and developed countries as well FMOLS, DOLS RE→CO2↓
as six geo-economic regions of the world/1990–2014
Sharif, Raza, Ozturk and Afshan [63] 74 countries/1990–2015 FMOLS FFE→CO2↑
Al-Mulali, Ozturk and Solarin [65] seven regions/1980–2010 DOLS RE→CO2↓(Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe,
East Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, and the Americas)
no significant effect (the Middle East and North Africa
and Sub-Saharan Africa)
Chen, Pinar and Stengos [67] 97 countries/1995–2015 DTR RE→CO2↓(Reach a certain benchmark)

Note: ARDL: autoregressive distributive lag; FMOLS: fully modified ordinary least squares; DOLS: dynamic ordinary least squares; OLS: ordinary least squares; CUP-FM:
continuously-updated fully modified; CUP-BC: continuously-updated bias corrected; GLM: generalized linear mixed effects model; AMG: augmented mean group; 2SLS:
two stage least squares; GMM: generalized method of moments; FE: fixed effects regression; TRM: threshold regression model; CS-ARDL: cross-sectionally augmented
autoregressive distributed lag; CCEMG: common correlated effects mean group; NCQT: non-parametric causality-in-quantiles techniques; TR: panel threshold model; DTR:
dynamic panel threshold model; BIO: biocapacity; URB: urbanization; LE: life expectancy; FR: fertility rate; HC: human capital; EC: energy consumption; FFE: fossil fuel energy.
R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

3.2. Data In this paper, we use four methods for unit root testing, IPS [77], LLC
[78], ADF, and PP [79]. The original hypothesis of these methods is the
To study the different impacts of renewable energy consumption on existence of unit root and the alternative hypothesis of these methods is
the environment above and below the threshold, we make renewable the absence of unit root. The results of the tests are shown in Table 3. It
energy consumption (RE) the threshold variable. Per capita ecological can be seen that all variables have three tests that reject the original
footprint (EF) and per capita carbon emissions (CO2) are used as the hypothesis. This indicates that the variables used in this paper do not
explained variables. Per capita ecological footprint is estimated using a have unit roots, that is, the data are stable.
consumer-based method and is measured in global hectares (gha) per
capita. Per capita carbon emissions are measured in metric tons per
capita. In this study, renewable energy consumption is not only a 4.2. Threshold effect
threshold variable but also an explanatory variable. Renewable energy
consumption is the share of renewable energy in total final energy Based on the panel threshold model proposed by Hansen [71], we use
consumption. Renewable energy includes energy sources such as solar, renewable energy consumption (RE) as the threshold variable. Before
wind, hydro, and biofuels. Gross domestic product (GDP), population conducting the threshold regression, we need to conduct the threshold
aging (AGE), and urbanization (URB) are used as control variables in effect and value tests. We use these tests to determine the threshold
this article. Gross domestic product per capita is expressed in constant quantity and test whether the threshold values selected are correct.
2015 dollars. Population aging is expressed as the number of people
aged 65 years and over of the total population. Urbanization is expressed 4.2.1. Global threshold effect
as the number of the urban population of the total population. The results of the threshold effect test are presented in Table 4. In this
Given the availability of data, we chose 130 countries from 1992 to study, the F-value and P-value are obtained through 300 ″bootstrap
2019 for our study. 130 countries and income subgroups are listed in method” tests. The results show that when all countries are used as the
Appendix A1. The data used in this paper are from the World Bank’s research sample, renewable energy consumption has a double threshold
World Development Indicators [75] and Global Footprint Network [76]. effect on per capita ecological footprint at the 1% significance level, and
To reduce the impact of heteroscedasticity on the regression results, we renewable energy consumption has a double threshold effect on per
processed all the data logarithmically [54]. capita carbon emissions at the 5% significance level. Therefore, the
The descriptive statistics of the variables used in this article are pre­ types of the model we build are as follows:
sented in Table 2. The average ecological footprint and carbon emissions When all countries are used as the research sample,
of high-income countries are higher than those of middle-income coun­
LN EFit = β1 LN REit (LN REit ≤ γ1 ) + β2 LN REit (γ1 < LN REit ≤ γ2 )
tries. The average ecological footprint and carbon emissions of middle-
income countries are higher than those of low-income countries. + β3 LN REit (LN REit > γ2 ) + β4 LN GDPit + β5 LN AGEit
Furthermore, the table shows that the average renewable energy con­ + β6 LN URBit + αi + εit
sumption of high-income countries is lower than that of middle-income
countries, and the average renewable energy consumption of middle- LN CO2it = β1 LN REit (LN REit ≤ γ1 ) + β2 LN REit (γ 1 < LN REit ≤ γ2 )
income countries is lower than that of low-income countries. + β3 LN REit (LN REit > γ2 ) + β4 LN GDPit + β5 LN AGEit
+ β6 LN URBit + αi + εit
4. Empirical analysis
The results of the global threshold tests are depicted in Figs. 1 and 2.
When all countries are used as the research sample, the threshold of the
4.1. Panel unit root test
impact of renewable energy on per capita ecological footprint is 3.8033
and 4.0776 (this refers to the value of LNRE). The threshold of the
Before performing panel regression analysis, we need to perform a
impact of renewable energy on per capita carbon emissions is 4.3705
unit root test first. The stability of variables is tested by the unit root test.
and 4.4527 (the second value refers to the value of LNRE).

Table 2
4.2.2. Threshold effect of the three income groups
Descriptive statistics of variables.
When high-income countries are used as the research sample,
Group Variables Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max renewable energy consumption has no threshold effect on per capita
All LNEF 3640 0.840 0.710 − 0.780 2.870 ecological footprint, and renewable energy consumption has a double
LNCO2 3640 0.420 1.630 − 7.640 3.430 threshold effect on per capita carbon emissions at the 5% significance
LNRE 3640 2.860 1.710 − 6.340 4.590
level. When middle-income countries are used as the research sample,
LNGDP 3640 8.280 1.460 5.250 11.63
LNAGE 3640 1.730 0.690 − 1.760 3.380 renewable energy consumption has a single threshold effect on per
LNURB 3640 3.880 0.510 1.840 4.610 capita ecological footprint, and renewable energy consumption has a
High-income LNEF 952 1.700 0.370 0.230 2.870 single threshold effect on per capita carbon emissions at the 1% signif­
LNCO2 952 2.060 0.570 0.290 3.430 icance level. When low-income countries are used as the research sam­
LNRE 952 1.850 1.810 − 4.710 4.130
ple, renewable energy consumption has a single threshold effect on per
LNGDP 952 10.20 0.700 8.310 11.63
LNAGE 952 2.460 0.670 − 1.760 3.380
LNURB 952 4.300 0.230 3.440 4.610 Table 3
Middle-income LNEF 2184 0.650 0.520 − 0.780 2.330 Unit root test results.
LNCO2 2184 0.320 1.120 − 3.680 2.740
LNRE 2184 2.990 1.530 − 6.340 4.560 Methods
LNGDP 2184 7.900 0.780 5.270 9.560 Variables IPS LLC ADF PP
LNAGE 2184 1.580 0.460 0.650 3.090
LNURB 2184 3.830 0.450 2.260 4.520 LNEF − 11.8379*** − 2.1311** − 8.046*** − 10.171***
Low-income LNEF 504 0.0800 0.270 − 0.680 0.610 LNCO2 − 7.9776*** − 5.0406*** − 7.534*** − 9.435***
LNCO2 504 − 2.250 0.970 − 7.640 0.100 LNRE − 4.9619*** − 0.4731 − 6.535*** − 9.176***
LNRE 504 4.200 0.990 − 0.360 4.590 LNGDP − 2.6513*** − 4.6990*** − 7.302*** − 9.217***
LNGDP 504 6.310 0.460 5.250 7.840 LNAGE 12.8449 − 20.5831*** − 8.269*** − 8.946***
LNAGE 504 1.020 0.210 0.420 1.600 LNURB 9.9201 − 7.8741*** − 7.653*** − 9.193***
LNURB 504 3.300 0.450 1.840 4.130
Note: *, **, and *** are significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels respectively.

R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

Table 4
Threshold effect test.
Threshold number F-value Threshold estimated value 95% confidence interval

All EF Single 111.00*** 3.8033 (3.7869,3.8122)

Double 69.81** 4.0776 (4.0677,4.0843)
CO2 Single 447.47** 4.3705 (4.3483,4.3746)
Double 123.27** 4.4527 (4.4487,4.4625)
High-income EF Single 24.63 inexistence
CO2 Single 147.43*** 3.0233 (2.9792,3.0277)
Double 111.60*** 3.5793 (3.5670,3.6203)
Middle-income EF Single 87.41*** 0.3365 (0.2953,0.3775)
CO2 Single 198.94*** 4.3489 (4.3405,4.3575)
Low-income EF Single 59.31*** 4.5424 (4.5419,4.5434)
CO2 Single 60.94 inexistence

Note: *, **, *** mean significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.

Fig. 1. Threshold value test—LR diagram (All countries (EF)).

Fig. 2. Threshold value test—LR diagram (All countries (CO2)).

capita ecological footprint at the 1% significance level, and renewable

energy consumption has no threshold effect on per capita carbon (2) When middle-income countries are used as the research sample
emissions. Therefore, the types of the model we build are as follows.
LN EFit = β1 LN REit (LN REit ≤ γ) + β2 LN REit (LN REit > γ)
(1) When high-income countries are used as the research sample + β3 LN GDPit + β4 LN AGEit + β5 LN URBit + αi + εit

LN EFit =β1 LN REit + β2 LN GDPit + β3 LN AGEit + β4 LN URBit + αi + εit LN CO2it = β1 LN REit (LN REit ≤ γ) + β2 LN REit (LN REit > γ)
+ β3 LN GDPit + β4 LN AGEit + β5 LN URBit + αi + εit
LN CO2it = β1 LN REit (LN REit ≤ γ1 ) + β2 LN REit (γ1 < LN REit ≤ γ2 )
+ β3 LN REit (LN REit > γ2 ) + β3 LN GDPit + β4 LN AGEit
+ β5 LN URBit + αi + εit (3) When low-income countries are used as the research sample

R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

LN EFit = β1 LN REit (LN REit ≤ γ) + β2 LN REit (LN REit > γ)

+ β3 LN GDPit + β4 LN AGEit + β5 LN URBit + αi + εit

LN CO2it = β1 LN REit + β2 LN GDPit + β3 LN AGEit + β4 LN URBit + αi + εit

The results of the three income groups’ threshold tests are depicted
in Figs. 3–6. In these figures, the threshold values of all groups are below
the dotted line, which shows that the threshold values selected are
When high-income countries are used as the research sample, the
threshold of the impact of renewable energy on per capita carbon
emissions is 3.0233 and 3.5793 (the second value refers to the value of
LNRE). When middle-income countries are used as the research sample,
the threshold of the impact of renewable energy on per capita ecological
footprint is 0.3365 (this refers to the value of LNRE), and the threshold
Fig. 4. Threshold value test—LR diagram (Middle income (EF)).
of the impact of renewable energy on per capita carbon emissions is
4.3489 (this value refers to the value of LNRE). When low-income
countries are used as the research sample, the threshold of the impact
of renewable energy on per capita ecological footprint is 4.5424 (this
refers to the value of LNRE).

4.3. Threshold regression results

The results of the threshold regression are presented in Table 5. The

results show that under different energy consumption structures, the
impact of renewable energy consumption on per capita ecological
footprint is different at different threshold intervals, and the impact of
renewable energy consumption on per capita carbon emissions is also
different at different threshold intervals. Renewable energy consump­
tion has always restrained the growth of per capita ecological footprint.
When renewable energy consumption is below the first threshold, every
1% increase in renewable energy consumption reduces per capita Fig. 5. Threshold value test—LR diagram (Middle income (CO2)).
ecological footprint by 0.109%. When renewable energy consumption
exceeds the first threshold, every 1% increase in renewable energy renewable energy consumption reduces per capita carbon emissions by
consumption reduces per capita ecological footprint by 0.135%. When 0.217%. When renewable energy consumption exceeds the first
renewable energy consumption exceeds the second threshold, every 1% threshold, for every 1% increase in renewable energy consumption, per
increase in renewable energy consumption reduces per capita ecological capita carbon emissions reduce by 0.280%. When renewable energy
footprint by 0.161%. This shows that as the proportion of renewable consumption exceeds the second threshold, for every 1% increase in
energy consumption increases, its inhibitory effect on per capita renewable energy consumption, per capita carbon emissions reduce by
ecological footprint increases. This is similar to the findings of Ulucak 0.396%. This verifies the hypothesis proposed in this paper. The results
and Khan [20]. Their study proved the clean role of renewable energy of this paper show that renewable energy consumption is beneficial to
consumption in reducing ecological footprint. However, they only the environment, both below and above the threshold. The inhibitory
studied the linear relationship between renewable energy and ecological effect of renewable energy consumption on environmental pollution
footprint and did not investigate the nonlinear relationship. As the increases with the increase of renewable energy consumption.
proportion of renewable energy consumption increases, its negative Economic development has a negative impact on the ecological
impact on per capita carbon emissions also increases. When renewable environment. For every 1% increase in GDP per capita, per capita
energy consumption is below the first threshold, every 1% increase in ecological footprint and per capita carbon emissions increase by 0.263%

Fig. 3. Threshold value test—LR diagram (High income (CO2)).

R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

nonlinear relationship between renewable energy consumption and per

capita carbon emissions. When renewable energy consumption is below
the first threshold, every 1% increase in renewable energy consumption
reduces per capita carbon emissions by 0.180%. When renewable energy
consumption exceeds the first threshold, for every 1% increase in
renewable energy consumption, per capita carbon emissions reduce by
0.251%. When renewable energy consumption exceeds the second
threshold, for every 1% increase in renewable energy consumption, per
capita carbon emissions reduce by 0.322%. This shows that in
high-income countries, promoting renewable energy consumption is
conducive to environmental protection. Adebayo, Rjoub, Akinsola and
Oladipupo [82] explored the nonlinear effect of renewable energy con­
sumption on carbon dioxide emissions. Their findings showed that
renewable energy consumption is negatively associated with carbon
emissions in high-income countries, which is consistent with the findings
Fig. 6. Threshold value test—LR diagram (Low income (EF)).
of this paper. At the same time, they found a nonlinear relationship be­
tween renewable energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, that
and 0.341%, respectively. Population aging and urbanization have is, the suppression effect of renewable energy consumption on carbon
inhibitory effects on per capita ecological footprint and per capita car­ dioxide is most significant when carbon emissions are low. This is
bon emissions, respectively. This is consistent with the findings of Zhou, different from what is studied in this paper, which examines how the
Abbasi, Salem, Almulhim and Alvarado [31]. Their empirical analysis effect of renewable energy consumption on carbon dioxide changes as the
also demonstrated that GDP promotes the growth of ecological footprint degree of renewable energy consumption changes. In this way it is more
and urbanization inhibits the growth of ecological footprint. However, beneficial that the formulation of a country’s energy development policy
their study did not consider carbon dioxide. Yang, Li, Mu, Pang, Zhao is highly compatible with the stage of energy development. Whether from
and Ahmad [80] investigated the factors influencing carbon dioxide, the perspective of ecological footprint or carbon emissions, economic
suggesting that GDP and aging have a suppressive effect on carbon di­ growth has a significant negative impact on the environment. The ur­
oxide emissions. However, they only studied OECD countries, thus their banization inhibits the growth of per capita ecological footprint and per
findings have some limitations. To make the research results more capita carbon emissions. The effect of population aging on per capita
pertinent, we researched different income groups, and the results are as ecological footprint and per capita carbon emissions is not significant.
follows. Second, in middle-income countries, we find that there is a nonlinear
First, in high-income countries, we find that there is no nonlinear relationship between renewable energy consumption and per capita
relationship between renewable energy consumption and per capita ecological footprint and per capita carbon emissions. When renewable
ecological footprint. Renewable energy consumption inhibits the growth energy consumption is below the threshold, its impact on per capita
of per capita ecological footprint, and the degree of inhibition is always ecological footprint is not significant. When the threshold is exceeded,
the same, which is supported by existing studies [81]. Usman, Akadiri and renewable energy consumption has a significant inhibitory effect on per
Adeshola [81] studied the ecological footprint of the United States. The capita ecological footprint, which supports previous opinions [21,83].
results of the study indicated that the increase in renewable energy Their study showed that renewable energy consumption significantly
consumption inhibits the growth of ecological footprint in the long run. inhibits the growth of the ecological footprint of middle-income coun­
Therefore, they suggest that government officials should take active tries. They argued that for these countries, governments should provide
measures to promote energy structure transformation. There is a skills and competency training for workers in the non-renewable energy

Table 5
Regression results of the threshold model.
Group All High-income Middle-income Low-income


Linear − 0.127*** (0.00598 − 0.809*** (0.202)

LNRE Single qit≤γ 0.00837 − 0.188*** − 0.668***

(0.0138) (0.0134) (0.191)
qit>γ − 0.154*** − 0.314*** − 0.801***
(0.0106) (0.0160) (0.191)
Double qit≤γ1 − 0.109*** − 0.217*** − 0.180***
(0.00601) (0.0117) (0.00897)
γ1<qit≤γ2 − 0.135*** − 0.280*** − 0.251***
(0.00625) (0.0128) (0.0101)
qit>γ2 − 0.161*** − 0.396*** − 0.322***
(0.00637) (0.0138) (0.0111)
LNURB − 0.226*** 0.795*** − 0.166*** − 0.329*** 0.0380 0.751*** 0.962*** 0.978***
(0.0258) (0.0522) (0.026) (0.121) (0.0353) (0.0578) (0.177) (0.188)
LNAGE − 0.0165 − 0.0363 − 0.0211 0.0359 − 0.0607** 0.0993** − 0.568*** − 0.914***
(0.0169) (0.0346) (0.0173) (0.0305) (0.0246) (0.0395) (0.212) (0.220)
LNGDP 0.263*** 0.341*** 0.286*** 0.289*** 0.258*** 0.374*** 0.244* 0.579***
(0.0107) (0.0217) (0.0109) (0.0259) (0.0132) (0.0207) (0.140) (0.141)
_cons − 0.0458 − 4.720*** 0.482*** 0.860* − 0.970*** − 5.095*** − 3.289** − 4.812***
(0.0954) (0.193) (0.0918) (0.516) (0.129) (0.196) (1.366) (1.435)
R-squared 0.354 0.485 0.321 0.519 0.419 0.601 0.382 0.303
obs 3640 3640 3640 952 2184 2184 504 504

Note: The numbers in parentheses below the regression coefficients are robust standard errors. *, **, and *** are significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels,

R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

sector so that they can adapt to the technical requirements of renewable change, their effects on lowering greenhouse gas emissions vary. One of
energy. As the proportion of renewable energy consumption increases, the primary ways to directly cut greenhouse gas emissions among these
the effect of renewable energy consumption on carbon emissions in­ four factors is through the usage of renewable energy. Fossil fuel use can
creases. When it is below the first threshold, for every 1% increase in be decreased, which lowers greenhouse gas emissions and slows climate
renewable energy consumption, per capita carbon emissions reduce by change. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can be
0.188%. When the threshold is exceeded, for every 1% increase in widely adopted. Renewable energy can also aid in lessening reliance on
renewable energy consumption, per capita carbon emissions reduce by scarce resources and advancing sustainable economic growth.
0.314%. The results of the study we obtained are similar to those of Hanif, Aging, urbanization, and per capita GDP all affect climate change.
Aziz and Chaudhry [84]. They concluded that the use of renewable en­ First, rising per capita GDP typically results in increased resource con­
ergy contributes to the control of carbon emissions in middle-income sumption and increased industrialization and urbanization. Therefore,
level countries. However, they did not further investigate the nonlinear per capita GDP will increase the ecological footprint and carbon emis­
relationship. GDP per capita has a significant promotion effect on per sions both worldwide and within socioeconomic groups. Second, the
capita ecological footprint and per capita carbon emissions. Both popu­ effects of urbanization and aging on the environment differ amongst
lation aging and urbanization have a significant promotion on per capita socioeconomic classes. For instance, high-income countries typically
carbon emissions. Our findings are consistent with those of Yu, Deng and have better resources and higher technology capabilities, which facili­
Chen [85], who argued that aging promotes carbon emissions. However, tate the implementation of renewable energy projects. Urbanization also
our results support the conclusion of Zhang and Wang [86] that aging and helps to make cities more energy-efficient and better planned, which
urbanization are beneficial to environmental protection. lowers carbon emissions. However, as people age, their energy and
Third, in low-income countries, renewable energy consumption has a medical needs will increase.
significant nonlinear inhibitory effect on per capita ecological footprint The potential to counteract climate change is therefore somewhat
and a significant linear inhibitory effect on per capita carbon emissions. influenced by per capita GDP, urbanization, and aging, even though the
When it is below the threshold, for every 1% increase in renewable energy usage of renewable energy has the most immediate and important global
consumption, per capita ecological footprint reduce by 0.668%. When impact. Their environmental impact is intricate and needs to be taken
the threshold is exceeded, for every 1% increase in renewable energy into account from several angles. Renewable energy consumption can
consumption, per capita ecological footprint reduce by 0.801%. Popu­ help reduce environmental pressure, and an increase in renewable en­
lation aging, and urbanization have significant impact on per capita ergy consumption has a more significant effect on reducing environ­
ecological footprint and per capita carbon emissions. GDP per capita mental pressure. Combining these elements and implementing
plays a significant role in promoting carbon emissions. For every 1% in­ comprehensive policies to cut greenhouse gas emissions increase energy
crease in GDP per capita, per capita carbon emissions increase by 0.579%. efficiency, and support economic growth is the most effective way to
This result is supported by many scholars, such as Shah, Shah and Tahir achieve sustainable development.
[87] and Otim, Mutumba, Watundu, Mubiinzi and Kaddu [88]. Future research should address some of this study’s limitations. First,
the static threshold approach has drawbacks in addressing the endoge­
5. Conclusion neity issue. This study explores the relationship between renewable
energy consumption and the environment. In our upcoming research,
To comprehensively estimate the effects of renewable energy con­ endogenous variables will be added, which will make the model more
sumption on environmental pressures (per capita carbon emissions and complex and broaden the threshold approach’s applicability areas.
per capita ecological footprint), panel threshold regression models were Second, future research can examine the relationship between renew­
developed using data of 130 countries from 1992 to 2019. In these able energy consumption and various environmental indicators, such as
models, per capita ecological footprint and per capita carbon emissions GHG emissions or the load capacity factor.
are set as the explained variables, renewable energy consumption is set
as both explanatory and threshold variables, and GDP per capita, pop­ Author contribution statement
ulation aging, and urbanization are the control variables. The main
findings of the empirical analysis are as follows. Rongrong Li: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation,
Regarding the effects of renewable energy consumption on per capita Investigation Writing- Original draft, Writing- Reviewing. . Qiang Wang:
ecological footprint, we find a negative relationship between renewable Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data curation, Writing-
energy consumption and per capita ecological footprint. This indicates Original draft preparation, Supervision, Writing- Reviewing and Editing.
that an increase in renewable energy consumption reduces ecological Lejia Li: Methodology, Software, Data curation, Investigation Writing-
footprint. For every 1% increase in renewable energy consumption, the Original draft, Writing- Reviewing.
per capita ecological footprint of high-income reduces by 0.127%. In
addition, when renewable energy consumption crosses the threshold Declaration of competing interest
value, a 1% increase in renewable energy consumption, reduces the
global per capita ecological footprint from − 0.135% to − 0.161%. This The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
means that an increase in renewable energy consumption has a signifi­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
cant inhibitory effect on the growth of ecological footprint. the work reported in this paper.
Regarding the effects of an increase in renewable energy consumption
on per capita carbon emissions, we find a negative relationship between Data availability
renewable energy consumption and per capita carbon emissions, indi­
cating that an increase in renewable energy consumption helps curb Data will be made available on request.
carbon emissions. When the increase in renewable energy consumption
exceeds the threshold value, a 1% increase in renewable energy con­ Acknowledgement
sumption decreases per capita carbon emissions from 0.280% to 0.396%
at the global level, from − 0.251 to − 0.322 in high-income countries. The authors would like to thank the editor and these anonymous
These results indicate that an increase in renewable consumption has a reviewers for their helpful and constructive comments that greatly
significant inhibitory effect on the growth of carbon emissions. contributed to improving the final version of the manuscript. This work
In summary, although renewable energy consumption, per capita is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
GDP, urbanization, and aging are all intimately tied to mitigating climate No. 72104246, 71874203).

R. Li et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101121

Table A1
List of countries.

Group Countries

All High-income Aruba, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Barbados, Switzerland, Chile, Cyprus, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,
Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, United States
Middle- Angola, Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Benin, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Bhutan, Botswana, China, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Congo
income (Brazzaville), Colombia, Comoros, Cape Verde, Costa Rica. Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Algeria, Ecuador, Arab Republic of Egypt, Fiji, Gabon,
Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jamaica. Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan,
Laos, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Lesotho, Morocco, Mexico, North Macedonia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Mauritania, Malaysia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru,
Philippines. Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Russian Federation, Senegal, El Salvador, Eswatini, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Tanzania,
Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Samoa, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Low-income Burundi, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Congo (Kinshasa), Guinea, Gambia, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique,
Malawi, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Chad, Togo, Tajikistan, Uganda, Republic of Yemen

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