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At the end of the chapter, the student should learn the:

 Classify the personality disorder from sexual disorder;
 Enumerate the types of sexual disorder;

Personality Disorder are chronic maladaptive cognitive behavioral patterns that are
thoroughly integrated into the individual's personality and that are troublesome to others
or whose pleasure sources are either harmful or illegal.

Types of Personality Disorder: Cluster A, B & C

Cluster A: Odd or Eccentric Behaviors

1.Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) - Those with

SPD may be perceived by others as somber, aloof
and often are referred to as "loners."

a. Social isolation and a lack of desire for close personal relationships
b. Prefers to be alone and seem withdrawn and emotionally detached.

2. Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) - Although they are prone to unjustified angry
or aggressive outbursts when they perceive others as disloyal or deceitful, those with
PPD more often come across as emotionally "cold" or excessively serious.

a. They feel constant suspicion and distrust toward other people.
b. They believe that others are against them and constantly look for evidence to
support their suspicions.

3.Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD) - This disorder is characterized oth by a

need for isolation as well as odd. outlandish, or paranoid beliefs.
a They engage in odd thinking, speech, and behavior
b. They may ramble or use words and phrases in unusual ways.

Cluster B: Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic Behaviors

1.Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)-is characterized by lack of empathy or

conscience, difficulty controlling impulses and manipulative behaviors.

a. Act in a way that disregards the feelings and rights of other people.
b. Anti-social personalities often break the law.

2. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) -This mental illness interferes with an

individual's ability to regulate emotion Borderlines are highly sensitive to rejection, and
fear of abandonment may result in frantic efforts to avoid being left alone, such as
suicide threats and attempts.

a. They have intense emotional instability, particularly in relationship with other.
b. They make frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment by others.

3. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) - NPD is characterized primarily by

grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.

a. They a grandiose sense of self-importance.
b. They seek excessive admiration from others and fantasize about unlimited
success or power.

4. Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) - Individuals with this personality disorder

exhibit a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attempt to get attention in
unusual ways, such as bizarre appearance or speech.
a. They strive to be the center of attention.
b. They act overly flirtatious or dress in ways that draw attention.

Cluster C: Anxious, Fearful Behaviors

1.Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD) -Those with avoidant personalities are often
hypersensitive to rejection and unwilling to take social risks.

a. They possess intense, anxious shyness.
b. They are reluctant to interact with others unless they feel certain of being liked.

2. Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) -People with dependent disorder typically

exhibits a pattern of needy and submissive behavior,and rely on others to make
decisions for them.

a. They have severe and disabling emotional dependency on others.
b. They have difficulty in making decisions without a great deal of advice and
reassurance from others.

3. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) - individuals with OCPD,

also called Anankastic Personality Disorder, are so focused on order and perfection that
their lack of flexibility interferes with productivity and efficiency.

a. They have a preoccupation with details, orderliness, perfection and control.
b. They tend to be rigid, formal, stubborn and serious.
Sexual Disorders Sexual dysfunctions
are disorders related to a particular
phase of sexual response cycle.

Major Categories of Sexual Disorders

I. Sexual dysfunction
II. Paraphilia, and
III. Gender identity disorders

Category I. Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction-is a persistent or recurrent problem that causes marked

distress and interpersonal difficulty and that may involve any or some combination of the

a. sexual arousal or the pleasure associated with sex, or

b. orgasm

It is a disturbance on any phase of the Human Sexual Response Cycle (Lahey, 2001)

What is the Human Sexual Response Cycle?

The Human Sexual Response Cycle is a four-stage model of physiological

responses during sexual stimulation. The term was coined by William H. Masters and
Virginia E. Johnson in their 1966 book Human Sexual Response. The cycle is:

1.Excitement Phase -it is also known as the arousal phase or initial excitement phase.
It is the first stage of the human sexual response cycle. It occurs as the result of any
erotic physical or mental stimulation, such as kissing, petting, or viewing erotic images,
that lead to sexual arousal.

2. Plateau Phase -It is the period of sexual excitement prior to orgasm. The plateau
phase is the second phase of the sexual cycle, after the excitement phase with the
following manifestations such as: further increases in circulation and heart rate occur in
both sexes, sexual pleasure increases with increased stimulation, muscle tension
increases further for those who never achieve orgasm; this is the peak of sexual

3. Orgasmic Phase -Orgasm is the conclusion of the plateau phase of the sexual
response cycle, and is experienced by both males and females. It is accompanied by
quick cycles of muscle contraction in the lower pelvic muscles, which surround both the
anus and the primary sexual organs, women also experience uterine and vaginal

4.Resolution Phase (Refractory Period)- The resolution phase occurs after orgasm
and allows the muscle to relax, blood pressure to drop and to slow down from its excited

Types of Sexual Dysfunction

A. Dysfunction of Sexual Desires (occurs during the Excitement Phase):

1.Hypoactive Sexual Desires Disorders- it is a marked by lack or no sexual drive

or interest.

2.Sexual Aversion Disorder- It is characterized by a desire to avoid genital

contact with a sexual partner.

B. Dysfunctions of Sexual Arousal (occurs during the Arousal/Plateau Phase):

1.Male Erectile Disorder- it refers to inability to maintain or achieve an erection

(previously called as impotence).

2.Female Sexual Arousal Disorder-It refers to none responsiveness to erotic

stimulation both physically and emotionally (previously called as frigidity).

C. Dysfunction of Orgasm (occurs during the Orgasmic Phase):

1.Premature Ejaculation- it is unsatisfactory brief period between the beginning.

2.Male Orgasmic Disorder- it refers to the inability to ejaculate during sexual

3.Female Orgasmic Disorder- it refers to the difficulty in achieving orgasm, either
manually or during sexual intercourse.

D. Sexual Pain Disorders:

1.Vaginismus-It is the involuntary muscle spasm at the entrance to the vagina that
prevents penetration and sexual intercourse.

2.Dyspareunia- the painful coitus that may have either an organic or psychological

E. Hyper Sexuality:

1.Nymphomania- A female psychological disorder characterized by an overactive

libido and an obsession with sex.

2.Satyriasis-in males the disorder is called satyriasis and the etymology is satyr.

Category II. Paraphilias

Paraphilia in (Greek ‘para’=over and philia =friendship) is a rare mental health

disorder term recently used to indicate sexual arousal in response to sexual objects.

Common forms of paraphilia are:

a. Exibitionism- this is also known as flashing is behavior by a person that involves the
exposure of private parts of his/her body to another person in any situation when they
would not normally be exposed.

b. Fetishism- people with a fetish experience sexual urges and behavior which
associated with non-living.

c.Frotteurism (Frottage) - is the act of obtaining sexual arousal and gratification by

rubbing genitals against others in public places.

d. Pedophilia - is used to refer to child sexual abuse which comes from the Greek word
(paidophilia) (pais), “child” and (philia) “friendship” it is also called “pedophilic behavior”.

Category III. Gender Identity Disorder(Transsexualism)

Gender identity disorder exits when a person experiences confusion, vagueness
or conflict in his/her feelings about his/her own sexual identity.

Category of Sexual Abnormalities

A. Sexual Abnormalities as to the Choice of Sexual Partner:

1.Heterosexual- this refers to a sexual desire towards the opposite sex this is a
normal sexual behavior, socially and medically acceptable.

2.Homosexual- this refers to a relationship or having a sexual desire towards

member(s) of his/her gender.

3.Infantosexual- this refers to a sexual desire towards an immature person such

as pedophilia.

4.Bestosexual- this refers to a sexual gratification towards animals.

5.Autosexual (Self Gratification or Masturbation)- it is a form of “self abuse” or

“solitary vice”carried without the cooperation of another person.

Types of Masturbation

5. 1. Conscious Type The person deliberately resorts means of producing

sexual. excitement with to some mechanical or without orgasm.

Ways of Masturbation:

a. In Male:

a. 1. By manual manipulation to the point of emission.

a. 2. Ejaculation produced by rubbing his sex organ against some part of the
female body without the use of the hand (frottage).

b. In Female:

b. 1. Manual manipulation of clitoris.

b. 2. Introduction of penis-substitute.
5. 2 Unconscious Type -The release of sexual tension may come about
via the mechanism of nocturnal stimulation with or without emission, which may
also be as "masturbation equivalent".

6. Gerontophilia –This refers to a sexual desire with elder person.

7. Necrophilia - This refers to a sexual perversion characterized by erotic desire

or actual sexual intercourse with a corpse.

8. Incest - This reters to sexual relations between persons who, by reason of blood
relationship cannot legally marry.

B. Sexual Abnormalities : as to Instinctual Strength of Sexual Urge:

1. Over Sex:

a. Satyriasis This refers to an excessive sexual desire of men to intercourse.

b. Nymphomania - This refers to the strong sexual feeling of women. They die
connonly Called "hot" or "fighter".

2. Under Sex:

a. Sexual Anesthesia- refers to the absence of sexual desire or arousal during

sexual act in women.
b. Dyspareunia- refers to the painful sexual act in women.
c. Vaginismus -It refers to the painful spasm of the vagina during sexual act.

C. Sexual Abnormalities as to Mode of Sexual Expression or Way of Sexual


1. Oralism -This refers to the use of the mouth as a way of sexual gratification.
This includes any of the following: ,

a. Fellatio (Irrumation) -The female agent receives the penis of a man into her
mouth and by friction with the lips an tongue coupled with the act sucking the sexual
b. Cunnilingus -The sexual gratification is attained by licking or sucking the
external female genitalia.
c. Anilism (Anilingus)- It is a form of sexual perversion wherein a person derives
excitement by licking the anus pf another person of either sex.

2. Sadomasochism (Algolagnia) -This refers to a painful or cruel act as a factor

for gratification.

a.Sadism (Active Algolagnia)- it refers to a form of sexual perversion in which

the infliction of pain on another is necessary or sometimes the sole factor of sexual
b. Masochism (Passive Algolagnia)- This refers to the allainment of pain and
humiliation from the opposite sex as the primary factor for sexual gratification.

D. Sexual Abnormalities as to the Part the Body:

1. Sodomy-This refers to a sexual act through anus of another human being.

2. Uranism-This refers to the attainment of sexual gratification by fingering,

fondling with the breast, licking parts of the body, etc.

3. Frottage (Frotteurism) It is a form of sexual gratification characterized by the

compulsive desire of a person to rub his parts of the body of another. sex organ against
some parts of the body.

4. Partialism-It is a form of sexual deviation wherein a person has special affinity

to certain parts of the female body.

E Sexual Abnormalities as to Visual Stimulus:

1. Voyeurism- it is a form of sexual perversion characterized by a compulsion to

peep to see persons undress or perform other personal activities.

2. Mixoscopia (Scoptophilia)-it refers to a perversion wherein sexual pleasure is

attained by watching couple undress intimacies or during their sex.

F. Sexual Abnormalities as to Number of Sex Partner:

1. Triolism-from French word, trios which means three It is a torm of sexual
perversion in which three persons are participating in the sexual orgies. The combination
may consist of two men and a women or two women and a man.

2. Pluralism It Is a form of sexual deviation in which a group of person participates

in the sexual orgies. Two or more couples may perform sexual act in a room and they
may even agree to exchange partners for “variety sake" during 'sexual festival".


Human Behavior and Crisis Management Jester Eduardo and Mr.

Pangaronon Jr.

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Crash Course Psychology
#34 Sexual dysfunctions Sexual Disorders


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