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English Work

Theme: The Drug Cocaine

Name: Godi José Goa

Number: 60

12th Class

Streem: A1

Teacher: Cassimo

Pemba, September 11, 2023

The drug Cocaine.......................................................................................................................3
Cause and consequences of drugs..............................................................................................3
The causes of drug use...............................................................................................................3
The consequences of drugs on society.......................................................................................3
Type of drugs.............................................................................................................................4
Importance of Cocaine Drug......................................................................................................4

The drug Cocaine

Cocaine is a powerful addicted stimulant drug. Thousands of the people in South America
have chowed and ingested coca elective (ernythoxy coca) the source of cocaine, of their
stimunt effects. The petrified chemical, cocaine hydrochloride, was isolated from the plan the
plant more than 100 years ago. In the early 1900s, purified cocaine was the maur active
ingriedientin m any tonics and elixirs developed to treat a wide variety of specie. Before the
development of synthetic local anaesthetic, surgeons used cocaine to block pain, hover;
research has since that can alter brain structure and function used repeatedly.

Today cocaine is a seen elude drunk, which means that it has high potential, for abuse but can
be, administrated by a doctor for legitimate, medical uses saunas, local anaesthesia for soine
eye, eat, and throat surgeries. Delves often dilutee (or cut) it with non-psychoactive
substances such mere as their profits. They may also adulterate cocaine with other de drugs
like procaine (a chemically related local anaesthetic) or amphetamine connote psychoactive
stimulant) two, three some user combine cocaine with heroin.

People abuse two chemical forms of cocaine: the water-soluble hydrochloride salt and the
water insoluble cocaine base (or freebase)

Cause and consequences of drugs

Drugs can cause serious changes in the structures of your body, such as cardiovascular and
respiratory diseases, liver and brain problems and psychiatric disirdes such as depressions or
anxiety, among many others.

The causes of drug use

Drug use is involved with different factors, whether external or internal with their own or a
simple curiosity can make a person .use it or even looking for a feeling of

Pleasure and happiness, an as cape from emotional suffering

And the influence of friends.

The consequences of drugs on society

The drug is caused by family conflicts, profession instabilities, in addition to having a direct
impact on the health of users and, consequently, already highly criticized, public health.

Drugs of abuse car interfere with this normal communication prose. For example, Cocaine
acts binding to the dopamine transporter, blotching the removal of clop amine from the
Dopamine the acumen latest in the synapse to produce an apolitical signal to the retrieving
The euplaria ominously experienced these watts causes immediately after taking the drug see
the video.

Type of drugs
Stones, legged and illegal. Met for human consumption cannabis. Ecstasy heroine. Cocaine.

Importance of Cocaine Drug

Cocaine is a stimulant of the central nervous system and is extracted from the coca meda and
crack plants. It contains cocaine in its compositions; cocaine in powder form is generally
used intravenously or intravenously. Pleasure and self-confidence.

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