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Assignment No.

Computer Evolution & it’s impact
(1). Muhammad Abdullah.
(2). Muhammad Wahaj.
Reg No:
(1). CIIt/FA22-BSE-99/WAH
(2). CIIt/FA22-BSE-100/WAH

Question No. 1
Briefly describe how computer have evolved over generations.
A computer is an electronic device that receives information,
stores it, processes it in accordance with user-supplied instructions, and then
outputs the outcome. These days, they are a regular part of our lives. We
should take a little tour of how we arrived to the age of email, YouTube, and
Facebook even though computers as we know them today are only a relatively
recent invention. (Ridner, n.d.)
First Generation: (1943 - 1958)
Vacuum tubes were a key component of the technology utilized
in the first generation of computers. From 1940 until 1956, vacuum tubes were
a common component of computers. First-generation computers were quite
huge in size and took up a lot of space in a room since vacuum tubes were
bulkier components. First-generation computers may fill a whole room in some
cases. (Emberton, n.d.)

Figure 1. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (1943 - 1958)

Second Generation: (1959 - 1965)

Transistors would take the role of vacuum tubes in the second
generation of computers, changing the world. The transistor was created in
1947 at Bell Labs, but it wasn't used frequently in computers until the late
1950s. Hardware innovations including magnetic core memory, magnetic tape,
and the magnetic disc were also present in this generation of computers. Since
the transistor outperformed the vacuum tube, computers of the second
generation are now smaller, quicker, cheaper, more energy-efficient, and more
dependable. (Stroud, n.d.)

Figure 2. IBM 1620

Third Generation: (1966 - 1973)

Germanium transistors were replaced by silicon transistors in
this generation. Transistors, resistors, and capacitors were connected on a
single silicon chip to create integrated circuits. Computers used integrated
circuit (IC) chips. ICs were more energy-efficient, cheaper, and smaller than the
prior switching technology. Large magnetic core-based random access memory
as well as magnetic discs and tapes with high storage capacities were made
possible by advancements in storage technologies.
High level languages were enhanced in terms of software. Optimizing Fortran
compilers and Fortran IV were created. Another significant development
around this time was the standardization of COBOL. (Unknown, n.d.)

Figure 3. ICL 2900

Fourth Generation: (1971 – till now)

Computers in the fourth generation improved in strength, size,
dependability, and cost. It consequently sparked the personal computer (PC)
revolution. Time sharing, real-time networks, and distributed operating
systems were popular in this generation. This generation employed all high-
level languages, including C, C++, DBASE, etc. (M., n.d.)
Figure 4. Dell Pentium 4

Fifth Generation: (Present - Future)

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is used by computers in the
fifth generation, and it is used to create expert systems, play games, and more.
Thanks to AI technology, these machines could understand human language
and identify graphs and pictures. There are few example with which we can
easily understand these fifth generations computer and these are Notebook,
Ultrabook, Chromebook etc.,

Figure 5.Fifth Generation Computer AI

Question No. 2
Generate a list of ways the Computer/IT has impacted the world.
Include both positive changes and negative changes.
Information Technology Revolution:
The term "information technology revolution" is frequently used to
describe a wide-ranging phenomenon connected to developments that are
happening in the information and communication technologies at a
tremendous rate (ICTs).
Technology can be used in a variety of ways that make it accessible to
everyone on Earth. Depending on how it is used, this can make it both
extremely useful and extremely painful. So, below, we'll go over both the pros
and downsides of this:

Positive Impacts: (Dimock, n.d.)

There are some positive impacts of it described below.
1.Technology impacted the Education System:
Respondents with higher levels of education are also more inclined to
believe the internet has a good influence. In comparison to 44% of those with
less education, 60% of those with a secondary education or higher believe that
the growing usage of the internet has a positive impact on interpersonal
2.Internet Access Strongly Affected to GDP of Countries:
Residents of many developing nations have access to the internet,
which increases their global connectivity. They have access to all information
and can work from the convenience of their home. Pakistan made nearly $400
million in revenue last year and is expected to make even more in 2019.
Additionally, there are numerous nations that excel in this area.
4.Increment in film industries Revenue:
Every Industries are affecting by this technological era very positively
Like wisely Film Industries are also Affected positively and their Revenues are
increasing tremendously over these years only with help of technology.
5.Internet Usage in Emerging and Developing Nations:
Internet access varies significantly among nations depending on a
variety of important demographic factors, such as age and level of education.
Younger people ages 18 to 34 are more likely to report accessing the internet
than their older counterparts in every country polled, including differences of
more than 15 percentage points in all but three countries available for analysis.
With age variations of 40 points or more in five nations, Asia has particularly
large differences. For instance, in Thailand, 83% of young people and just 27%
of older Thais are online.

Negative Impacts: (Dimock, n.d.)

There are some negative impacts of it described below.
1. Internet Influence Seen as Negative on Morality:
Publics are less enthused about the internet’s effect on politics. A
median of just 36% say it is a positive for their country’s political system, while
three-in-ten say it is a bad influence.
Even more people are concerned about how the internet may affect
morals. Only 29% of people, on average, believe the internet has a positive
impact on morality, while 42% believe it has a negative impact. These opinions
are largely consistent among the nations polled.
2. Technology is Properly Distrubuted Over Nations:
Many countries lack access to the internet, yet wealthier countries do
not have it more frequently. Because technology is made by the people for the
people, the unique distribution of the internet and other technologies across
nations causes it to fall short in some ways in terms of appropriately assisting
people. This Vacuum Must Be Fill for Earth's Proper Growth.

3. Texting Most Popular Use of Cell Phones:

People are using technology more and more these days, which makes it
more appealing to others without these tools. Smart phones and other readily
available technologies serve the function of engaging with others, but they can
also lead people to squander their time on unimportant activities. Many
technologies, considered to be uncontrollable, are leading people astray.
1. Dimock, M. (n.d.). Retrieved from
2. Emberton, N. (n.d.). Retrieved from
3. M., M. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4. Ridner, A. (n.d.). Retrieved from
5. Stroud, F. (n.d.). Retrieved from
6. Unknown. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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