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Chapter 101 Don’t forget each other even if you are rich or


Looking at the comments of these idiotic netizens, Zheng

Xuan was so happy that he couldn’t open his mouth from ear
to ear. These rainbow fart shots make people excited. In terms of
the level of sand sculptures in the world, there are definitely not
as many as in China. Although the old guys have no money, they
are happy to enjoy the hardships.

Look how happy this comment section is, these are all high-
quality leeks. It is unimaginable in foreign countries to pay no
wages for a job, although there is a bit of a joke in it.

Wealth and honor do not return to their hometown, just like

walking in brocade at night. This sentence makes sense, and this
young man named Dalang is also a native of Lianyun. Zheng
Xuan thought about it and decided to recruit a group of high-
quality leeks from China to try out the work to see the efficiency.

"Ah, no, it's my compatriots. How could it be leeks? I don't

dare to talk nonsense. It's

his turn to harvest leeks as a small capitalist. That's the

exclusive right of the masters.

What is this called demographic dividend? He's It's about

making full use of the demographic dividend. It's so ugly to call
it cutting leeks!"
Zheng Xuan took a sip of Xu Nianwei's freshly ground coffee
and took a bite of the freshly made dessert. Looking at Pooh
who was standing beside him and looking eagerly, Zheng Xuan
reached out and stuffed all the cakes and desserts on the plate
into Pooh's arms.

Obviously, the snacks on this plate are just enough for the
little guy to stuff his teeth. The little guy seems to know how to
win people's hearts. It stretched out its short paws, took out a
donut from the plate, cut it in two, and handed it to its two
younger brothers who were squatting on the ground.

The little wolf cub had obviously never eaten this kind of
food, and the freshly baked donuts exuded an alluring
aroma. Xiong Da and Xiong Er stretched out their necks and
sniffed hard, then quickly gathered around and started eating in
small bites.

Seeing Pooh's behavior, Zheng Xuan really felt that Pooh

had become a spirit. Perhaps Pooh now has the IQ of a four or
five-year-old child. Seeing the wolf cub eating dessert, Zheng
Xuan was not worried about what harm it would cause to the
wolf cub.

There is no chocolate in this donut, and Zheng Xuan also

used the power of Poseidon to strengthen the bodies of the two
wolf cubs. So the current Xiong Da Xiong Er is no longer the wolf
cub he used to be.

Before Xiong Da and Xiong Er finished their desserts, Pooh

had already participated in Operation Disc. The little guy's dark
and round eyes quickly turned around and placed the clean
plate on the table next to Zheng Xuan.

Then with light steps, he ran to Anne Hathaway and Xu

Nianwei in front. The two women looked at Winnie who looked
like he wasn't full and made "snoring" sounds from his
mouth. Obviously unable to resist this kind of coquettishness
and cuteness from their cute pets, the two people quickly took
all the desserts on the plate and stuffed them into Pooh's arms.

Nila and Nila, who were standing on the table smelling the
aroma of the desserts, saw that all the desserts were taken away
by Pooh. They immediately jumped from the table to Pooh's
shoulders and screamed "Creak".

Feeling the oncoming sea breeze, Zheng Xuan decided to

send a private message to the young man named Dalang, and
then briefly live broadcast on the Kuaishou platform to explain
the specific information and job requirements of this

On the way back, Zheng Xuan consulted the mayor in the

car. If Leken Ranch is running normally, how many people will be
needed? Mayor Wallace thought carefully and told Zheng Xuan
that at least 500 people were needed. If you want employees to
live easier and work more efficiently, you will need more than
500 workers.

The town of Annecy can provide about 300 workers, and

Zheng Xuan needs to go to Melbourne to find human resources
for the rest. Or wait with peace of mind, and the workers will be
brought in after the recruitment work of the town is carried out.

Fifty thousand acres is equivalent to 300,000 acres of land.

Many cattle, sheep, and Australian specialty horses must be
raised on these lands, as well as other livestock and crops.

Although all automated machinery and equipment are now

available, there are some places that machines cannot
replace. For example, milking, shearing and grazing are jobs that
require a large number of workers to operate.

So five hundred people are really not many, and Mayor

Wallace even said it was a bit conservative in order to save
money for Zheng Xuan. In addition, after the Dazheng Fishery
Farm expands its breeding scale, it will also need a large number
of fishermen.

Thinking of these, Zheng Xuan opened the KuaiDou

platform and looked at the 999+ little red dots. Zheng Xuan took
a cursory look and found that most of them asked for
cooperation and asked Zheng Xuan to help bring goods in
exchange for a commission.

Others asked him if he was in need of a little internet

celebrity who could warm his bed. Anyway, there were all kinds
of weird things. In one sentence, he said he would live longer.

After tidying up his appearance in front of the camera,

Zheng Xuan took out the stand that Xu Nianwei had just handed
over from the table and fixed the phone half a meter in front of

This is Zheng Xuan's first broadcast. Although he has been

playing Kuaijiu for so long, he just used it to enjoy the talent
performances of the girls. This was his first time doing
something like a live broadcast, so he was a little uneasy facing
the camera.

As soon as Zheng Xuan started broadcasting, tens of

thousands of fans who had been following him flooded into the
live broadcast room.

A large number of barrages flashed across the screen!

My cat will transform at night: "Holy shit, is this Zheng Xuan?

I actually saw a living one!"

The melon-eating people standing on the front line: "My

day, Big Boss is on the air, 666666."

I don't sleep at three o'clock in the morning: "Big Boss,

where are you now?"

Fairy-flavored lollipops: "Ahhhhhhh Ah!!! Zheng Xuan is so

He is much more handsome than those celebrities. I can’t
stop drooling from my mouth!”
Looking at the barrages sent by a large number of troll
netizens, Zheng Xuan faced the camera and started to speak. :
"Hello, everyone, I'm Zheng Xuan! I

haven't seen you for a long time. To be honest, I still miss

you a little."

JOJO: "Oh, men are deceiving.

We have never met at all, okay?

Otherwise, I will I can also let you leave and go to Australia!"

Pretending not to see this misleading barrage, Zheng Xuan

continued: "I recently found a lot of people asking me while
surfing the Internet whether my fishery is still recruiting people
and What is the salary and remuneration like?

Here I will give a unified answer. Currently, Dazheng Fishing

Farm is still recruiting people. We need friends who can drive
large fishing boats, and we also need friends who know some
professional knowledge of fish farming. And then we

need Six chefs who know Sichuan and Hunan cuisine, and
finally retired military personnel are needed to come to the
fishery to do security work.

Then you can go to Bhu to see the salary and benefits of the
fishery. There is a handsome guy named Zhang Dalang who
posted an article Q&A. It contains information about the salary
and benefits of Dazheng Fishing Farm, as well as the specific
work content.

Then the fishery needs about two hundred friends. If anyone

meets the conditions, you can send me a private message to
sign up. "

At this moment, Zheng Xuan has not been live broadcasting

for more than three minutes. At this moment, more than 8
million people have poured into the live broadcast room to
watch his live show.

Da Chuxing: "Oh my god, in my lifetime!

The boss really cares about wealth and honor, and he does
what he says 6666! The handsome boy who was blown away by
the wind said: "

Boss, I have sent you a message privately, please check it

carefully!" "

I'll have three bowls of rice today: "Don't be fooled by those

upstairs, I don't even know who the idiot is on this live

Be careful to be deceived into northern Myanmar, your waist

will be snapped off without any anesthesia. "

Thank you all for your support and love yesterday, thank
you all!
Chapter 102: Turn on the reward function quickly, I have plenty
of money!

The young man has a lot of money: "Oh my God, why is this
anchor set up to not be able to tip? I was also thinking of tipping
a few carnival items to the anchor, but I can't tip, which is really
disappointing. Can the anchor see my messages

I order you to quickly turn on the reward function. I have so
much money that I have no place to spend it. My monthly salary
is 3,500 yuan. I can’t spend it no matter how I spend it. I can’t
spend it all. You know
? At my age, I smoke whole cigarettes and throw away the
butts directly. When I eat instant noodles, I not only add
sausages, but I also buy a whole bottle of iced black tea
separately. We won’t show off the rest here, after all, this is for
the public It's not a good situation for people to know that we
have so much money.

Anyway, anchor, you can understand what I mean.

Remember to turn on the reward function quickly!"

Anne Hathaway, who was sitting on a recliner watching

Zheng Xuan's live broadcast, saw this This unique barrage
directly spurted out all the coffee in his mouth. Seeing this, Xu
Nianwei took a soft towel and handed it to Anne Hathaway, who
was laughing so much.

Drinking Coca-Cola with ice: "Don't go fishing upstairs, this

guy is a real boss. I don't need your money, so why don't you
just do it if you have some money? Boss

Zheng Xuan, I am a seaman from the Ocean Group, I've sent

you a private message." What did

Jiaran eat today: "The ID in front of you said that you had
three bowls of rice today. Did you just come out of the
mountains? Zheng Xuan doesn't know anyone? I can guarantee

, If the boss is a liar and wants to cut your waist, then there
are liars everywhere in the world, and the job you can find on is much more reliable than where you talk to the boss!"

Eat three bowls of rice today: "My day, brothers, please don't
criticize me. I am an ally!

There are too many people signing up. I want to screen out
some people with insufficient IQ in advance. In case the
competition is too fierce, we are here Everywhere is good, but
there are too many people and the roll is too big!"

Jiaran What to eat today: "Big brother upstairs, the 40-

meter-long sword has been extended to 39.9 meters, I will spare
it today. You're going to die!"

Xiao Huang, a young man from the office building

operations department of KuaiDou platform who had just been
trained in the office, turned on his computer. At this moment, a
red warning message caught his attention.

After seeing this warning message, Xiao Huang's heart

began to beat wildly. Could it be that the anchor is engaging in
some sideline game?
These old perverts all say that they don’t want to be pissed
off and don’t do pissed off all day long, but no one listens to
them. Is pissed off so good-looking?

Just now, a big anchor was called in and scolded by his boss
because he had a marginal live broadcast and more than 10
million people watched it online. One month's salary was
deducted, and the quarterly performance appraisal was 100%
not up to standard.

Xiao Huang pressed the mouse with his trembling right

hand and clicked in. Seeing the number of people pouring into
the live broadcast room, Xiao Huang opened his mouth in

This is Zheng Xuan's live broadcast room, and he still knows

about the boss Zheng Xuan.

At this moment, the number of people pouring into Zheng

Xuan's live broadcast room has reached 30 million. Ever since I
heard that Zheng Xuan's fishery is recruiting people. These leeks
who couldn't wait to be cut, called their friends everywhere and
pulled their friends into the live broadcast room.

If you meet the conditions, you can naturally start to

register. If you don't meet the conditions, you can also watch the
fun. When it comes to eating melons, naturally the bigger and
fresher they are, the better.

Seeing that people were still pouring into the live broadcast
room, Xiao Huang's heart began to beat violently again. This
traffic is too big for him to control. If he can sign Zheng Xuan
and let him live broadcast on the Kuai Dou platform, how much
traffic and exposure will he earn!
Nowadays, the competition among platforms is not as fierce
as usual, if Zheng Xuan broadcasts live on another
platform. Then the traffic here and the traffic from other places
will all flow into the other party's platform. Xiao Huang put the
mouse and stood up, walking quickly towards the person in
charge's office.

"Dong dong dong dong"

Cai Zhengye, who came in and sat on the boss's chair, raised
his head and said.

"Xiao Huang, why did you come in again? Is there anything


He looked at the beautiful secretary standing next to Cai

Zhengye, with a flushed face and disheveled clothes. Xiao Huang
scratched his head and knew that he came in at the wrong
time. But right now this news is much more important than work,
if Zheng Xuan is signed away by another platform.
It is estimated that Cai Zhengye is not in the mood to do
anything anymore. Xiao Huang looked at Cai Zhengye excitedly
and said quickly: "Mr. Cai, a big thing just happened.

The man named Zheng Xuan came to our platform to live

broadcast. His live broadcast did not last more than ten minutes.
, more than 10 million real traffic has poured in. This is a good
opportunity for our platform. If Zheng Xuan can be signed, at
least the platform will not be short of traffic for a long time. Cai
Zhengye has

been He quickly stood up from his chair, put his hands on

the table and looked at Xiao Huang in a serious tone and said:
"You should contact Xiao Huang first and see what he thinks.

As long as you have an idea, just ask for any conditions, the
signing fee, the duration of the live broadcast, etc. are not a
problem. Remember to discuss this matter with an A+ attitude. I
want to report it to the big boss. "

Xiao Huang nodded and quickly walked out of the office

without squinting. He just saw that Cai Zhengye's pants were not
zipped up, and the door was fucking open.

"Oh, it's so damn good to be rich. You can do whatever you

want." The

beautiful and disheveled female secretary looked at Cai

Zhengye with a watery look, and said delicately: "Mr. Cai, let's go
on, I still want to It's time for an injection!"

Cai Zhengye reached out and patted the female secretary's

buttocks, and said in a serious tone: "Now is not the time for
injections, you go out!" The

female secretary curled her lips and packed her clothes in

the mirror. Then Tingting walked out of the office.

He let out a long sigh and looked at Zheng Xuan, who was
still broadcasting live. Xiao Huang planned to wait for Zheng
Xuan to go off the air before calling him, and now he would
send a message in the name of the official account.

At this moment, Zheng Xuan was stunned when he looked

at the private messages in the software. He really didn't expect
the netizens to be so enthusiastic. Tens of thousands of
registration messages were sent to him at once.

There is no turning back when the bow is fired, now that it

has been broadcast live. Just explain everything clearly so that
you can make arrangements for the next step.

Looking at Zheng Xuan, there are Winnie, Bear Big Bear Er,
Nika and Nila, these cute pets. The netizens who are obsessed
with eating melons online are already so envious that they are
almost separated from their parents.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room with tens of

millions of people, no one sent a barrage. Everyone quietly
looked at the working and living environment that Zheng Xuan
showed them.

The sun shines gently on the big house, the spacious and
comfortable oversized garden, and the endless deep blue sea
behind the garden. Just watching the pictures in the live
broadcast room is enough to heal me. It would be great if I
could go and see it live.

After circling the villa with the phone's lens, Zheng Xuan
fixed the phone on the stand again.

"Dear friends, what we just talked about was the recruitment

of workers at the fishery. Now let's talk about the recruitment of

at the ranch." As Zheng Xuan spoke, the live broadcast room

immediately came to life again.

Detective Di Renjie: "Damn, everyone paid attention to the

direction the boss turned the camera just now. There are two
beautiful sisters who are comparable to the fairy sisters sitting
next to the boss, no, they are even more beautiful than the fairy
sisters!! !"

Chapter 103 Did you work hard today?

Tokyo is really hot: "+99, wow, those two sisters are really
good-looking! As a girl, I am so excited that there are such
beautiful sisters in the world." The car repair guy: "Ahem"

, Is it really hot in Tokyo upstairs?

How can there be a girl whose ID name is Tokyo? I don’t

believe it, unless you send me a private selfie photo of Kang
Kang! "

Zhang Dalang: "Brothers, I am the Dalang who posted the


"Ahem", please don't pay attention to my name. I am here to

tell everyone that I have been admitted in advance!

Well, I just came here to show off, I have no other meaning,

so I just slipped away! ! ! "

There is no such worldly desire: "Fuck, that man with thick

eyebrows and big eyes upstairs. If you don't sell the good
sesame seeds, why are you showing off here?

Do you think I would be envious? Innocent! ! !

Well, I actually shed tears of envy.

Woohoo, boss, have mercy on the poor child!

Did you sacrifice your wife Jin Lian? How could you have
been admitted early without the PY transaction? "
Have you worked hard today?" Smiling sideways, you guys,
can you please stop going crazy here.

You have to find the reason for everything in yourself.

Everything is not because you don't work hard enough. If you try
harder, will you still encounter this kind of situation?
Aren’t there a lot of jobs in China with a monthly salary of
more than 20,000 yuan?

Why should we worship foreign plum blossoms and go

abroad? Is the moon abroad a little rounder? The sun should be
brighter, you people, it’s rain when you listen to the wind.

He has no subjective judgment ability at all, and dreams of

going abroad to get a high-paying job and working for
foreigners as a white laborer.

Just like many buildings ago, that person with an ID called

Ye said he had plenty of money. The salary of 3,500 yuan a
month can't be spent at all. No matter how much I spend, I can't
spend it all.

So I would like to advise everyone here, it is best not to go if

you can. You go there at your own risk, and don't think about
Wolf Warrior coming to save you when the time comes. Sun
Xiaochuan, an intersex person: "

Did you work hard today with that ID?" I want to say who
are you J8?
Whatever others want you to do, just take care of yourself.

Every day I think that if I hold a keyboard in my hand, I

don’t know what I look like, right? "

Have you worked hard today? "Boss, I sent you a private

message. Pay attention to check my registration information. I
love you! "

Hermaphrodite Sun Xiaochuan: "? ? ? ? ? "

Zhang Dalang:"? ? ? ? ? "

There is no such worldly desire anymore: "Little brother,

what's the matter with you? ? ? ? ? "

Have you worked hard today?" "Fuck, it's over."

I forgot to switch accounts and my work number was issued.

Gan! ! ! "

The fox's tail is so cute: "Damn, I almost took the tail


Zheng Xuan almost laughed out loud when he looked at the

content of the bullet screen on his phone. The powerful control
kept him calm, and he continued to look at the screen and said:
"Dear friends, let's continue the topic just now.
A friend just asked me, didn't I say that only fishing grounds
are recruiting people?
Originally, only fishing grounds were recruiting people. The
fishery is recruiting people, but I bought a ranch in the morning,
and its area is 50,000 acres. So,

I need some friends to help me take care of this ranch. We

still need about 500 people on the ranch, and then In addition,
eight chefs are needed, preferably those who are proficient in
Sichuan and Hunan cuisine."

Zhang Dalang: "Boss, 666666"

Have you worked hard today: "Boss, please take off my


The fox's tail is so cute: "Wow, 300,000 acres of land!

Saying it from the boss's mouth is like buying a big cabbage.
I love it, I love it!"

Sun Xiaochuan, a hermaphrodite: "Boss, please be sure to

read my private messages. Ah!!"

The car repair guy said: "Brothers, this is a real boss!

I just checked on the Internet and found that the cheapest
pasture with 300,000 acres of land is about 200 million, and you
may not be able to buy it! "

Tokyo is really hot: "It's scary! How long will it take for me to
film a movie in Tokyo before I can afford it!!!"
Detective Di Renjie said: "I'm upstairs, let's talk privately
about the filming process. Can you give me a mysterious code?
It couldn’t be better!”

The guy who repaired the car: "Sister, your photos look
really good! Please give me a mysterious code!!!"

People from Guangdong really don't eat food from Fujian:

"Boss, I'm a Cantonese chef. Why don't you want Cantonese
food?" Chef!!!

I'm still thinking about going to your place and cooking you
a few pots of delicious soup so that you can try the skills of our
Guangdong chefs."

Fujian people eat everything: "The ones upstairs are nothing

like this. Do you understand? It’s a good thing that you still live
by the sea.

Boss, this place looks like it is by the sea. What is on the

seaside is of course cold and damp.

So to get rid of the cold and damp, of course you need spicy
and spicy Sichuan and Hunan cuisine.

This You don’t even understand, you’re really a bastard!”

People from Guangdong really don’t like people from

Fujian: “Well, it seems I’m going to change my name to
Guangdong people and people from Dingfujian in the future.

You bastard Jiezai, our famous Guangdong medicinal soup

focuses on nourishing and maintaining health. If you want to get
rid of the cold and dampness, I will add some Chinese medicinal
materials and it will be fine! Boss, boss, if you see it, give it a

Jiaran is eating it today. What: "The two people upstairs are

rushing to the street, these are not important.

What is important is whether you have the opportunity to

go to the big boss's territory to work for the big boss. If you
can't go, what's the point of discussing here?"

Drink Coke without ice: "That's right, it's hard not to support
it. Think about it for yourself, so many people signed up at the
same time.

There are only a few hundred people available. Use your

flexible mind to think about your chances of getting into this
job. So don’t get excited about everything. This thing is much
more difficult than making an appointment to buy Moutai.

Zheng Xuan: "I just saw my friends discussing what kind of

dishes the chef can cook. I can reply here with chefs of any
cuisine. "

In fact, as long as it is cooked well and goes well with the

meal, any cuisine is OK, as long as it doesn't make any weird

Then in terms of recruitment, the ranch needs about 500

people, and a large part of them are herding-based. For
example, there will be more positions such as raising cattle,
horses, and sheep.

To describe this kind of work in words, imagine being on an

endless green grassland. At sunrise, you are responsible for
putting cattle, horses, sheep and other livestock on the grass of
the pasture. When sunset, you are responsible for driving cattle,
horses, sheep and other livestock back to their staff dormitories.

There are also some positions specifically responsible for

milking, which literally means milking cows. This means that you
can drink the latest milk every day, which is squeezed out by
yourself, so it feels like a great achievement.

Then we still lack a large number of veterinarians and other

positions related to ranching. Finally, we need some retired
veterans to come over and take charge of the security work of
our ranches and fisheries.

The above is an introduction to the details related to our

fishing grounds and ranches. "

Oh, by the way. A friend just asked me if the employee

dormitories of the ranch and the fishery are together, as well as
the salary and benefits of the ranch.
Here I would like to explain to you that the ranch and the
fishery are operated independently. Because the two The places
are quite far apart, so the staff dormitories are all independent.

The staff dormitories of the ranch are independent wooden

houses in the style of Western cowboys, and the fishery is the
big man selling sesame seeds.

Thank you to Mr. Ling for your rewards, thank you to

Brother Ah 4 for your monthly ticket, thank you all for your
subscription support, thank you!

Chapter 104 Master Ma, please respect yourself!

"Ahem" was a slip of the tongue. It was the type of photo of

a small bungalow posted on Bhu with an ID of Zhang Dalang.

And because the ranch just took over today, the relevant
salary package has not yet been released. You can sign up to
participate in our recruitment event first. What I can assure you
is that the salary in the ranch will never be lower than that in the

Zhang Dalang: "Boss, I understand.

I'm going to sign up for a crash course in sesame seed

training. When we arrive at Dazheng Fishing Ground in Australia,
you will be able to eat my freshly made sesame seed cakes. In
addition, I will rent a building for a while. Advertising,
brothers who went to the fishing ground together. If you ask me
to sell sesame cakes, all your bones will be broken!"

Ma Baoguo, the leader of Hunyuan Taiji, said: "How dare

you, a thick-browed and big-eyed man selling sesame cakes,
take advantage of me? I am not prepared to be directly qualified
for recommendation. I am still careless. You young people do
not respect martial arts. You don't even pay attention to my five
lightning whips. You don't know how to connect, transform and
send. It seems that

today It’s the day when I, Mr. Ma, will return to the world,
and this peaceful world will usher in a bloody storm again.
There’s no way you forced me to do so. See you all in the
world, you guys. Wait, there’s another sentence I missed, big

time Dude, I have sent you a private message, remember to

read it. I am a talented person who is proficient in ranching and
fishery farming. I hope you can seize this opportunity and don't
be disrespectful!" The werewolf wandering in Dongguan:
"Master Ma

, Please respect yourself!

I really like going to work, and it feels like I'm in prison.

I really like being paid, and it feels like I'm receiving

subsistence allowance.

I like to get up early, I feel like I'm out of my mind.

I really like to take a vacation, it feels like I have been
released from prison.

I like to sleep very much, and I feel like I am at peace with


Until I came across the recruitment information from a big

boss, I wanted to say that if I could be chosen for such a good
job, I hope I could stick to it for ten thousand years! "

College student Shota: "There are only ten fights in the

world, but this Donghuan netizen only has eight. This poem was
so dazzling that my scalp went numb, so I decided to give up my
studies and go out to see the teacher in person. Mr. Shota, I will
wait for you on the top of Dazheng Fishing Ground. We will see
you there on a full moon night. "

Lao Liu, who reserved the place to eat jelly: "Now that the
world has changed, it seems that I have to give up this barbecue
stall and go out in person.

By the way, the netizen named Shota upstairs, would you

like to ask how your mother is doing lately?

I haven’t seen him for so many years, and I still miss him a

Zheng Xuan: "There are so many sand sculpture netizens,

and I have all the talented people in the world. " The revival of
Dazheng Fishing Ground and Leiken Ranch depends on you, the
cattle and horses. No, it’s the leeks, no, it’s my dear
compatriots. "

After putting away his random thoughts, Zheng Xuan

thought for a moment about how to hold this unique job fair.
Having just bought the ranch, he will definitely not be able to
return to China to hold this unique job fair in the near future,
because he has too many things to do recently. .

And it was not particularly appropriate for Anne Hathaway

and Xu Nianwei to go back to handle this matter. After thinking
for a while, Zheng Xuan decided to entrust this matter to the
highly respected Chen Chuanqing.

Once the matter is handled by the authorities, the nature of

the matter will basically be determined. At least this is not a
scam, this is a serious job and a good job.

Secondly, Chen Chuanqing must have experience in holding

relevant large-scale job fairs. They will definitely not be as
confused as Zheng Xuan when they come to handle this matter.

Thirdly, after all, Zheng Xuan still owes Chen Chuanqing a

favor. If this event is well organized and has great influence, it
will also be of great help to Chen Chuanqing's career.

All Zheng Xuan had to do was tidy up the staff dormitories

at the fishery and ranch, and then arrange for several special
planes to fly to the Capital Airport to wait for these shady

Problems that can be solved by paying money are really not

a big problem for Zheng Xuan today. "

After taking a look at the troll netizens who were still

chatting crazily in the live broadcast room, Zheng Xuan decided
to say hello to them and leave the broadcast. Then he called
Chen Chuanqing to talk about the matter, and to calm down
before talking to these troll netizens. Let’s talk about the next


Along with Zheng Xuan’s cough, the barrage that was just
refreshing the screen suddenly fell silent.

Zheng Xuan smiled, waved to the camera, and said: “Dear

friends Hey guys, thank you very much for your support today.

Today's live broadcast ends here. Next, I will publish the

process and requirements of a large-scale recruitment fair as
soon as possible. Wait until this comes out. I will live broadcast
again to explain to you one by one our requirements and how
the job fair will be carried out.

So that’s it for today, thank you all! "

As soon as Zheng Xuan raised his hand, the screen of his

mobile phone was flooded by a large number of netizens.
Zhang Dalang: "Boss, you're confused!

Why don't you start the live broadcast without turning on

the reward function? How much money will

you lose all of a sudden! Boss, let's broadcast for a while. If

you have something to do, go ahead and just leave your phone
here. We will I want to see the scenery and cute pets again, so I
won’t delay your business."

College student Shota: "Add 99"

Lao Liu who booked the restaurant to eat jelly: "Add 1"

The werewolf wandering in the restaurant: "Add 999"

Guangdong people really don’t eat it Fujian people: "Let's

play it for a while longer, poor poor children!"

Fujian people eat everything: "Lao Pujie upstairs, how old are
you to have children?

Big brother, go and do your work!

Put your phone on Just leave it at that."

The car repair guy said: "Add 1"

to the netizens who wanted to continue the live broadcast

after seeing so many requests. Zheng Xuan scratched his head.
He had never seen such a scene before.

"Okay, okay.

Then I will live broadcast for another hour, and then I will
stop broadcasting. If you want to see the cute scenery, you can
enjoy it slowly while I go to work. Goodbye.


Zheng Xuan waved towards the camera and walked over. In

the living room of the villa, he was about to call Chen

The fox’s tail is so cute: “Wow, did you notice the doting
smile on the corner of the boss’s mouth just now?

That was the smile of the boss, and the thumping of tail's
heart when he saw it was the feeling of heartbeat. "

Tokyo is really hot: "Yes, yes, my heart is beating so hard

when I see it." How could there be such a perfect man? It’s a
pity that I am no longer clean. The car repairman said: "

Sister, don't let yourself down." In my eyes you are the most
beautiful. Tell me your location and I'll find you.

I'm willing to take over, I own my RV, and my parents have

severed ties with me. I have the child’s last name, and I can also
sign a property donation agreement, whatever you say is
fine! Sun

Xiaochuan, an intersex person: "That guy called the car

repair guy, who are you?"

Will you die if you don't do dog licking?

Do you support his child?

You're just a clown, you know that? "

Xiao Huang, who was sitting on a chair working, looked at

the empty live broadcast room that was getting more and more
popular. He couldn't understand it!

Chapter 105: Make money, not shabby!

Obviously no one was broadcasting in the live broadcast
room, there was only a bear cub, two chinchillas, and two repair
dogs who didn't know whether they were wolf cubs or huskies.

These cute pets rolling and playing on the grass can attract
tens of millions of people to watch this live broadcast. Some
people rack their brains and live broadcast for a day, but only a
few hundred people watch it. Who the hell are you looking for to
reason with?

Although these little guys are indeed very cute, who would
believe it if you said they could attract tens of millions of people
to watch?
Just like some time ago, live broadcasts of large-scale
engineering projects such as driving excavators and forklifts, and
mining operations did attract hundreds of thousands of people
to watch online. But this cannot be compared with Zheng Xuan's
live broadcast. Zheng Xuan really knows the traffic password.

You see so many people watching, it’s just a lighter to liven

up the atmosphere if you don’t want to please the audience.

The boss is also very willful. He stopped broadcasting within

half an hour of the live broadcast. Put a few pets and the garden
of the big house to casually kill these stupid netizens. In
addition, the reward function is not turned on. If you have more
money and less money, isn’t it all money?
As long as you make money, it's not shabby.

When the money is in hand, won’t the beautiful girl have a

big house and a luxury car?
Just like Uncle Pan, he worked tirelessly even at his age and
went out of his way to carefully select good things for
everyone. He said that he wanted to help everyone grasp the
food and various products that were imported, no matter
whether they were good or bad, let Uncle Pan come first. Uncle
Pan has grasped it and recommends it to everyone. There is
absolutely nothing wrong with buying from Uncle Pan.

And there are those child stars who scream all day long and
earn a modest amount of money. Every day they sell stuff
produced by who knows which Sanwu winery, trying to trick
everyone into buying it.

In recent years, since live broadcasts have become popular,

weird monsters, big and small, have emerged one after
another. All kinds of people who know the law and break the law
wander around the edge of the law and cut off the troll netizens
like leeks.

As the operator of Kuaidu platform, Xiao Huang really

didn’t see these chaos. Isn't this just like the TV shopping of
more than ten years ago? It didn't become popular more than
ten years ago, but it became popular because of the
development of the Internet.

But there is really no foul play in operating these contents,

and many big anchors have financial backers behind them. Just
like the monsters in Journey to the West, those with
backgrounds cannot be beaten to death. If you want to kill them,
the big boss behind the monsters will come out. Monsters
without backgrounds have long been beaten to death by
monkey monkeys.

Therefore, Xiao Huang dared to be angry but dared not

speak out. He knew that behind a XX anchor, there was a
shareholder of Kuaidu Company supporting him. There are so
many things that we don’t know about, so we can’t see or
control them. Even if something happens to these people, Xiao
Huang has to go up and clean up the mess.

After sighing at the screen, Xiao Huang began to feel

dazed. Originally, when he saw Zheng Xuan going off the air, he
decided to call and discuss the matter immediately. As a result,
the shady netizens refused to let it be broadcast, so they could
only wait for the big boss to broadcast it before talking about it.

Taking out his spare phone and checking the time, Zheng
Xuan decided to call now. There is almost no time difference
between Melbourne and China, which is a little more than two
hours ahead of China.

It's past two o'clock in the afternoon, which is past four

o'clock in domestic time. Chen Chuanqing must not be very busy
at this time.

The phone was quickly connected, and the powerful voices

of Chen Chuanqing and Xi came from the other end of the

"Xiao Xuan, why did you suddenly think of calling me, an old
man? I thought you had forgotten me!"

Hearing Chen Chuanqing's joking voice, Zheng Xuan also

showed a smile on his face. He was a little surprised that it was
Chen Chuanqing himself who answered the call.

I thought Secretary Zhang should be in charge of answering,

but I didn't expect that Chen Chuanqing actually gave him his
personal number. This shows that Chen Chuanqing still values
Zheng Xuan very much.
Thinking of this, Zheng Xuan smiled and responded: "Haha,
Uncle Chen, please don't be offended. I'm not afraid that you are
busy with official duties. I always call you and worry about
disturbing your work." Chen Chuanqing, who was sitting in the
special car, took the

photo The armrest in the car said with a smile: "You are still
eloquent, remember to call me often in the future.

By the way, if you don't call me, I am about to call you.

Remember the donation you made last time ? Money, the

money donated to the school was used by the principal to build
a football field for the children. The remaining money was put
into the meal cards of poor students.

I am preparing to attend the football field acceptance

ceremony later. Yes, I thought I would call you and send you a
few photos to show you when the time comes.

In addition, with the money donated to the Municipal Public

Security Bureau, after we studied and decided, we bought more
than a dozen new cars for the grassroots police stations."

Hearing this. Chen Chuanqing didn't wait for Zheng Xuan to

ask questions, but in a few words he explained all the money
donated by Zheng Xuan. Zheng Xuan's opinion of Chen
Chuanqing has improved. The money was spent where it should
be spent.
Zheng Xuan paused and then said: "Uncle Chen, you are
tired, because I have troubled you to go there in person despite
your busy schedule."

Chen Chuanqing waved his hand in the car, pretending to be

serious and said: "Xiao Xuan , this is where to say.

I happened to be passing by and wasn't in a hurry, so I

thought I'd drop by and have a look. "

Secretary Zhang, who was sitting upright in the passenger

seat, glanced at Chen Chuanqing without any trace. He has been
the secretary of the big boss for almost a year, and he can feel
that Chen Chuanqing is still in a very good mood at the moment.
The big boss has been busy recently

. The unemployment rate remains high at the end of the

year, and I have become angry several times. I have kept a
straight face these past few days, and I have rarely seen anyone
with a good face. Now I am chatting with

Zheng Xuan in the car, and my face is full of joy and

laughter. , as if they were different people.

The two chatted for a while, but seeing that Chen Chuanqing
still didn't ask about his purpose, Zheng Xuan, who was not very
good at Tai Chi, said: "Uncle Chen, I may have something to ask
you for this time and I need your help. . Chen
Chuanqing replied with a smile: "No problem, Xiao Xuan,
just tell me, as long as I can help with this, I will never shirk it." "

Uncle Chen, here's the thing, don't I have a fishery here in


The fishery will be officially launched in the near future, so a

group of professional employees are needed to serve as fishery
staff. This gap requires about 200 people. The application
requirements are very simple, as long as you have some
knowledge and skills related to fish farming.

No relevant work experience is required. I also have a group

of old employees who can teach me step by step. As long as the
people who come here are diligent and practical, it will be fine. "

Before Zheng Xuan finished speaking, Chen Chuanqing's

eyes were already full of joy. What a good time! Although two
hundred people may not seem like a lot, if you include the
families behind these two hundred people, it would be a lot.
Solving these

problems People's work problems also mean solving their

and their families' livelihood problems.

Chapter 106: A job opportunity as difficult as the public

Zheng Xuan continued on the other end of the phone: "Then
we need six to eight chefs and a security team of about ten
people, preferably retired veterans." "

No problem, Xiao Xuan, what you said, I will immediately

arrange for the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to
issue a recruitment notice, and this matter should be resolved in
two or three days quickly." Before Zheng Xuan finished speaking,

Chen Chuanqing agreed. I haven't finished speaking yet. In

order to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings, Zheng Xuan
quickly said: "Uncle Chen, don't worry. I haven't finished
speaking yet. There are still things to talk about." Chen

" Okay, okay, don't be in a hurry, just go on."

"Uncle Chen, here's the thing.

I just did a live broadcast on the Kuaishou platform, which

was about recruiting employees. As a result, tens of millions of
people came in to watch me. During this live broadcast,
everyone was clamoring to come to my fishing farm to work.

I bought a 50,000-acre ranch this morning. The ranch needs

to purchase some equipment, so I can't come back right away." "

What, you bought another one ? Three hundred thousand

acres of pasture?
There are tens of millions of people watching the live

Hearing Chen Chuanqing's loud inquiry, the driver

subconsciously clicked on the brakes. As for Secretary Zhang,
who was sitting in the passenger seat, he was completely
confused. .

Secretary Zhang: "Who am I and where am I???

How come an ordinary and warm communication meeting
suddenly turned into a show-off party with all kinds of dazzling
features that make people's scalp numb."

Zheng Xuan glanced at the garden, touched his nose and

said with some embarrassment: "Uncle Chen, I didn't expect this
live broadcast to cause such a big fuss. Now that things have
happened, many enthusiastic

netizens have already started online Sign up. So this job fair
can only be carried out in this way first. What I plan is that you
will take the lead in holding this job fair in the name of Lianyun
Municipal Government. During this period, all expenses will be
paid by me

. You only need to provide a venue and examiners. And

because there are more netizens who have signed up, there may
be a lot of people coming to participate, so you have to be
mentally prepared. The fishery plans to recruit about 200 people

. As for the ranch, the plan this time is to recruit about 500
people. Then both sides will need a security team of about ten
people, and six to eight Chinese chefs. In terms of salary, it is
about 24,000 per month. Every

day Work for eight hours, include food and accommodation

in an independent single dormitory. Salary increase
opportunities are provided every six months. Dividends will be
distributed at the end of the year based on actual operating
conditions, and all insurance will be purchased. The specific
content is these, now

online It has also been spread, and everyone is aware of the

situation here."

After saying so many words in one breath, Zheng Xuan

paused and waited for Chen Chuanqing's inquiry. Seeing that
Chen Chuanqing did not ask, he continued: "Uncle Chen, the
total recruitment number should be controlled at about 750
people. The number of

registration text messages I have received so far should be

several hundred thousand. So I can't think of anything
unexpected, how can this recruitment work go smoothly."

Hearing Zheng Xuan's joke, Chen Chuan's refreshing

laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Xuan, I have a few questions to ask you.

First of all, do you have any specific age requirements for

this job?

For the second recruitment position, what is the ratio of

male to female distribution? What do you think is more
The third one is about height, weight, education, and
personality. What do you need? Zheng

Xuan thought for a moment and responded quickly: "Uncle

Chen, after all, fisheries and ranches still involve more physical
work, so try to keep your age between 20-45."

Considering that the positions require relatively manual

labor, the gender ratio should be controlled at eight to two. If
there are some particularly outstanding lesbians who pass the
assessment, the enrollment can be expanded.

It is enough that you can pass CET-4 or CET-6 in English for

academic qualifications. There are no requirements for weight
and height, as long as you can pass the assessment.

I have one last small request, that is, no one who has
sexually assaulted me online before will be allowed to participate
in this job fair.

You also know what those people did last time, so I won't let
them dance in front of my eyes.

And this is not a good job for me. As long as everyone can
pass the position, we will be a family from now on. "
Secretary Zhang, who was sitting at the tip of the co-pilot's
ear, heard Zheng Xuan's words. He didn't know why he always
had the feeling that he had arrived at a large Versailles scene.
"God damn, it's an

ordinary job. Why are there so many people in an ordinary

job? Online Registration. With this salary and working hours,
there are no KPIs, OKRs and no overtime. Overtime is actually
paid for overtime. This has already killed 80% of domestic jobs,
Coupled with a variety of top-quality fresh seafood, high-
end accommodation and working environment. Who can
withstand this combination of punches?

To be honest, as the secretary of the big boss, he was a little

tempted. If he hadn't been with a big boss with a good temper
and a bright future, he would have given up his current job and
got involved with this group of netizens.

But to be honest, he felt that this job fair might be more

difficult and more comprehensive than the public
examination. Not to mention thousands of troops crossing a
single-plank bridge, it is almost of a similar nature. The lucky
geese who can successfully apply will at least have no worries
about their life problems in the next few years.

As for things that are further away, who can say clearly?
Chen Chuanqing's face was filled with a very happy smile.
Someone gave him a pillow just when he was dozing off. It came
at a perfect time.

As the man in charge of economic development and

employment, the first thing he does when he wakes up every day
is to think about where to attract investment today. The question
I think about before going to bed at night is how many jobs this
factory can bring and how much people's livelihood it can

When my grandfather was still alive, he once said that

serving as an official will bring benefits to one party, being an
official comes first as a human being, and putting the people
first in everything. Things that can solve the people's livelihood
problems are top priority, more important than anything else.

"Xiao Xuan, after I attend the completion ceremony of this

football field, I will have a meeting with them after I return to the
unit to study the specific plans and processes. I will give you an
answer early tomorrow morning at the latest, and we will discuss
the details by then

. How should it be carried out? Do you think this will work?"

Chen Chuanqing's words shocked Zheng Xuan. When did

things become so efficient? Just after graduating from college,
Zheng Xuan went to help his mother handle the medical
insurance reimbursement procedures. Good guy, he made three
trips there.

That's all if you bring all the documents. If you don't bring
all the documents, it might take seven or eight trips. He also
came across news some time ago, saying that a man went to the
bank to go through the formalities in order to inherit his father's
inheritance from the bank. As a result, he was asked to issue a
document proving that your father is your father. The man took
his account book to pay back It didn’t work. It took me seven
months of running back and forth to get this thing done.

Although he was a little surprised, Zheng Xuan could

understand why this matter happened so quickly when he
thought about Chen Chuanqing's character and the importance
of people's livelihood issues.

In his vision, one day he will become the world's largest

rancher and fisherman. Then he brought a batch of high-quality
leeks from China, and the hard-working compatriots followed
him to create a miracle story unique to the East.

Chapter 107 If money can solve a problem, can it be called a


Tens of thousands of people work hard for his ranches and

fisheries, and then the food produced on these farms is sold all
over the world and becomes an indispensable delicacy on the
human table. This is such an amazing thing, it makes people feel
excited just thinking about it.

"Okay, Uncle Chen, I'm waiting for your news. I

'd like to trouble you with this matter. Thank you, Uncle

Chen Chuanqing patted the armrest of the car and said in an

easy-going tone: "Xiao Xuan, what are you talking about? This is
not You treat your uncle as an outsider!
Don’t worry, you don’t have to remind me. I will never let
those people appear in front of you!"

Looking at the hung up call, Chen Chuanqing handed the

phone to his secretary, looked at the driver and said: "Xiao
Wang, drive faster.

Get to school and get this done. I have to go back for a

meeting later."

Then Chen Chuanqing continued: "Xiao Zhang, do you

understand what happened just now?

You can use my Contact Director Chen of the Human

Resources and Social Security Bureau on your behalf and let him
know about this matter first. Then the meeting will be more
efficient. We Lianyun not only have to handle this matter, we
also need to handle it cleanly and efficiently. It must be perfect."

Secretary Zhang turned around and quickly replied to Chen

Chuanqing: "Yes, boss, I will contact Director Chen immediately."

Chen Chuanqing nodded gently, then leaned on his seat and

closed his eyes to rest. .
Putting the spare mobile phone in his pocket, Zheng Xuan
stretched his body leisurely. For now, just wait patiently for Chen
Chuanqing's reply. Other small things can be solved by just
sending money.

For him now, can things that can be solved with money be
called problems? At least that won't matter until the remaining
tens of millions of Australian dollars are spent.

Quickly walking to the camera of his mobile phone and

looking at the barrage filled with messages on the screen, Zheng
Xuan smiled and waved towards the screen and said, "Hello,
everyone. I just went to discuss the job fair

. Things are unfolding. There should be a result on this

matter in the next two days. Please wait patiently.

I will broadcast live to tell you as soon as the result is

available. I have received all the private messages you sent. Due
to the amount of information It’s really too big, so I can’t
reply to them all.

And today’s live broadcast is really over here. I wish all the
friends in the live broadcast room a smooth work and a happy

There were a lot of neat comments in the live broadcast

room. The barrages lined up: "Goodbye, boss, I wish you a
hundred and eight wives!"
After bidding farewell to the enthusiastic netizens, Zheng
Xuan planned to lie quietly on the chair for a while and
experience the sunny afternoon with the sea breeze. .

Holding the cardboard box and quickly leaving the building,

Wang Yuankai raised his head and looked at the office building
where he had stayed for almost three years, and let out a long

Because the profits disclosed in the company's annual

reports are getting lower and lower, his department has changed
from one that only relied on connections a year ago to the most
rubbish and meaningless department in the company.

Because it could not create enough profits to satisfy

shareholders in a short period of time, all departments including
department leaders were laid off neatly.

Fortunately, the company he worked for was a large

company, and he was able to receive compensation close to
N+1. After rejecting the department leader's invitation for a
dinner party in the evening, Wang Yuankai just wanted to find a
place to relax.

Description of life today.

Mood: Cloudy
Weather: Qin
Body: Yuan
Money: Que
Abbreviated as Yin Qin Yuan Que. Sitting on the air-
conditioned subway, Wang Yuankai stared blankly at the
contents of the carton, as if he had lost his soul.

Apart from the countless days and nights every day in such a
huge city, he had never really visited this place where he had
stayed for almost three years. In addition to working, he works
overtime every day, and he is always accompanied by countless
stars and the moon. The savings I saved after working frugally
for almost three years were only enough to buy a ten-square-
meter toilet.

The big boss told him that this was sending talents to
society. It’s not that the company doesn’t want them
anymore, it’s that other small and medium-sized enterprises
need them more.

Obviously the next company has almost been discussed, but

Wang Yuankai just doesn't want to go there at the moment. He
suddenly felt that the days between two o'clock and one line in
front of him would last forever.

What is the meaning of this life?

Is he still alive?
Or is it just this person named Wang Yuankai who is alive?

"Buzz buzz buzz"

After quickly scanning the phone for a call from the HR of

the next company, Wang Yuankai turned off the phone
directly. At least in this crowded subway, this is his own time.

"Hey, did you just watch Zheng Xuan's live broadcast?

The job he said in the live broadcast room is so tempting!
If only I could apply for the job!
Damn it, a woman like me, who is as beautiful as a flower
and is as beautiful as a fairy, can't Let him have a little special

On the armrest in front of Wang Yuankai's seat, one of the

two women wearing urban beauty outfits, one with an oval face
and a beautiful face, was whispering.

Standing next to the oval-faced woman, the pretty woman

with oval-shaped face reached out and gently patted the oval-
shaped woman on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You have
thin arms and legs, what can you do? Can you raise fish or herd
" , I think you, little girl, are in love with you and rush to
warm the bed with Zheng Xuan, right?" "

Oh, you hate it!"

Seeing that their purpose was exposed, the oval-faced

woman with the beautiful face turned red and the oval-faced
woman turned red. A scuffle broke out.

Wang Yuankai: "Zheng Xuan is recruiting workers???

The benefits are not bad???
What the hell???

Didn't he just inherit the fishery???"

I just go through the resignation procedures. Has it been

many years in this world? "

He quickly opened his phone without even looking at the

message sent by HR. Wang Yuankai opened Qiandu and began
to search for all messages related to Zheng Xuan.

Soon he found a long list of news related to Zheng Xuan.

Because he worked overtime every day and had no time to surf,
he rarely visited these social platforms.

"A monthly salary of 24,000, including food and

accommodation, facing the sea, spring flowers blooming,
working eight hours without overtime, and a salary increase
every six months!"

Wang Yuankai clapped his thigh, stood up from the chair

and shouted loudly: "Don't be rich and noble. Forget about each
Why don't you need a bicycle? You can just go to your good

Seeing the people around the subway looking at him as if

they were a mental patient, Wang Yuankai smiled awkwardly.

Originally standing in front of Wang Yuankai, were two

beautiful young women. At this moment, they all looked
disgusted and quickly walked to the two-dimensional fat house
opposite who was wearing headphones.

Ignoring the crowd around him, Wang Yuankai started

calling Zheng Xuan. He was going to Australia soon anyway, so
why did he care about what these people thought of him?

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently on a call."

The sweet voice on the phone ruthlessly shattered his

fantasy. Not believing in evil, he dialed the number of his good
friend again.

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently on a call. Please

call again later." "

Damn it, didn't this thief put me on the blacklist?

I made a promise to bunk beds when I was in college, but
now I have lost it." When we get to the side, why are we still
talking about being rich and honorable, and not forgetting each

At this moment, Zheng Xuan was discussing with Xiao

Huang from the Kuaiduo platform in the fishery. He was about
to go to the ranch just now, and before he walked out of the big
house, Xiao Huang's phone call came. come over.

After looking at the two consecutive phone calls from his

good friend, Zheng Xuan decided to call Wang Yuankai back

Thank you to the boss of Maple Leaf Love for the reward,
thank you all for supporting the subscription, thank you!

The chapter list has two chapters of one hundred and

six. I accidentally made a mistake. The second one is chapter one
hundred and seven.

After it is put on the shelf, the chapter name cannot be

changed, sorry!

Chapter 108 Besides being a little tall and handsome, what

else can he have?
"Mr. Huang, I'm sorry, I have something else to do right
now. Okay, I'll call you back later. Let's just talk about this today,
okay?" Didn't we just have a

good conversation and be very interested? Why do you

suddenly not want to talk anymore!

Looking at the phone that beeped, Xiao Huang put his head
in his hands in depression, and sat on the chair and spun around
in circles.

He was sitting on the computer screen chatting with the

netizens, when he saw Zheng Xuan going off the air. He called
up Zheng Xuan's mobile phone number and called him

He told Zheng Xuan his purpose, and Zheng Xuan said he

didn't want to live broadcast or live broadcast every day,
because every day live broadcast was like going to jail and he
didn't have time to talk about this topic with Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang, who had just started school and was about to
graduate, had no choice but to use his trump card. Xiao Huang
told Zheng Xuan that if Zheng Xuan can live broadcast according
to the platform's requirements, the platform can provide a
signing fee of 30 million yuan.

After hearing that there was a signing fee of 30 million,

Zheng Xuan said that he could learn more about it in detail
before making a decision. Just when Xiao Huang was about to
start talking, the boss said he was very busy and hung up the

After this operation, Xiao Huang began to doubt his life. He

really couldn't understand why the boss suddenly changed his
attitude. The signing fee of 30 million is already the highest
signing fee that the platform can offer.

"Is it because the money is too little? Do I need to increase

the money?

If I think the money is too little, we can negotiate!

There is no need to hang up the phone so quickly. This will

give people no chance to ask for a raise. "

A little unwillingly, Xiao Huang dialed Zheng Xuan's phone

again, listening to the familiar voice on the other end of the

Xiao Huang had already begun to panic. Has the boss been
taken over by the uncle next door to the two-dimensional
station? I signed it and left.

"No, I have to go find Cai Zhengye.

For such a big thing, who cares if he is actually doing

something? There is nothing as big as the big boss asking for
more money. "

Xiao Huang stood up from the chair, looked around the

cows and horses who were typing codes, and then walked
quickly towards the office.

"Dong dong dong dong dong"

looked at Xiao Huang who looked a little anxious, Cai

Zhengye stood up from his chair and handed Xiao Huang a
Cuban cigar. He asked, "How is it? Are things going smoothly? "

Looking at this cigar, a smile appeared on Xiao Huang's face.

This is a good thing. It is said that it was rolled out on the girl's
thigh. It is rare for Cai Zhengye to be generous when he digs at
the cigar, and he can't smoke it normally. Such a good thing.
Xiao Huang quickly took the cigar, lit it and took a deep breath.

"Mr. Cai, I have contacted Zheng Xuan.

But what he said seemed to be that he thought the signing

fee we gave was too low. "

Cai Zhengye's brows knitted together, he blew out a smoke

ring and said quickly and seriously: "Describe to me all the ins
and outs of your communication with Zheng Xuan. "

Xiao Huang stood up from the sofa, bent slightly and

explained the cause and effect in detail in a depressed tone.

Seeing that Cai Zhengye's door was still unlocked, Xiao

Huang felt that his obsessive-compulsive disorder was coming
back again. He was fidgeting and twisting his body, as if
hesitating whether he should speak out or not.

Seeing Xiao Huang's hesitant and twitchy look, Cai Zhengye,

who was deep in thought, said, "What's wrong? Do you have
anything else to say?"

Xiao Huang stood on tiptoes, lowered his head and clasped

his hands together, a little embarrassed. He opened his mouth
and reminded: "Mr. Cai, you forgot to zip up your crotch zipper."

Cai Zhengye lowered his head and glanced, then responded

with a smile: "I thought you had discovered something new, but
it turned out to be just a small matter.
It's okay. , The weather is a bit stuffy today, I deliberately let
it come out for some fresh air."


Xiao Huang really wanted to step forward and push Cai

Zhengye to the ground, and lock the door for him, but it was a
pity that the leader of the world was the biggest.

Cai Zhengye pondered for a moment, then looked at Xiao

Huang who was blushing and restless and said, "Xiao Huang, do
you have hemorrhoids? Seeing that you are

twisting your body while sitting on the sofa, you may have
hemorrhoids. You are young. Don't be shy. If you are sick, go see
a doctor boldly, you know?"

Xiao Huang: "..."

"Xiao Huang, thank you for your hard work and please

Regarding Zheng Xuan's signing of the contract, I will

discuss the signing fee with the shareholders later. We and the
investors should vent their anger together. If he thinks 30 million
is too low, he can raise it to 40 million first.

Test him to see if there are any concerns that lead him not
to agree to the contract. Let’s see Can you dispel his worries?
If he makes a request to you, as long as it's not too
excessive, you should respond first.

Anyway, we can’t let Zheng Xuan go to the website run by

his uncle’s house next door, you know?

If Zheng Xuan went to the uncle's website next door, then

you and I will be primarily responsible, do you understand? "

Remember to offer 40 million first, and if that doesn't work,

then offer 5 million to 5 million. The maximum is 50 million.
After investors and shareholders relent, we will increase the
price," he said

. At this point, Cai Zhengye glanced at Xiao Huang, waved

his hands and said, "Okay, nothing happens, you can go out."

Seeing Xiao Huang running away in embarrassment, Cai

Zhengye shook his head and murmured to himself: " Today's
young people don't pay attention to physical health at all. Unlike
me, who is in my early fifties this year, I can still play games with
my secretary for 300 rounds without getting out of breath."
"What are you looking at? Have you finished typing the code?


Seeing the cows and horses raising their heads and looking
over, Xiao Huang, who had always been submissive in the office,
started to attack hard.
Seeing Zheng Xuan's call displayed on the screen, Wang
Yuankai's expression finally softened a little.

"Hey, you kid is immoral!

We promised to stay rich and honor each other and never

forget each other. Now that Chu is in trouble, you kid has just
forgotten all about your childhood.

Is there anyone else who handles things like this?

You kid is on the Internet People who are recruiting for the
live broadcast don’t even think about me. Now I have been
reduced to living on the streets. It’s up to you to figure out
what to do!”

Wang Yuankai's voice was a bit loud, and the two ladies
standing next to the two-dimensional fat house looked at each
other. The oval-faced woman said, "Is he trying to attract our
When he left, I saw a number named Zheng Xuan in his
phone book."

Seeing that the oval-faced woman did not respond, the

oval-faced woman said with The woman with an oval face gently
touched her shoulder and then said: "Hey, do you think that is
really Zheng Xuan's number?" The

woman with an oval face calmly glanced at Wang Yuankai,

who was talking on the phone with an exaggerated expression,
and said: " Wasn't Zheng Xuan's number exposed on the
Internet before?
But that number seems to have been shut down now. Who
cares if he wants to attract us!
Apart from being a little handsome and tall, there is no other
advantage, that's all He's such an ordinary and confident man if
you want to come fishing."

The oval-faced woman snorted and said with a smile: "Oh,

don't say that about my little brother.

What if it's true!"

"Hmph, it can't be true. Yes, look at what he is wearing. The

only thing he wears is the watch on his hand, which is worth
some money. That’s all he knows about Zheng Xuan. Are you
kidding me?
The woman with an oval face stretched out her He lightly
tapped the tip of the oval-faced woman's nose with his finger
and said in an unquestionable tone.

This chapter is Chapter 107. It does not affect everyone's

normal viewing. It's just that the chapter name is wrong. I'm
really sorry! It will be
released after it is released . There is no way to change
the chapter name. Please understand!

Chapter 109 Just wait, I’ll be here right away. The oval-faced
woman snorted and leaned into the oval-faced woman’s
broad and majestic chest. Two beautiful young women formed a
beautiful scenery in the carriage.

Many young men's eyes frequently appeared on these two

charming and charming women. But all this seems to have
nothing to do with the two-dimensional man sitting in front of
the two women. Next to the two-dimensional man sits a giant
kawaii doll. He doesn't care about the two beautiful members of
the opposite sex fighting in front of him.

At this moment, the man was chatting with someone on his

mobile phone, his eyes shining with happiness. You can clearly
see through the subway glass that the man's ID is Jiaran.

Hearing the angry voice of his friend on the other end of the
phone, Zheng Xuan touched his forehead in embarrassment.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing. When Wang Yuankai

graduated, he was recruited by the school into a Fortune 500
company. Zheng Xuan, because of his mother's medical
treatment at the time, did not have the energy to prepare for the
interview and failed the interview. He had to find a job in
Lianyun City on the spot.

Later, as the cost of his mother's medical treatment

increased, Zheng Xuan, who was overwhelmed by life, worked
hard to become a master of time management, working three
jobs a day.
A formal job, a tutoring job for two hours a day, and an
evening job at a convenience store. During that time, Zheng
Xuan barely had a good rest and kept running like a robot 24
hours a day. Fortunately, there were very few people shopping in
the convenience store after midnight, so Zheng Xuan could still
sleep in secretly.

During that time, Wang Yuankai helped Zheng Xuan a lot.

He personally lent money to Zheng Xuan, took time out every
day to help Zheng Xuan find temporary jobs, and provided
encouragement and support when Zheng Xuan was almost
unable to survive.

Zheng Xuan's expectation was that after the fishery was

established, he would do some ideological work with Fa Xiao
and call him to Australia to help with the daily management of
the fishery.

Everything now is in dire straits and it is too difficult to build,

so he didn't think of contacting us immediately.

"What's wrong? What happened?

Why can't you survive? Aren't you working well in Feixiang


Wang Yuankai waved his hands and said: "Don't mention it,
now I am someone who is not loved by my father or mother. .

Because of the efficiency issue of work output, our entire

department has been laid off.

I called my dad and said that I wanted to go home and stay

for a while to recuperate. What do you think he said?" "

I guess uncle said, you Don't come back without bringing

your girlfriend with you. Lao Wang's family doesn't have a son
like you."

Hearing Zheng Xuan's answer, Wang Yuankai patted his

thigh depressedly and said, "Anyway, it's good that you know,
and I don't want to look for you again. I'm working.

I see you're recruiting people for the online live broadcast,

aren't you?

Can you find a position suitable for me, including sweeping

and cleaning? I won't pick it, but you can give me the salary!"

Zheng Xuan, who knows Wang Yuankai's personality, knows

that this This guy is a bastard who is determined to come over.

Zheng Xuan smiled and said, "Okay, you pack your things.
Get ready and see when you come over. I'll buy you a first-class
ticket!" "Hehehe, you're quite interesting

It's not in vain that I helped you so much. I won't say thank
you to my good brother. I will be your boss and lead them to
work together.

But I don't want to come over yet. I have to go see if there is

anything you need my help with at this job fair.

Hearing his friend's happy voice, Zheng Xuan also had a

smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll contact you when I start the job fair. "

Let me just say this first, I have something else to do. "

Putting the phone into his pocket, Wang Yuankai was as

happy as a child weighing 150 pounds. Listening to the arrival
voice announcement in the subway day after day, he had never
felt that the voice was so good.

" We, the common people, are so happy today. Humming

a festive little tune, Wang Yuankai walked out of the car with
light steps.

The two women who followed Wang Yuankai out of the car
looked at Wang Yuankai's bouncing figure, looked at each other
and stayed in place. They were a little bit suspicious at this
moment, whether Wang Yuankai was a little confused.

After looking at the 15:36 displayed on the phone, Zheng

Xuan decided to have a good talk about the contract with Xiao
Huang, the operator of Kuaidu platform. Just
now After making the phone call with Wang Yuankai, Zheng
Xuan thought about it carefully. Although the signing fee of 30
million seems to be a lot, after signing this, it is a contract to sell

As an ambitious and promising capitalist, ah, no, it is

promising. Young man. How could he sign such a contract that
lasts for many years? How could he still sell his body when he
only sells his art?

The 30 million signing fee that Xiao Huang mentioned is

settled every year. The contract must be signed within five years,
and after five years, there will be a remuneration of 150
million. But Zheng Xuan must live broadcast online for more
than four hours every day. How many hours must be
accumulated in a year to meet the standard.

As a contract anchor under the Kuai Dou platform, Zheng

Xuande has to cooperate with the platform to complete various
tasks issued by the platform. For example, live broadcast
according to the script to attract popularity, bring goods and so

Anyway, in a nutshell, money is not that easy to get. You can

get a huge signing fee if you want, but you have to listen to the
platform and carry out the tasks.

But this is not a problem for Zheng Xuan. He is going to talk

about the contract period, live broadcast time, delivery of goods,
and the process of following the script.

He is not prepared to agree to any of these, so the signing

fee can be lower. But he would not agree to what Xiao Huang
proposed. If he agreed, he would become a tool and money-
making machine of the platform. At the worst, he would just not
sign the contract without paying the signing fee.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz"

Looking at the call from Wallis Alyssa displayed on his

phone, Zheng Xuan knew it should be a Jeep Gladiator, which
had arrived at the dock in the town of Annecy.

"Dear Mr. Zheng Xuan, the Gladiator you ordered has arrived
at its destination. All the procedures for it have been completed,
and the property owner is Mr. Wallace, the mayor you asked.
You can see when you have time

. Go over and sign for it. Our staff is waiting for you at the

In addition, we have received the car purchase payment you

paid at noon. Thank you for your trust."

came Wallis Ellie on the other end of the phone. Lisa's sexy
and charming voice.

"Okay, thank you Alyssa, you have helped me a lot."

Wallis Alyssa smiled, politely wished Zheng Xuan a happy
life, and hung up the phone wisely.

Looking at the two women lying on the sofa and

sunbathing, Zheng Xuan spread his hands and said: "Hey,
beautiful ladies. Is

any of you willing to accompany me to the port?"

The two women looked at each other and smiled and shook
their heads. He shook his head, obviously not willing to give up
this beautiful afternoon and accompany Zheng Xuan to the dirty

"Okay, goodbye beautiful ladies."

Zheng Xuan waved, picked up the car keys on the table and
walked out the door.


Seeing Zheng Xuan's leaving figure, Winnie, who was

playing with Xiong Da Xiong Er, suddenly got up from the
ground. The little guy roared first, and then ran quickly towards
Zheng Xuan.

Zheng Xuan turned back to look at Pooh and the wolf cub
following him. He saw Zheng Xuan stopped and Pooh half-
crouched on the ground, panting.
Chapter 110 Qualified Veteran Driver (please subscribe)
Zheng Xuan shook his head and smiled and said, "Do you
want to go to the port too?"

Pooh nodded, and Xiong Da and Xiong Er circled happily

around Zheng Xuan. .

Seeing Pooh half-crouched on the ground panting, Zheng

Xuan was speechless. He had walked less than a kilometer. Since
the little guy came to the ranch, he has gradually become wider
and fatter.

It's been almost a month since I arrived, and I have grown

more than 20 centimeters taller, and my waistline has gradually
become thicker. It looks very cute and furry, but this is not good
for health. Zheng Xuan almost turned Pooh into a fat house

"You can go together, but you have to exercise. You

have to lose weight, otherwise the beautiful little bear sister

will not like you. They may find a burly bear who can exercise. I
don’t like you, a fat house bear who only eats and sleeps every

Zheng Xuan knelt down and forced the two confused wolf
cubs into Pooh’s arms.
Looking at Pooh who looked confused, Zheng Xuan said:
"Get up quickly, you have to take good care of your little

We are in a hurry and have to set off immediately. They walk

too slowly. As the big brother, take the lead. You, you have to
hold them and move forward together, otherwise we will be late

The little guy nodded in confusion, obviously still unable to

understand such a lot of words Zheng Xuan said. However, the
little guy could still understand Zheng Xuan's expression that he
wanted to hold his little brother and move forward together.

Seeing Pooh struggling to hold his younger brothers behind

him, Zheng Xuan murmured to himself: "I'm so heartbroken for
you. I hope you find someone when you grow up and remember
how good I am.

" Less than five minutes later, two wolf cubs, one person and
one bear, finally arrived at the gate of the fishery. In order to
make it easier for fishermen to use their cars, all the cars are
parked in the parking lot at the entrance of the fishery. After
getting off the car, you can walk home and do some exercise,
such as helping Pooh.

Zheng Xuan quickly started the car without calling anyone,

and drove Winnie and Xiong Da Xiong Er together towards the
port of the town.
Looking at Pooh lying on his back in the passenger seat, a
smile appeared on Zheng Xuan's lips. The little guy was very
obedient and did not cry out tired along the way. He persisted in
holding his little brothers to the destination.

Along the straight asphalt road, except for the roar of the V8
engine, except for the occasional kangaroo and koala jumping
from the eucalyptus trees to the road, the road is very leisurely
and quiet.

This is one of the disadvantages of driving in Australia. There

are always kangaroos jumping on the road, and kangaroos are
not afraid of people. The last time I took Mayor Wallace's car, an
adult kangaroo almost jumped onto the windshield of the car.

Fortunately, the old mayor had rich driving experience and

was a qualified veteran driver. The steering wheel was played in
his hands, and he quickly avoided the attack of the two
kangaroos with his flexible hands.

Zheng Xuan, who learned some experience from the old

mayor, can drive very steadily, which is much better than the
road killer Ms. Anne. If Xu Nianwei were asked to choose who
would drive between the two, Zheng Xuan would undoubtedly

Xiao Huang looked at the number on his phone and fell into
deep thought. It has been almost a quarter of an hour since he
called Zheng Xuan, and the call he made to Zheng Xuan a
quarter of an hour ago was on the line.
He thought about what he would do if he called again and
was still on the phone. Would such frequent calls affect Zheng
Xuan's mood? But if he didn't call, he was worried that Zheng
Xuan might have already signed a contract with the website run
by his uncle. .

The double torment made Xiao Huang hug his head and
pluck out his few hairs. Soon the desk was full of hair, and the
excessively high hairline made Xiao Huang look... A bit more

Looking at the silver-gray Jeep Gladiator parked at the pier

and the elegant elderly white man standing next to it, Zheng
Xuan walked quickly to the car, followed by Pooh and the two
wolf cubs.

Now Pooh is a mature bear cub. The little guy has learned to
open and close the car door, and he also knows how to hold his
little brothers and follow behind Zheng Xuan.

"Good afternoon, dear sir, Frank Trading Company is happy

to serve you.

I am Dana Morse, you can call me Dana." The

elderly white man in a custom-made suit faced Zheng Xuan

elegantly. He said with a slight bow.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Dana."

He let go of Dana Morse's hands, the two chatted for a
while, and Dana Morse wisely got on the ferry and left the town
of Annecy.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz"

"Hey man, I've arrived at the dock.

Why didn't I see you? I want to say that you called me here
so mysteriously. Is there any surprise?"

He stood at the entrance of the port and took it. Wallace,

who was holding his cell phone, Zheng Xuan raised his hands
and shouted: "Hey, friend, I'm here."

The mayor walked over slowly with a smile on his face and
looked at the brand new Jeep silver-gray Gladiator next to
Zheng Xuan. Mayor Wallace raised his eyebrows and said, "This
car is very cool. Did you just buy this?

I remember you had an orange Gladiator?

Why did you buy a silver-gray one? As a young person, I
have to tell you that sometimes money must be spent wisely.

Because we don’t know what the future will be like, so

setting aside some funds for emergencies is the best choice!”

Letting go of Mayor Wallace's hands, Zheng Xuan said with

a smile: "Thank you for your teaching, but I am not its owner."

Looking at Mayor Wallace's confused eyes, Zheng Xuan

continued: "It's The owner has already arrived in front of it, so
why don't you go up and experience it?"

Mayor Wallace spread his hands and said excitedly: "Oh, my

God, this gift is too expensive.

I'm sorry, please Forgive me, I really can't accept this gift.

You'd better put it in the fishery, I think Jeff and the others
need it more than me."

Zheng Xuan stepped forward and held down Wallace's

hands, saying solemnly : "Hey, my friend.

Please don't be too busy saying no, this is what I mean.

I want to say that no one can deserve it but you, you deserve
it. When negotiating with Clark Newman , you have helped me a
lot. Compared to your efforts, this car is just an insignificant

I am a businessman and this is the only gift I can offer. So

don't reject my offer, okay? "
Looking at Zheng Xuan's solemn gaze, Mayor Wallace
showed a very happy smile on his face. He gestured with his
hands and said: "Thank you for your generosity, my best
friend. Zheng

Xuan handed the key in his hand to Mayor Wallace, smiled

and said: "What are you waiting for? Come up and experience
it!" ”

Chapter 111 Zheng Xuan, who is more useful than God.

Looking at the brand new interior, Mayor Wallace was

obviously very satisfied with the gift Zheng Xuan sent. The
mayor happily started the car and took Zheng Xuan and his pets
for a spin along the coastline road. I have to say that Frank
Trading Company is really good at providing services, and the
Gladiator’s fuel tank is actually full.

If you were to pick up your car at a domestic 4S store, you

would have to refuel as soon as you leave. If you can go five
kilometers away without refueling, then the 4S store must be

Zheng Xuan is still very satisfied with Frank Trading

Company's little care. As a service company, what is the most
important thing?

Serving the sponsor well is definitely the most important

Parking the car on the spacious coastal road to avoid the
strong sea wind, Mayor Wallace smiled and lit a cigarette. He
took a sharp breath and said in a pleasant voice: "Amazing
Zheng Xuan, I want to say that you are simply sent by God to
save the town of Annecy and save us. With your arrival, the
fishing ground has begun

major construction, Lei The problem of Ken Ranch has also

been solved by you. I don’t know how to thank you for
everything you have done for the economic development of the
town. You know that

I am just a poor old man and I have nothing to offer. A gift."

Looking at Mayor Wallace who looked grateful, Zheng Xuan

quickly stepped forward and pulled up Mr. Mayor, who was
bending down again.

"My best friend, please don't say that.

I am a businessman. Capital is born to pursue profit. I am

here to earn the profit I want, so don't think of me as such." Too
high and mighty.

Everything done in the town is just for better development

in the later period. This is what must be done. Our journey has
just begun, please don’t say thank you so easily. "

Looking at Zheng Xuan's outstretched hands, Mayor Wallace

shook them vigorously. He knew that Zheng Xuan said these
words just to relieve the burden in his heart. With the death of
the previous fishery owner Zheng Chenggong, Dazheng Fishing
Farm It never got up again.

The Annecy town government once tried to run the fishery

itself, adopting the ancient Oriental big pot rice business model.
Soon the fishery began to show some improvement, but other
fishery owners throughout Victoria jointly boycotted it. Next.

The fishery that had just made some progress soon went
bankrupt again. Capital is an invisible giant beast that eats
people. How could the economic entities of joint production and
public ownership be allowed to appear in Australia, a land full of

They The fishery went bankrupt because of fear. Even this

bankrupt fishery can be given free of charge to other fishery
owners in Victoria who are willing to take over. The only
condition is that the fishery owners who take over can provide
certain jobs, no matter how low the conditions are. No one was
willing to take over.

Until Zheng Xuan arrived, Zheng Xuan was like a light in the
small town of Annecy. This light dissipated the darkness above
the heads of the town residents, especially after the bankruptcy
of Leken Ranch, most of the residents lost their A large number
of residents can only go to urban Melbourne to find a job with
low hourly wages and instability.
This time around the bankruptcy of Laken Ranch, Mayor
Wallace did not personally do what he did before. He went to
Victoria to promote Laken Ranch in front of other farmers.

Almost ten years later, he still feels sick when he thinks

about those hateful capitalist faces. They claim to be the saviors
of the town and take away the town. All the assets he owns, and
then he picks something out from under his fingernails and gives
it to the town, saying that this is the return that the town
residents deserve.

Before coming, he called all the unemployed middle-aged

residents of the town on the lawn of the town
government. These residents were told personally that in a few
days they would have a respectable job again.

With this job, they can support themselves and the entire
family, but only if they obey the arrangements of their boss
Zheng Xuan. After hearing that he would have a good job in a
few days, hundreds of town residents hugged each other and
showed happy smiles. Some residents even said that they would
pray for Zheng Xuan every day before dinner.

Leaning on the railing of the coastal road, I listened to

Mayor Wallace’s story about the town’s past. Zheng Xuan felt
a little heavy, wondering whether these damn capitalists would
attack the fisheries and ranches at some point, causing the two
farms to collapse in an instant.

In Australia, a land full of capital, anything can happen. He

knew the reason why Mayor Wallace told this story today, so
Zheng Xuan had to be prepared from now on.

Seeing Zheng Xuan's frown, Mayor Wallace said briskly:

"Don't think about things that haven't happened yet. You are not
fighting alone. You have all the residents of the town
accompanying you to win this battle." It’s an invisible war.

You even have your motherland, and she has a population of

1.3 billion. At worst, the products produced on our farms will be
sold to your motherland, and the foodies there must be I like it.

Let's think about pleasant things, you know?

Now some residents of the town have to pray for you before
dinner every day. Some residents even say that you are more
useful than God."

Wallace. The mayor had a dumbfounded look on his face. He

looked at Zheng Xuan and continued: "They say that God solves
the problems of soul and faith, and you solve their survival
problems. You are the second God."

After hearing what Mayor Wallace said, Zheng Xuan couldn't

stand it anymore. Although it is said that if you have breasts, you
are a mother, but isn’t this too exaggerated for the small town
of Annecy in Australia?

What's more, Zheng Xuan has just bought the ranch, and
everything has just begun. There are only thirty-six fishermen in
the fishery including Jeff and the three of them. Last month, the
salary expenditure of the fishermen in the fishery was 150,000
Australian dollars.

As for the salaries of Anne Hathaway and Xu Nianwei, they

said they can just put them in their accounts and wait until they
are needed.

Before the current salary has been paid to most residents of

the town, Zheng Xuan has already become the savior of the
town. This is indeed a bit magical in Melbourne.

"Mr. Mayor, please take some time the day after tomorrow
to invite all the residents who want to work to the fishing

I want to talk to them face to face about work!"

Mayor Wallace put the cigarette butt in his hand into the He
put it in his bag and lit a cigarette again. He nodded solemnly
towards Zheng Xuan and said, "Don't worry, my friend. I

'll make an appointment at three o'clock the day after

tomorrow. Is it convenient for you?"

Zheng Xuan nodded and watched as he and his brothers ran

further and further along the coastline. Far from Pooh. He
quickly shouted: "Pooh, come here quickly, we are going home."

Hearing Zheng Xuan's call, Pooh stretched out his short paw
and scratched his head. Then he let out a "ouch" at Zheng Xuan,
squatted down, picked up the cheerful and playful Xiong
Daxiong Er, and ran quickly in the direction of Zheng Xuan.

Looking at Pooh's movements, Mayor Wallace smiled and

said: "This is a good kid, he is awesome!"

Waving to Mayor Wallace who was sitting in the driver's

seat, Zheng Xuan said proudly: "Of course, he is the best kid!"

Looking at the tail lights of Mayor Wallace driving the

Gladiator away , Zheng Xuan decided to return a call to Xiao
Huang. He had just discussed something with Mayor Wallace,
and Xiao Huang made two calls without Zheng Xuan noticing.

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Chapter 112 What’s the plot? (Please subscribe!)

"Beep beep!"

Before the phone rang for three seconds, Xiao Huang's very
excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Zheng. Hello, hello.

I'm Xiao Huang from the Kuaidu platform. I just called you
several times. I see you are busy and haven't disturbed you!"

Hearing Xiao Huang's excited voice , Zheng Xuan responded

with a smile: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Huang! I

was just talking to my friend about something, and I didn't

notice your phone call until we finished talking."

When Zheng Xuan said that he had already talked about

something with his friend, Xiao Huang's heart froze. He put his
smooth, plump head on the desk, with a look of despair in his

"It's over, it's all over!

The contract must have been signed with uncle. Damn it, Cai
Zhengye just wants to do it. He's not doing business, he's not
the son of a man. Give me a signing fee of 30 million, He also
made a lot of bullshit demands, but now he has signed the
contract. There will definitely

be no year-end bonus. Once Zheng Xuan becomes a super

top anchor on his uncle's website. With Cai Zhengye's character,
then he will definitely This scapegoat should be properly held
accountable. It could range from a demotion to a salary cut or
suspension of year-end bonuses, or to a severe unemployment
crisis." "

Oh, how could my life be so miserable!

Damn Cai Zhengye, apart from playing with women, he
What will he order?

He is very old and immoral, teasing little girls in the office

every day.

Damn it, it’s nice to have money!

"Hey, Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang! "

Can you hear me? "

Hearing no response from the other end of the phone,

Zheng Xuan turned the phone around in a circle. After finding
that there was still no effect, he muttered in a low voice: "What a
broken Apple phone, there is no signal at all. "

Hearing Zheng Xuan's muttering, Xiao Huang finally came to

his senses. He quickly stood up from the chair and responded in
an anxious tone: "Ah, I'm really sorry, Mr. Zheng.

The signal was not very good in the elevator just now. I
didn't hear what you said. Can you say it again? "

Sitting opposite Xiao Huang, the secretary with a beautiful

face and a sexy figure opened her eyes wide and looked at Xiao
Huang who was talking nonsense seriously in surprise.

"Mr. Huang, it's like this.

I thought about the contract signing and felt that the rules
and regulations in your cooperation terms were too demanding
and complicated. Even I alone can't fulfill the requirements of
your company.
You know I also have to raise fish and herd livestock, so I
don’t have so much time to broadcast live every day. My three
hundred thousand acres of land is no joke, it takes a lot of time
and labor.

I think we need to discuss this contract carefully, and the

signing fee issue needs to be discussed carefully. "

Ah, no problem, you can make any request." "

Little Huang nodded to the charming female secretary with a

happy face and quickly left the office.

Hearing Zheng Xuan take the initiative to make the request

means that Zheng Xuan has not signed a contract with his uncle
yet. As long as there is no contract, there is still hope. As long as
the company can give enough chips, he believes that Zheng
Xuan will not refuse. Who can resist the temptation of those cute
little ones?

The full-time female secretary who was just recruited was as

innocent as a beautiful girl. Under Cai Zhengye's money
offensive, she fell into the hands of a gangster in less than a

"Damn it!"

What kind of green plot is this? ? ?

Xiao Huang leaned against the window of the conference
room, patiently waiting for Zheng Xuan's reply. After all, it takes
some time to make requests.

Zheng Xuan leaned against the car window and looked at

Winnie, who was lying on the railing with his brothers and
looking at the sea. He stepped forward and rubbed Pooh's furry
head, pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Huang, I thought
about it seriously."

First: "Your contract requires that the broadcast must be

broadcast for six hours a day. In one year, the requirement will
be reached I can't accept the 2,200 hours of live broadcast time.

I prefer is that I have the final say on the live broadcast time.
I can live broadcast when I want to live broadcast. In addition,
the live broadcast duration is also the same and is left to me.

Second: "It takes too long to sign the contract. I require it to

be signed once a year, and the signing fee must be paid in one
go. What you call 30% when signing the contract, and 40% after
half a year. The remaining 20% must be paid off at the end of
the year, which I definitely cannot accept."

Third: "I will not participate in any small script creation on

your platform, or live broadcast promotion activities. I am only
responsible for the content creation of my own live broadcast
room. You don’t need to participate in your platform’s so-
called traffic assistance plan.”
Fourth: "As for the signing fee, I think this fee..."

Before Zheng Xuan finished speaking, Xiao Huang hugged

his mobile phone and shouted loudly: "Hello, Mr. Zheng.

I personally feel that these requests you made are very

important." It's reasonable. Do you think this will work? I'll go
talk to the leader and get back to you right away.

As for the signing fee, what do you think of 50 million


Zheng Xuan: "????"

I received a call from Xiao Huang in the afternoon After that,

he took out the signing contract that Xiao Huang sent
him. Together with Anne Hathaway and Xu Nianwei, we
communicated a lot about this signing issue.

The requirements mentioned by Zheng Xuan were all put

forward after the three of them deliberated for a long time. As
for why he finally negotiated the signing fee with Xiao Huang, it
was because Zheng Xuan felt that he would be embarrassed to
ask for another 30 million for the signing fee after making so
many demands.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Huang immediately quoted a signing fee

of 50 million yuan before he could finish his words. Xiao Huang's
excitement made Zheng Xuan understand that the signing fee of
50 million should not be the limit of the Kuaidu platform.

Thinking of this, he said in a calm tone: "Mr. Huang, I think

both of us need to think about it carefully.

How about this, I will give you an answer later, okay?

You should also seize the time to communicate with your
leader, and then Let's negotiate and deal with this signing issue


Looking at the hung up phone, Xiao Huang understood

what Zheng Xuan wanted to express, that is, more money had to
be added.

Although Zheng Xuan never said the word "more money"

from beginning to end, in the short ten minutes of
communication, every word Zheng Xuan said silently expressed
the need for more money. Don't talk about signing a contract if
you add money.

Thinking of this, Xiao Huang quickly stood up, opened the

door, and walked straight towards Cai Zhengye's office.

Looking at Cai Zhengye who was sitting on the sofa with the
door still open, Xiao Huang curled his lips and said quickly: "Mr.
Cai, Zheng Xuan has almost communicated with him.

Now there is still one problem that needs to be solved, and

that is the signing fee. It's too low, you have to pay more!"

Cai Zhengye put down the coffee in his hand and asked Xiao
Huang: "How did you communicate with Mr. Zheng? Tell me the
whole story in detail." (End of Chapter

Chapter 113: It’s okay to make money standing up, just sign
the deed of betrayal first!
After listening to what Xiao Huang said about the demands
made by Zheng Xuan, Cai Zhengye didn't think there was
anything unreasonable. To put it bluntly, the rules and
regulations in the contract are used to restrain those who do not
have enough energy and are especially extravagant.

If you don't have enough energy and want to make money,

that's fine. Just sign the deed of betrayal first. If you don't want
to sign a deed of betrayal and still want to earn money standing
there, don't go crazy here and stay somewhere cool.

Do you think you are Zhang Muzhi? This is Goose City. If you
want to make money, you have to follow the rules.

But for a super celebrity like Zheng Xuan, this kind of

contract full of restrictions is meaningless. They have already
moved to Australia, and they are not experiencing the hardships
here, and they have a lot of assets in their names. The good
guy’s 300,000-acre pasture, plus that super-large fishing
ground, are incredible. It can be said that this is almost a wealth
that many people may not be able to obtain after working for
thousands of years.

If Zheng Xuanti didn't mention it and directly agreed to sign

the contract, Cai Zhengye would think there was something fishy
in it. If Zheng Xuan had the qualifications and capital, he could
even turn over the table and talk about this matter again.

Now it is KuaiDou platform that is begging Zheng Xuan to

cooperate, but it is not Zheng Xuan that is begging Kuai Dou
platform to cooperate. Cai Zhengye was very clear about this,
and he decided to personally call Zheng Xuan to finalize this
extremely important matter.

Before Xiao Huang came in, he had already communicated

this matter with the major shareholder. The big boss means to
sign people in first at all costs.

As for money matters, they are easy to solve. Anyway, the

money on the company's books is the money that the leeks have
in the bank. It doesn't matter if you lose. If you make the money,
Cai Zhengye will share it.

As for the person involved, Xiao Huang, just restore his rank
when the time comes and return the deducted salary to him. I
think Xiao Huang will be very happy.

If you are unhappy, why would you dare to be unhappy? Just

be thankful and that’s it! !
After taking Xiao Huang's cell phone, Cai Zhengye
subconsciously locked the door. For some reason, he had a
premonition that if the crotch door had been left open, this
negotiation might end in failure.

Seeing that Cai Zhengye's door was finally locked, Xiao

Huang breathed a sigh of relief.

Zheng Xuan, who was leaning on the railing and looking at

the sea with the three little guys, was waiting for a call from the
platform. After hanging up Xiao Huang's call, he did not leave in
a hurry, but waited patiently where he was.

Looking at the incoming call "Buzzing buzzing"

, Zheng Xuan did not choose to answer it immediately, but

continued to put it in his pocket and let the phone vibrate by

"Beep beep beep beep beep"

After watching the phone ring until it stopped and hung up,
Cai Zhengye and Xiao Huang looked at each other. The two of
them swallowed at the same time, and the atmosphere looked
very awkward.

Xiao Huang shrank his neck and said with a groan: "Mr. Cai,
why don't you call me again in two minutes? Maybe Mr. Zheng
may be busy now!" Cai Zhengye did not speak anymore, but
waited in silence

"Buzz buzz..."

After it kept ringing for almost eighteen seconds, Zheng

Xuan answered the call. Without waiting for the person on the
other end of the phone to speak, he immediately asked in a cold
voice: "Mr. Huang, didn't you say you shouldn't contact me
again today?
Why did you call me again?
I haven't even decided whether to live broadcast on your
platform. Your contract is like a contract of sale and cannot
protect my legitimate rights and interests at all. "

Hearing Zheng Xuan's machine gun-like questioning voice

on the other end of the phone, Cai Zhengye touched the sweat
on his forehead and glanced sympathetically at Xiao Huang who
was dazed. "I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng Xuan, I'm sorry

. Calling you at this time is disturbing your life.

I am Xiao Huang’s leader and the person in charge of the

live broadcast operation of the Kuai Dou platform. My name is
Cai Zhengye, you can just call me Xiao Cai. "

Obviously they were on the same side as Xiao Huang. Seeing

the forced smile on Cai Zhengye's face with his head lowered
and his condescending manner, he felt secretly happy. "Oh,

Mr. Cai.
What do you want from me? "

If you have nothing to do, just say this first. I still have
something to communicate with other people."

Cai Zhengye immediately panicked when he heard that

Zheng Xuan was about to hang up the phone. He originally
planned to make small talk first and then slowly announce the
price. This would give him a greater sense of accomplishment
and save the big boss some money.

"Mr. Zheng, please don't hang up the phone in a hurry!

That's it. On behalf of Kuaidu Platform, I sincerely want to
cooperate with you for a win-win situation.

We think the demands you mentioned to Xiao Huang are

very reasonable demands. It can be written into the contract.

Then the signing fee, we can give up to 70 million, once a

year, and it will be credited to your account immediately after
signing the contract.

Do you think this plan is acceptable?

Or if you have any requests, feel free to mention them. We
will never refuse anything we can do. Zheng

Xuan shook his head and said in a cold voice: "Mr. Cai, I
don't feel that your company is sincere. I think this cooperation
should be forgotten!" "
Xiao Huang, who heard Zheng Xuan's words through the
loudspeaker, quickly stood up and quickly moved to Cai
Zhengye's ear, whispering: "Mr. Cai, he has to pay more. You see,
why don't you pay more for this? Bar? "

Xiao Huang's "How about adding more, adding more,

adding more" echoed in Cai Zhengye's mind like a magic voice
filling his ears. Cai Zhengye gritted his teeth and said in a soft
voice with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zheng,

you How about the number 88.88 million?

Four eighty-one way hair, hair, hair, this is also the highest
price our platform can offer.

To be honest, you have already broken the record for

signing fees on our platform. Last time, the signing fee for a
popular singer in Baodao was only 50 million yuan. This is really
our greatest sincerity.

You think, if we finalize this matter today, I can arrange

finance to transfer money to you. "

The signing fee of 88.8 million yuan can be regarded as

meeting Zheng Xuan's psychological expectations. This amount
of money can be used to pay the wages of the compatriots
recruited from China, and someone sent pillows as soon as he
fell asleep.

However, the salary of more than 700 employees is really

not a small amount. They earn more than 1,800 million yuan a
month. Together with the more than 80 million yuan and the 10
million yuan of the actress surnamed Lin, they can only pay a
More than five months.

In addition to the wages of most residents of the town of

Annecy, the combination of the two is a huge expense. With the
funds Zheng Xuan currently has, he can only pay wages for a
little more than a year.

There is no turning back. Since he wants to make a fortune

from ranches and fisheries, Zheng Xuan has to spend a lot of
money to invest first. This is the bad thing about farming. You
have to invest money first to get returns.

But the good thing is that once it stabilizes, it will be a

chicken that lays golden eggs, and a steady stream of wealth will
be put into Zheng Xuan's pocket.

After sorting out his thoughts quickly, Zheng Xuan said with
a smile: "Thank you Mr. Cai for your support. After careful
consideration, I think we still have a chance to cooperate
together." Hearing that

Zheng Xuan finally agreed, Cai Zhengye happily high-fived

Xiao Huang to celebrate.

"But before signing the contract, I have one more personal

request. I hope your company can meet this small request of
Chapter 114 Cai Zhengye: I feel like I will never be
happy again! (Please subscribe!)

"Mr. Zheng, just say it. As long as we can do it, we will never
refuse any of your needs."

Without any hesitation, Cai Zhengye immediately replied,

having already reached this point. As the saying goes, if things
are not done after coming, how can we let people go back until
the contract is signed?

"Then thank you in advance. I don't ask too much. I just want
you to be as low-key as possible when publicizing the news that
I have signed a contract with your platform. Mr. Cai also knows

that my current situation is also quite special. So please,

don't use Just use some exaggerated propaganda methods to
promote it, just be ordinary and simple."

Cai Zhengye, who was about to use the shock department

style to promote it, his face became stiff after hearing Zheng
Xuan's request.

A smile appeared on his face and he responded quickly: "Ah,

no problem, no problem at all. We will promote it according to
Mr. Zheng's request." It's not easy to find

victims these days who rush to deliver money. Zheng Xuan is

very satisfied that Kuaidu platform can provide so much signing
fee. There are many platforms that have contacted Zheng Xuan,
but none of them are as sincere as the Kuai Dou platform.

"Okay, thank you very much for the trust of Kuaidu platform.
I hope that in the days to come, we can work hand in hand and
work hard together." Looking at the phone after

hanging up, Cai Zhengye rubbed his chest, feeling as if he

had entered a great sage. Same pattern. Obviously he has signed
the most popular traffic on the Internet, but he is not happy at

It's even more tiring than exercising in the office, after all,
the secretary can move around on her own. When he was
negotiating and communicating with Zheng Xuan, all the
initiative was in Zheng Xuan's hands.

If there is anything in the contract that makes Zheng Xuan

unhappy, the contract will not be finalized today.

He felt that the contract signed between Kuaidu Platform

and Zheng Xuan was like a contract of betrayal. The boss was
Zheng Xuan and the worker was Kuaidu Platform. Cai Zhengye
felt that he would no longer be happy. Looking at Xiao Huang
leaning on the sofa, Cai Zhengye frowned and said seriously:
"Xiao Huang, why are you still lying here? Why don't you

go to the legal department to finalize the contract? The

contract is signed. Remember to arrange for the financial
transfer to be made to the account designated by Mr. Zheng, do
you know?" "

Yes, Mr. Cai, I'll do it right away!"

Looking at Xiao Huang's leaving figure, Cai Zhengye smiled

and shouted: "Yes. Remember to call Secretary Lin in, I have
something to ask her for."

A smile uglier than crying appeared on Xiao Huang's face, he

nodded towards Cai Zhengye, and quickly left the office.

"Cai Zhengye, who is not a man's son, will definitely not do

anything good if he calls his secretary in now.

I am working outside, and he is enjoying life inside.

Damn it, what kind of paid plot is this."

After the details of the cooperation were finalized, Kuaiduo

platform The work efficiency is still very fast. After waiting for
about a quarter of an hour, Zheng Xuan received the revised
electronic contract from Xiao Huang.

After carefully looking at the contract sent by KuaiDou

platform, Zheng Xuan found that this contract was provided by
Ms. Anne, and KuaiDou platform only modified the contract

Signing contracts now is not as cumbersome and

complicated as in the past, and you have to arrive at the scene in
person and have to stamp and sign with your
fingerprints. Nowadays, all contracts are signed online. Just
verify your live video and put an electronic seal on it and that's

There is almost no difference between online and offline.

This saves Zheng Xuan time and does not have to make a special
trip back. With a glance at Pooh who was leaning on the railing,
Zheng Xuan walked straight in the direction of the car.

Watching Zheng Xuan leave, Pooh got up from the ground.

The little guy looked at Xiong Da Xiong Er who was playing
together and howled softly.

I don’t know how the three little guys communicated.

When they heard Pooh’s voice, the two wolf cubs immediately
stopped playing and followed Pooh obediently.

Watching Pooh skillfully open the car door, and then squat
down skillfully to carry the two wolf cubs into the seats. A smile
appeared on Zheng Xuan's face. It seemed that the little guy was
very aware of being a good big brother.

In Lianyun City, Chen Chuanqing, who had just finished a

meeting, was sitting on the sofa. He supported his chin with one
hand and was thinking about something about the job fair.

After inspecting the completion ceremony of the football

field, Chen Chuanqing rushed to the office building without
stopping to hold a short meeting with the relevant departments
responsible for recruitment.

The recruitment work has begun in an all-round way. Chen

Chuanqing is determined to win this job fair and must do this

After looking at the time on his phone, Chen Chuanqing

decided to call Zheng Xuan early tomorrow morning. It's past six
o'clock now, and it's past eight o'clock in Melbourne. It's not a
good time to talk on the phone at this time.

In the garden of Dazheng Fishing Villa, Zheng Xuan and his

three friends were watching the moon with a few little
ones. Although the Mid-Autumn Festival has already passed, the
weather has been nice recently and I can still appreciate the
moon hanging in the sky.

The moon was as big and round as the bowl of noodles was
long and wide. Seeing the two women rolling their eyes, Zheng
Xuan quickly stopped improvising. I really don’t know how to
appreciate it. This is the famous song of Canadian electric eels.

Anne Hathaway and Xu Nianwei were very happy that Zheng

Xuan signed a contract with KuaiDou platform and received a
signing fee of 88.8 million yuan.

Unlike the fishing grounds and huge treasures that Zheng

Xuan obtained, this expensive signing fee was earned by Zheng
Xuan through his own efforts.
"Cheers, I wish you better and better."

"I hope the fisheries and ranches can develop rapidly under
your leadership."

Listening to the blessings of Xu Nianwei and Anne

Hathaway, Zheng Xuan showed a smile on his face.

"Thank you, and I wish you eternal beauty and youth."

The three of them picked up the wine glasses and poured

them in. The Osmanthus Ice Wine that Mayor Wallace brought
over, they knocked it lightly and drank it in one gulp.

Watching the three of them drinking, Pooh also picked up

the wine glass that Zheng Xuan had just filled, bumped it with
his brothers, and then drank it all in one gulp with squinted
eyes. But what Xiong Da Xiong Er drank was not wine, they drank
Xu Nianwei’s soaked milk.

Looking at the charming red color on Anne Hathaway and

Xu Nianwei's faces, Zheng Xuan knew that they were drunk.

The two of them were squatting on the sofa, playing a

guessing game with excitement. Zheng Xuan's good luck has run
out today, and his face is covered in black bastard paint.

The number of tortoises on Xu Nianwei's face is only a few

less than that of Zheng Xuan. The biggest winner in the guessing
game is obviously Anne Hathaway. There are only a few
scattered tortoises on Ms. Anne's face.

After struggling for almost an afternoon, while my boss

was away, I secretly went back and forth in the office to revise it
many times.

Chapter 115 Tianyi 3G, surfing the Internet is fast!

The next day, Zheng Xuan got up at seven o'clock as usual,

took Winnie and the two wolf cubs and ran around the fishing
ground for half an hour. Then he returned to the villa at the
fishery and started preparing breakfast for the two women who
were still sleeping in bed.

The two chinchillas were able to run with Zheng Xuan at

high intensity at first, but after all, they were too small and
lacked physical strength, so Zheng Xuan did not take the two
little guys with him all the time.

Yesterday, the three of them drank until midnight. Except for

Zheng Xuan, Anne Hathaway and Xu Nianwei were all lying on
the table. Zheng Xuan has the power of Poseidon. This bug
controls the excretion of alcohol from the body, so naturally he
will never get drunk.

Just like Duan Yu's Six Meridians Divine Sword in Tianlong

Babu, of course, the power of Poseidon's Power is much stronger
than the Six Meridians Divine Sword. After all, it is inherited from
a god.

Later, Zheng Xuan carried the two girls with his left hand
and his right hand to the master bedroom on the second floor of
the villa. After putting the two women on a big bed and covering
them with quilts, Zheng Xuan, who was deeply hiding his merit
and fame, walked quickly back to his room.

As the saying goes, wine at night is porridge in the morning.

Zheng Xuan took out the king crab in the refrigerator and added
the meat of golden sea bass to make a pot of fragrant porridge.

Using the flour provided by George McCarthy at the Leken

Ranch, I harvested some fresh leeks grown by the fishermen at
the fishery. After soaking some sweet potato vermicelli, Zheng
Xuan made a lot of leek boxes with eggs.

As a newly promoted capitalist, how to cut leeks skillfully is

the top priority. Ah, you said it wrong, it should be the
chef. Fresh leeks cut from the leek field are the main factor in the
delicious breakfast dish in the leek box.

The rich aroma of leeks fills the entire kitchen. Ahem, this
stuff can cure back pain! Soon the two beautifully dressed
women came down the stairs. Looking at Zheng Xuan, who was
wearing a white hat, Xu Nianwei smiled and stepped forward
and said, "Zheng Xuan, do you need help?"

Zheng Xuan smiled and said, "No, you can prepare to eat."
Two women and a bear gathered around the dining table.
They were sitting in a row waiting for the meal to be served, and
Pooh, who was now a spirit, also sat on the table. Wearing a
customized scarf and holding the tableware Zheng Xuan
specially bought for him, Winnie looked like a little adult.

The little guy was followed by two younger brothers. The

two wolf cub siblings now talk to Winnie about everything and
even sleep together at night. Pooh stretched out his short paws
and divided the food on the plate between Xiong Da and Xiong
Er according to the proportion. Then he buried his round and
furry head in the dinner plate and started eating with big

"Oh my god, this food is really delicious. I am so happy to

live with you.

By the way, were you the one who sent us back last night?
You didn't take the opportunity to do anything bad, right?"

He looked at the gag. Anne Hathaway, who was so busy that

she didn't forget to tease her, Zheng Xuan hadn't spoken yet.

Xu Nianwei, who was sitting aside, stretched out her finger

and tapped Anne Hathaway's head gently, pretending to be
serious and said: "Hurry up and eat, you can't talk while eating,
be good!" Zheng Xuan, who quickly finished the battle

, He walked to the lounge chair in the garden and prepared

to call Chen Chuanqing back. At around seven o'clock in the
morning, Chen Chuanqing sent a text message to Zheng Xuan
asking when Zheng Xuan would be free and remember to call

Looking at Zheng Xuan who was sitting on the recliner on

the phone, the two women looked at each other with a
smile. Zheng Xuan and the others can rest assured, otherwise
they wouldn't have gotten drunk last night.


"Hey, Xiao Xuan.

Good morning, have you had breakfast?"

Listening to Chen Chuanqing's gentle voice, Zheng Xuan

quickly responded: "Good morning, Uncle Chen. You

just had breakfast. Are you ready now?" Aren't you busy?"

Chen Chuanqing took a sip of the tea prepared by his

secretary and said with a smile: "You're not busy, I was just
waiting for your call this morning." Seeing that

Zheng Xuan didn't respond, Chen Chuanqing continued:

"Yesterday After the relevant main leaders of the city heard
about this incident, they held a symposium with the main
departments. The

main topic at the meeting was your incident, considering

what you said and a large number of netizens signed up to
participate. We After research, we decided to place the venue in
our city’s gymnasium, which can accommodate about 20,000

If nothing else happens, it must be enough. After all, there

are many people shouting online, but there may not necessarily
be so many people in reality. Come here.

Then we will make relevant preparations for your request

not to recruit the people involved in the case. Speaking of which,
they should come out in the next few days. If they see the salary
and benefits of your recruitment, they should I regret very much
why I wanted to be a keyboard warrior in the first place."

Hearing Chen Chuanqing mention the word keyboard

warrior, Zheng Xuan suddenly became happy.

"Hahaha, Uncle Chen, you still know how to speak. Follow

the trend of the times and surf on the front lines of the Internet."

Chen Chuanqing smiled and waved his hand. Who is not

surfing the Internet now? He originally browsed news websites,
but since the incident involving Zheng Xuan, which he was
optimistic about, he now takes some time to surf on major
platforms every day.

"Then we also transferred some experts and scholars from

the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and major
universities to participate in this job fair. The initial time is to
start at 9:30 am on November 18th. Xiaoxuan, you

see How about this time? Will it conflict with what you said

Today is the 13th, and the 18th means there are still five
days left. After doing some calculations, Zheng Xuan felt that
there was no problem with this time. It should be enough for
those shady netizens to come from all over the country to sign
up for this job fair.

Thinking of this, Zheng Xuan responded with a smile: "Uncle

Chen, this time is enough.

But I have to inform them first, and then Uncle Chen will
arrange for someone to issue relevant notices."

"No problem, uncle, wait here. Your message. If you have

any questions or problems, just ask them, and the uncle who can
solve them will help you solve them, so that you don’t have any
worries." Zheng Xuan thought for a while and

said quickly: "I don’t have any problems in other aspects.

You can take care of it yourself. If the team comes to handle this
matter, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

There is one more thing, Uncle Chen, I have to give you an

activity fund, and you can't let other comrades do this in vain."

Chen Chuanqing responded in a pretense of

seriousness . Said: "Xiao Xuan, you are treating your uncle as an

No matter what funds are needed to hold a job fair, it is our

own people and the venue. If you treat your uncle as your uncle,
stop talking about money. .”

After listening to Chen Chuanqing's words, Zheng Xuan felt

warm. He knew that Chen Chuanqing was saving money for
him. After all, recruiting so many people and offering such high
salaries, one can imagine how much pressure Zheng Xuan must
have as an entrepreneur.

Chen Chuanqing handed the tea cup to the secretary and

then said: "Xiao Xuan, there is one more thing that I almost
forgot. With

so many people entering the country all at once, have you

said hello to the Australian immigration office?"

"Uncle Chen, Don't worry. I have arranged all these, and we

will not let our compatriots suffer in the past."

After listening to Zheng Xuan's words, Chen Chuanqing said

with a smile: "Okay, okay, then you go and do your work.

I won't disturb you anymore. Remember to call me if you

have anything."

Looking at the time of early nine o'clock on the phone,

Zheng Xuan, who originally planned to live broadcast now,
decided to do the live broadcast later. After all, it is only early
seven o'clock in China now.

Chapter 116 Leken Ranch at its peak.

Early seven o'clock is when the cows and horses struggle to

get out of bed and go to make money for the capitalists. This is
an excruciating moment, and Zheng Xuan understands this very

Looking at Pooh lying on the grass and communicating

quietly with Xiong Daxiong Er, Zheng Xuan smiled and shouted:
"Hey, Pooh.

I'm going out, do you want to follow me?"

Hearing Zheng Xuan's words, he was still lying down just

now Pooh, who was stroking his belly on the grass, immediately
got up. The little guy yelled at his younger brothers and ran
quickly towards Zheng Xuan. The two chinchillas who were
hiding in the corner doing shameful things glanced at the back
of Zheng Xuan and his friends as they left, and then continued to

Smiling and nodding towards the fisherman standing at the

door, Zheng Xuan drove Vinnie and his little brothers in the Jeep
Gladiator towards the Leken Ranch.
Zheng Xuan received a call from George McCarthy as soon
as he arrived at the villa last night. Old George asked Zheng
Xuan when he would come to the ranch again when he was
free. He wanted to take Zheng Xuan to take a good look at this
ranch that belonged to him and talk about the preparations for
the next ranch.

After all, after spending tens of millions all at once, it is the

last word that you have to find a way to earn it back. After
nimbly avoiding three jumping kangaroos, the Jeep Gladiator
stopped smoothly on the roadside of Leken Ranch.

Less than a day later, the pasture returned to its original

peaceful appearance, except for the lack of cute animals. The
bloodstains and stains on the floor had disappeared, evidently
cleaned up by the attentive George McCarthy.

Looking at George McCarthy dressed as a western cowboy

and wearing an khaki hat, Zheng Xuan smiled and stepped
forward and said: "Hey, old man, you are so dressed up today."

George McCarthy smiled and shook his head, and said

jokingly: "Thank you for the compliment, my boss.

Oh, no, it should be the boss of the residents of the town."

Zheng Xuan shook his head with a smile and said no more.
The two wolf cubs followed George McCarthy's footsteps to the
ranch's patrol car.
"Thud, tug, tug, tug."

With a jittering sound from the engine, this patrol car that
seemed to have some history started its journey again. Seeing
Zheng Xuan in a good mood sitting in the car, George McCarthy
asked with a smile: "Boss, today's journey may be a bit long.
After all, this is a full 50,000 acres of land." Looking at the
endless horizon

, Prairie, Zheng Xuan said with a smile: "Man, please

introduce the basic situation of the ranch."

George McCarthy nodded and quickly responded: "As you

wish, respected boss.

Leken Ranch started in the last century In the middle, we

have always been a famous meat supplier in the town of Annecy
and even in Melbourne. We not only produce beef, mutton and
fresh milk, but also have our own slaughtering plant. And

we are also a famous local wool supplier, with almost every

ten Two of the woolen sweaters worn by Victorians come from
Lecon Ranch.

As for pets, we have the famous Angus mini donkey. This

soft and cute little guy was once popular throughout Australia.
Even species in North America. At its peak, one could even be
sold for tens of thousands of Australian dollars.

There are also amazing species like our alpacas, their hair
and merino wool are in short supply. There is also the herding
and riding horse, a specialty of Australia, which is very popular
among Australians. At horse racing events, and families with
better economic conditions will have three to four herding and
riding horses.

These are the main livestock raised in pastures, and the

others are species raised by ranchers according to their own
preferences. Seeing Zheng Xuan listening very

attentively, George McCarthy nodded secretly and

continued: "At its peak, the ranch once raised 100,000 Angus
cattle, 100,000 Australian Wagyu cattle, 20,000 dairy cows, and
One hundred thousand Australian Aries and Dorper sheep.

As well as 10,000 grazing riding horses, 100,000 Merino

sheep, 50,000 alpacas and 10,000 Angus miniature donkeys. At
its peak, the ranch employed more than 1,500 people. Most of
these workers were engaged in grazing, while the rest were in
milk processing plants, slaughterhouses, and meat processing

One acre of grassland can support 25 to 30 livestock. In

order to ensure sufficient pasture to ensure the growth of these
animals, we generally only support 18 to 22 livestock per acre of

This is one of the reasons why the quality of the animals in

the pasture is higher than that of other pastures. In addition,
fresh grass in the pasture is also very important. Generally,
livestock are divided into grass-fed and grain-fed. The Leken
Ranch first uses alfalfa to quickly raise the livestock to the
juvenile stage, and then uses grain feeds such as barley, wheat,
sorghum, corn, oats and other ingredients to feed them
individually in the cattle pens.

Therefore, the processed meat products produced in our

ranch are an indispensable delicacy on people’s tables in
Victoria. Of course, the cost of such breeding is also higher than
that of other ranches. Zheng

Xuan nodded, and then asked: "Man, in addition to raising

these animals, will there be other plants grown in the pasture?" "

George McCarthy parked his patrol car beside the river next
to the grassland. The place was covered with alfalfa, and the
gentle sunshine evenly swayed on the alfalfa. It was a peaceful
and peaceful scene.

He looked at Zheng Xuan and said with a smile: "I used to

like to drive to this river to look at the livestock and then fish

In the pasture, we also grow some coffee, as well as barley,

wheat, sorghum, corn, Oats and other plants."

After looking at the river, which was less than ten meters
wide, Zheng Xuan decided to go down and have a look. Seeing
Zheng Xuan and Old George sitting on the grass admiring the
scenery, Winnie, who was sitting in the patrol car, suddenly
couldn't hold back anymore. The little guy first bent down and
hugged Xiong Da and Xiong Er in his arms, and then stretched
out his short paw to gently Opened the car door gently.

The two of them sat on the ground and looked at Xiong Da

and Xiong Er, one white and one black. Old George said with a
smile: "The boss will wait until these two wolf cubs grow up, and
then they can look after the ranch. At that time, it will not only

prevent other animals from poaching, but also effectively

deter those damn kangaroos."

Gang said Kangaroo, kangaroo appeared in front of me, and

I saw a dozen kangaroos jumping towards Zheng Xuan and his
party. Seeing the huge group of kangaroos, Winnie stretched
out on the ground and roared loudly.

ooooooooooo [

oo home,.” Pooh’s howls were still quite intimidating, and

the kangaroos actually stopped and looked around.

The eldest brother took action, and naturally the younger

brothers couldn't be left behind. Xiong Da and Xiong Er imitated
Winnie and let out childish howls.

The leading kangaroo looked at Winnie carefully, tilted his

head and thought for a moment, then led the kangaroos behind
him to charge towards Zheng Xuan and Old George.

Chapter 117 Don’t go crazy here, this is the boss’s live

broadcast room!
Obviously Winnie's size of less than one meter alone,
coupled with two cat-sized wolf pups, cannot have an effective
deterrent effect on the kangaroo group.

George McCarthy looked at the group of kangaroos that

had already charged towards Zheng Xuan and himself. He said
solemnly: "Quick, boss, let's get to the car together. These damn
kangaroos don't know what it means to be afraid. Once their

hooves If you step on them, you will definitely be unable to

sleep at night."

Zheng Xuan quickly picked up Pooh and the wolf cubs and
ran quickly to the car. Seeing the two people running to the car,
the kangaroos seemed not to give up, and the kangaroo group
began to charge towards the patrol car.

George McCarthy steered the patrol car and quickly avoided

a leaping kangaroo. He said dumbfounded: "Boss, before we
start the big campaign to revitalize the pasture, we need to hire
some people to hunt down some of these kangaroos, otherwise
their survival will seriously affect the livestock raised in the
pasture. The reproduction of these
kangaroos The speed is really too fast, we have to contact
the mayor and ask him to issue some kangaroo hunting
qualification certificates so that we can be qualified to hunt
these kangaroos." After watching

George McCarthy drive the car at a distance from the

kangaroos , Zheng Xuan asked with some confusion: "Man, I
heard that kangaroos are not Australia's national treasures?
How can they be allowed to be hunted?
And hunting requires a qualification certificate. This is really

George McCarthy He turned to look at Zheng Xuan and said

with a smile: "Boss, you may have some misunderstandings
about Australia's national treasure. Our national treasure is not
like your country's giant panda, which is popular all over the
world and firmly attracts the love of people all over the world.

There was a time when there were not many kangaroos, but
they were still loved by everyone.

However, Australia has a vast territory and sparsely

populated areas, and uncontrolled kangaroos quickly multiplied
everywhere, seriously affecting our lives.

You can see kangaroos everywhere in houses, hospitals,

schools, and shopping malls on the road, so as long as you hold
a kangaroo hunting qualification certificate issued by the
government, you can hunt kangaroos legally.
The government even holds two kangaroo hunts every year,
and whoever kills the most kangaroos will receive a large sum of
money. The town of Annecy has often held such events before,
and I was lucky enough to get first place once.

However, the town today has not held such an event for a
long time. In the past, there were no kangaroos around the
ranch, or the kangaroo groups that existed were nowhere near
as common as they are today.

The patrol car slowly circled along the grass. Zheng Xuan
saw many small animals along the way, the most common of
which were kangaroos and tree snakes. The natural resources of
the pasture are very good and are covered with fine grass. There
are three small flowing rivers evenly distributed on the
grassland, and there are many small streams in addition.

Even with Zheng Xuan's layman's eyes, he could tell that this
was a good piece of pasture land. Through the conversation with
George McCarthy, Zheng Xuan got a general understanding of
the ranch.

The ranch has two huge cold storages, which Zheng Xuan
saw with his own eyes. As for the milk processing plants,
slaughterhouses and meat processing plants that Old George
mentioned, he did not see them with his own eyes. But these
factories are not far behind the wooden house, and they are all
made of lightweight aluminum alloy. And the area is not small,
each factory covers an area of at least two hundred acres.
The cattle pens and habitats for livestock are all available,
and all kinds of machinery and equipment were hidden by
George McCarthy and were not thrown away by Little Leken.

It can be said that today's ranches only need a sum of funds,

some employees and livestock to regain their vitality.

This is a good thing for Zheng Xuan, but there may not be
so much good weather from the end of the year, which will also
have a certain impact on grazing.

George McCarthy parked the car on the side of the road,

then looked at Zheng Xuan, smiled and said to prepare
lunch. Zheng Xuan looked at the time and found that it was
already early eleven o'clock. It was a good time to broadcast live.

He took out the live broadcast equipment from the car and
started preparing for the live broadcast. He first tidied up his
appearance in front of the camera, and then started today's live

As the anchor with the highest signing fee in the history of

the Kuai Dou platform, the system automatically attracts a large
amount of traffic as soon as the broadcast starts. A large number
of people suddenly poured into the live broadcast room, and the
screen was filled with uniform barrages.

"Welcome back, boss, call the boss!"

"Sixth in the front row, double click 666"

Zheng Xuan waved his hands towards the camera and said
with a smile: "Hello, everyone, I am Zheng Xuan.

This time The live broadcast brought you certain good news,
that is, our recruitment work has been finalized. It

is currently confirmed that the job fair will start at 9 a.m. on

November 18, and the venue will be the Municipal Gymnasium
in Lianyun City. The unit is jointly organized by the Lianyun
Municipal Government and the Human Resources and Social
Security Bureau. I have fully entrusted this job fair to the Lianyun
Municipal Government and the Human Resources and Social
Security Bureau."

Zhang Dalang sold sesame cakes: "Okay, I will be in Lianyun.

I I have already signed up to learn how to make Dalang
Shaobing secretly at Uncle Wu’s place next door. Brothers and
sisters who come here, please remember to take care of my

Sun Xiaochuan, a hermaphrodite: "Gan, why are there guys

like you doing py trading everywhere? It's really unlucky."

Guangdong people really don't like Fujian people: "Upstairs,

don't you think your ID is also unlucky?
Lianyun is still a little far away from me. I have to check the
nearest high-speed rail tickets. I don’t dare to take a plane
anymore. I secretly took a fifteen-year-old wild ginseng from my
grandfather and I will go to Australia then. I’ll make you a pot
of delicious soup. Boss, please wait for me!”

It’s really hot in Tokyo: “Damn it, you guys are so close!!!
I’ve been on

a lot of film dates lately, but I’ve turned them down, and
now I’m done I’ve booked my flight back to China. I’m
determined to win this recruitment. Let’s meet all the pretty
guys in Lianyun!”

The car repair guy said: “Ahem, sister, I’ve already bought
a flight to Lianyun. I’ll meet you when I have time. Since I’ve
been here

since After I received your photo for the first time, I

couldn’t think about food or tea. I missed you so much that I
couldn’t sleep at night!” The

fox’s tail is so cute: “Wow, did the tail go to the wrong

place? Isn’t this a live recruitment event?” Is that so?

Why is it full of the atmosphere of an adult male wanting to

court a mate!"

There is no such thing as worldly desire: "Brother, car

repairman, please tell me about the photo in detail, I will send
you a private message and get back to me when you see it!!!"

Drink Coke without ice . : "Big Brother 666, you can actually
get the Lianyun City Government to come out and hold this job
fair. You can make the city government and the Bureau of
Human Resources and Social Security come forward to hold this
job fair. The energy of the big guy is beyond me." My

I won’t say any more, I have to buy tickets as soon as

possible. If I’m late, I won’t be able to buy tickets.”

Detective Di Renjie: "There is only one truth, and that is that

I must be on the final admission list."

JOJO: "Gan, the air tickets are sold out, and the high-speed
rail tickets are also sold out..."

Did you work hard today: "You guys, The wind is rain. I
haven't been here for a while, and I will make big news at every

I have a lot of money: "You scumbags, I have already stayed

at the Lianyun Ruhua Hotel for one night in advance. Do it. If you
don’t have any brains and just rely on bragging on the Internet,
can you succeed?”
Chapter 118 Mr. Zheng, how about we lower our salary?

Seeing the lively chatting among these troll netizens on the

screen, Zheng Xuan quickly continued: "Don't rush to buy
tickets, please think about it carefully and decide whether to give
up your current job and rush to Lianyun to sign up. After all

, Once admitted, you will live and work in a foreign country

in recent years. Although we have various holidays for you to
return to your country to visit your family, after all, you are still
very far away from home. And our work

also It's quite hard, and you have to work eight hours a day.
If it's a fishery, you may have to work three shifts. High-intensity
offshore operations are actually very hard. Don't act impulsively
just because the salary is high. And on the ranch, you have to
work all day long

. Just herding, watching the cattle and sheep and sitting on

the big grass for a whole day, is actually a very boring job.
Another thing is that there are

only so many recruitment positions in total, and not

everyone who comes here can apply. , so I hope everyone can be
mentally prepared. In addition, if those who come to apply for
the job are not accepted, all expenses during the journey will
need to be paid for at their own expense. I hope everyone can
understand this. After all, there are too many people who

. If you are accepted, we will reimburse all expenses during

the application period, and there will be a special plane to take
you to Dazheng Fishing Ground in Melbourne. For

specific recruitment positions and details, you can go to the

official website of Lianyun Municipal Government and Bureau of
Human Resources and Social Security, please find out and watch
by yourself.
That’s it for today’s live broadcast. If you have any
questions or confusion, you can ask directly on the screen.”

"Just now a friend asked me if the endless grassland behind

me is where I will work in the future. That friend is very smart
and very observant. This is the Leken Ranch I bought. It may be
possible in the future It will be renamed Dazheng Ranch.

The two long rows of wooden houses behind me will be our

future staff dormitories. Each wooden house has an independent
bathroom and kitchen, which can accommodate a family of
three. The one behind is the ranch. It’s a processing plant.
There are hair processing areas, fresh meat processing areas, and
dairy processing areas.”

Tokyo is really hot: “Damn it, I only work eight hours a day.
It’s really unacceptable. I’ve done all the work. I have to
prepare for working for 16 hours, otherwise I will just get a salary
of more than 20,000 yuan a month, and I will be restless!" The

tail is so cute: "That's right, I have to prepare my tail every

month. I’m ready for a break. I just came back from the official
website and found that I actually have eight days of vacation
every month.

And after working for half a year, I get two weeks of paid
annual leave, and the round-trip air tickets are actually
reimbursed. Oh my god, what kind of fairy company is this?
Wonderful job!!!
I’d like to ask in a low voice, Mr. Zheng, won’t you lose
money like this? Why don’t you lower your salary a little? I’m
afraid you’ll go bankrupt before you even start. I can’t even
imagine what you’re

doing The profits have been given away, what do you rely
on to make money?"

Sun Xiaochuan, a hermaphrodite: "You, a maid upstairs, are

still worried about the master's life. The master is living a
prosperous life. Then look at what your own life is like. Life.

According to me, the capitalists should all pull out the street
lights. Don’t you think everyone’s life is miserable enough?

Of course, conscientious entrepreneurs like Mr. Zheng Xuan

should place a memorial tablet at home and offer it to the real
God. The boss is sent by God to save us. If God could let me do
it over again, I just want to say to Dazheng Fishing Farm: "I will
work here unwaveringly for ten thousand years, and my
descendants will continue to work here." What did Jiaran eat

? : "Good guy, let me just call you good guy. It's you with
this unlucky ID again. You'll die if you lick the dog. Ah,

no. This is an exaggeration. A kind person like the boss can't

be found even if he holds a lantern. , he still remembers his
original oath and did not abandon us.
Brothers and sisters, everyone must remember that even if
you come all the way from all over the country to participate in
the job fair and are not admitted in the end, don’t be resentful
towards the big boss and be considerate. It’s not easy for the

Zhang Dalang sells sesame cakes: “It’s a correct, pertinent,

and to-the-point evaluation that makes it difficult not to support
it. I won’t say more. Everyone remembers the decision made
today. In addition,

here Let me say something for the boss, everyone still

remembers the last cyber violence incident, right? Those who
participated in the incident last time, don’t be shameless and
come to sign up. Lianyun City will not want you. When I was

in With one click on the Internet, you can transform into a

keyboard warrior and cause chaos in the world. Do you know
how much damage you have caused to the boss? Now you want
to pretend that nothing happened, and then come to interview
and participate in the job fair. If it is impossible, you will die

. Keep this in mind, don’t say anything when you see

someone else posting it, and you also follow it. Damn it,

why don’t you follow someone else’s shit? Don’t

talk about anything, why don’t you just say a few words?
You have to be generous as a person, and don't lose a piece of
flesh, not to mention that Zheng Xuan is richer than you. Don't
let me see you, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you.

The boss is here to save us, a group of people who are

positive and have normal views, not to save you, a group of
people who are lying in a cesspool and scolding your mother. "

The car repair guy: "Well said, bald man upstairs, what you
said impressed me. The Internet has memory, but some people
have no memory. People who are selfish and self-interested can
never think of being redeemed. "

Tokyo is really hot: "The boss is like the man of my dreams. I

have to go pack my things without further ado. See you all! "

Seeing Zhang Dalang send a long string of text to defend

himself, Zheng Xuan was still a little moved in his heart. This
young man is quite good and decent. It's not in vain for me to
admit you in advance and come to work for me. See the live
broadcast Everyone's speeches were quite upright, and he felt
relieved. What

Zheng Xuan was most worried about was attracting some

people with evil intentions. When such people came to work in
fisheries and ranches, they would have a negative impact on the
local residents and other compatriots. , is an invisible threat.

But I think Chen Chuanqing will handle this problem for him.
Zheng Xuan just took the time to check the website of the
Lianyun Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.
He found that this time the lineup of examiners was very strong,
and they actually The top psychological experts in Lianyun City
were invited to be the interviewers.

But it is not an exaggeration to think about it. After all, these

people came to Melbourne to work on behalf of the country. For
Huaxia, who pays most attention to face, they must be screened.

Looking at the netizens who were still discussing on the

screen, Zheng Xuan decided to close the live broadcast. Now
that everything has been explained clearly, as the big boss, he
still has a lot to do. (End of Chapter

Chapter 119 The number of people in the live broadcast

exceeded 50 million.

"Hello, everyone, I see that everyone seems to have no

problems, so today's live broadcast ends here. I

wish everyone who has come to participate in the job

application have a good journey and feel safe. All your wishes
come true. I look forward to meeting all the lucky friends at
Dazheng Fishing Ground. I have prepared for you fine wine and
delicious food, sunshine and beach sea breeze, bikinis, cute pets
on the prairie, and the most popular yachts nowadays. A feast to
the sea, welcome all the lucky friends.

Well, without further ado, I will always pay attention to your

interview work. If you have any questions or doubts, please
directly contact Lianyun City’s official website Phone call. In
addition, it is important to emphasize that you should not easily
believe what some so-called fraudsters say.

Especially some people say that they are 100% guaranteed

to have a job fair, and you can choose any recruitment position
as long as you spend a little money to achieve it. Nonsense.
These are all words used by scammers to defraud people out of
their pockets. Please remember that if you want to work at
Dazheng Fishery Farm in Melbourne, the only recruitment
platform is the Lianyun Municipal Government. You can
download an anti-fraud app on your mobile phone in advance

. To prevent similar things from happening.

In addition, there is absolutely no fee for this job fair. If you

encounter a public official or other person who asks you for a
favor, please contact me directly and I will handle the matter as
soon as possible. It's about something."

Taking one last look before closing the live broadcast room,
Zheng Xuan was almost shocked. Sure enough, the good guy
signed a contract, but it was different. KuaiDou platform drove
him crazy, and the number of people in the live broadcast room
officially exceeded the 50 million mark.

The 50 million mark is already a very scary number. This is

the real number of people, not the data in the Kuaidu platform
database. If Zheng Xuan had just turned on the reward function,
he would have received at least two to three million in rewards
in less than an hour.

For ordinary people, this is almost a lifetime income, but

Zheng Xuan doesn't care about this money right now. When he
was playing on the KuaiDou platform, he felt that most of the
people who gave gifts to anchors were out of their minds. Can't
you go to an offline physical store with the money in your hand
to have fun? You have to give it to people who can't touch it

If you have a little money, that's fine, but most of the people
who reward anchors are people with little money. After being
sweetly called "big brother" by the beautiful young lady, my
brain started to heat up and I couldn't help but take action.

But they have never thought that the top brother on the list
is a trustee. The money of the wealthy gentry is returned in full,
and the money of the common people is divided into 30 and 70,
and most of the anchors live much better than the audience.

Even today's anchor circle is all backed by agencies. When

you are chatting privately with a young lady, you will never
expect that there is a foot-picking big man opposite, holding his
nose and calling you little brother.

For these shady netizens, Zheng Xuan’s plan is once the

sales of his products overseas are hindered. Then go back to
Lianyun City to get a piece of land, build a factory and sell it to
your compatriots in China.
With a domestic population of 1.3 billion, this purchasing
power is quite powerful. As long as Zheng Xuan can provide
high-quality and low-priced products, and as long as these
products are more competitive than those from overseas
ranches or fisheries, then Zheng Xuan can still win.

Putting the phone in his pocket, he glanced at Xiong Da and

Xiong Er who were chasing Winnie. Zheng Xuan shouted with a
smile: "It's time to eat, come and eat."

Hearing Zheng Xuan's call, the three little guys running and
playing on the grass stopped immediately. The eldest brother
Winnie and his two younger brothers were seen heading
towards Zheng Xuan ran over quickly.

From Pooh's fleshy round face, Zheng Xuan could feel the
little guy's happiness and joy. Since bringing Xiong Da and Xiong
Er to the fishing ground, Pooh has two more playmates to play
with, and it is a great time to play with them.

George McCarthy smiled and brought the prepared lunch to

Zheng Xuan. Glancing at the three little guys lying next to Zheng
Xuan, Old George smiled and said: "Boss, let's have some special
lunch today. But the taste may not be as delicious as the
beautiful Ms.

Xu Nianwei's, but this It can be regarded as my specialty

Looking at the steaming food in the iron pot in front of him,
Zheng Xuan rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Let me
guess what this is?
This should be lamb stewed with tender peas, right?"

No. When George McCarthy responded, Zheng Xuan

pointed to a few plates next to the iron pot and said: "This
should be fried bacon and egg whole wheat bread, this should
be French baked white snails, and this should be Spanish
seafood soup." George McCarthy's

face With a surprised expression on his face, he blinked and

said with a smile: "Boss, you are really awesome.

Today is a happy day, so let's celebrate it together. I bought

these in the small town supermarket yesterday. This cost me a
full one hundred Australian dollars!"

Zheng Xuan looked at George McCarthy, whose face was

filled with joy, and said with a smile: "Man, I want to say thank
you to you on behalf of old Leken

. How can you persevere for such a long time when there is
no hope. I know it is not an easy task to take good care of the

Although my arrival has changed the fate of this ranch, I

want to say All this is inseparable from your persistence. It is you
who let me see the extraordinary light shining out of an ordinary
employee." Seeing
George McCarthy's excited face and red and swollen eyes,
Zheng Xuan knew what he said, It has already reached old
George's heart.

Regarding George McCarthy, Zheng Xuan gave a positive

opinion. Being able to recruit such talents to the ranch is the
wealth of the ranch and Zheng Xuan's wealth, just like the
fishermen in the fishing ground.

"Man, now I formally extend an invitation to you. Dear Mr.

George, would you like to come to Dazheng Ranch or Leken
Ranch to give me a helping hand? Let us work hand in hand to
create the glory that belongs to us and belongs to

Dazheng Ranch. ."

George McCarthy stood up from his chair very excitedly. He

saluted Zheng Xuan neatly and said: "Boss, George McCarthy,
employee No. 001 of Dazheng Ranch, salutes you. It is

a great honor to join Dazheng Ranch. Thank you for your

appreciation. In the days to come, I will definitely work hard." I
will double my efforts and contribute my share to the rise of Da
Zheng Ranch."

Zheng Xuan quickly stood up and helped the bent old

George to his seat. He reached out and filled a cup for Pooh,
who was standing by and watching eagerly, and looked at Xiong
Da and Xiong Er lying at their feet, eager to try. Zheng Xuan said
with a smile: "You should stop drinking when you are young and
eat some lamb!" "

Come on, man.

Let's cheer for the new life of Leiken Ranch!"

The two clinked their glasses and saw Zheng Xuan and
George McCarthy would not clink glasses with themselves. Pooh,
who was sitting in the chair, immediately became anxious. The
little guy stretched out his short paws to hug the wine glass, and
looked at Zheng Xuan anxiously.


Zheng Xuan gently touched the wine glass with Pooh. The
satisfied little guy's eyes turned into a crescent-shaped smile and
he drank "Tons, tons, tons, tons".

After drinking the cold dark beer in the cup, Zheng Xuan
picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fragrant
stewed lamb. According to George McCarthy, this is an
Australian white sheep raised by the ranch itself.

Chapter 120: A ranch that only produces but does not sell
(please subscribe!)
Dorper sheep and Australian white sheep are relatively
common and famous meat sheep in Australia. It is also the most
popular and best-selling mutton in Leken Ranch. This kind of
mutton is usually slaughtered in about six to nine months.

The tender and juicy lamb melts in your mouth with almost
no smell. Although some people in this land, including some
politicians, are not very good, they are happy to be the little
brother or repair dog of the beautiful country.

But this does not prevent God from enjoying food,

compared to the domestic population of 1.3 billion spread over
9.6 million square kilometers of land. The people living in
Australia are so happy. They occupy an entire continent with a
vast land, few people, and extremely rich products.

It’s God’s favor to the extreme. A small population means

there are more competition opportunities for small jobs, and you
don’t need to go through a lot of trouble to find a good
job. The large land means that houses can be easily obtained,
coupled with the ultra-low loan interest rates, it can be said that
it is simply the first choice for immigrants.

The soft and delicious stewed lamb is paired with fresh peas,
plus the aroma of onions and carrots is very appetizing. Zheng
Xuan looked at George McCarthy with a thumbs up and said
with a smile: "The Australian white lamb's lamb is indeed well-
deserved, and its unique flavor conquered my appetite. I think
this breed of

lamb should not worry about sales, of course. High-quality

mutton requires a skilled chef to cook it himself in order to lock
in the plump and tender taste."

George McCarthy smiled and poured another bowl of

mutton from the pot to Pooh, who had already finished it.

"Boss, in fact, this is not lamb of perfect quality. This lamb

has been in the cold storage for a long time. If it is a lamb that
has just been slaughtered, its taste and quality will be even
better. of."

After giving Pooh a piece of baked white snail, Zheng Xuan

smiled and said: "Man, this tastes very good. If the products
produced in the pasture can have this quality, I think there
should be no worries. Sales volume.

By the way, how do such high-quality lambs usually be


George McCarthy scratched his head in embarrassment and

said shyly: "Boss, I'm not very clear about this. Sales matters are
all Old Leken and another gentleman are personally in charge.
My responsibility is to take good care of these livestock and let
them grow up healthily.

But I heard that they are usually sold to suppliers

responsible for purchasing. There are three to During the peak
seasons of the fourth slaughter, there will be suppliers who are
responsible for purchasing at that time, driving huge Volvo
refrigerated trucks to transport all the meat that has been cut up
in these factories. Then sell it to large supermarkets such as Wal-
Mart and Carrefour

. , Metro, Sears, Roebuck, etc. They are also sold to large

local hotels in Australia, as well as some meat processing plants."

Zheng Xuan put down the chopsticks in his hands and

clinked his glasses with George McCarthy. He said somewhat
solemnly: "Man, so our ranch does not have its own sales
channel, right?"

Seeing George McCarthy nod, Zheng Xuan then asked:

"Leken Ranch is only responsible for producing products, and
sales work Then it is handed over to the dealer, the so-called
second-tier dealer.

The pricing power depends on the dealer's purchase price,

and Leken Ranch only has the right to negotiate. Can I
understand it this way?"

George McCarthy spread his hands and said helplessly: "Yes

Yes, boss. This is one of the unspoken rules in Victoria, especially
those who run farms or ranches. This is how everyone comes

Zheng Xuan, who studied marketing management in

college, felt numb when he heard George McCarthy's words. This
damn sales channel is not in your own hands. If it is in the hands
of others, isn't that giving away your lifeblood?
The pricing power is also in the hands of others. Do
capitalists still have good intentions? This is completely like a
sheep entering the tiger's mouth and never coming back, just
like domestic farmers growing vegetables.

The ex-factory price of vegetable farmers is only a few cents

per catty, and with dozens or hundreds of acres of land, they can
only make a hard-earned profit a year. At such an affordable
purchase price, consumers enjoy less than half a penny discount.

The prices in major fresh food supermarkets can make

people who buy food lose their desire to shop. Especially this
year's oil prices have increased so much that all walks of life have
followed suit. Oil drums are actually more expensive than oil. It's
really outrageous. It's outrageous that the door is opened.

Before inheriting the huge wealth, Zheng Xuan was just a

humble citizen, so he naturally had a deep understanding of
everything that happened around him. If the sales channels
cannot be controlled by oneself, what is the difference between
that and Yang Bailao working for nothing!
As if he saw Zheng Xuan's thoughts, George McCarthy let
out a long sigh. He said with some helplessness: "This channel
supply relationship has been fixed fifty years ago. When

old Mr. Leken first took over the ranch, he also thought
about resisting, but the result was heavy losses. That year, the
ranch produced The milk can only be thrown away, the cut meat
can only be sold at cost price, and textiles such as wool can only
be distributed to employees in the ranch."

Zheng Xuan rubbed Pooh's head, was silent for a while and
then asked: "Why not sell these products directly to local
supermarkets, major hotels, and local residents?

In this way, the payment can be faster, right?"

George McCarthy spread his hands and responded quickly:

"You can propose In fact, old Mr. Layken has tried all these

For example, we talked about cooperation with large

supermarkets, as well as small fresh food supermarkets and
major hotels, but the results were not very good. Only a small
number of sales terminals accepted our cooperation, and most
others rejected our request.

This is a deep-rooted and invisible profit transmission chain,

and the arrival of Layken Ranch has broken this chain, so they
refuse to purchase any products from Layken Ranch.

As for local residents, their purchasing power is actually

relatively limited. Although we can get cash immediately, this
model cannot last for a long time.

So in the end Mr. Laiken paid some price, and Laiken Ranch
resumed its model of only producing without establishing sales
channels. "

"Fake Squid, damn black-hearted capitalist! "

Zheng Xuan couldn't help but uttered a curse word. George

McCarthy was used to Zheng Xuan's gaffes. His former
employer, Mr. Leken, had a more fiery personality than Zheng
Xuan, and he didn't look like the person he used to be. The
famously romantic Frenchman,

George McCarthy, remembers very clearly that when he first

heard about this backward production, purchase and sales
model, the grumpy old Leken once used a Remington M780 to
kill all the suppliers who came to acquire him. He was kicked out.

To be honest, George McCarthy felt terrible about the

delivery model of this profit chain. It is unacceptable to be
robbed of some production profits for no reason. If it is taxes,
then it

is Forget it, after all, the taxes collected can still be used for
the residents of Tu'ao. But it was taken forcefully from the
pockets, and will not be returned in the future. Just like the
gangsters' reputation for collecting protection fees Likewise, why
does this bad habit still exist in the 21st century?

After being scolded for doing as the Romans do, Zheng

Xuan suddenly realized that this damn black-hearted capitalist
seemed to have scolded him too.

Chapter 121 The Importance of Combating Kindness and

No, I am not a black-hearted capitalist. I am a conscientious
entrepreneur. I am completely different from these worms who
control the means of production.

What's more, I came to Echeng, ah, no, I said it wrong, it

should be Tu'ao, just to rescue these foreign friends who are
suffering. Let them experience the greatness of the power from
the East and let them feel the warmth of another ideological

My arrival solved the employment problem of most

residents of Annecy town. It has brought a large number of jobs
and taken care of a large number of unemployed people. This is
a matter of great merit. Especially in Tu'ao, which has the highest
level of discrimination against Chinese in the world, this is a
silent show off and a slap in the face to the anti-Chinese local
residents living in Melbourne.

Thinking of this, Zheng Xuan felt less depressed about what

happened to Lao Leiken. Zheng Xuan will never allow it to
happen again at Dazheng Ranch.

Before he started chatting with Old George during the

morning live broadcast, Zheng Xuan had a plan in mind. From
now on, regardless of whether it is the Dazheng fishery or the
ranch, the sales channels for the products produced between the
two will still focus on the country.

After the domestic channels are established and stable, the

sales work will be slowly moved overseas. There is such a huge
piece of meat overseas. It is impossible to just say you don’t
want it. Just like in a war, you must first have a stable rear to
support your growth.

As for what happens next, we can only wait until the time
comes. The most important thing at the moment is to expand
the scale of fishery production and restore the pasture to
production as soon as possible.

The two of them chatted and ate, and quickly wiped out the
pile of food on the table. Old George's cooking is still very good.
This exotic food made Zheng Xuan, Pooh and Pooh's younger
brothers have a big appetite.

After quickly stepping forward to help George McCarthy

clear the table, Old George drove Zheng Xuan in the ranch's
patrol car to visit the three factories located behind the wooden

The current factory is very well preserved, and the care of

the people who maintain it can be seen from the machinery and
equipment. Not to mention gleaming, but the equipment that is
more than 90% new is enough to prove that George McCarthy is
indeed a loyal and good employee.

The huge production workshop is filled with cold machines,

white walls and green plastic floors. Everything is similar to a
domestic production workshop except that there are no workers
at work.
After quickly viewing the three huge factories, Zheng Xuan
looked at George McCarthy who was holding the steering wheel
and said: "Man, there are some things I need to remind you
again. If

little Leken returns to the ranch again, if he wants to bring I

hope you will never be too soft-hearted to take away anything
from the ranch.

Now the ranch’s surname is Zheng instead of Leiken, not

to mention that it was all caused by him. If he hadn’t
mortgaged the ranch, he would have gone to Las Vegas The
Vegas casino profits were all squandered. Then we would not
meet or know each other today, and thanks to him, the residents
of those small towns would not be unemployed. So I hope

you understand what I want to express, for the little

Sometimes Layken spends some time in a cell, which can have
some unexpected help in his life. After all,

he is still too young and does not know how to abide by the
rules and does not even have a sense of reverence. Maybe we
should teach him What are rules?"

Seeing what Zheng Xuan said with a serious face, George

McCarthy suddenly became nervous. To be honest, he did have
some thoughts of taking care of little Layken. After all, he was
the son of his former employer, even though he was a prodigal
In fact, if Zheng Xuan didn't talk about this topic, what if
George McCarthy encountered little Leken again stealing the
ranch's machinery and equipment. George McCarthy would
never let Little Layken go. This was his duty as an employee of
Da Zheng Ranch, and it was also one of his inviolable bottom

"Understood, boss. Please don't worry.

If little Layken appears at the ranch again and has any evil
intentions on any property of the ranch, I will send him to the
federal police as soon as possible."

George McCarthy said in a rather serious tone . He looked at

Zheng Xuan solemnly and said.

Seeing George McCarthy's performance, Zheng Xuan was

immediately relieved, and he was quite relieved about old
George Zheng Xuan. But sometimes it's okay to be reassured.
There are some things that should be said face to face to remind
old George. It is still very necessary to say them.

What if little Layken really returns to the ranch these days

and wants to take away the machinery and equipment? Who
else could stop Little Layken except George McCarthy who was
guarding the ranch?
A speedboat docked secretly at an unknown pier, and it
didn't take long for a few workers to evacuate all the machinery
and equipment in the factory. Zheng Xuan's words are to
prevent George McCarthy from becoming soft-hearted if he
really encounters such a situation.

Of course Zheng Xuan will never test human nature, so he

will choose random lucky people in the fishing ground. Come to
the ranch and work openly and openly, and you can get a day's
salary just by sitting opposite the factory every day. This must be
a good thing that will make people grab their heads.

"Buzz buzz buzz"

When he saw the caller ID was Mayor Wallace, Zheng Xuan

finally remembered that he had an agreement with the mayor

"Good afternoon, my friend.

I have called all the unemployed residents in the town and

am now heading towards your fishing ground.

You are still at the fishing ground, right? Are you busy
now? "

Hearing the somewhat happy voice of Mayor Wallace on the

other end of the phone, Zheng Xuan said with a smile: "Good
afternoon, buddy.

Dazheng Fishing Farm welcomes you. I am here at the ranch


I'll be back soon. If you arrive first, remember to wait for

me. "

George McCarthy parked the car firmly on the side of the

road. He looked at Zheng Xuan and said solemnly: "Boss, please
don't worry. I will definitely guard this batch of machinery and
equipment, as well as the entire ranch.

Zheng Xuan nodded and said quickly: "In order to prevent

the Donald Group from sending people over again. " I will
arrange for two fishermen to move into the ranch and guard the
ranch with you before tonight. "

Oh, my God. "

Boss, get out of the way, this damn kangaroo! "

Zheng Xuan turned his head and looked behind him, and
saw a gray-yellow adult kangaroo jumping straight towards him.
Its thick hooves seemed to be ready to attack people. Seeing

Zheng Xuan being attacked, he was sitting on the grass

Pooh got up immediately. The little guy spread his limbs to
block Zheng Xuan, as if he wanted to bear the attack from the
adult kangaroo for Zheng Xuan. However, it was obvious that

little guy was still too small, and he could only stand upright.
It could reach Zheng Xuan's thigh.

Seeing the kangaroo getting closer and closer, Zheng Xuan

didn't panic at all. After giving George McCarthy, who was about
to pounce on him, an affirmative look, he quickly stretched out
his hand. He stretched out his hands and grabbed the adult

"Bang, bang"

I saw the adult kangaroo being thrown to the ground by

Zheng Xuan. The gray-yellow kangaroo fell to the ground and
twitched, and then lay motionless on the ground.

Seeing Zheng Xuan's quick operation, Winnie, who was lying

behind him, didn't even react. The little guy closed his eyes
tightly and let out a roar of

Chapter 122 The Sneaky Tree Snake (please subscribe!)

Anyone who is familiar with Pooh knows that the little guy is
actually very scared when he looks like this. Seeing the look of
death on the little guy's face, Zheng Xuan smiled and rubbed
Pooh's head. By the way, they comforted Xiong Da and Xiong Er
who were lying on the ground and roaring hard.

Looking at the kangaroo that twitched on the ground and

then lost its voice, George McCarthy finally reacted. The man in
front of him had once been chatting and laughing with the Wolf
King, sitting on the Wolf King's back and giving orders to the
Wolf King.

How could he be attacked by an adult kangaroo? Thinking

of this, George McCarthy shook his head, squatted down and
threw the kangaroo aside. There are more and more kangaroos,
koalas, giant spiders, giant pythons and other strange species in
the pasture, which is not a good thing for raising livestock.

I heard George McCarthy say that giant spiders the size of a

hand had recently appeared in the ranch, as well as huge
pythons with a length of more than five or six meters. Zheng
Xuan was not surprised at all, after all, this was Australia.

A place with the largest number of strange and bizarre

species, including giant spiders, giant pythons, giant bats, giant
lizards, saltwater crocodiles, giant mantises, giant frogs and
countless other strange creatures.

The most common one is the tree snake, which will appear
sneakily next to your pillow, in the toilet, in the disinfection
cabinet, in your slippers, in the bathtub, and even in your
bed. The tree snake is also called the gratitude snake by
domestic troll netizens.

On the first day after arriving in Australia, Zheng Xuan

discovered a repaying snake in a hotel in a small town. It was
curled up under Zheng Xuan's bed.
Saying goodbye to George McCarthy who was standing on
the roadside to see him off, Zheng Xuan drove Pooh and his
little brothers in a car towards the fishing ground.

Regarding what George McCarthy said about the increasing

number of strange creatures in the ranch, Zheng Xuan planned
to sort out the entire ranch in the near future. Otherwise, it
would not be fun to buy young cattle, horses, sheep and other
livestock and be eaten by pythons.

I quickly dodged another jumping, silly-looking

kangaroo. Zheng Xuan had some doubts, whether the power
inherited by Poseidon was too popular with these animals,
otherwise why would there always be various small animals
approaching him.

Driving on this spacious road, looking at the green world on

both sides, it is like entering the ancient fairy tale world in
Spirited Away.

There are countless benefits to a large area and sparsely

populated areas, such as never being stuck in traffic jams. You
can just take a bus in China, and you will be stuck in traffic for
more than half an hour. After arriving in Tu'ao, Zheng Xuan
never worried about whether he would be stuck in traffic or not
when he left home.

Apart from encountering kangaroos and koalas, Zheng Xuan

almost never stepped on the brakes along the way. There is no
so-called three steps to a traffic light or five steps to a curve. The
driving experience brought by the long straight road is very

After driving for more than half an hour, Zheng Xuan finally
arrived at the door of his home. I saw that the entrance of the
fishing ground was already crowded with people. Everyone was
dressed very formally, talking and laughing around the entrance
of the fishing ground.

It was different from the confusion I felt when I came back

from my first visit to pay homage to Zheng Chenggong and
found that my doorway was blocked. Now Zheng Xuan can be
regarded as a moderate capitalist, and these little cuties will be
hard-working men who will help him earn a lot of money in the

Seeing Zheng Xuan's car, the crowd automatically parted

ways. The leader was none other than Mayor Wallace. The old
mayor was dressed somewhat solemnly today.

Unlike in the past, where he dressed like a western cowboy,

Wallace wore a brand new suit today. Wearing a gentleman's hat
on his head, the leather shoes on his feet sparkled in the
sun. After seeing Zheng Xuan get out of the car, Mayor Wallace
smiled and stepped forward and gave Zheng Xuan a big hug.

"My friends, they are all top-notch professionals. I carefully

selected them. Some of them worked in the Leken Ranch before
it closed down." Mayor Wallace waved his hands and pointed
. He said loudly to the crowd in front of him.

Facing the direction pointed by Mr. Wallace, a team of

several hundred people was quickly assembled. Most of them
are young and middle-aged men, and a small number are
middle-aged women. White people accounted for a large part of
the crowd, and the rest were black, Indian and yellow people.

Zheng Xuan was not surprised at all when he saw that there
were people of yellow race in the crowd. He also did not have
the feeling or thought of having tears in his eyes when meeting
fellow villagers in a different place.

There are very few yellow people who come to work here in
Australia who are Chinese. In fact, almost none of the Chinese
who can immigrate to Tuao will come out to work for others. The
Chinese who can immigrate to Australia are all rich and noble, so
how can they come out to work for others. Your son immigrated
to Tu'ao just to enjoy life.

How can we work hard for three meals a day like the cattle
and horses in China? After all, they stand at the end as soon as
they are born, which is a goal and height that the working
people cannot reach in several lifetimes.

Those who come to work are generally Koreans, Japanese

and Thais. After all, Australia is a country with diverse immigrants
and is very tolerant.
Noticing Zheng Xuan's appraising eyes, the young men at
the head of the team suddenly became nervous. After all, this
was a less formal interview. If you cannot leave a good
impression on the big boss, then the job may be ruined.

This is the reputation and salary package in a small town,

and a surprisingly good boss is recruiting employees. No one in
the crowd was surprised that Zheng Xuan was so young.

After all, the way the Chinese spend money like water in
Tu'ao has been deeply imprinted in their minds. No one thinks
that Zheng Xuan is young and can be bullied and neglected at

After taking a quick look at the team of hundreds of people,

he took the coffee handed over by Xu Nianwei. Zheng Xuan
responded with a smile: "These are indeed first-class players. I
can feel that they are full of energy."

Anne Hathaway nodded to Anne Hathaway, who was

leaning on the stone lion at the entrance of the fishery. Zheng
Xuan looked towards the crowd. Walk quickly.

As Zheng Xuan approached, the teams divided into four

immediately became orderly. Everyone is like soldiers waiting for
a review by their superiors, with tall and tall postures and
resolute faces.

Seeing the behavior of the residents in the small town,

Zheng Xuan felt very relieved. This is called wearing a thousand
coats, but never wearing flattery. No matter what kind of person
you are, who can refuse the power of flattery.

"Hey, guys.

Hello everyone, I'm Zheng Xuan. I believe everyone knows

my name, right?

Guys, please relax. This is just an ordinary exchange meeting.

There is no need to make it too serious.

Everyone thinks of me as It’s good to be a good friend, you

can call me Zheng!”

Chapter 123 Zheng Xuan’s Thoughts and Concepts

“You can also call me Zheng Xuan. Anyway, I’m glad to
meet you all. I just observed you carefully and found that
everyone is very good. Maybe you can do this. It's a different

Okay, guys, let's go sit on the chairs in the square opposite!"

Hearing Zheng Xuan's praise, some smiles appeared on the

faces of the people present. Although Zheng Xuan said that he
could be called Zheng or Zheng Xuan, no blind guy came up to
him and shouted like that.

After all, if your boss is dissatisfied with you, even if you

enter the company door with your left foot, it is a mistake
serious enough to fire you. Not to mention human rights and

For someone who has lost his job and has no savings. At the
moment, the jobs provided by Zheng Xuan are the only life-
saving straw. Although it is exaggerated, it is the reality.

After all, they have to find a house to work in Melbourne,

and there are not many job opportunities. Apart from working as
a waiter in a restaurant, sweeping the streets, etc., there is no
suitable job for them.

Everyone smiled and said, "Dear sir, I praise you for your
thoughtfulness and care."

Under the leadership of Xu Nianwei, they quickly walked

towards the square in the fishery. It was a fitness square built a
long time ago by the old fishery owner, and the greening was
particularly good.

Almost every day there are fishermen who get up early to

exercise there. Some time ago, Zheng Xuan also arranged for Xu
Nianwei to buy a lot of fitness equipment, which can be
regarded as one of the benefits for the employees in the fishery.

Looking at Mayor Wallace, who was all dressed up, Zheng

Xuan said with a smile: "My friend, your clothes today suit your
temperament very well. It makes you special."
A happy smile appeared on Mayor Wallace's face. He waved
his hand and said in a warm tone: "Thank you for your
compliment. Today is a special day, so I took out the
preparations at the bottom of the box. This has been bothering
me for almost a month

. The problem was finally solved by you, so I have to

celebrate. Do you know, I have never slept well since the
residents in front of me lost their jobs. In order to find suitable
jobs for them, I ran

to I went to the Federal Employment Administration in

Melbourne five times but almost every time I came back without

Zheng Xuan smiled and shook his head and said: "My friend,
please don't thank me. It is said that by providing them with
jobs, they exchange their time and labor for their own value. This
is a mutually beneficial thing.

They sacrificed their time and physical strength to generate

profits, and I get the profits to pay them wages. This is natural.
Things. So they should have supported themselves, the pastures
and fisheries with their own labor, and I am just an insignificant

Zheng Xuan's words deeply shocked Mayor Wallace's heart.

Before Zheng Xuan came to the town, no capitalist had ever said
such a thing.
What the capitalists talk about more is, how many
employees have I supported, and how many people would have
starved to death without me and the factory.

So you, the people of the Federation, should thank me

instead of shouting all day long that you need human rights and
need trade unions to support you. What's even more outrageous
is that someone even hung me on a street lamp.

As a mayor who has experienced many battles, he has seen

too many capitalists like this. But there is really no capitalist like
Zheng Xuan, and no one has said such a thing in front of him.

If you want to be a real capitalist, you must at least be

greedy, cunning, lying, and treacherous when necessary, etc., in
order to be a qualified capitalist.

The Zheng Xuan in front of him obviously did not meet

these requirements, but the mayor felt that business owners like
Zheng Xuan were the most suitable entrepreneurs for the
residents of the town. Most of the residents in the town are
simple and kind-hearted, and there will definitely be no conflict
of interest when dealing with a boss like Zheng Xuan.

Wallace was silent for a while, then said with a smile: "Zheng,
you are a different person. I see infinite possibilities and beauty
in you. You are like God sent to save us." The two of them

. Talking and laughing, we followed the town residents to

arrive at this spacious and comfortable fitness square. From
Mayor Wallace, Zheng Xuan learned that there were more than
380 residents who came here to apply for jobs.

A large part of them are employees of the ranch, and the

rest are workers at the dock responsible for loading and
unloading. Of course, these people also have experience in
herding and raising fish. After all, this is the small town of
Annecy. If you didn't have some unique skills and skills, you
would have starved to death.

Looking at the residents sitting in rows looking at him,

Zheng Xuan walked to the center of the crowd. Looking at the
pretty white girl sitting in the second row, Zheng Xuan
remembered her name. This was Amy Susan.

Looking at Amy Susan who was looking at him with

admiration, Zheng Xuan smiled and winked at the girl. Zheng
Xuan's operation immediately made this white girl with dots of
freckles look on her face. Two blushes appeared.

Seeing the interaction between Zheng Xuan and the white

girl, Anne Hathaway, who was standing next to Xu Nianwei,
suddenly felt a little irritable deep in her heart.

She turned around and looked at Xu Nianwei, whose face

was dull and emotionless. Anne Hathaway stretched out her
hands mischievously like a naughty child and gently pinched Xu
Nianwei's smooth and delicate face, causing Xu Nianwei to
"Good afternoon, gentlemen and ladies.

It's my pleasure to gather with you all on this sunny


Since the closure of Leken Ranch, I know it has brought a lot

of trouble and distress to everyone here. Now. I want to tell you
that all these troubles and troubles will go away with the wind.

As the sails of Dazheng Ranch set sail, everyone here will

have the opportunity to participate in this great cause.

Yes, please Don’t be surprised, my idea is to sell

Dazheng’s products all over the world in the next five to ten
years. I want to set up my own distribution channel, and I refuse
to hand over even a piece of profit to To those vultures who
can’t get enough to eat.

I will use this extra profit reasonably to each of you, and you
will be the first batch of veteran employees of Dazheng Ocean
Investment and Development Group. So even

if It is difficult and difficult, and this is also the task and work
that we must complete."

Following Zheng Xuan's words, the residents present had

already calmed down, and their faces became solemn. Speaking
of this, Zheng Xuan paused and looked seriously at the residents
sitting in rows. Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces,
Zheng Xuan nodded with satisfaction.
For this group of employees from the small town of Annecy,
Zheng Xuan felt that it was necessary to tell these employees
who had not yet joined the company some of his ideas and
concepts. Let them know that it is not the case. When you come
to a ranch or fishery, you can get paid by clocking in eight hours
a day.

This is the first batch of employees under Dazheng Ocean

Development Group, and they are also employees with mature
work experience. As the boss who hires them, he must tell them
the future development direction of the group and let them
move towards this goal.

Chapter 124: Rolled-up Jobs

And the compatriots recruited from China will be the
apprentices of the employees here. Masters and apprentices
must lead by example, otherwise the chaotic production
methods between fisheries and ranches will cause big problems
in the future.

Moreover, tens of millions of yuan in wages had to be paid

out in just one month, which was an astronomical sum in a year,
so Zheng Xuan had to treat this matter carefully. I only have so
much money in my hand. If I don’t spend it carefully, I will lose
it soon.

Amy Susan, sitting in the second row, almost had stars in her
eyes. The man in front of her, standing in the middle of the
square talking confidently, was like a warm torch firmly
attracting her, a moth that insisted on pounced on even though
she knew there would be no result.

The eyes of the young white man sitting in the front row
were full of surprise. His name was Victor Judith, who received
an MBA from Harvard Business School last year. Sitting next to
Victor Judith was his father, Victor Sr., who held his hands tightly
and was looking at Zheng Xuan with admiration.

Victor Judith specially came here with her father today to

see what the man who is called the savior of the town looks like
and what skills he has to be called the savior of the town.

Based on some recent hot news on the Internet, Victor

Judith originally thought that Zheng Xuan was just another lucky
man who unexpectedly gained a huge amount of wealth.

But what Zheng Xuan said now made him very surprised.
This man in front of him was talking eloquently, but every word
he said was very reasonable. It was completely unlike what a
young man could say, which aroused his interest and wanted to
get to know this man better.

The tall and burly black young man sitting in the last row
had excitement written all over his face. He clasped his hands
and looked at Zheng Xuan intently.

His name is Antonio Bruce, a federal retired soldier. He feels

that the ambitious blueprint described by Zheng Xuan is very
consistent with his vision and yearning for the enterprise.

If he wasn't familiar with Zheng Xuan and the scene was not
suitable for performing, Antonio Bruce would have wanted to go
up immediately and play a live version of a black RPG rap song
to Zheng Xuan and the audience.

Bae Suzy, who was sitting in the front row wearing a sexy
secretary suit, had curiosity written all over her face. She
immigrated here with her parents. Before that, Pei Suzy worked
as the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the President Office
of Samsung Group.

I came here specially with my mother today. Pei Xiuzhi's

family conditions are still very favorable. It’s just that her
mother, Park Hye-yeon, couldn’t sit around at home. When she
heard that people were being hired here, she hurriedly pulled
Bae Ji-soo along.

The plainly dressed white young man sitting on the left side
of the first row was looking at Zheng Xuan with admiration. His
name was Dennis Faraday and he was a native of the
town. Because his family was poor, he ended his studies early
and entered the society. The development prospects described
by Zheng Xuan now make him look forward to it. He believes
that as long as he follows Zheng Xuan, he will be able to achieve
great results.

White people like Dennis Faraday almost represent 99% of

the small town residents who are sitting in chairs right
now. Except for a few wealthy immigrants, being born and raised
means being poor in capital letters.

Yes, a vast land with few people and vast resources does not
mean that everyone has the opportunity to become a
billionaire. Only a small number of top-notch people can
become the people at the top of the pyramid. They control more
than 90% of the wealth. This is the real and cruel reality.

Looking at the man standing in the middle of the square

talking, his face full of confidence. Xu Nianwei was in a daze. The
man in front of her had grown up really fast. He had learned a
lot of things by himself in just over a month.

Anne Hathaway, who was standing next to her, had surprise

written all over her face. She found that she suddenly couldn't
see clearly what the man standing in the middle of the square
was saying. Strange yet familiar, the way he speaks is confident
and elegant, the charm of language is fully reflected at this

Seeing the serious thinking on the faces of the residents,

Zheng Xuan knew that his words were not in vain. From a poor
boy to a lucky man with a fortune of hundreds of millions, he
must learn how to manage this wealth well.

The group of people sitting in the square will be his right-

hand assistants in helping him expand his fishing grounds and
ranches. Therefore, Zheng Xuan must take this job fair seriously,
unlike when he recruited Jeff and the others when he first took
over the fishery.

At that time, the fishery was just getting started, and the
number of people recruiting was far less than it is today. There
are more than a thousand residents of the town plus employees
recruited from China. How to manage this group of people well
so that they can create more profits is what Zheng Xuan wants
to do now.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you will be the most important

cornerstone on the road to the development of fisheries and
ranches. Each of you is crucial, so please don't be stingy with
your talents. I will give you a salary above the market price

. Salary, and this salary is higher than the market price. I

hope each of you can prove that you can meet this salary.

No interview is required. I am here to announce that each of

you has been admitted for probation. From now on, you are
employees of Dazheng Ocean Investment and Development

Hearing Zheng Xuan's words, everyone's faces showed

unbelievable smiles. Yes, they thought that when they came
here, they not only had to pass five levels and defeat six
generals, but at least they had to fill out a resume form and
communicate with the interviewer.

Let’s talk about your views on this job and how the
company should develop. Finally, let’s talk about your
strengths. If this position is given to you, what will you do?
When the result came, it was completely different from what
I imagined. They think that what they are engaged in is a robot-
like position and they do not need ideals or dreams.

It was the first time that someone talked to ordinary people

like them about the development prospects of the company and
the high returns that would lead to high sacrifices. This feeling of
being valued is actually very good, isn't it?
Looking at the joyful expressions on the faces of everyone
present, Zheng Xuan continued: "Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to your arrival.

Your joining makes Dazheng Ocean Investment and

Development Group full of infinite possibilities. You are the
members of Dazheng Group." In the future.

I announce that from now on, there will be no management

positions in Dazheng Fishing Ground and Dazheng Ranch in a
short period of time."

Seeing the puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Zheng

Xuan spread his hands and said with a smile: "In other words ,
everyone here has the opportunity to serve as a senior executive
or even CEO of Dazheng Ocean Investment and Development
Group. As long as you can prove your ability, even the position
of chairman will belong to you.

Here I don’t care about academic qualifications or

background. As long as you can prove your ability and provide
better and better value for the development of the group, you
will have the opportunity to get a promotion in your position
and an increase in salary. It all depends on you. ."

Seeing the expressions on the faces of everyone present,

Zheng Xuan knew that the fire should be burning. Why did he
say these words today? Zheng Xuan decided after careful

Because he doesn't want to go to a headhunting company

to find some so-called high-end talents. Firstly, the money in the
pocket has to be spent wisely, and secondly, it has just started
and does not need so many high-end talents.

2022-10-18 Author: Yichuan Yanyu Ren Pingsheng

Chapter 125: This cake is big and round.
Thirdly, as a conscientious capitalist, it is a serious thing to
inject chicken blood into your employees so that they can
radiate the light and heat of life.

No matter whether someone can eventually get the position

of a senior executive, the pie is indeed there, and if you work
harder, you still have a chance to eat it.

As for not being able to eat despite working hard, that is a

matter of personal ability, and it definitely has nothing to do
with Zheng Xuan. After all, your boss appreciates you so much
and gives you the opportunity to be a senior executive. If you
don't get it, you can only blame you for not working hard.

Fourthly, it just serves as an example for the employees who

come from China, so that the fresh and energetic leeks can see
how the gringos are full of energy and work well.

As long as everyone works hard, maybe Zheng Xuan can buy

another ranch to reward himself by this time next year. Ah, no, I
should buy another ranch to reward the hard-working

Let them use their light and heat again, let them find the
goal of struggle again, and make the town of Annecy and
Dazheng Ocean Investment and Development Group great

"Ladies and gentlemen, regarding salary and benefits,

because everyone's position is different. So I will not announce
everyone's salary here today. All salary benefits will be provided
by the beautiful Ms. Xu Nianwei for consultation and resolution.

Glancing at the residents who were listening carefully, Zheng

Xuan applauded and said: "This interview is over here.
Congratulations to all of you for being admitted. If you have any
questions about work, you can

now Raise your hand to ask a

question." As soon as she finished speaking, Pei Xiuzhi was
the first to raise her slender arms. Looking at this graceful
woman wearing a secretary suit, Zheng Xuan nodded slightly to
indicate that he could speak.

In order to show respect, Bae Suzy stood up from the chair,

revealing a pair of straight and slender legs. Pei Xiuzhi bowed
slightly and said: "Dear Mr. Zheng, hello.

I am a resident of a small town who immigrated here. My

name is Pei Xiuzhi. What are the positions currently available at
Dazheng Ocean Investment and Development Group?" Looking

this appearance Zheng Xuan, a charming woman with a hot

figure, said without changing her expression: "Hello, Ms. Pei, I
am very happy to answer your question. In

fact, the only positions available for Dazheng Ocean

Investment and Development Group are ordinary workers. We
have Dazheng Fishing Farm and Dazheng Ranch, the two
ranches have a total of 1,500 positions for you to choose from."

After Pei Xiuzhi bowed slightly to thank him, he sat back on

the chair and stopped asking questions.

Zheng Xuan was a little confused about Pei Xiuzhi's

question. Looking at this girl dressed like a sexy urban beauty,
does she want to apply for a female secretary?
Well, this outfit is definitely enough for me to apply for a
secretary job, but I just don’t know if I can do it!

Looking at the black man sitting in the last row who looked
exactly like the plus version of Will Smith with his hands raised,
Zheng Xuan nodded.

Antonio Bruce stood up from his chair with some

excitement. He first put his hands into fists and greeted
everyone around. Then he said with excited eyes: "Dear boss,
when can we start work?
I can't wait to start a new chapter in my life. My heart has
never been this good since I retired from the federal army. It was
beating vigorously.

What you just said deeply shocked my soul. It is not just a

job that can survive, I think it is more like a great career.

I must do what I can for Dazheng Ocean Investment and

Development Group. I must appear among the group's senior
executives in the future, and I can give everything for this.

Antonio Bruce, who had already sat down, suddenly stood

up again. He touched the back of his head in embarrassment,
and then said: "Boss, my name is Antonio Bruce, you can call me
Bruce. " "

Seeing a shy expression on the face of a black man with a

face as thick as a city wall, people present burst out with kind
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bruce. In fact, if possible, you can
report to the fishery tomorrow. "


Antonio Bruce clasped his hands together, his face full of


For the burly black man in front of him, who looks like the
plus version of Will Smith. Zheng Xuan feels that if he performs
well in the future, he should be promoted to a security captain. A
good choice. The security captain is also one of the group's
Looking at the white man sitting in the front row wearing
rimless glasses and dressed like a business elite, Zheng Xuan
nodded slightly.

Victor Judith calmly He stood up, looked at Zheng Xuan with

deep eyes, and said in a gentle tone: "Hello, Mr. Zheng.

My name is Victor Judith, and I graduated from Harvard

Business School. You can call me Victor.

Mr. Zheng, is your goal to develop Dazheng Ocean

Investment and Development Group into a Fortune 500
If so, how much are you willing to pay for it? Do you have a
detailed plan?

Have you done any research reports on nearby competitors?

Have you ever analyzed where the competitive advantages
of your products lie?

I heard you say that you want to set up your own marketing
channel. Have you contacted any major department store
groups and hotel companies on the market?

Do you know how much it costs to build a team dedicated

to marketing? "

After asking so many questions at once, Zheng Xuan still

looked calm. Victor Judith bowed slightly and said, "I have
finished asking my questions. Thank you for your cooperation. "

Zheng Xuan did not intend to answer the long list of

questions raised by Victor Judith here. He was not panicked at
all, although many of them had to be solved.

But Zheng Xuan has always believed in professional matters.

Let professionals do it. For example, the white man in front of
you who has a hundred thousand whys in his head is very
suitable for completing these questions.

Looking at Victor Judith looking like a business elite, he also

raised so many professional questions. Sexual problems. Zheng
Xuan, who is rich and handsome, must have paid to hire Victor
Judith to solve the problem.

Let the person who asked the questions do the questions

themselves. What could be happier than this? What about the
matter! Zheng Xuan only needs to be responsible for the things
he is good at, such as properly using the power of Poseidon, the
biggest golden finger. What is the

foundation of fisheries and ranches is something Zheng

Xuan knows best. If you don’t have a golden finger, what can
you do to compete with the landowners and wealthy people in
Australia? The country has a vast land and a large number of
people. It has been developed for many years, and here is the
grass-roots team that has just been set up. Thinking of this,
Zheng Xuan coughed lightly and said in an easy-going tone:

" Mr. Victor, thank you very much for the questions and
directions you have raised for the group.

I have always believed that professional matters should be

left to professional people to solve. If you were the chairman of
Dazheng Group, how would you solve these problems? "

Victor Judith was not surprised at all when Zheng Xuan

changed the subject and turned the question back to him. There
was even a hint of excitement deep in his eyes, because this was
the result he wanted. By being at the

scene After some understanding, he felt that the current job

opportunities were more exciting than those provided by Wall
Thanks to a low-key man, Dashuai Bi, for his monthly
ticket, and thank you all for your subscription support!

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