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Bba final year project report summer training report on haldirams

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''Marketing Strategies and Brand Loyalty of
Haldiram in India''
Report submitted in partial fulfilni.e:nt o.f tbe r quirenient

Fb:r the award of the degree of BBA Bat ch (2018-21) 1

Submitted By:

BBA Semester V

Under the G11idance of!


D,elhi 1School ot·Professio:nal Studies and Researeh

(Al'filiated to Guru Gobi:ud Siu_gh lndrapras,,tha Universi·ty, N·e·w Delhi)

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I take th i-sopportunity to expr:ess my profoun:d.gratjtu-de and ,deep regards

to .my guid.e (MS. MUKT.A KATYAL) for h:er exemp.lary guidance,
monitoring and.consta.nt·w·agement thr-oughout the course of this
:project. Th.e 'blessing, h.e]p an.d gu:itdanoe give.n by her time to time
sha.l] carry me a ]o:n.g ·way in the journey of life on.·which I a·m about

Last but not least, my sincere thanks to my pare:nts an-d frie.n.ds for their
w·hole·hearted support and encouragement.

I also h.ereby declare that th.e ·project work ,entitled."MARKETING

1 1 1

under the guidance of "MS. MUKTA KATYAL'' is1ny original l¥ork and
it has n.ot been.submitted ,earlier in any other university or institution.


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This is to certify that 'the Training project titled "{MIARKETING STRATEGIES
AND BRAND·LOYALTY OF HALDIRAM IN INDIA},, is an acade·mic woilk done by

MS. JANVHI SAHNI submitted in the partial fl1lfiln1e:nt of th requirem.,e:nts for the
award of d gree of Bach.lor of Business A.dministrat.ion at Delhi School of
P.rofessiooal Studies and Research N ew Delhi u:nder m.y guidance and dir,ection.

JANVHI SAHNI has giv n an undertaking that the information pr,ese:ntit¾1 in th

project has not bee:n subnlitted earli,er.



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,c- 31, Sector -62, NOIDA, U.P, NOIDA.- 201301

Phone no.: 011-2889 8010/1.lEnmil: info@haldiran1.con1



T:his is to certify MS. JANVHI SAHNI, Di/0- MR. Pra·v,een Sa.hni,

AND RESEARCH, GGSIP University, New Deihl, has sucoessfiiily

complet,ed her summer internship as B.RANDING EXECUTIVE from
20,th June 20 20,to,21st July 2020

D·uring the period. of her internship program ,vith us, sh.e was foun.d
punctual, hardworkilng and inquisitive.

W-e wish he-revery success in life.

' 4'J 8
c,""" I

Ham.ant Kumar
Deputy Ge.n,eral M.analger- HR
Haldiram's Snacks Pvt. Ltd.

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S No. Particulars Page Nu:nmer

1. Dec.Iaration 2

,c rtificat,e 3 Training Certificat e 1

2. Chapter I
Introduction 6-22

Object iv e st.udy

1 22

Lit erat11r,e R view

Research Methodolo,gy 26-32
Lin-iitations of the S'tudy 33

3. CHA.PfERil
,conlpany Profile 34-46

,Analysis and Interpretation of 47-61

5. Chapter IV
,cone lusio:ns and 62-64

6. Biblio_graphy 65

7. .Appendix 66=70

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Chapter I


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This report provides a detailed analysis about the company. Tbe topic u.ndertak en is 1

hMarketing and Brand Loya.lty of Hald·iram .in lndi.a". It describ s

about the marketing strat e_gies of H·a1diram and the various steps that are r quired t.o
1 1

incr, -as, their sales.. This r, port prov.ides as in-d pt.h analysis of Hald.irant. Thereafter,
the r eport analyses H·aldiran1 :nmiketing Strat.egies and .in th. end suggestions and

reconlm endations ar,e g.iv n based on that. analysis..


A. niaiketing strat egy is a process that can aUo\.V an organization to ,concentrate it.s

lin1ited resources on t.he greatest opportunities to increase sales and achiev a

sustainable advantage..A n1arketing strategy is n1ost effective when it
is an i:nc egral component of corporate strategy. defining .how the organization will

succ,essfully en_gage cust.oniers prospects, and con,petit,ors in the n1ail1 t arena. It is

partia.lly derived from. broader corporate strategies corporat,e :nrissions a.od
_goals. A.s t.he constitutes the source of a co:nwany•s r,evenue, marketing
strat e_gy is closely linked with sales" A key component of :marketing strat.e_gy is ofren

to keep marketing in line with a con,pany•s ov, rarchln_g nlission statem.e-nt.

C,o,ncept r0f M,ar.k,eti:ng

It is a philosophy of :n1arketing that enra.ils the wants and needs of a particular market.
Through the n ,eds and wants of a market an organization can achiev,e its goals .in of revenue" Achieving the des:iried revenue is achiA?V, d through
satisfaction to a buying market bett,er than a conipetitor can.

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C,o,n,cept nf M,ark,eti:ng Strategies

.A n1arlG ting st.rat,e_gy is a process that can allow an or_ganization to co.ncentrat

its lin1ited resources on th_·greatest opportunities to .incr,ease sales and achi,eve a
sustainable competitive advantage...A.n1.aiketmg strategy should be centr,ed on the
key concept tbat custon1er satisfaction. is th •:main goaL s-rrate_gy is :most effectiv,e when it is an int,e_gral component of

corporate strategy, defining bow the organization will successfully ,enga_ge
custon1,ers, prospects and ,con1petitors in the n1arket arena. Corporate strat,egi,es,
corporate n1.issions, and corporate goals. As the custo:n1er constitutes th· source of a
con1pany's revenue, n1arketing strategy is closely linked with sales.. A key
component of marketing st:rat,e,gy is often to k1eep marketing in line with a
con,pany's overarching
stat,e.n1e:nt., strategy can s,erve as th foundation of a marketing plan .A. marketing

plan ,contains a set of specific actions :r,equir,ed to successfully .implen1,e:nt a
For ,exan1p·.1, ' 'U. s a 1ow--cost pmduct to attract oonsun1ers. •o• nee our

organization, via ou.r low-cost product, has established a r,elationship with
,consun1ers, our organization will s -11 additional, higher-margin products. and
services that enhance the co.nsun1er's interaction with the low-cost p:roduct or

.A strategy co·n ists of a w 11 thought out s.eri s. of tactics to n1ake a mark,. ting plan
n1ore effective. Markieting strateg.ii- s serv • as th· fu.ndan1 ntal underpinning of
:n1arketing plans designed to fill :m.aik,et needs a:nd reach marketing object.ives.. Plans
and objectives an g,enerally tested for measurable results.

.A. m.arket.:iog strategy oft,en int grates an organization'. marketing goals, poHci,es,
and action sequences (tactics) into a cohesive whole*Similarly, the various strands of
the strat,e,gy, which might include adv,ertising channel
marketing .int,ernet. marketing pron1otion and
public relations, ,can be orchesrrat,ed. Many conlpani,es cascade a strat,egy
throughout an organization, by ,creating s.trat gy tactics that then becon1e st.rate,gy
goals for the n- xt level o_rg r o u p Each one ,group is expected to take that
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strategy goal and develop a set of tactics to achieve that goal. This is wby it is
in1portant to niak,e each strategy goal n11easurable.

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Marketing Mix is a co:mbinatio:n of marketing tools that a company us,es to satisfy
their target custon1ers and ac.hievin,g organizational goals. McCarthy classified all
tlles,e marketing tools under four broad categories:

These four ele.ments are the basic ,compon .nts of a marketing plan and are
,collectively called 4 P's of ·mark.eting. 4 P's pertain more to phys,ical products than
8ervices. Below is an illustration for marketin,g n1ix.

The important 'thin_g to note is that all these fuur P's (variable) are controllable,
s1L1.bjiect to internal and external co:nstraints. of :nwketing environn1e:nL
Marketers, using different bl,ends of these variables can t.ar_g,et d.iffer,ent group of
customers having dift rent needs. So a custo:nier niay call n1arketing mix ' the


.Haldiran1's offers a \Vide range of products to its customers. The product range
includes nan1kee:ns, swe ts sha:rbats, bak ry it ms, dairy proctucts chips, pappad and
ice ier,ean1S. How,ev er, namk ns :re:n1am the n1ain ar ea of focus for the group as it
1 1

contributes close to 60% of its total r,ev,e:nues. By specializing in tbe n1a:nufacruring

in the :namkeen n1arket the company has ,cr,eated a niche :market The raw matit?rials
used to prepare ni."1.nikeens. are of best of quality and are souroed fron1 all ov er 1


Haldiran1's cus:tomizes its products to suit I.he tastes and preferences of cuSitomers
fron1 different parts of India. It lau:nched products, which catered to the tastes of
peopl,e belonging to sp,ecific regions. For example, it launched 'Mllfll.kkus' a south
Indian Snack and Chenmi Mixture' for south Indian cus. .omers. Sin1ilarly
Haldiran1's launched bhelpuri' keeping in n1ind custon1ers residing in western
India. TJhe
,company offered certain. products such as 'Nazarana ', 'Panchratan' and 'P:remiun.1'
only dming the festival season in gift packs. These measures have helped

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,co.mpet,e effectively in a niarket that is flood,ed with a varie·ty of snack iten1s in
d:ifEer ent shapes, sizes &flavours. It has also recently .launched biscuits & cookies.

'Table on the follo,ving page Sihows the lis,t ofHaldiran1's products.

200 GIM 400 Grm

• Plain B.hujia • Plain ..Bhhujia
• • BhhUJla
• Karanchy Mix:tur,e • Navrattan
• Navrattan • Khatt.aM:eetha
• Nut Cracker • Masala Moo:n 2 Dal , ;.;:a

• KhattaMeetha • Moong Dal

• Born.bay Mixtur,e • Nut (xack,er
• Chana Dal • Dal Biji.
• MasalaMoong Dal • All in One
• MoongDal • .Atoo Bhhujia
• Boo.ndi Masala • 1
Chana Jor Garam
• Boondi P.lain • Kashn1iri Mixture
• Dal Biji • Hara Chiwda
• ·Ghatia • 1
Cornflakes 11ixture
• Kabli Chana • Kaju Mixture
• BbavnagriSev • Panchrattan
• Aloo
• Mat.hri 75Gms

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iii Samosa • Bhujia
• Bhe]puri • Navrarca:n
iii All in One • Khatt.aM: eetha

• Aloo Bhhuj:ia • Moong Dal

iii Nimbu Masala • Nu.t Craclker

• Long Sev • Aloo Bhhujia

• MethiSev • Boondi Plain
• Peanut Salh !,d • Boondi Masala
• Peanut Masala • Nimbu
• Chana Jo,Gr a.ram • Peanut Salted
• Bombay Chana
• Masala Moon.f.., Dal
iii Kashmir.i Mixtur,
• Cornflakes Mixture 30Gms
• Har,aChiwda Mixture • Nu.t (xacker
• Mint Lach.ha • P,eanut Salt ed 1

• Chilli ChatakLachha

• .Aloo Bhuj.ia
• Kaju Mixture • Bhuj:ia
• Panchrattan • Navrauan
• Sha.hi Mixture • Moong Dal
• Khatta!vieetha
• Nin1bu Masala

6,5.., ; G,.·DlS
• Kahmiri Mixture
• Cornflakes JV:lixture
• K.aju :rvnxture

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Syrups (700 :ML)
• Rasgu.lla (.1 Kg Tin Pack) • Rose Syrup
• Jamphal (1 Kg Tin Pack) • Khus Syrup
• Cham Cha.m (l Kg Tin Pack)i • Orange ,Crush
• K.esar Rasb.hari (1 .Kg Tin Pack) • Pineapple Crush
• Kala-m Petha (.1 I<g Tin Pack) • Lemon Crush
• K.easarGanderi.(.1 Kg Tin Pack) • Mango Crush

• Raj Bhog (1 Kg Tin Pack), • Kala Khatta

• Dry Petha • Bada·mKesaria
• Karachi Halwa (250/50,0G:ms)i
• SoanPaprn.(250/500/1000
• Soan Cake (2.50/500 Gn1s)

Perishable Sw eets 1
Can Packs

• Moti • Bombay Mixture

ChoorLadoo/Boo ndiChoorL adoo • A.loo Bhujia.
• Plain Burfee • Cornflakes Mixture
• DhodaBurfee • Panchrattan
• Moo n .g Dal. Burfee • KhattaM eetha1

• BesanLadoo
• Atta Ladoo
• Pinni Cookies
• K.ajuGunjia • Jreera Cookies (75/300 Gms) 1

• AnjeerBurfee • .Atta Cookies (75/300 Gms)i

• Mix Sweets • Aj\.-vain Cookies (75/300 Gms)
• Mix S·weets 75,0Gm s • Coconut Cookies (75/300 Gn1s)

• Butter Badam Cookies (75/300

Gift Paek ,G:ms)
• Namkeen Nazra:na • KajuPist,aCookjes
• S:weet Spicy
• Chooo Chip Cookies (75/300 ·Oms)i
• MeethaChatpata
• Thoda Sa MeethaThoda Sa .Namkeen Ready to Eat Food
• MeetheMeethe Pal • P·anipuri (340}s)i
• Double Mazaa • Bhe.lpud (160/320 G:ms)

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Pickles Chips
• Mango P.ickle (400/100, • Classic Salted (400/1000 Gms)
• Lime Pickle (4f)0/100,0G:ms )i .. Pudina (400/ l000 Grns)i
• ChiHi Pickle (4-00/100,0Gms) .. Peprica (400/1000 Gm.s)

• Mix Pickle (400/1000 G.tns)i

.. Mast Masa]a (4-00/1000 Gms)

Haldirams offers its prodtu:r.s at con1pe-ritive prices in order to penerrate the huge
unorganized n1arket of namkeens and sweets*

• Thie ,conwa:ny pricing sttate_gy bas taken into consideration the pr:ic,e ,conscious
nature of ,oonsun1ers in.India. Haldiran1's has la1mched namkeens in sn1all packets
of 30 gran1S, priced as low as Rs 5. The company also launched namkeens in 5
different packs with prices varying according to tbreir weights

• The prices also vary on the basis of the type of na:nlke .·:ns and the raw materials used
to .manufacture it The cost of metalized packin_g also has a:n in1pact on the price,
especially in the case of snack foods.

• Th,e company r,evises the prices of its products upwards only when there is a steep
incr,eas,e in the raw n::1at,erial costs or if additional are imposed


The Haldiran1's products are distributed all over the country and outs:ide country also.
:Haldiran1's is successftdly exporting its products to USA, UK, Australia, Middle East
& Far East Countries, G,ern1any, Philippin,es, New Zealand, N pal Sri Lanka UAE,

France, Spain, Italy, Holland, Japan, e .-c,., Haldiram's is an ISO and HA,C CP 1

Certified Co:n1pany and is approved by FD.A, USA,.


• Haldiram's has developed a strong distribution network to ensure the wides.t

possible reach for its produces in India as well as overseas. Fron1 the
:n1anufacturin,g unit the oornpany's, finished goods are passed on to the carrying &
forward (C&F) ag,ent C&F agents pass on the produ.cts to distributors, w.ho ship

then'1to retail ourlets.. V/hile the Delhi unit ofHaldiram'Si lhas 25 C&F agentSi and
700 distributors in India, the Nagpur u.nit has 25 C&F agents and 375 distributo:rs.
Haldiram's. also has 35 sole

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distributors. in the international n1.arke·t.. T:be Delhi and Na.gpur units together cater to
0.6 n1illion retail out]e·ts in India.

C&F' agents receive a conm1is sion of around 5% while distributors earn n1ar_gins
ranging from 8% to 10%. The retail outJ e·ts earn margins fro.m.14% to 30%..At

retail 01..1.det l,evel n1argins vary according co ·cbe weight of packs sold. Retailers
,earn n1ore n1argins ranging fro:n1 25% to 30% by selling 30,gm.s pouches
(priced at R .5)
,compar d to the packs of high r weights.

• }.\part ft·o-m the exclusive showrooims o,vned by Haldii'an1's., the co:n,pany offers.
its products through r etail outlets such as supermarkets sw,eet shops provision

stores bakeri,es and ice crean1 parlours.. The proietuct.s are also ava:ilabl in public
places such as railway stations and bus stations that account {or a siz,eabl e amount1

of its sales

• Haldiram's products enjoy phenon1enal goodwill and stockists, co:mpete with

eaclh other -co stock its products. Moreov er s.we t shops and bak ries stock

Haldiram's produots, despite the fact that 'the company's product:s compete ·with
'their ow:n products

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A. Distributio,:n Chann,el Stru,ctur,e





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'Within Delhi

·ealdiram's Organization



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B. Functio,ns P,erformed by the Ch.annel M,ember

• The n1ain functions of different ieha:nn, l member. are to supply goods, to achi ve
targets and to increase sal,es.

• One of th nmm functions of C&F agents is to achieve the targets assigned to th m.

They are responsible for all the activities of their areas.

• Maximun1 sale of the Haldiran1's products con1es tom the Nan.keens and other
packed products which is nearly Rs.250 crore yearly.

• The sal,e of other goods including the sal es of its entire out]et is around Rs.150 cror Et
1 1

Channels members are sel,ected if the following facilit1 es are available: 1

• Warehouse F'acilities

• Experience sa1e persons.

• Van, truck three=wheelers for transportation.

• Proper co.nlpu.t,er facility .for maintaining accounts.

• Financially strrong

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D.. Ord,er pr,ocessing

• Sal es p rsons of C&F ag,ents and distributors go to the r, tailers of their areas and

bring t.h • order daily. After that they give order int.he Corporate Q,ffice of Haldiran1's
in Mat.hura road general m.anag er. From corporate office general n1anager giv

s o:rder in the factory.. (Noida/Gurgaon/Mat.hura Road)

• As the order is ready to d liver and o:n confirmin.g fron1 th· corporat,e office., th
goods are delivered in the trucks..

• Orders within Delhi and the places near D·-Lhi (like Meerut) are delivered within 24

• ·Orders outside Delhi are delivered according t.o fhe distance. It talces from 24 hours
to 72 hours.

• Every distribur.or and C&F ag nt have a fixed day in a week to give an order.

• Haldiran1's has its own warehouse, which is managed by it.sown s atl:

E...Physical movem.,ent of th,e goods

The order of Haldiram's is, delive:red by truck. Haldiram's pays the rexpe:ns,es for
transportation of the _goods. 18 of 70

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Haldiran1's product pfomotion had been lo\v key until ,competition intensified in the
snack foods mark,et The con1pany tied wi1th 'Profile Advertising' for promoting its
products. Attractive posters, brochures and mailers are designed to enhance the
visibility of the .Haldira:01's brand.

• Different varieties of posters are designed to appeal to the masses.. The punch line
for Haldiram's products was 'Always in good taste'.. Adventising depicting the entire
range of H8ldiram' s s,veets and :namkeens. ,vere published n1 the print media
(magazines and :news.papers). These advertisements had captions such as ':millions
of tongues can't go wrong', 'what are you \Vaitin_g for, Dh,vali??' and 'Keeping your
tast,e buds on their toes.'.

• To increase the vi8ibility of the Haldiram's b:rand, the con,pany has placed its
hoardings in high traffic areas such as train statio:ns and bus stations.. are
designed for display on pubHc ·transport ve.hicles such as buses and hoardings.

• Captions are developed that focus on individual p:roductg, such as 'yeh oor.n hai'
(this is oom), 'chota san1osa - bi.g mazaa' (s:mall san1osa- big entertainn1ent)
'yehkashmiri n1ix k.hoobjan1e_ga' and 'oozing with taste' (ftoRas.goolas) pron1oted
individllal produces..

• Sp1ecial brochur,es ar,e designed for those custoniers who want to k:now more
about Haldiranl's products,. The brochures describe the p:roducts and give
info:r:matio:n about the in.gredients used to make fhose productK. Maihers ar,e also
sent to loyal customers and important corporat,e clients as a tok,en of appreciation
for their patronage

• Packaging is an in1pottant aspect o.Haldiram's product promotion. Since nanlkeens

ar i:nwulse purchas. it-n1s, attractiv- in different colours influenc,es
purchas s. Haldiran1's uses the latest technology (food it.ems were packed in
nitrogen. filled pouches) to increase the s.helf life of its produ.ct LWhile the norn1al
shelf life of a sin1ilar product is under a week, the shelf life Haldiran1's product
is about six

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n1onths. The co:n,pany projects the s.he.lf life of its products. as irs unique selling

• Posters, highlighting the shelf life of its products carried the caption 's.ix n1on ,hs
on the shelf and six seconds in your n1out:h'.

• During festival season, Haldiran1's products are sold in attractive .looking special gift

• The showrooms and retail outlets of Haldiran1's give importance 'to the point of
purchase (.PO.P) displaysi. Haldiran1's. snacks are displayed on special :racks,
usually outside retail ouUets. The showrooms have sign boards displaying delicacies "W ith captions such as 'Chinese D·elight', 'Simply
South', ''The king of all chats..' Posters containing a brief account of the hist.ory of
Haldira:m's along with p:ictur,es of it.s p:roducts are also displayed at these

• Haldiram's has also diversified into the restaurant business to ,ca8h -on its brand
image. The con,pany bas stablished 6 restaurants overall in India. The restaurant at
Nagpur devised an innovative strategy to increase its busioess. It facilitated people
who were traveling by train to order food from places where stockists of Haldiram's,
Nagpur unit wer e locatied. The custon1er could order .for .lunch/dinn r by s nding a

demand draft or a cheque to the Nagpur unit or giving t.he same to specified .local
distributors belonging to the Nagpur unit. Along with tbe DD/Cheque customers had
to provide intorn1ation such as the san1.e name of the train, its likely tin1e of arrival
at Na_gpur, their :names and coacb and s-at .nun1bers.

• Haldiram's. restaurants in Delhi also us· innovative ways to attract customers. The
rescaurant.s locat ed at Mathu.ra and Lajpat Nagar have special play area for children.

• 'To cater to NRJ'8 and foreign tourists, who hesitate to s:naCk foods sold
by the roadside vendors since th y do not prepare the foods in a hygie:nic n1ann :r,
Haldiran1's res a1urant uses specially purified wate.r to make snack foods including
'panipuri' & chat paapri'.

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A,dv·ertising Strategy

Haldiran1's advertisen1ents have 'traditionally been. copy heavy for various r, asons and
do :not .have any face, known or otherwise, attached to them. They are graphic heavy
as wie :11 with extre:n1ely vibrant use of colour. Its advertis,en1ents earlier had a n1ature
approach \Vith ·the base line ''Always in good taste', but of late due to a shift in target
audience t:he bas.e line of the advertisements too has been chan_ged to ' har zuban pe".
This yeaF, an otherwise conservative company, it has upped ad budgets by more than
60% to Rs l cro:re - still a far cry though fron1 Lays which spends ovier Rs 30 crore
annually,. But th-s,e ads were for what it. ,calls its'·:ne_wgeneration products• - chips
funcbees, masala balls and Taka-talc

A) Visual

.Haldiran1's typography contains a very stylized and sophisticated tont style, which
conv,eys the,e and t..he personality of the brand..

Tbe layout is picture heavy with extensive use of colour so as to :make the

adv ertisem,ent attractive and ten,, whl,ch is trlte of any food advertisen1enL

Initial advertising of the brand contained long copy but t.his phenonienon .has recently
,chang,ed as the company is now ,go:in_g in or a very precise and clear f,orm of
,conm1uni,cation in an inforn1al :n1an:ner.

C) Attitudinal

:Haldiram's advertisements are not: attinidinal in nature but are rather fom1al and
:n1ature. 'This trend is steadily converting inito a n1ore informal, relaxed and 'hinglish'

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The food industry in. India is forever changing t.o suit their consumers' palate,
preferience and pocket. All t.h • players in the industry thus, hav • to constantly adapt to
the ,ev1er-changing trends and invent and r,e-inv.nt then1selves to stay in fh l1eague.


• To swy tte mlrkieting sraeges and brand bya1ty ofHakliram's.

• To study·the marketing mix ofHaldiram's

• To study the Haldiram's a8 a brand and define various brand attributes related
ro Haldiram's
• 1:o study the behaviour of the consun1er with respect to attributes such as
Brand Loyalty and conie up w:it.b r,econm1endations as to what all n ,eds to be
considered keeping the ieonsum er in mind 1

• To analys e Haldiran1's con,petitor and compare their strate.gies and come np


with r,econ1n1endations for any prob1e:n1 being faced by it.

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.A. lit erature review :is a text writ t,e:n by someone to consider the critical points of

curr ent knowledg,e including substantive findings as well as t.heor,ecical and


:n1ethodolo_gical contributions to a particular topic. Literature :reviews are secondary

sources, and as such, do nor report any new or original experimental work. Also, a
lit,eracur review can be interpreted as a r,eview of an abstract accomplishment

D.rucker 1973 '"Strategic nmrketing as seen as a process consis: ing of: analysing
environn1ental, :niarlket competitive and business factors the corporation
:its bu.siness. units, :identifying marlket opportunities and tllreat s a:nd forecasting
future tr ends in business areas of interest fur the enterprise., and participating: :in

s,etting objectives and forn1ulating corporat,e and business unit strat gies. SeJecting
nmr.ket targ et strategies for fhe product.-n1arkets in each busin ess unit stablishin_g
1 1

marketing objectives as well as developing, :im:p.lementing and n1anaging th • marketing

program positioning strategies in order m :meet market target needs'

Hart & Stapleton 1977 a stat e:n1.ent in very general of how the marketing

objective is to be aehl,eved e.g acquiring a con1petitive company by pric,e r, ductio.n ,

by product in,provem ent, or by int,ens:iv e advertising. The s.trat egy becon1es ·the
1 1 1

basis of the mark . ting pla:n"

Lambin 1'977 '''The role of s.traite_gic n1arketing is, to lead the frrm 'towards
attractive economic opportuniti,es., that is, opportunities that ar e adapted to its 1

:resources and
.know-ho\.v and offer a potential for growth and profitability ',.

Baker 1'984 "The establishment of the goal or pumpose of a strategic business unit and
the :means by wbieh it is to be achi eved through n1.anagen1ent of the n1arketing

.£1:1.1.nct•1o.n ,. .

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C:ravens,1986 ''understanding the strategic 9,ituation con.fronting an.organization is
an essential starting point in developing a marketing strategy''

Han1pe:r & Bough 1990 "Although detinitions for the term vary, we detmie
:m.arketin,gstrategy as a consis.t ent appropriate and feasible set of principles

tbrough whic.h a particular company hopes 'to achieve :its .1o:n,g-run custon1er
and profit objectives in a particular competitive environment"..

Aramario & Lambin 1991 altbollgh marketing has basically a strategic conception
of the selling act.ivit y, w,e use to distinguish betwee:n srrateg.ic nmrketing and
operational n1arket.in_g, ,depending on long tern1 or short-t erm objectiv es. 1 1

Strategic n1.arketing starts in thought.s about current situation of ' com.pany and
situational analysis and possible evolution of the mark ets and the e:nvironme:nt, 1

with tbe goal of detecting opportunities which can es.tablis.h objective8''.

·Ko'ller 1997 '"the selection of target markets., the ·marketing n1ix and 'the
marketing expendit.ure levels. ....... '''The marketing strategy is. the way in \Vhich
the marketing function organizes its activities to achlev,e a profitabl,e growtb in sales at
a n1arketing mix level"' ......... '"'':A marketin_g strate_gy nmy be defined as a plan
(usually long term) to ac:hieve the organization's objectives as

a) By specifying what r,esources should b allocated to :nmrketing?

b) By specifying how tbese r,esources should be used to t.ak advantag,e of

opportunities which are expectJed to arise in the future. '''A :marketing s.ttategy
,votdd consist of the iollowin,g:

i. Identifying markets and customers' needs in those markets.

:ii. Planning products which will satisfy th n eds of these n1arkets.

iii. Organizing :marketing r esources, so as to niatch products with custon1ers in the


:n1ost efficient and effective way possible, Le. so as to n1axunize custon,er satisfaction
and the organizations profits or sales r,eve:nue. (Or w:hat evie.r its objectives ar e ) at the
1 1

san1e time".

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McDonald 1999'1he term ''n1arlketi:n_g strategy" reflect8 the company's. best
opinion as to how it can most profitably apply its skills and resour,ces to the
marketplace. It is inevitable broad in s,cope. Marketin_g strategies are the :means by
which a company achi, ves .its marketing objectives and are usually concerned \\1ith
the 4 P's".

Jain 2000 "Strategic marketing means looking at the whole of a company's porttblio
of products and markets and managing the portfolio to achieve the company's
overall goals''

Bradley 2003 ''A marketing strategy consis:ts. of an intemat ionally integrated but
ext ernally f.ocu '.N d set of choic es about the organization addresses its customers
1 1

int.he c,o.ntext of a con1pef itiv,e ,environn1,e:nf.'

Schnaars 1991 ' There is no unitied detinition upon which n1arketers a,gree. Instead
ther,e ar,e nearly as many definitions of it as there ar,e uses of the t,ern1. Clearly,
n1arke ing strategy is a commonly us,ed term, btu no one is really sl!.ire \Vhat it

B.radley 1991 the strategic eting process, therefore in1plies deciding the

n1arketing strategy based on a set of objeetives, target market segn1ents, positioning

. ,.
and polic1es .

Camara 1995''Strate_gy which defines, the general principles for reaching objectives
relat ed to the specific SBU's and target :markets. l't contains the main directives of

the n1ai!<Je·ting expenditur e, n1arketin,g actions, and resour,ce allocation in this

1 1

area. It includes decisions like: segnrentation strategies, positioning,

con1.n1unication.. Th definition of n1ark,etin_gstrategies referring to t:he
n1arketiJDg plan: it is one of the sections which integrate the marketing
plan and :its own objective is to present an action plan which will be utilized to
reach the marketing plan objec·tives.."

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1 1

Riesear,ch refers to any original and systematic :investigation undertaken in order to

.mcr,eas,e know.led_geand to establish facts and principl s It is an organized and
syst,ematic activity and may·lead t.o .new and im.proved insights, developn1.,ent of
new products and processes.. Thus, resear,ch .is an organized a.nd sysre.niatic way of
finding answ,ers to questio:ns or finding solutions to prob1en1s.
Res ..arch is said to be systematic because, it :involves
the following of definite s t of steps in order to arriv at some conclusion.

T ypes ,of Resear:ch


1. Descripti've

It includes surveys and fact findin_g ,enquir,es. aim. is to describe the state of
affair as it is existing at presenL The r esearchers have no control over variable. They

,can report what bas happened or what is happ nin_g,.It is also known as Ex Post Facto

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The col1ect ed data shou1d be appropriat,e and adequate, hence to be coUect,eiel by two

n1ethods i.. prin1ary ands··condary"

Primary data: -

.Primary source of intbrnmtion will be ivlr..K Goyal, Sales Manager Haldiram's. He

gave ·me insights into various. issues such as n1arketing mix of Haldiram's etc. Lot of
ot.her people were contacted such as Haldiram's distributors,. shop ]keepers et.c.

S·econ,dary data: -
Secondary source of :inforn1ation was :internet and various other articles in n1agazines
pan1phler s etc..

Thes,e were some of the sources through which up--to-date and relevant data was
collected. It is one of the best n1ethods to collect data because of econon1y in terms of
tim,e and .money"

Secondary data was co.U ct d fron1 text books, journat

Tools analysis

Obs, rvation and descriptive survey methods used t.o collect the data about the
:Eeatures, exp ctatio:ns, satisfaction, problems etc. the c1.1.stomers.

P·.roj1,ect Desi_gn
The tool used for data coU.ction in this project is SECONDJ\R.Y D.AT.A:
Tbe secondary data tools used in the project are books and internet I refused to
various articles. and data on internet. The foundin_g's of other people \Vere also used
to achieve appropriate data. The secondary data thus colleeted helped to get r,efined
and reliable data. This Project r port is .n1ade on the basis of s,eco:ndary data.

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San,plin_g procedure refers to th· procedure by which the respondents should be

chosen. In order to obtain a representative sample, convenience- san1.pling method has
been used in this study without any stratification to obtain a un:i£or.m size of
respond nts.

• Selection of S.ample

Sam_pl can ideally be selected as perce:nta_ge of total population of respond ents to 1

incr ease t.he accuracy and r eliab:ility of the sample. H,ence, a sampl e size of 150
1 1 1

r,espondents was appropriate to Ik,eep sample accurate as well as m.anag,eable.

• Sampling Unit

The unit refers to the definitions of the particular person who is to be . urv y. In
this study the unit is t:h respondents, which are operating :in.

S.ampling Size
The present study wa,sconducted on a sample size of' 150'

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• They per:n1it respondents tin1e to ,consider their r,esponses carefully without

interference froni, for e.xaniple, an intervi weL
• Cost. It is possible to provide ,questionnaires to lar_ge numbers of people
sin1ultan ously.
• Uniformity. Eac.b r spond .nt receives the ide:nti,cal s,et of questions.
With closed-forn1 questions, :responses ar,e standardised, which can
assist in inr..rpreting from large nu:nibers ofr,espondents.
Can address a large number of issues and questions of concern in a r,elatively
,effi,cie:nt way, with the possibility of a high response rate.
• Often, 1questionnaires.are designed so that answers to ,questions are scored
and s.cor s summ.e.d to obtain a:n ov,era.11measure of the attitudes and
opinions of the respondent.
• Tbey may be .n1ailed to respondents (although this approach .n1ay low,er the
r,esponse rate)_
• They pe:r:n1jt ano:nynuty. It is usually argued that aoon:yn1ity inc:reas,es the
rate of r sponse and may increase the elihood that responses reflect
_genui.n ly held opinions.

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A. Str,engths

Haldiram'8 has a large product basket for the custon1er8 to choose from O ne of 1

fbe biggest r,eas.o:ns for their namkeen s,e_gn1e:nt su,cc,eeding is the continuous
updating of their product range.

• Their brand is associat,ed with tradition and quality.

• Their products ar,e known an1ong title most hygi,e:nic products availabl,e in this

• Their packaging :is at.tractiv,e and innovative w.hic.h makes for , asy disc,ernment of
th ir products on the shelves, is safe and keeps contents fr,esh for long.

• Their production processes are s,en1i-auton1ated and by using srate of the art
t, chnology t:hey hav e been able to
1 incr eas 'the sh Jf lif. • of the:ir products from

on week to six months.

• They are t.he undisputed l,eaders in the namkeen segment.

• Haldiranl's been able to build its brand today on the basis of word of mout.h
publicity, which has actually taken a lot of people by surprise.

• Approval by. FDA=HA:CCP ISO 9002 and SP.A. stand t estimony to the 1

,emphasis that Haldiran1's lays on the high quality fur its products.

Haldiram's is.ggressiv,ely try1ng to capture the int mational markets by

custonlizing its products and packaging according to foreign tastes,.

• Though a larg,e pif,r,oentage of their consumers ar,e :n1:idcBe=ag,ed customiers who ar,e
.fond of nwnkeen,s, y,et th y are suceiessfully cat,er:in_gto all age groups and sections
of society.

• By launching sn1all packets of their diverse na,nkeen p:roducts, they have

succ,essfully penetrated th, rural .n1arkets.

• Online selling of their products through

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B. ·we.aknesses
• Haldiram's doesn''t lay emphasis on cbe need co carry our market surveys either to
know the consum,er needs or their teedback

• Haldiram's started advertising its productSi too late, as it is not a fll"n1 believer
bi_g ·marketing bud,g ets and lavish promos because of which they n1ight have

lost the initial advantag,e

• Tbe Conipa.ny has no policies on Corporate Social R,espo:nsib.ility and

,e:nvironm.e:ntal norms, which nmy aftect the,irGoodwill in the long run..

• The Haldira:n1 group consists of fltriee concerns that are indepe:ndent of ieach
other and a]so there is a laclk of collaboration between the three concerns, which
affects th r,eputation of the company and is a hindranc e in its growth. 1

• The con,pany is not as cash ric.h as its co:n1petitors, which gives its co.mpetitors an

• Company portfolio does not include western snack foods

C. Opportuniti,es

• Though till :now Haldiran1's presenc,e in the western snack foods segn1ent :is
restricted to potato chips. It .has plans to market co.n¥eniience food products in the
r,eady-to-eat format such as paneer pu.lao dal and vegetabl es 1

• If the con1pany starts associating its, If with other brands, it will help strengthen
the brand i.n1age and bring in larger profits.

Haldiram's does.n.'t have any special namkeen for the kids and teenagers.' segn1ent
which is a huge potential target :n1arket.

• Diversifying the nanik,e.en product line further through constant innovation.

• Greater scope to increase n.1ark:et shar,e and profits as th y have just. started
advertising. Opportunity to go into radio adv rtising leading to gr eat r rural 1


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• To cut into fbe unbranded sector by r educin_g pric,es to captur e value 1 1

co.nscious customers..

• Having a pr n1iun1 product line to ,capt.ur • high-e:nd consun1ers.


• A. large nu·mber of competitors .have started enta-in_g this seg.ment which might
1 erode the n1ark et. s.mre of Haldiram's. For exan,ple, oon,pani-es like Frito Lay's,

ITC, etc, ·which is cash rich oo:mpanies, can actually undercut

.Haldira:m's,profits. as they can a ord toreduo ·th ir prices..

• As ·there are t1hree concerns under the Haldira:m's group, the quality standards
difEer substantially and any irresponsibility o:n the part of any o:ne concern will
have a negative impact on all tbe tbre,e as they s.har e the s.an1e brand name. 1

Compet.itors such as IvITR, Tasty Bit, s and IT C have alr eady enterie,d tlle 1

western snack food nl8rk et and taken th·initial advantage whereas except for

potato chips, Haldiram'Si is. still considering enterin_g this segment

IfHaldiram's doesn't realize the importance of aggressive advertising, its.con,pedtors.

will cut into its markets.hare as they do advertise on a large scale

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The follo\ving .lin are faced by the res arch-r durin_g the study:

• Since sam.ple size is only 50, which is not. the tr-u.,e representative of the study.
• Lev el of accuracy of the r,esults of r esearch is res·tricted to the accuracy level
1 1

with whicb the cus o.mers have giv .n their answ,ers and tthe accuracy lev,el
cannot be p:r, dieted.

• Time co.nstrai:nt. is also there.

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A Tru,e Celeb,r-atio:n ,of the Indian Spirit

Haldiram's is a name that is as Indian as India itself For over fifty memorable years,
Haldiran1's, has, dedicatedly served t:he Indian oonsnmer1s palate. Perhap8 no otlher
land in this wor.1d boasts of suc.h a vast multitude of p eop1e \Vith not only different

cultures but also tastes and styles,of living as welL And no other brand but Haldiram's
can boast of finding widespread acceptanc,e with all of the:m.

The flagship brand aldiram's Narnkeen'', a range of spicy veteran snacks has its
fin,g er o.n the pulse of this subcontinent .. Not. to mention, the fresh Syrups and

.nlade froni the juici est.fr11it.s..And a colourful variety of Indian sweets, neatly

packed in compact tins.

'Today, the :Haldiram's brand bas become a household name across th,e l e:n_gth 1

and breadth of the nation. It is a rnn1e that people trust and rely upon. In fact, it
wouldn t be ,vrong to say that without :Haldiran1's·any celebration in India is

Haldira:m's has many 'firsts' to its credit It ,vas·the 1irst oon'lpany :in India to
brand 'nanikeens',. The group also pioneered new ways of packa_ging :nan1lkeens..
Its. packaging techniques increased the shelf life of :nanikeens from less than a
w eek:t.o n10r e than six :n1onths. It was also one of the first co:n1panies in India
1 1

to op. n a restaurant in New Delhi offering traditional Indian snack food it n1s
such as
)Janipuri', '''chatpapri', and so on, which catered 'tO the needs.of hygiene conscious
non-resid ent Indians and ocher f.or,eign customers.

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N,e·ve:rChanging y·,et Ever,Changing
Wher e ,. ls. in fh
1 wor.ld can you catch a glimps • of th past and the futur e co. xisting

peace.fully? Where else but India !

In nmny ways., Haldiran1's reflects. this uni,que phenon1enon. In the plants, in the
work: culture and indeed in t.beir thinking as well,
where tb • conventional and th contemporary go hand :in hand.

If the Haldiram's ethos da:tes back to vintage India, it also signifie8 their endeavom to
:keep pace with the latest techno.logical developme:nt anywher e in world. In .fact, 1

Haldiram's was the fi.rst company to strictly follow international standards of hygiene
and freshness with regular laboratory checks on the raw material and seasonings* An
advanced manufacturing plant a fully auton1ated processing unit and hi_gh=quality in=
house packaging are just a few ot.he,rexampl s of their never=ending passion for
produ,ct exce.lle:nc,e..

. T.he traditional Indian Sweet=Maicer from a very s:mall s,et up has transformed into a
full-fledged processing food industry and is taking its wan: s beyond the domestic
.fro:nti,ers to the W stern World.

Enjoy,ed and t1usted by a n1illion Indian fan1ilies in India and overseas as well, its
salty snacks and sie!rumpt:ious sweets, m,eet international standards of hygien and
freshness Haldira:m's delightful delicacies tempt the people all over the world t.o
s.har,e this exotic Indian treat. Their product ran_ges from Tasty a.nd Nutritious
Nanik eens, De.lie.ions Sw,eets, Re.freshin_g Syrups,Crunchy Papads to the snack f:ood

:itie:ms su ch as Tak-a-Talc

Every day, in countries across the _glob·, millions choose H.aldiram'Si products and
b stow therr oonfidenc upon t.h company. Ev. n as , m rging inr rnational n1ark t,s
are ftirther enhancing their export potential Haldiram's priority s.till remains, the
sarne: tickling pampering, d lighting and indulging the consllmer's palate the world

Haldiran1's is suocessft1lly exporting its products to u·sA, UK, Australia, Middle Eas-r
& Far East Countries, Gern1any Philippines, New Z aland, Nepal, Sri Lanka, UAE,

Pa,ge 36 of 70

Downloaded by Apexm Legend (,e, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, etc. They are an ISO and·H.AC,CP
Certified Con1pany and which are also approved by the FDA, USA..

Haldiran1's is a nan1e traditionally associated with quality and taste in sweets and
nanlkiee.ns f,or the past six decades in India and abroad,. It made its modest start
way back in 1941 :in Bikaner, Rajasthan as a family run business and ev,en today is
privately- owned by the Aggarwal fan1ily with Mr. Manohar A_ggarwal as t.he CEO 1

of the North India reg.iort

The brand nan1e 'H.f\LDIRAM B.HUJIAW.ALA' was introduced during pre-

partition ra, which is 1941, and has nev r look ·d back ever since. It ventured into
th, r tail
.industry. by opening up a shop in 1983 in Chand:ni Cfu.owk, which was then t.he 1,_rcial hub of D e.lhi. The pr:in1,e fo,cus was to serv e SV/ eets and namk,eens to
1 1 1

the d:ir,ect cons.un1ers a.nd traders.

The _group conwr:ise.s of thn?e con1.pan.i!es - HMCL·,Haldiram Foods Int,ernatio.nal Ltd..

(Nagpur) and Hald:ira.m Bhujia\vala Ltd,. Kolkata, whic.h share only th,e brand
na·me.. They have different operational areas, with HM CL catering to th northern 1

region.. Ha1diram Foods cat, rs to th·western and southern .01.arkets and Haldiram
Bhujiawala to the eastern part..

Encouraged by the tremendous response towards its products from. everyone,

Haldiram's decided to go in for up- _gradation of technology packing and
production. This was n1ade possible by the installation of modern sophisticated and
state-of-the art t,echnology, plants and n1ac.hinery.. Through .hard work
uncompron1isin_g quality and dedicated service, Haldiram's became a part. of every
Indian family and there existed no such house ·that did nor know of the brand or its
produ.cts, which include not just sweets and nan1keens but syrups and snacks as
well. Extensiv e branding a ctivities in the pa:u decade ar,e bearing fruits now., as th
1 1

com.pany is the undisputed n1ar.k et l eader in the n-:-inikee-n segm,ent of the snack food
1 1


Even though it has come a long way fron1 its original "halwai .'-1hopn days, the
co:n1pany is still trying hard to change its tI"aditional :in1ag e and n10dernize it to 1

suit a new targ t audienc 1

c- .• With 'the kind of infrastructure, tbe company .has, it is
already giving th • n10:r e.established inter.national brands a run for their n1oney.

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·where is it today?

Haldiram's has 70°/4 of the total namlkeen n1arket share and is. the leader in the
organized sweets .mark,et and .has picked up in the snack food market of potato chips
with Tak-a-Tak. The com.pany ,enjoys top of th e .n1ind awareness a:nd has a loyal

,customer base The co:n,pany's. exports are growing at a very positive note and tb.e
oon,pany on a daily basis registers a 2=3% growth. Tbe con,pany has been registeri g
a 15% growth in its total sal s ,every y,ear.

Haldiran1's reached its strong position in the market through s'tric't ,quality and taste
control measures :niade possible by the international infrastructure facilities made
availabl . for product.ion by a visionary l,ead r Mr.. Manohar Aggarwal. Ir has con1e a
.long way from :its initial Hhal1vai=shop days and :is now on 'the road to beconling a

corporat,e organization.. It was the first snack .food manufacturer t.o lay such high
priority on quality control and taste s·tandardizat.ion. The company does not beli,ev e :in1

g etring into the competitiv,e rat :race and :is satisfied with its current status in t.he



·"Our'tquality, best paclkagin_g strategy, vast n, cove:rag,e a:nd experienc,e
hav e giv n us a cutting edge vis-a-vis our con1.petitors. Our natural inclination to

inip:rove our per.forn:1ance and ,quality with each passing year has taken us way ahead
of our nearest oon,petitor. The people at Haldiran1's are very frie:ndly and sensitive
towards tbe con,plaints fron1 consume:rs and traders, which in fact are a rare
occurrence .

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:Haldiran1'8 bagged the prestigious '''INTERNA'TION.AL A\VARD :FOR FOOD &

BEVERA.GES' awarded by Trade L,eaders Club in Bar,eielona Spain in 19'94.

Th,eGroup has also t.o its er (lit 'KASHALKAR :MEMORAJL A'WARD' pres-
e:nt.ed by .All India Food Preservers Association (R,e_gd.) in 1996 at its Go.Iden Jubilee
C,elebration for :manufacturing fhe best 1quality food products.

'''BRAND EQUITY AWARD 1'998'' \Vas awarded by Progr, ss Harmony

D, vielopn1ent Chan1ber of Co[nn1erce & Industry in r cognition of creating succes sfu.1
1 1

:Indian Brand 'HALDIRAM'.

'APEDA EXPORT AWARD 2001-200.2', awarded by Agricultural & Proo ssed

Food Products Export Diev lopment Authority for the outstanding co:ntributio:n to th
promotion of Agricultural & Processed Food.Products during they, ar 2001-2002.

'M:ERA DELHI A\VARD - 2004'' for the exen1plary co:ntributio.n in fhe field of

.Haldiram's has·the following quality certifi,cationB:

• ISO 9002

• HA 0CP

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Haldiram's Group had foreseen the gro\vth potential in the fast food indus:try,
wlhiclh was ,gro\ving by leaps and botmds. 'Nanlkeens' was one of the areas \Vhich
was n1ost sought after and the company, without la.gging behind, had set up the
most :modern plant adjac, nt to th e outlet at Main Mathura Road exclusiv,ely for the

:nianufacture of 'N anlkeens'.

This plant was set up in th year 1997 under the st ewardship of Mr .. Pankaj Aggarwal,

a young dynamic entr epr,eneur with a .flair for mod,ern t echniques of

1 1

:nmnagement, lead,ership open v-is:ion and result orientation. Under the

leadership of 11r. Pankaj Aggarwal, who is currently also the Managing Director
of Haldiram's Group, the packaging, quality and competitive pricing s·trategies of fb
• con,pany have beco:me th hall n1a:rk of Haldiran1's Nanlkeen and
widl the installation of state-of the-art n1anufacturin,g equipn1.ent
from the U.S..A, the company has also start.d
n1anufacturing potato p:roducts and .has been able to inc:reas,e its n1ark:et shar,e
amongst stiff competition .from.multinational giants such as Frito Lays.

Ne,edless to say the company is exporting it.s products to various parts of the World
viz. U.S.A. Canada U.K. Europe Middle East Far East Mos.cow, Australia New
Zealand, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Japan, Thailand, ,etc. and is o.n the thr,eshold of
penetrating others parts of the world thanks to the wid spread Indian ,con1munity in
various part.s of the wortd.

It is ,encouraging to note that the group is re,ceivin,gpositive nquires .from prosp ctiv
,cHents.aboard and is confident. to fully meet their demand with positiv,e
attitude personalized servic,e and quality products,.

Continuous efforts are being initiated to n1ake sure that. ·Haldiram's rea,ches the
untapp.d markets aboard and earns valuabl e foreign exchange for the country.

:Haldiram's con,pe·tes on 'the basis. of :numerous factors including brand recognition

,due to distinct packaging, product quality, traditional taste and authenti,c Indian
tlavour. The oon1pany's timely introduotion of new produots and line extension has
played a n1ajor part in the buying behaviour of co:nsun1ers as welL

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Eleven Brand Definitions

i) Product

Haldiran1's product,s are traditional high-quality Indian sweets, namk ens and snack:
food it.ems at a pren1iu.m. yet affo:rdable p:rice. They wer,e tbe first in India to use
state of-rbe-art technology for manufacturing traditional Indian snack iten1s thus
setting quality standards a.nd in1proving the sb .lf lif,e of the products. as welL

ii) B:raod

When it con1es to s,1/eets, namkeens and snack food items, Haldiram's, is a nan1
trusted across the Indian sub-co.ntinenc. It is a na.m.e asso ciated with high qualicy 1 1

and tradition al t.aste.

The brand name Haldiram'Si came from the owner's forefathers and one tlhin_g is
clear, the nan1:e has been chosen on a purely personal basis What was chosen as a
name for the company decades ago has today revolutionized the way we .loo.k. at
tthe ethnic s:nack food industry

iv) Brand Core Values

.Haldiran1'8 brand oore values are quality,. taste,. variety, traditional a:nd very Indian

·v) Brand Chara,cter

The brand character of Haldiram's that distinguishes it &om its nmin con1]Jetitor
F.Rl'TO,LAYS i8 its 'traditional Indian taSite'.

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vi) B.rand Pers,on.ality

It is not the brand alone but the manner in which the brand presents its characteristics..
:Haldiranl'Srdepict8 the personality of a n1an, Vlho is rooted in his tradition out of
,choice and not compulsion. He is very lndian in his, choices and behaviour and
puts a high pre·miun1 on quality as w,ell.

This refers to the consumers' placen1ent of a co:mpany vis-a-vis its comp titors"
Haldiran1'8 has also been rate<l as ·the second fastest growing FMC·G Company
in India, has 70% of the total mark.'t share in th nan'lkeens category and is posing to
be the big.g,est threat to the multinational giant FRITO LA.YS in the snack food
.As far as the swe,ets and nanlkeens ar e concerned it is ch,e undisputed leader in r.he

organized s,ector..

Its position in t. rn1s of pr.icing is premium yet affordable" It njoys top of the nliod
recall and awareness in its target aud1eoce but this could very easily be subverted if

the coinpany does not bring into place strong branding strat,e.gies in1n1ediately..

·v.1...u).. B rand·os1tio,mng
_p ... ... II

Haldiram'Si lhas uniquely positioned its brand. lt lhas positioned itself as a

premium segm nt product available to all those who can afford it.. It is in not pierieeiv d
to be cheap but does offer good value £or mo.n y givin.g .high priority to quality
and rast • standardization throughout its outlets, which are suitably 1,ocated :in posh
ar,eas of the
,city. Initially the brand cat red only to tbe 35+ category with its positioning staten1e:nt
''Always in good taste'"' but lately the con,pany has s.tarted to target kids and teenagers
••h- w- u- h b· 1• ·'·'h ban 1

as we11 w1tl a. ng sl ase 1ne , zu. •. pe . '

Ha1dirams has also gained an redge over its co.n1petitors by mininlizing pron,otion
costs" Haldirams once was just another swe ·t n1ruce:r but it had :n10ved into trained
brands by in,proving the product quality and packa,gi:ng.. Through its cl vier products
& brilliant distribution it has nioved :into the star category of brands

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Whenever one things of a brand, the first 'thing that con1es to the :n1ind that renlinds us
of just t.he brand and :not the feacur,es attached to .it is cons.ider,ed as the n1nemonic tor
that brand. In .Haldiram'Si cas.e it is. not available as yet but. is under consideration.
For the hn1e being the logo, its,elf could be tak,en as the n1ne.momc for the brand.

x) Br-and Property

It is the memory devieie, which not only r,en11nds the consuo1ers oft.he brand nan1e but
also its core values. In case of Haldiran1's the brand property would be its red and
whlt,e stylized logo and its base line 'Every zuban: p.e" which is ren1in.isc,ent of the
fact that the brand :is an ,established one with t.op of the n1ind recall

xi) B·rand Equity·

In cas,e of Haldiran1's 'the brand equity is its 70% holding of tlhe entire marker for
:nanltee:ns, its undisputed leaders.hip in the sweets category and also top of the mind
recall an ongst the target audi-. nces vis-a-vis the con1pe·titors in the sw,eets and
nanllieen n1arket achieved through decades of quality and taste control measur,es. The
taste that Haldiram's provides. through its,products is very Indian and yet it,
.international quality standards.

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Ever since t.h Indian consun1er started sbowin_g an interest in the branded and
packag,ed narnkeens there has been a spurt in the numb,er of players in this segment,.
Haldi.ram's is the oodisputed leader in thls segment. But today the cons,nn1ers have a
.lot of options and vari,ety to choose from and so a consumer surv, y .is imperativ- to
study the buying t:re:nds and patterns.

The objectives of th u:nd rtaken study are to analyse:

• The most favowrable choice of na1nkeens

• Fact.ors .influencing buying behaviour

• Type of Buying behaviour

• Brand loyalty

• Substitutability oft.he product

• Futlll"e exp,ectabons of the buyers

Customer·Valu,e Analysis

.Ha• Jw.. m s'


:Haldiran1'8 being the n,arket leader offers enormous benefits to its customers On tile
basiSi of the oonsun1er behaviour survey, the highest beneti that Haldiram's offers is
by way of hygiene and taste. Another bi_g strength of H.aldiram' s, ·which a :factor
rated pretty high by the ,consu.mers, was Packa_ging. By providing fr sh and tight.
packaging Haldiran1's ensures that their consumers can use it tor a longer period of
time. Another benefit 'that Haldiram's offers is the immense variety in their product
line. ln fact., in the na,nkeens segment its.elf Haldiran1's offers. about 40+ varieties
and ensures that this b.n fit stays on by constantly innovating and coming out with n w
typ s of na,nkeens. The best pare is that t.fuey offer traditional snacks rat.her than
modern sna,cks, which go down very well with tbe Indian consum!er.

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T yp,es ,of Competitive Strategies

Fron1the irrforniation based on the co:nsu:m,er survey, out of 150 people 136 co:nsun:1ed
:Haldiran1'8 products. Since 91·% of responses indicate consumption of Haldiran1's
produ,cts, ,ve conclude that Haldiram's is. the mar:kel leader in t.he nmnkeens
se_gnient. In the consu:mer survey that w,e had done, hyg1!ene and taste had come out
as the hi,ghest priority factors that influence the buy.in_g behaviours. Haldira:nl'Si
adopts. the ioUowing nmrket l eader strat.e,g.ies..

Ma.rket leader strategies a..dopted by Haldiram 's

i) lnereasing ·the 'to'tal market

Being a n1arket leader, one of Haldiram's. strategies.has been to s.olicit new users.
for their products. They have do:ne this by targeting the NRl's. living abroad and
exporting their na,nke.ens th re. This in tur.n has also helped create awareness. about
their product an1on_g the non-NRI's abroad. Its tbray into the foreign n1arkets,has
beem. carefully strate_gized as in th custon1izatio:n of its products..Apart fro:n1 this,
they have also penetrat .d th,e rural markets qui-t effect.iv- ly by bringing out their
products m s:n1all, affordable packets..J-\11 these ne\v :markets have helped
consolidate Halrliram's position as a k ader.

ii) Defendmg Market 1Share!

To prot ect jts. position. as leader, Haldiran1's, makes. use of two defence

strate,gies:'io:n Defence and Mobilre defence.

1) Position defe:nce

Haldiranl's has built tor its.elf .quite a superior brand image, n1aking it extremely
difficult for its com.petit.ors to break this in1age.. Thus, the·titors have to put
in extra effurts to create a brand :much more superior thanHaldiram's..

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2) Mobile defence

This involves the l ead r str,etclrin_gits don1ain over new territories that can serve

as futur e canters .for d,efence and offense. Under this defence, Haldiram's follows

the 'Market: Broadening' n1obile d,en nee The rec ent establishment of their 1

Na.gpur plant shows that they are now ,concentrating on the Southern region. Also,
their foray into the international n1arket and their deeper penetration into the rural
:n1arkec coupled wit.h the introduction of their new product range like syrups
pick1 es, etc.

:Hi) Expanding Market Sh.are

,over the years, Haldiran1's has been diversifying its product line and entering newer
market8. 'This :has resulted in considerably expanding the market share ofHaldiram's,
thus also substantially increasing their produ,cts.

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1. What age profile d.o you belo·ng to?

Age Gr·oup 1 N,o. ,of Respondents

25-35 49

36-45 56

I 4-6=60· 28
Above 60 1

Fron1 the above tabl,e 32% 1·spondents. are belonging to the age category of 25-
35yrs. 37% :r spond .nts are belonging to tbe category of 36-45 19% r espond,ents 1

are belonging to the category of 46-60. 12% r espondents ar,e b longing to the

category of above 60

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2. Do you consu1ne Haldira1n.'s products?

Consume Haldiram produ,cts N·o of Responden·ts
y·es 136

No 14


F:rom the above data it is clear tbat most of the custo.n1ers (around 91%) of D-.lhi and
N CR. have consu:n1ed the product of Haldiran1. The r,.st 9% hav,e not co:nsum.ed the

produ,ct of Haldiran1,. In. response as to \Vhether or not • hey consumed Haldiran1's

produces, 136 of the 150 answered in the positive, which translates into aln10st 91%
of the sample size. This establishes the superiority and awareness of the product among
the people. Also another interesting point observed was that the three out of fourteen
\vho didn't oo:nsume Haldiran1's produots \veren't actually averse to Haldi.rani's
prod:u,ct.s but did not consume them because they either didn't consume nmnkeens
_generally or had some medical constraints..

Pa,ge 4-9 of 70

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3. What is your bran,d preference for namkeens'?

Which One B:rand You Pr efe:r 1 N·o..Of Respondents





MTR 18



F:rom the Above data it is ,cleared there are n1.any Good Competitors of 1

Haldiran1 still surviving amongst all on the Top is the strategy of Haldiram. As w,e
can clearly see th • n1ost Brand Priefer enc• is g.iven
1 to Haldiran1 an,on_gst all of its
Comp etitors.

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4. Q,o y·ou prefer local snacks?

Prefer local snacks No. of respondents

y1eS 112

no 38


.Another point that ca.n1e across was that when questioned about t'he consun,ptio:n
of other brands tlhe closest ,competition fur Haldiran1's came fro.m Bika:ner and
.Also o:nly 25% preferred local snacks when con,pared to branded snacks which
shows that the branded snacks segment is into the unbranded segn1ent.

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5. Since when have you been consu1ni11g Haldira1n's.Products?

Consumin_g Haldiram s,ince No. of respondents

Less than 6

6 mont.s-lyr 14

1yr-3yr 46

More than 3 yr 84


56% of the respondents have been constuning Haldiram's nmnkeen.'i for ov er 3 years 1

while 30.67% .have been consun1ing it for bet w en 1-3 years.·. with the arrival of so
n1.any con'lpetitors on the sc. ne even a p riod of year is long 1enough to prove brand
.lo ya lty which is established very firm ly in th is ,case.. Thus the chances of the

substitutability of t:he Haldiram's namkeens by any other brand seem to be rather low
as there has b. n no switching of brands by any of these rit ,spondents,.Those who hav
tried it have maintained th ir loyalty towards it. is again re-:iterat,ed by the
following chart which depict8 the perceived chan_ge in 'the quality of Haldiram's
nan:ikeens by th - c o nsu:m e r.

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6. How would ·you rate the quality of Haldiram over the perio,d of use?

Com:parison of q\1ality o,1er 'the :period of No. of ·respondents

Significantly Better 69
Better 46
N·,eutral 35
Worse 0
Significantly Worse 0


None of th. r espond nts subscribed to the vi w that. the quality of Haldiran1's,

namJceens has got worse. They were either .neutral or found it to be

better/significantly hettJer t.han before This n1ight be oDe of the reasons for the
stfron,g brand 1oyalt y.

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7. What 1notivated you to buy Haldiram's products?

The Influencer No. of .respondents

Self 55

Ads 51
Family 26

R•elativ,es 15
Neighbours 0

Friends 3


O:n th, basis of the chart above, it is evident that when it con1es to buying
namJk:eens people t,end not to g et influenced by others. Tbey rely on their own

s,ense of judgement co buy nani.keens. Howev er :in son1e cases the fanuly n1en1

oers tend to influence the bu..ying patt.erns of buy er.. Hence in this ,cas,e th_re

s, to be a vacuum when it comes to the role of the 'Influencer',. Because of this
the r espondent himself also usually plays the role of the 'Decider'.

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8. Which of these factors .in_fluence your buying ·beh.aviour of

Factors No. of respondents

Pr.i,c,e 6

Brand .name 19

Quality 59

Taste 66

Packaging 0


Consu.mers gave the highest priority to the taste of the namkeens as oo:mpared t.o
the other factors. Quality ,canw in a clos,e s,econd on their priority list.. What came
as a surpris,• was that :none of the respondents cons ider ed packagin_g as part of 1

their selection criteria on which Haldiran1's usually lays so·much stress.

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9. How would. you rate the following factors in order of your

Table 9
FACTORS No. of Responden·ts

Vari,ety 35

Food Tast & Quality 3

Hygiene 0
Nu.trition Vah.1.-• :,

Price 50

Packa,ging 57


Again, when ask,ed to rate the :in,portance level of six factors, the results were
interestin_g as, :most of the respondent8 considered 'Packaging' as only somewhat
in,portant. Also t.he opinion o:n ·th e price feature was divided as son1,e of t.he:n1

considered it being in1portant whil so.n1e oth rs co:nsider,ed it son1 what important
and some even didn't find it important The stronges.t factors. that influenced he buyer
whi.l e purchasing
1 narnkeer13 were F'ood tast,e and quality and Hygiene. The majority of
the respondents rated these two factors as being 'Very In,portant'. Apart fton1 these
co.nsun1ers also considered 'Varie·ty' as an 'Important' factor \Vbile buying Namke,ens.
Nutritional value didn't seem to have much of an effect on the buying trends as
opinion here again see:ms to be divided..

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10 How you find Haldira111.'s price?

Haldiram''s p:ri.ce No. of :res,pondents

V,eryLow 0

.low 0

Reasonable 93

High 47

V, ry High 10


With r espect to Haldiram's, it wag, found that 62% of the r,espondents considered the

prk>e to be reasonab.l e. How ever 38% also consider,ed it t.o be hi_gh,.This confusion :is
1 1

.howev,er solved when vi ewed :in the .light of the following ,graph that analyses the

rating of various .factors.

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11.. Would you buy :Haidiram's products for them?

Factor Rating

Packaging 89

Variety 90

Price 75

·Quality 95

IHy,giene 96

Taste 95


In the above chart, the :r,esponde:nts wit r ask d to rate the factors basit ,d on a 5-
point scal,e, 5 being the highest The total score for each factor has been. co.mputed by
n1.ultiplying the rati:Qg with the corresponding nun1ber of respondents H,er e again 1

t.he san1e tr,end of hygi,ene aod taste being given the highest priorit.y is reit,erat,ed.
The confusion relating to the price factor is solved as. 'Price' ,gets the least priority
an1ong the people surveyed. H.ence people don.'t ntind paying for Haldiran1's
na,nkeens as
.long as t h e_yg e t a tasty and hygienic product as value for their money* Once again
Packaging, \Vhicb is a top priority for Haldiram' s, fails. to get top priority an1ong tlhe
oonsumers and finishes. fifth on the priority list This can be correlated to Herzber,g's
two=factor theory* The absenoe of good packagin_g :n1.ay l,ead to dissatisfaction
an1ong the consun1ers but the pr es .nee of it does not s .
1 n1 to cr,eate any particular
satisfaction a:nlon2: the consun1e:r..

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12 Ho·w w-ould. you rate the :Haldiratn's na1nkeens for their nutritiona]


Haldiram's Nan1keens nu'lritional N·o of .respon dents 1

Minin1al 76

.A.dequate 47

H.ealthy 27


·'When it comes 't-o then nutritio:ml value of Haldiram's nntnkeens, 51% of the
respondents felt that th nutritional value was n1ininlal while non.·of th n1 £ It that it
was healthy. :But. de s p-i e this the average consu:n1er still prefers to buy
Ha1diram's namkeens thereby proving dlat the lack of sufficient nutritional value
isn''t a detiettent
.in purchasing their namkeens.

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13. Do you buy Haldira111.'s gift packages?

You Buy Haldi.ram 's Gift N·o of Respondents

Ys 82

No 68


Haldiram's. attaches. a lot of value to its gift packages offered during tb festive
season. However., 45.33% of the respondents didn't buy such packages. ' shows.
that the gift packages. being offered don''t play such an important role on tlhe buying
behaviour of the consumer..

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14-. Do you th:ink that .is there any Significance D if:fere·nce between 1

:Ha]diram•s an:d other brands?

Signi.f1cance Difierenc,e No of r,espondents

Yes 97

No 53


When asked to whether they found any significance d:iffierence between Haldiran1's
and any other brand 64..66% are of the view that ther e does exist a significant 1

differ,ence. Also, a product like namkeens involves low involven1e:nt levels while
buying.. Thus, it can reonclud. that buying behaviour of the consumers of
Haldiran1's namkeens is the 'Variety-s1eekiug buyin_g beha,rio11.r'.. This translates
into a pos.itive fo:r Haldiram's, as the oonsun1ers, in s.pite of trying difterent brands,
seem to be coming back to .Haldiram's.

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Recommen d at. ions

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The survey also sought to know as to what the comsun,ers ,expect in rhe future from
:Haldiran1'8 Namke,ens and otherwise. Many cr,eativ,e ideas came out With regard to
Na,nkeens people ar,e looking fo:rward to popcorn, cheese balls n1uch mor,e vari ty in
the wafers, banana chips, roasted nuts, ,etc Many of the r,esponde:nts are seeking low
calorie narnke.ens fton·1Haldiran1's and there is also a den,and for n1any n1ore varieties
in bhujia 's· The n1inimal nutrition lev,els do not seen1 to be affecting the buying trends
of the consu.n1ers right now; but as people are beco.ming more and more health
conscious, .in the futur1e consunwrs might be loo.king forward to low calori,e nmnkeens
and snacks fro.m Haldiram's._ )q)art. ftom the Na,nkeens segment, the consumers in
general are loo.kitqg for-ward to products n1asalas n1ilk and n1ilk related products,
·•ice creams etc o .H a l, d. l'fam' s.
.............................. m
f.t ·

The market is clo_gged with dominant players suc.h as Frit.o-Lay India, PepsiCo's.
s:nack foods arn1, which has almost brought in a snack-chip nevolution in the country,
:Haldiran1's and the Delhi-based snack-food-retail r Bikan·rvala Foods Pvt Ltd. ,etc.
Ev,e:nthe dairy n1ajor Mother Dairy has a presence in the category. Witth the ntry of
con1panies such as I'JC and HUL into this industry .it is g, tting tough for co:mpanies
such as Haldiram's ,vho till now have not paid serious attention 'to its branding

Incr1as,ed n1edia exposure, • ver :increasing purchasing power ,of the target audience
coupl,ed with their desire to spend :more on eating out due to lifestyle changes will fuel
the deniand for snack food iten1s and only those co:n1panies which have a co:nsid,erable
share of voice and space in the n1ar"1 t will be able to surviv * Haldrran1's has the
capability of n1eieting these den1ands and only requir,es a certain uevision .in its
strat,e_gies to be able to do so successfully, which it alr eady has be.gun to consider. 1

There is high awareness level for different Haldiram's produots amongst the retailer.
Market share of:Haldiram's namkeen is more than double of its competitors.

Pa,ge 63 of 70

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Med, i a·M·1 x

:Haldiran1'8 should aim at constn1cting a con1prehensive media mix.

• It could ventu:r,einto corporate tie-ups at its var.ious outlets.

• S t up nli:ni outlets inside the multinational o.ffioe con11)lexes.

• Cash in on the ,call wav 1

and .have t.iie-ups with business process
outsourcing con1panies*

• Undertake catering at ,get tog ether, we<lding and kitty parties for won1en

who form a clTunt.of its target audie:nc,e.

• Conduct road shows on various campuses nationwide,.

• Company should have make endeavour in this ,context like Advertisem nt.

Pa,ge 64 of 70

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,. Kotler, Philip., and Keith Kohn. Cox. Marketing Management and Strategy: a

Reader. Pr,e:ntice-Hall, 1988.

• Sahadev Su:nj] and Tapan k Panda, Sales & Distribution

• Quinlan, Christina et al. Business Resear:ch Meth,od ,. Cengage

Learning E:ME.A 2015.
• Batra K Satish, and Kazn-ii Consun·,er B.ehaviour

• Marketing Management by D,r.c..B. GUPT.A and Dr. N RAJAN N.AIR

• l<Gothari, ·C.R. (2004) Research Methodology: Methods and Tech1·1, 2nd
Edition, New .Age Int rnatio.nal Publishers, New D,elhi.


• TheHindu
• Times ·Of India

• www.lndianfoodindustry net


• www..bikajLcon1


• www.samratnan1.keen..con1.

• The H.indu(ww\v.hinduonnet.oom.)

• Tin1es news Net\.vo:rk( wwVv'.eoono:nnctin1es.indiat in1es.con1)

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Ql. What ag profil do you belong to?

o 15-20
o 21-24
o 31-40
0 41=50

Q.2. Do you cons,ume Haldiram's. products?

o Yes
o No

·Q3·.What is your brand pr,efi rence for :namk:ee:ns?

o Haldiram
o Lays
o L,ehar
o Bika:ne:r
. l\ if " " lrR...,_ .
1 V l.J

Q4. Do you prefer local snacks?

0 'YreS

o No

Pa,ge 67 of 70

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Q 5. Since \vhen :have you been.cons.umin_g Haldiran1' s Products?

o Less thao -6 n,onths

o 6 n1onth- lyear
o 1-3 years
o ,Greater than 3 years

·Q-6. How would you rat.,e the quality of H'aldiram over the period of use?
o Sign'ific antly
o Better
o BettJer
o Natural
o Worse
o Significantly wors,e

·Q7. What factors n1otivated yoll to buy Haldiram' s products?'

o Friends
o Neighbours
o Relatives
o F'anrily
o Ads
o Self

·Q8. Which of thes,e factors influ nee your buying bahaviour of nao1keens?
o Packaging
o Quality
o :Price

·Q9. How would you rate ·the following factors in order of your preferenc,e?
o ·vari,ety
o F'ood taste and qualic.y
o Hygien

Pa,ge 68 of 70

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o Nutritional valu,e
o Price
o Packaging

Q lO. How you find Haldiran1's. price?


o High
o ·veryhigh
o ·verylow
o Low
o R asooab1e

Q l 1.. Would you buy Haldiram's produots tor their


o :Packaging
0 ·var.ietY. .
o Pri,ce
o Quality
o Hygiene
o Taste

Q l2,. How \vould you rate 'the .Haldiram's nan1keens for their .nutritional value?

o Mi:nin1al
o Adequat,e
o Healthy

Q 13.. Do you buy Haldh"an1's gift packages?


o ·Yes.
o No

Pa,ge 69 of 70

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Q 1.4,. Do you think that is there any si_gnificance difference between Haldiran1's

products and other brands?

0 ·ves
o No

Pa,ge 70 of 70

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