Esguerra Module 2 Fit

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Date: September 18, 2022

Course and Year: BSCE I-6 Instructor: Mr. Joel Cabanilla


Activity 1: My Quarantine Activities – a Reflection

A. Try to recall at least three activities you have been doing since the start of the
home quarantine due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Using the table below,
describe briefly at least five activities you have been doing most of the time
each month. (For offline students, use Module 2 Unit 1 Worksheet No. 1; Online
students will get instructions from your FIT course facilitator)

March April May June July

 Bodybuildi  Bodybuil  Bodybuil  Bodybuil  Bodybuil

ng ding ding ding ding
Workouts Workouts Workouts Workouts Workouts
 Treadmill  Treadmill  Treadmill  Treadmill  Treadmill
Walking Walking Walking Walking Walking
 Biking  Playing Biking  Boxing  Biking

A. Go over all the activities you have been doing and classify each activity as to its
purpose, whether it is related to Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional, Spiritual,
environmental, or financial aspects.
Purpose Activity
Physical basketball drills, footwork lateral, push-ups, abs workout, shoulder workouts,
dumbbell workouts, basic dribble workouts, jogging, bike
Mental Playing some online games.

Do you think those activities contributed to your health improvement? How?

Answer: Yes, the activities I list help me still be in better shape, both physically and
mentally. The pandemic separates me from everyone, which significantly affects my
outside life. So, these activities are the foundation not to tear me apart. It helps me in
both ways.
Actlvlly 3: My Physical Actlvlfy Pyramid
A. Design your physical activity pyramid os your first step towards a physically
active lifestyle for your health and fitness. A sample has been provided below. You
may just replace the data provided whichever is applicable to you. Identify the
kinds of exercises that you want to participate in for oerobic (ex. Swimming,
running, etc.) and strength training (ex. Weight troining using machine or free
weights). Identify also whot you need to lessen and place them ot the peak of the

Activity 1. My Exercise Prescription Plan. Please use Module 2 Unit 2 Worksheet No. 1 to
place your answers.

1. Why do you want to do aerobic exercises?

Answer: swimming, running, and cycling

2. What aerobic exercises/cardiorespiratory exercises will you be participating in?

Answer: All of them.

3. How often will you be doing the activity within a week?

Answer: Regardless of my studies, I will these activities two times a week.

1. Do you think you are at the beginner’s stage? Intermediate stage? Or advanced stage?
(Encircle what stage are you in. If you are physical active for quiet sometime now then
perhaps you are in the intermediate stage or even advance stage. However, if you have
not been active then obviously, you are at the beginner’s stage).

Beginner Stage Intermediate Stage Advanced Stage

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