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2, MARCH 2014

A Decentralized Storage Strategy for Residential

Feeders With Photovoltaics
Francesco Marra, Member, IEEE, Guangya Yang, Member, IEEE, Chresten Træholt,
Jacob Østergaard, Senior Member, IEEE, and Esben Larsen

Abstract—This paper proposes a decentralized storage strategy

to support voltage control in low-voltage (LV) residential feeders
with high photovoltaic (PV) capacity installed. The proposed
strategy is capable of preventing overvoltage situations during
high PV generation periods, by the use of locally controlled battery
energy storage systems (ESS) at the PV system grid interface. The
traditional way of operating a domestic ESS is based on charging
the battery as soon as the PV generation exceeds the consumption,
without taking into account overvoltage events during high PV
generation hours; the proposed storage concept improves the
traditional approach, thanks to the provision of voltage support.
A novel method, based on voltage sensitivity analysis, identifies a
common power threshold that triggers the ESSs activation in the
feeder. A Belgian residential LV feeder is used as a case study.
Time-series simulations based on 1-year load and generation Fig. 1. Conventional storage strategy and proposed strategy compared.
profiles verify the method findings and quantify the ESS size in
terms of storage power and energy level.
Index Terms—Decentralized control, energy storage, photo- 70% of the nominal peak-output power of the PV system; this
voltaic systems, power quality, voltage control. corresponds to an inherent curtailment of up to 30% when the
peak-output power is being generated. Some alternative solu-
tions to active power curtailment may involve domestic load
I. INTRODUCTION shifting, to increase local consumption, and energy storage [7],

W ITH the increasing penetration of photovoltaic (PV),

there is a great potential of relieving the loading of
low-voltage (LV) distribution grids. Meanwhile, the LV grid op-
The state of the art on energy management for houses with
PV has mainly focused on demand side management (DSM), to
eration encounters more and more uncertainties with regard to shape the domestic electric load during periods of high PV gen-
voltage quality [1], [2]. In several European countries and re- eration and to minimize the energy drawn from the mains [9].
gions in Germany, Spain, Belgium and others, several LV grids Since the number of flexible domestic appliances is very lim-
have reached high PV penetration levels with consequences on ited and because these are not necessarily used on a daily basis
the quality of the supply voltage [3]. (e.g. the washing machine), the local consumption of PV gen-
High generation and low load conditions are the pre-condi- eration can be significantly increased with the deployment of
tions of power flow inversion in a grid feeder; these situations a battery energy storage system (ESS). The conventional size
are likely on a daily basis and may result in overvoltage events of domestic ESSs for houses with PV is in the range of 5 kWh
at the different buses [4]. Therefore, solutions to increase the [9], [10], which allows obtaining a local consumption rate of
consumption at houses with roof-top PV, during periods of high about 55% yearly [10]. The conventional way of performing
solar irradiation, are needed to preserve voltage quality. In Ger- local consumption consists on activating the charging of the
many, the vast majority of PV plants, about 13 GW, are con- ESS battery as soon as the PV output power is greater than the
nected at the LV grid, causing overvoltage events in different house electric load, Fig. 1. However, this strategy does not pre-
areas during the year [5]. To avoid such events, from January vent overvoltage events during maximum PV generation hours
2012, a fixed limitation of the active power feed-in by each (12:00–14:00 PM), as the ESS battery gets fully charged during
PV system is mandatory [5]. As of today, the limit is set to the morning hours of sunny days, well before the maximum PV gen-
eration period [9].
In this paper, a novel decentralized storage strategy, for res-
Manuscript received February 12, 2013; revised June 15, 2013 and August 10, idential feeders with PV is proposed, prioritizing the charge of
2013; accepted September 03, 2013. Date of publication September 26, 2013;
date of current version February 14, 2014. Paper no. TSG-00100-2013.
ESS batteries around peak generation hours, as shown in Fig. 1.
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, Technical Uni- Each ESS is activated at a certain power threshold, Pth, in Fig. 1,
versity of Denmark (DTU), Kongens Lyngby DK-2800, Denmark (e-mail: {fm, which is identified by the method proposed. The selection of the
gyy, ctr, joe, ela}
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
strategy to use, whether the “proposed” strategy or the “conven-
at tional” one, Fig. 1, can be optimized using day-ahead solar irra-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2013.2281175 diation forecasts [11]; however, these are not used in this paper.

1949-3053 © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

correct operation of domestic load appliances, the power quality

Standard EN 50160 is considered, with regard to voltage magni-
tude variations [12]. It shall be ensured that during each period
of one week, the 95% of 10-minute average values of the supply
voltage shall be within the range 10% of , where is
Fig. 2. Simplified single-line diagram of LV feeder with PV. the nominal mean value [12].


The decentralized storage strategy is implemented and sim- The management of energy storage systems (ESSs) at houses
ulated for a residential LV feeder with 23% PV penetration, with PV requires an electrical setup which comprises smart me-
using measurement-based 1-year load and generation profiles; ters, smart sockets, for realizing the load-shift of different appli-
this time interval is a quite representative for the goal of the ances, and a main controller to realize load management [13],
paper, thus the stochastic nature of PV generation is not mod- [14]. The study in [10] analyzes the local consumption rate for
eled. The advantages of the storage strategy, as opposed to de- a cluster of households with annual consumption of 4000 kWh
centralized reactive power options for voltage support are also and a 5 kW PV system. The local consumption rate amounts
addressed. to about 25%. To reach higher levels of local consumption, the
II. LV FEEDERS WITH PV house shall be equipped with an ESS, whose operation is co-
ordinated with the PV system. With a 5 kWh battery-ESS, the
LV distribution grids are designed and operated in a radial local consumption rate rises of about 30% showing a final local
fashion [4]. The purpose of the LV grid is to provide connection consumption rate of about 55% [10].
from the medium-voltage (MV) grid to the supply points for the The typical AC system in a house with PV and ESS is de-
individual customers. Typically, a European LV grid consists picted in Fig. 3(a). The PV system is composed of a PV array
of a secondary step-down transformer to step down the voltage and a PV inverter whose AC output power is monitored by the
from the MV level to a 0.4 kV line-to-line voltage and of dis- main controller via a real-time meter. The ESS is connected at
tribution lines or cables. Voltage regulation is passive in most the same point of connection of the PV inverter and its input/
cases. When PV systems are connected at a feeder bus, Fig. 2, output power is also real-time monitored [15]. A wide range
the voltage magnitude at the point of common coupling (PCC) of battery-ESS technologies can be utilized, such as lead-acid
is likely to increase and its expression can be approximated as and Li-ion batteries. However, due to the better performances of
follows: Li-ion battery chemistries in terms of lifetime, energy-to-weight
ratio, self-discharge rate and charge- discharge efficiency, this
technology is adopted for the ESS in this paper [16].
The ESS is modeled with the charge-discharge equations as
(1) expressed in (5) and (6), where is the discharging power and
is the charging power of the ESS battery, respectively;
is the energy stored in the battery at time ; is the duration
time of each interval [17]. The two coefficients and are
(2) the discharge and charge efficiencies respectively.
(3) (5)
(4) (6)
where The operation of the battery system should also take into ac-
voltage variation vector at the bus; count power and energy constraints. The maximum power limits
during charging/discharging can be described by (7) and (8) re-
current vector; spectively:

grid voltage vector and its conjugate; (7)

nodal active and reactive power;
For simplicity, we refer to to indicate the power flow in-out
active and reactive power feed-in of the
the ESS, thus including both the phases of charging and dis-
PV system;
charging. Positive values of indicate the provision of voltage
load active and reactive power; support. The state-of-charge (SOC) and energy limits of an ESS
equivalent resistance and reactance of the can be described as follows:
feeder cable.
The voltage equation is obtained assuming negligible cable
losses, thus the R/X ration can be also neglected. To ensure a where

In this paper, the size of the ESS is not pre-determined, in-

stead it is one of the decision variables, in order to comply with
the voltage constraints in the feeder.


To lower the voltage profiles during overvoltage periods, the

ESS at each house with PV shall be operated during the max-
imum generation interval, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The system
architecture to achieve voltage support by decentralized storage
is depicted in Fig. 3. Every roof-mounted PV system is cou-
pled with an ESS at the same point of connection. The house
main controller controls the activation of the ESS. If the power
reaches a pre-defined threshold (e.g. the 70% of the
PV system peak-power), the main controller sends a charging
activation signal to the ESS control, corresponding to flag set
to 1, in Fig. 3(b). The flag is set to 0, otherwise. At the end
of the PV generation period, i.e. after sun set, the main con-
troller sets the flag to 2, so the ESS can be discharged back to
the initial state. Depending on the flag setting, the ESS control
generates an ESS activation signal corresponding to “Charge
on”, “Discharge on”, or Idle, as depicted in Fig. 3(c). The ESS
stores the incoming PV energy, by charging with a power level
. The charging process continues as long
as is greater than the threshold. The ESS control can
be also improved introducing a power dead-band to avoid fast
switching events.
A safe usage of the ESS battery should be ensured at all times,
during charging or discharging operation. This task is achieved
by the SOC control, which is the inner control loop of the storage
system. The charging of the ESS battery should be limited to
a SOC window of 20–90%, as determined in [18], for Li-ion
battery types. Other types of batteries may be considered for the
same concept, involving potentially a different usage window.
To provide voltage support in the feeder, the main problem to
solve is the identification of the ESS maximum charging power
under worst case conditions of maximum generation and no
load. This problem is solved using linear programming (LP)
method, based on voltage sensitivity analysis.


The main problem is to identify the power threshold for acti-

vating the ESSs in the feeder, considering that voltage violations
Fig. 3. Decentralized storage concept. should be avoided. The objective function in (11) shall mini-
mize the ESS size while securing all bus voltages within 1.1
p.u. The method identifies a value for , between 0 and 1, that
represents the share of PV peak-output power used by the ESS
and are the minimum and
for charging. For instance, the feed-in power limitation of 70%
maximum energy levels of
[5] is equivalent to adopting . The problem of interest
the storage, defining the
can be solved with linear programming (LP), with the following
usable energy window;
and are the minimum and Objective function:
maximum SOC limits that
shall be set in relation to the
application. (11)

Constraints: TABLE I


where is the number of PV plants in the feeder; is

the charging power of the -ESS; and are the min-
imum and maximum ESS discharging and charging power, re-
spectively; is the column vector containing all bus voltages in
the feeder; is the maximum voltage magnitude allowed.
Constraints (12) are: a) the operative constraints that bound the
voltage magnitude at all buses within the limits; b) the operative
power range for each ESS; c) a common value for respec-
tively. It shall be noted that the voltage constraint a) includes
the network equations that incorporate the characteristics of ca-
bles, load and generation. The expression in (13) describes the
voltage constraint at the generic bus . Reactive power contri-
butions are neglected.


busbar grid voltage magnitude (p.u.); Fig. 4. Single-line diagram of the LV grid feeder.

voltage magnitude at bus (p.u.);

number of buses in the feeder; each, respectively. The definition of PV penetration used in this
paper refers to the one given in [21]:
active power feed-in by PV on bus ;
aggregated ESS charging power at bus ; (14)
voltage sensitivity coefficient of bus , to the
active power exchanged (p.u./MW). The PV penetration in the feeder is the ratio between the total
Due to the use of load flow equations, the aim of the method PV installed capacity to the nominal feeder capacity. The feeder
is not to precisely quantify the ESS size for voltage support, capacity is intended as the capacity of the first line section of the
but rather to estimate the value of required for a certain PV feeder, corresponding to 185 kVA in this case. It follows that a
penetration level; this value is also dependent on the number of PV penetration of 23% is present in the feeder.
PV systems in the feeder and on their rated power. With 1-year
time-series simulation, the value of can be confirmed or ad- A. Method Implementation
justed according to the voltage profiles obtained.
The method proposed is demonstrated on the grid feeder of
Fig. 4. To reproduce a worst case scenario for voltage magni-
VI. CASE STUDY tude variations, the assumption of maximum generation and no
load in the feeder is made; this should ensure a margin from the
The Belgian residential LV feeder [20] is used as case study. voltage limit of 1.1 p.u. with real load and generation profiles.
The feeder comprises 7 buses, of which 4 out of 7 hosting The method identifies a value of , leading to a maximum
PV systems: bus 2, 4, 5 and 7, respectively. It is composed ESS charging power of about 1 kW per house with PV system.
of NA2XRY type LV cables and it is part of a larger LV grid A second scenario assuming 50% PV penetration is investi-
which includes 9 feeders in total [20]. The feeder supplies 33 gated with the method. The PV installed capacity for this sce-
houses and it embeds 9 single-phase roof-mounted PV systems, nario is indicated in Table II. With this PV penetration level, the
with total PV capacity installed of 42.6 kW. The PV capacity method identifies a value of , leading to a maximum
per bus is indicated in Table I. On bus 2, 4, and 5, each PV charging power per ESS of about 6 kW. It is observed that, by
system size corresponds to the value indicated in Table I, while doubling the PV penetration in the feeder, the ESS power re-
for bus 7, 6 PV systems contribute as follows: 2 plants of 4.8 quirement increases by 6 times. As a consequence, it is also ex-
kW each; 2 plants of 4.25 kW each and 2 plants of 4.4 kW pected that the ESS energy level is significantly increased in the


Fig. 8. Power losses in the LV feeder.


Fig. 5. Load in the LV feeder.

power range of 15 to 35 kW; 2) the highest concentration of days

with voltage above 1.1 p.u. is observed in spring and summer.
With regard to grid losses, the total energy losses in the feeder
are calculated considering the losses on all feeder cables; the
total power losses profile, during the 12-month period, is de-
picted in Fig. 8. It is observable that losses are lower in spring
and summer and higher in winter and autumn.
Fig. 6. PV generation in the LV feeder. With regard to energy levels, the total energy consumption,
energy production and energy losses are calculated and summa-
rized in Table III.


The method identified a value of for the scenario
with 23% PV penetration and a value of for 50% PV
penetration. With time-series simulations, the following cases
are investigated:
Fig. 7. “Generation-load” in the LV feeder. Case 1) which considers , as obtained by the method
application with 23% PV penetration; all private
ESSs are activated when .
second scenario; both scenarios are investigated via time-series Case 2) which considers ; all private ESSs are acti-
simulations using 1-year load and generation profiles. vated with , as required by
the Renewable Energy Sources Act, EEG 2012, in
B. Load and Generation in the Feeder Germany [6].
Case 3) which considers , as obtained by the
The ESS operation is analyzed with time-series simulations method application with 50% PV penetration; all
for a 12-month period using 15-minute average load and gen- residential ESSs are activated with
eration profiles. A previous study performed for the feeder has .
shown overvoltage events along the feeder buses [22]. While for case 1 and case 3 are applied as a result of the
The aggregated load and generation in the feeder, from the proposed method, the value of for case 2 is predetermined, as
1st of January till the 31st of December, are depicted in Fig. 5 it is based on an existing grid connection requirement [6].
and Fig. 6, respectively. The 12-month simulation shows that
voltage rise events at bus 7 are the most critical, due to voltage
A. Case 1
magnitude violations in 98 days.
In Fig. 7, the difference “PV generation (G)-load (L)” in those With , the feed-in power by each PV system is at most
days with voltages magnitude above 1.1 p.u. is depicted. For the 80% of . The 1-year charging activity of the 9 ESSs
graphical reasons, for each of these days, only one value of G-L is depicted in Fig. 9. The maximum charging power is about 1.1
is depicted, though this value may change during the entire over- kW, which is in line with the method results. The phase voltage
voltage period. Some major findings are: 1) overvoltage events profiles , and of the most critical feeder location, bus
occur with a positive “G-L” difference that corresponds to the 7, are depicted in Fig. 10. The profiles are clearly below the

Fig. 9. ESS charging power for voltage support, .

Fig. 13. ESS energy required for voltage support, with .

Fig. 10. Phase voltage profiles on bus 7, with .

Fig. 14. ESS energy required for voltage support, with .

of is required to comply with the voltage limit of 1.1

The assumptions made to increase the PV penetration level
from 23% to 50% have been the following:
— same number of PV systems as in the original case, with
Fig. 11. ESS charging power for voltage support, .
augmented installed capacity per system;
— twice the number of PV systems than the original case, i.e.
18 PV systems instead of 9.
With 9 PV systems in the feeder, the maximum charging
power of each ESS is on average 6 kW; while, with 18 PV sys-
tems, the maximum charging power results of about 3 kW.


The ESS energy levels are calculated based on the power pro-
files obtained for case 1, 2 and 3. With 23% PV penetration and
Fig. 12. Phase voltage profiles on bus 7, with . , the required ESS energy is 1.1 kWh, Fig. 13. This
value is obtained by selecting the day with the highest storage
power and energy content. Whereas, with , the required
voltage magnitude of 1.1 p.u., showing a margin of about 0.01 ESS energy is 3.8 kWh, Fig. 14.
p.u. from the limit, which is acceptable. With 50% PV penetration and , the required ESS
energy level with 9 ESSs in the feeder is 28 kWh per system,
B. Case 2
whereas 14 kWh, if we consider twice the number of ESSs.
With , the feed-in power of the PV system is at most It shall be considered that the identified energy levels are re-
the 70% of . The charging activity of the residential ferred to the usable energy window (in kWh) of the ESSs. Ac-
ESSs is depicted in Fig. 11. In this case, the maximum charging cording to [18], to operate the ESS battery within a linear SOC
power is about 1.7 kW and the ESSs operate for 147 days. The region and to avoid deep discharge cycles, the battery should
phase voltage profiles , and of bus 7 are depicted in be oversized in relation to the usable energy window identified
Fig. 12. Compared to the voltage profiles obtained for , with simulations. For each ESS battery, a usable SOC window
a wider margin from the limit of 1.1 p.u. is observed. of 20% to 90% is considered in this paper, complying with the
recommendations made on the use of Li-ion batteries in [18].
C. Case 3 The nominal battery capacity , the minimum and maximum
With 50% PV penetration, the total feed-in power by PV sys- energy constraints and can be obtained and these
tems is at most 92 kW. Such power amount leads to 231 days are indicated in Table IV.
with voltage magnitude violations. While the method applica- With 23% PV penetration, voltage support with re-
tion found a value for of 0.55, simulations show that a value quires a nominal battery capacity of about 1.6 kWh; instead,


B. Energy Losses in the Feeder

A comparison of energy losses in the feeder during the
12-month period with 23% PV penetration is performed ac-
cording to the cases of:
1) No storage;
2) Decentralized storage (DS) with ;
3) Decentralized storage (DS) with ;
The results obtained are indicated in Table V. With ,
the energy losses are reduced by 6.6% compared to the case
without storage. If voltage support is operated with ,
the energy losses are reduced of about 7.3%. Losses can be fur-
ther reduced if the ESSs operate also in those days without over-
voltage problems. In [22], reactive power solutions are used for
the same feeder to provide voltage support.
Fig. 15. Estimated ESS battery lifetime for the different scenarios. In all cases, a significant reactive power import is observed,
with increased energy losses. Furthermore, with reactive power
options by PV units, the PV active power output shall be reduced
according to the rated capacity of the unit; this aspect represents
with , a battery capacity of 5.4 kWh should be used.
an indirect active power curtailment.
It is also evident that the maximum charging and discharging
power of the ESS is not a critical requirement for the provision
of voltage support; in fact, the power level of 2 kW is enough IX. CONCLUSION
for both -cases. In this paper, a decentralized storage concept for feeders with
Significant differences are observed in power and energy high PV penetration has been set forth that can be potentially
levels with the 50% PV penetration scenario. With either 9 used as a storage planning tool.
ESSs or 18 ESSs in the feeder, the storage option is not eco- The main contribution of the work is based on the qualita-
nomically feasible by private PV owners. tive results obtained with the method, particularly applicable to
situations of LV feeders with high PV penetration. The deploy-
ment of private ESSs at houses with PV appears a promising
A. ESS Battery Lifetime option for accommodating increased PV penetration levels. The
storage strategy proposed improves the traditional way of con-
The estimation of the battery lifetime is limited to the sole
trolling ESSs at houses with PV: battery charging is activated
voltage support operation of the ESS, regardless of the ESS op-
according to an optimized power threshold, instead of “as soon
eration in days without voltage problems. The number of cycles
as ”. The strategy allows also a reduction of energy
performed during the 12-month period to support voltage con-
losses in the feeder, compared to the scenario without storage
trol, and the declared battery lifetime (number of cycles) at 80%
and to scenarios using reactive power options.
depth-of-discharge (DOD), are considered for the estimation of
For sizing the domestic ESSs, a method based on voltage sen-
. Considering a Li-ion battery with 1500 declared cycles [23],
sitivity analysis has been proposed, which identifies the power
is approximated as:
threshold for the charging activation of the ESS battery. By
testing the method on a simulated feeder with 23% PV pene-
(15) tration, it is found that all ESSs shall be activated starting from
the 80% of the peak-output power of each PV system. Instead,
For the three scenarios of , the diagram of Fig. 15 is obtained. the application of the 70% power threshold, as required by EEG
Under the 23% PV penetration scenario, it appears that 2012, would lead to over sizing the ESS batteries. A battery life
voltage support using decentralized storage does not impact of 15 years is obtained with the 80% power threshold, while 10
significantly the battery lifetime, if we consider that today’s years is obtained with 70%.
Li-ion batteries are warranted for about 8–10 years [23]. A By scaling up the PV penetration level to 50%, the method
considerably shorter lifetime is obtained with the 50% PV highlights that the power limitation of 70% does not guarantee
penetration scenario; this is due to the higher number of cycles the required voltage support in the feeder. Instead, a power limi-
required for voltage support during one year. tation of 50% from each PV system is required. In the latter case,

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tems,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sensing, vol.
2, no. 1, pp. 2–10, Mar. 2009.
[12] EN 50160, “Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public
distribution networks,” CENELEC. Brussels, Belgium, 1999. Jacob Østergaard is head of the Centre for Electric Technology and head of
[13] T. Ganu, D. P. Seetharam, V. Arya, R. Kunnath, J. Hazra, S. A. Husain, section for Electrical Energy Systems at DTU Electrical Engineering.
L. C. Da Silva, and S. Kalyanaraman, “nPlug: A smart plug for allevi- He is also head of the experimental platform for electricity and energy, Pow-
ating peak loads,” in Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Future Energy Syst.: Where erLabDK. He is member of the Advisory Council of the EU Technology Plat-
Energy, Computing Comm. Meet (e-Energy), May 2012. form SmartGrids. He is coordinator of the M.Sc. program in Wind Energy (elec-
[14] F. Shahnia, M. T. Wishart, A. Ghosh, G. Ledwich, and F. Zare, “Smart tric). His research focuses on the development of future intelligent power system
demand side management of low-voltage distribution networks using with increased share of decentralized and environmentally friendly electricity,
multi-objective decision making,” IET Generat., Transm. Distrib., vol. including wind energy.
6, no. 10, pp. 968–1000, Oct. 2012.
X. Liu, A. Aichhorn, L. Liu, and H. Li, “Coordinated control of
distributed energy storage system with tap changer transformers for Esben Larsen received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the
voltage rise mitigation under high photovoltaic penetration,” IEEE Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark, in 1977.
Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 2, Jun. 2012. He is currently Associate Professor at DTU. His main areas of interest in-
[16] K. Chen, A. Bouscayrol, A. Berthon, P. Delarue, D. Hissel, and R. clude: high voltage engineering, wind power, photovoltaic, geothermal, hydro
Trigui, “Global modeling of different vehicles,” IEEE Veh. Tech. Mag., power, micro combined heat and power. He has been manager of “Information
vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 80–89, Jun. 2009. and Knowledge Center of Electric Vehicles” at DTU, in 2000–2003.

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