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Frias, Danilyn Yvonne Y.

February 6, 2023
BSN - 1B
Assignment #3
Globalization has effects on various fields and those effects could be positive or negative. Present the said effects by
completing the table below.


According to various
studies, globalization has a
negative impact on us
because it prevents us from
developing our own ideas or
thoughts, which could make
us less affluent for our own
community because other
communities are adopting
these ideas and our own
people are consuming these
goods or cultures. Due to
international marketing
operations that destroy
cultural diversity. The
spread of Western culture
into other societies stunts
economic growth worldwide
and makes it more difficult
for people to express their
own cultural identities.
Individuals are more
affected by the harmful
effects of environmental
globalization. The
increasing farming,
ranching, fishing, and other
economic activities brought
on by globalization have led
to the destruction of many
species’ natural habitats.
Our ecosystem becomes
more polluted and hazardous
as a result of deforestation
and overfishing in
waterways, which
contributes to climate
change and higher
greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition, some of the
more severe effects of
climate change are focused
on how it might harm the
world economy. These
include the difficulties in
cultivating agricultural
products and the decrease in
marine species, which have
an impact on both the
world’s food security and
the livelihoods of local
economies and
The threat posed by cultural
globalization to us as
individuals is bigger. As we
move to a shared culture
with the same songs,
performances, cuisines, and
crafts, we lose cultural
diversity as a result of
globalization. It puts
customs and culture,
languages, and civilizations
at risk. Other negative
effects of cultural
globalization include the
spread of fundamental
concepts from one culture to
another, the replacement of
features of local culture with
prevailing norms from
another, and the creation of
prejudices about people who
belong to a certain culture.
The unfavorable
repercussions of political
globalization, some of which
have been harmful to
industrialized nations.
Terrorism, job insecurity,
currency fluctuations, and
pricing instability are some
negative effects of
globalization. The United
Nations, where the United
States was a member, was
one of the examples I used.
One of the UN’s key
objectives is to uphold
international peace and
security. However, the UN
has frequently failed to put
an end to or successfully
resolve crises. One
important factor making the
UN awful is how ineffective
it is in preventing many
major wars. Additionally,
conflicts cannot be stopped
by the UN.
The capacity of states to
uphold economic, social,
and cultural rights including
freedom of association, the
right to employment, and the
right to social security is
becoming more problematic
as a result of globalization.
Minorities may also be
affected disproportionately
by it. Globalization is
viewed as a danger to
human rights by those who
oppose it in various ways.
Unrestrained market forces
endanger economic, social,
and cultural rights including
the right to health, local
decision-making and
democratic involvement are
weakened, and transnational
foreign corporations are able
to accumulate increasing
amounts of wealth and

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