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Student Name ID Signature

1. Natanem yimer SCIE/046/11

2. Melkamu Zewde SCIE/063/11
3. Ahamed Mohammed SCIE/043/11
4. Mohammed Arega SCIE/067/11

Advisors Name Signature

1. ………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………

Tepi, Ethiopian

September 15, 2023

Mizan-Tepi University
School of computing and Informatics



Student Name ID Signature

5. Natanem yimer SCIE/046/11

6. Melkamu Zewde SCIE/063/11
7. Ahamed Mohammed SCIE/043/11
8. Mohammed Arega SCIE/067/11


Name Signature
1. ----------------------------- ---------------------------
2. ----------------------------- ---------------------------
3. ----------------------------- ---------------------------

Project Viva – Voce held on _______________________

Contact Information
This project is submitted to the School of Computing at Mizan-Tepi University in the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

Student Name ID Email

1. Natanem yimer SCIE/046/11

2. Melkamu Zewde SCIE/063/11
3. Ahamed Mohammed SCIE/043/11
4. Mohammed Arega SCIE/067/11

University Advisor / supervisor (s):

School name: Computing and Informatics

School: Computing and Informatics

Intellectual Property Declaration
This is to declare that the work under the supervision of and having title “Super
Shop E-commerce website” carried out in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor of
Computer Science in 2023 is the sole property of Mizan-Tepi University and respective
supervisor and is protected under the intellectual property right laws and convention. It can only
be considered/ used for purposes like extension for further enhancement, product development,
adoption for commercial/ organizational usage, etc., with the permission of the university and
respective supervisor.

This above statement applies to all students and faculty members.

Date: ____________________


Student Name ID NUMBER Signature

1. Natanem yimer SCIE/046/11

2. Melkamu Zewde SCIE/063/11
3. Ahamed Mohammed SCIE/043/11
4. Mohammed Arega SCIE/067/11

Anti-Plagiarism Declaration
This is to declare that the above industrial project under the supervisor of
__________and having title “Super Shop E-commerce website” is the sole contribution of
the authors and no part hereof has been reproduce illegally (cut and paste) which can be
considered as plagiarism. All referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and have been
cited properly. We will be responsible and liable for any consequence if violation of this
declaration is proven.
Date: ____________________


Student Name ID Signature

1. Natanem yimer SCIE/046/11

2. Melkamu Zewde SCIE/063/11
3. Ahamed Mohammed SCIE/043/11
4. Mohammed Arega SCIE/067/11


First and foremost, we express our deepest gratitude to Almighty God because without His
divine will, none of this would have been possible. The successful completion of this project is
entirely attributed to His support. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our
esteemed advisors _____________ & Co-Advisor _______________ for their invaluable
guidance and unwavering support throughout the project journey. Their continuous advice and
constructive feedback have greatly contributed to our success.

Technology has become pervasive in nearly every aspect of human life. Nowadays, it is
advantageous to incorporate new technology into all activities to meet the needs of individuals,
organizations, and enterprises. In today's world, where numerous organizations exist, it is crucial
for them to be efficient, adaptable, and responsive in order to cater to user preferences. This
necessitates embracing computerization as a means of streamlining operations.

The application of computer technology has led to significant advancements in various market
sectors. Particularly noteworthy is its ability to simplify the fulfillment of user requirements
through information technology. Consequently, this proposal aims to transform the existing
marketing system into an automated or digital system that can effectively address these evolving

Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

Table 1: Abbreviations
MTU Mizan-Tepi University

CD Compact disk

XAMPP X-any operating system, A-apache server, M-

MySQL, P-PHP and P-Perl
BR Business rule

OOP Object-Oriented Programming

Object Oriented System Analysis and

OOSAD Development
OOA Object Oriented Analysis

OOD Object Oriented Design

HDD Hard Disk Drive

OOP Object Oriented Programming

UML Unified Modeling Language

SSEW Super Shop E-commerce Website

DFD Data Flow Diagrams

Department Of Computer Science
Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

Table of Content Page no

Contact Information .............................................................................................................................. III

Intellectual Property Declaration .......................................................................................................... IV

Anti-Plagiarism Declaration .................................................................................................................. V

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1

1.0 Statement of problem................................................................................................................. 2

1.1 Objective .................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3.1 General objective: ........................................................................................................... 3

1.3.2 Specific objective: ........................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 4

1.4.1 Requirement gathering methods...................................................................................... 4

1.4.2 Requirement modeling .................................................................................................... 5

1.4.3 System Analysis and design ............................................................................................ 5

1.4.4 Development Tools used ................................................................................................. 6

1.3 Feasibility study ......................................................................................................................... 7

1.5.1 Economical feasibility ..................................................................................................... 7

1.5.2 Technical feasibility ........................................................................................................ 7

1.5.3 Operational feasibility ..................................................................................................... 8

1.5.4 Time feasibility ............................................................................................................... 8

1.4 Project scope and limitation ...................................................................................................... 8

1.6.1 Scope of the project ......................................................................................................... 8

1.6.2 Limitation of the project .................................................................................................. 9

1.5 Significance of the project ......................................................................................................... 9

Department Of Computer Science

Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

1.6 Organization of the project ...................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................................ 11

2 System Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 11

2.1 Existing system ........................................................................................................................ 11

2.2 Business rules .......................................................................................................................... 12

2.3 Proposed System...................................................................................................................... 12

2.3.1 Functional Requirements............................................................................................... 13

2.3.2 Non-functional requirements......................................................................................... 14

2.3.3 Use case diagram ........................................................................................................... 16

Figure 2.5 Notation of extend relationship ..................................................................... 17

Figure 2.6 Use case diagram of the system..................................................................... 18

2.3.4 Use case documentation ................................................................................................ 19

Table 1.1 Use case documentation of Login ................................................................... 19

Table 1.2 Use case documentation of registration .......................................................... 20

Table 1.3 Use case descriptions for Create an Account.................................................. 21

Table 1.4 Use case documentation of Manage Account ................................................. 22

Table 1.5 Use case documentation of delete products .................................................... 23

Table 1.7 Use case documentation of view product ....................................................... 24

Table 1.9 Use case documentation of post products ....................................................... 25

Table 1.10 Use case documentation of send feedback ................................................... 26

Table 1.11 Use case documentation of view feedback ................................................... 27

Table 1.13 Use case documentation of Update profile ................................................... 28

2.3.5 Sequence Diagram......................................................................................................... 29

Fig.2.7 Sequence diagram for Seller login...................................................................... 30

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Figure 2.8 Sequence diagram for view Product .............................................................. 31

Figure 2.9 Sequence diagram for post service ................................................................ 32

2.3.6 State chart diagram ........................................................................................................ 32

Figure 2.10 State chart diagram for Registration ............................................................ 32

Figure 2.11 State chart diagram for Login ...................................................................... 33

Figure 2.12 State chart diagram for Post product ........................................................... 34

Figure 2.13 State chart diagram for View product ......................................................... 35

Figure 2.14 State diagrams for Search Product. ............................................................. 36

2.3.7 Activity Diagram ........................................................................................................... 37

Figure 2.16 Activity diagram for Customer registration. ............................................... 38

Figure 2.17 Activity diagram for Login .......................................................................... 39

Figure 2.18 Activity diagram for post product ............................................................... 40

Figure 2.20 Activity diagram for Manage account. ........................................................ 40

Figure 2.22 Activity diagram for view product .............................................................. 41

2.3.8 Class diagram ................................................................................................................ 42

Figure .2.23 Class diagram for the system ...................................................................... 43

2.3.9 User Interface prototyping ............................................................................................ 44

Figure .2.24 User interface prototyping for the system .................................................. 44

Figure 2.25: User Interface Design for Home ................................................................ 45

CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................ 47

3 System Design ................................................................................................................................... 47

3.1 Purpose and goal of design ...................................................................................................... 47

3.2 Proposed software architecture ................................................................................................ 48

Figure 3.1 Proposed software architecture...................................................................... 49

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3.3 Collaboration diagram ...................................................................................................... 50

Figure 3.2 Collaboration diagram for Registration ......................................................... 50

Figure 3.3 Collaboration diagram for Login ................................................................... 50

Figure 3.4 Collaboration diagram for Post product ........................................................ 51

Figure 3.5 Collaboration diagram for Manage product .................................................. 51

Figure 3.6 Collaboration diagram for Update profile ..................................................... 52

3.4.1 Subsystem decomposition ............................................................................................. 53

Figure 3.7 Sub-system Decomposition of the system. .................................................... 53

3.4.2 Component diagram ...................................................................................................... 54

Figure 3.8 Component diagram of the system ................................................................ 54

3.4.3 Deployment diagram ..................................................................................................... 55

Figure 3.9 Deployment Diagram of the system ............................................................. 55

3.4.4 Persistent modeling for object oriented database ......................................................... 56

Figure 3.10 Persistent modeling for object oriented database ........................................ 57

3.4.5 Access control and security ........................................................................................... 59

Table 1.14 Access control and security .......................................................................... 59

References ..................................................................................................................................... 64

Department Of Computer Science

Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.


1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the project

The widespread use of the internet and information communication technology has brought about
significant changes in the daily lives of individuals. The integration of modern computer systems with
communication technologies has introduced a wide range of new services, both in business and
private settings.
However, despite the rapid spread of technology, there is currently a lack of technological usage in
shopping areas, making it difficult for users to access services as needed. The existing system is time-
consuming, inefficient, and fails to satisfy user needs effectively. To address these challenges, we
propose the development of a digital marketing system that aims to revolutionize traditional
marketing practices.
The digital marketing system is designed as a web-based application that supports customers and
service seekers alike. Its primary objective is to enhance interactivity by simplifying product and
service searching, viewing, and selection processes. By enabling consumers to directly purchase
goods or services from sellers online without intermediaries over the Internet – known as electronic
commerce – this project seeks to extend the advantages of digital marketing to customers frequenting
physical shops.
Through this innovative approach, customers can conveniently buy products from their favorite shop
using web services from anywhere while enjoying home delivery options. Motivated by various
issues observed within traditional marketing systems such as inefficiency and inconvenience; our
goal is to design and implement an efficient and effective digital solution that transforms
conventional marketing into its digital counterpart

Page 1

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Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

1.1.2 Statement of problem

In the traditional approach, customers had to directly interact with service owners or search for their
needs themselves. They also had to establish direct contact with the owner and assess whether the
services provided would meet their requirements. However, in today's fast-paced era, people are
constantly engaged in various activities. Customers now expect tasks to be simplified across different
fields, including shopping, car buying, movie ticket booking, cab reservations, and more.

During the process of searching for their needs, regular customers often face inconveniences such as
unavailability of desired services, discrepancies in meeting their specific requirements, time-
consuming conflicts regarding costs and other factors.

Currently, most customers rely on manual means of searching for commodities they need for
marketing purposes. This method consumes both time and budget resources while making it difficult
for them to find items that align with their interests.

Moreover, when a customer approaches conventional manual marketing methods directly without
prior knowledge about price ranges or available items; this can result in spending significant amounts
of time compared to our proposed system. With our new proposed system, customers can effortlessly
browse from home and find what they need within seconds.

Generally, the current system has the following problems:

Consumes time and budget of service seekers: -service seekers spend a lot of time and
budget in searching for their need.
The store is only open for few hours per day: -Since the store is only open for few hours
per day the customer can’t get their need at the right time and when they need for.
There is no advertisement of product: -in the traditional system of marketing there is no
concept of advertisements even though it was the key for customer attraction.
There is no written items description and price: -Currently there is no item cost description
on each and individual items. The shop keepers change the cost of items as they want and
there is no restriction on the costs of an item.

Department of Computer Science 2
Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

The customer must be waiting until another customer is served. Since there might be lots
of service seekers, customer may stay in queue.
It is easy to stole materials: - Thief's may stole market items easily by acting like a service
seeker. But by our new proposed system since there is no direct contact in between the service
seeker and shopping items there is no probability by which the thief’s may steal.
Lack of immediate retrievals: -The information is very difficult to retrieve and to find
particular item information which results in inconvenience and wastage of time.

1.2 Objective
1.2.1 General objective:
The general objective of this project is to design and implement a digital marketing system.

1.2.2 Specific objective:

The specific objective of this project includes: -
❖ Reviewing the traditional system.
❖ Study each activity of the current system to identify the problem.
❖ Suggest alternative solution to address the existing problem.
❖ Perform requirement analysis.
❖ Design the architecture for the proposed system.
❖ Implementing the newly proposed system.
❖ Testing the operation of the system.
❖ Documenting the whole system.
❖ Designing user friendly interface.
❖ Test the developed system.
❖ Deploy the system.

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Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

1.3 Methodology
The methodology encompasses a set of approaches employed to gather information, analyze,
design, implement, test, and evaluate a system. Various methodologies like prototyping, iterative,
incremental, waterfall, agile, etc., are commonly used. For our system development process
specifically, we have chosen the agile development methodology.
Agile development involves several stages including requirement gathering, analysis and design,
coding implementation and testing as well as acceptance. The key advantages of using the agile
development method are its incremental nature (allowing for multiple releases), cooperative
approach (encouraging strong collaboration between developers and clients), simplicity (easy to
comprehend and modify), and adaptability (enabling frequent changes). (Elias M. Awad Richard
D. Irwin, 1985 2nd edition.)
1.3.1 Requirement gathering methods

To develop our application the primary task is understand more about the current marketing System
being used; we gathered different information from web various foreign websites and also we have
gathered data using the following techniques.

⚫ Interview: We ask some peoples directly and using phone about the current system and the
techniques used in the system. We made a face talk and interviewee with some Shop owners
and item seekers about the way to automate the system.
 How do you serve your customer?

 How you advertise your products?

 Do you have an items list with their descriptions and price?

• Observation: It is observed that currently there is no way for getting what you need. It’s
boring to find your need.

• Introspection: all group members will discuss together about the requirements.

• Brainstorming: since the project will be done in group, every group member will provide
their idea on the requirements.

Department of Computer Science 4
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• Document analysis: additional information will be gathered from websites concerning the
current system.

1.3.2 Requirement modeling

Analysis and design the system using object-oriented approach. We need a method for analyzing a
problem to be solved, a plan for the design of the solution and a construction method that minimizes
the risk of error. We have chosen the object-oriented approach (OO) to follow for our proposed
system. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is an approach to designing modular reusable software
systems. A module is a component of a larger system that interacts with the rest of the system in a
simple and well-defined manner. The object –oriented approach is a logical extension of structured
programming, module containing data and subroutines. An object is a kind of self –sufficient entity
that has an internal state (the data it contains) and that can respond to messages (call to its
subroutines). We select object-oriented programming because it produces solutions that are easier to
write. (Gupta, 2008)

❖ Easier to understand
❖ Contain fewer errors
❖ Reduction of development time
❖ Reduction of time and resources required to maintain existing systems
❖ Increase code reuse.

1.3.3 System Analysis and design

We use OOSAD (Object oriented system analysis and development) during the whole project life
cycle. In our project, we will apply the concept of object-oriented system development methodology
which categorized in to two phases. These phases are object-oriented analysis and object-oriented
design. It increases consistency among analyzer, designer implementation and testing. It also allows
the reusability of the code which will help to enhance the project in the future.
We consider following object-oriented system has many benefits over structured approach:
❖ It is easier to develop and maintain.
Department of Computer Science 5
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❖ It is reusability, extensibility, improves quality, maintainability and manages complexity.

❖ The transition from Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) to Object Oriented Design (OOD) can
be done easily because of OOA is resilient to changes as objects are more stable. In general,
we will use this object-oriented methodology for the following purposes; Simplicity,
Maintainable, Faster Development, Increased Quality. (Shelly, 2009)
1.3.4 Development Tools used
Software and hardware tools are necessary for the development and simulation of the
project. The following tools are used to develop the proposed system:
❖ Hardware tools:
Desktop Computer/Laptop
Displaying devices like printer and monitor.
Storage devices: hard disk, flash disc.
Internet cable.
❖ Software tools:
Microsoft word 2016: -for preparing documentation proposal
Microsoft PowerPoint: -for preparing presentation slides.
MYSQL/XAMPP server: -is a server on which data is stored and retrieved
Visual Studio Code: -is an environment for writing HTML/PHP codes.
EDrawMax:-is software used for designing and drawing UML diagrams
(use case diagram, sequence diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, state
chart diagram, component diagram, and deployment diagram).
Web browser: -is used for browsing HTML file and data from server.

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1.4 Feasibility study

A feasibility study decides whether or not the proposed system is worthwhile in different
dimensions. It measures how much the proposed system is beneficial or practical at development of
the system. The feasibility factors of our project are:

✓ Economic feasibility
✓ Operational feasibility
✓ Technical feasibility
✓ Time feasibility

1.4.1 Economical feasibility

Economic feasibility attempts to weigh the costs of developing and implementing a new system,
against the benefits that would accrue from having the new system in place. This feasibility study
outlines the economic justification for the new system. It gives the actual comparison of costs and
benefits are much more meaningful in this case. Since the proposed system was very automate, the
people acceptance toward this system will be high and also there will be very less computation in the
market due to this reasons and other causes the project benefits will outweigh the expected cost. But
Since the Application is free for users the agencies (mainly shop owners) only get benefit (income)
from advertisement of those products and services that are uploaded through the use of this website.

1.4.2 Technical feasibility

We believe that building a working system with acceptable characteristics, response time and other
performance parameter will involve through technical knowledge and technology availability. Some
technical knowledge that we have to know in implementing this new system are like knowledge of
PHP to write the code or implement it with XAMPP, MySQL to build the database to store the data,
Requirement analysis and Unified Modeling Language (UML) model to do analyzing and designing
in good manner. Apart from this some training should be given for the novice user on the way to use
the newly proposed system.

Department of Computer Science 7
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1.4.3 Operational feasibility

Measure how much the proposed system solves the existing system problems. It also determines how
the proposed system will satisfy the organizations need and it also offers Secure, accurate and
efficient system to the organization. This project is surely operationally feasible because the proposed
system (the project) is a good solution maker of the problem and create a good environment towards
the user of our application by providing easy, user interactive, everywhere and anytime accessible.
Apart from this, the system in which we are developing is also compatible to all operating systems
and web browsers.

1.4.4 Time feasibility

Time feasibility determines whether the proposed system will be completed on the given schedule or
not. Whatever the scarcity of time given for the project by the internal motivation and potential of the
team members of the project, we expect the project will be completed on time that is described under
the project work plan below.

1.5 Project scope and limitation

1.5.1 Scope of the project
The scope of the project is defined in terms of the tasks that the system accomplishes. Thus, the scope of
the project is limited to and will perform the following activities:

Registration of user/customer: the proposed system will register full information of the
Registration of items: - the proposed system will register all service information.
Update item information: It updates the item information when needed.
Search for items: to search for the service that the customers need.
Customer can add and remove items from cart.
Preventing unauthorized access.
Managing products (adding, deleting, and updating).
Online ordering systems.
Customer can view his/her cart with total price of the product.
Generate advertisement for items which price is discount and when new item is registered.
Department of Computer Science 8
Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

1.5.2 Limitation of the project

While digital marketing has many benefits and opportunities, there are also some limitations specific
to the context of Ethiopia. Here are a few limitations of digital marketing in Ethiopia:

Limited Internet Access: Ethiopia has relatively low internet penetration compared to other
countries. According to World Bank data, as of 2020, only around 23% of the population had
access to the internet. This limits the reach and effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns.
Connectivity Challenges: Even for those who have access to the internet, connectivity can be
unreliable or slow in certain areas. This can impact user experience and hinder effective
engagement with online content.
Language Diversity: Ethiopia is a linguistically diverse country with over 80 languages spoken
across different regions and ethnic groups. Creating targeted digital marketing campaigns that
effectively communicate with these diverse audiences can be challenging.
Lack of Digital Literacy: Many people in Ethiopia may not have sufficient knowledge or skills
related to using digital technologies effectively for business purposes, limiting their ability to
engage with online advertisements or make informed purchasing decisions.
Payment Infrastructure: E-commerce transactions require reliable payment infrastructure such as
secure online payment gateways or mobile money systems. In Ethiopia, there may be limited
options available for seamless online payments which could affect customer trust and hinder e-
commerce growth.
Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment surrounding digital marketing practices may
still be evolving in Ethiopia, leading to uncertainty and potential constraints on certain types of
advertising activities.
Despite these limitations, it's important to note that digital adoption is growing steadily in Ethiopia,
presenting opportunities for businesses willing to navigate these challenges creatively and adapt
their strategies accordingly.

Department of Computer Science 9
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Significance of the project

The newly proposed web based digital marketing system can deliver benefits in effective and efficient
manner for those who need products from market, as well as workers or employees of market area.
Here below is some major significant and beneficiary bodies with the new system. i.e
 Fulfill what customer needs.

 Items deliver on time

 Be reliable and honest

 To describe details information of the items

 24 hour working time.

 Attract the customer or advertising purposes.

 Safety way of data storage and retrieval.

In general, this system will reduce the cost, time, and effort of the user and also it will provide such
an easy way to use.

1.6 Organization of the project

The project is organized in five chapters. The first chapter is about the problem identification
having background of the project, statement of problems, objectives and scope and limitations. The
second chapter deals with the overall system analysis, work of the current system and view of the
proposed system as well as diagrams i.e. Use Cases are written along their documentation. Sequence
diagrams, activity diagrams are used to analyses the system.

The third chapter is about the system design. Deployment and component diagrams are used to show
the solution design. The implementation part is on chapter four. And finally, chapter five deals about
testing and evaluation mechanisms.

Department of Computer Science 10
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2 System Analysis

2.1 Existing system

The current system for marketing goods and services was carried out manually. That is the
customer need has to visit the shop manually and from the available product choose the item that he
needs and then he can buy the item by payment price of the item. Apart from this, with the current
marketing trends there is no method and awareness on preparing report and receipt. They simply sell and
purchase the items to their customers. In addition to this below is some overview of the current system. i.e

 It is less user-friendly or there is no user interactive system provided currently.

 User must go to shop and select products.

 It is difficult to identify the required product.
 Description of the product limited.
 It is a time-consuming process.
 Not in reach of distant users.

This and other combine together and push us to develop a web-based marketing system which
provides the more general products description and access.
Alternate solution

The problems we explained above makes the existing system hard to use for users because the
products that we are going to be built cannot be found in one place, users have to search different
places to get those products.
The best alternative solution to solve the problems described above is to change the system by
a new system that the user can get these all products in one place through internet without
going and searching different places and also making the system available for free.

Department of Computer Science 11
Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

2.2 Business rules

A business rule is an effectively operating principle or polices that we try to specify for both the
existing system and the new system must satisfy. The business rule is a principle or a policy in which
the proposed system operates accordingly. It deals with access control issues. It often pertains to
access control issues, operating policies and principles of the organization. The organization has the
following principles in the existing system which includes:
BR1: The existing system doesn’t have that much automated business rule except the payment is a
BR2: The customer should have to register.
BR3:The user should fill the form properly.
BR4: Only the customers who have a valid login can get access to the service.
BR5: The customer should have to pay to get access to the service.
BR6:The system should work 24 hours, when there is an internet access.
BR7:The system should secure the way the service is accessed.
BR8: The system should update the information when there is change in the information.
BR9: The system should automatically delete the service and its information from database when it
was insufficient to be accessed.

2.3 Proposed System

Digital marketing is a server-based web application in which the customer need not go to the shop
for buying the products rather he/she can order the product he/she wishes to buy through our web
application. There was a central admin who controls the system and creates account for the shop
owners. It’s this admin that can manage Owner/seller/employee and also who will help owner in
managing the sellers and product orders. This system also provides detailed information about the
products. The system enables customer to search and view details of their need posted by seller. It
wills also shortlist the currently available products.
This provides customers with a very interactive experience with the application. Customers are given
the facility to register themselves. Upon registering, the customer gets to have a profile of his own

Department of Computer Science 12
Super Shop Ecommerce Website 2023GC.

and also provide feedback. An additional feature that we have included in the customer’s application
is that two or more customers can place order from remote locations. This application helps seekers to
view and search for their need by accessing it through an internet without the need for moving
physically from shop to shop.
2.3.1 Functional Requirements
The Functional Requirements Specification specifies the operations and activities that a system must
be able to perform. Functional requirements should include functions performed by specific screens,
outlines of work flows performed by the system, and other business requirements the system must
❖ Administrator

• Registering Owners (Create account).

• Manage accounts (Update and Active_Deactive owners account).

❖ Owner

• Registering Sellers (Create account).

• Manage sellers (Update and Active_Deactive sellers account).

• View report.

❖ Sellers

• Update his profile.

• Post Product information.

• View Product information.

• Update Product information.

• Delete Product information.

Department of Computer Science 13
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• View insufficient products

• Retrieve all products.

• View user feedback.

• Search Product and product information.

❖ Customer

• Register them selves

• View products.

• Send feedback.

• Order existing product.

• Make payment.

2.3.2 Non-functional requirements

Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the
operation of a system, this requirement does not directly affect the performance of the proposed
system but, they concerned with security, performance, usability, maintainability, reliability,
efficiency, portability (across operating systems) test-ability, understand ability etc. The non-
functional requirements of the system are presented below: -

♠ User Interface: - users require the interface to be attractive and user-friendly with easy
navigational scheme.

♠ Security issue: - provides security tasks such as for registering, for modifying user’s information
and viewing needs authentication and authority.

♠ Maintainability: - When the system fails, it can be maintained easily.

Department of Computer Science 14
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♠ Performance: - the performance of our system is measured in terms of load time and number of
requests handled. So, it is fast in accepting inputs and displays the result as well as requires small

♠ Error handling mechanism: - handles invalid inputs and display user error in meaningful

♠ Availability: - The system will be available for 24 hours to users with internet connection.

♠ System requirement: -Our system requires software and hardware requirements. These are: -

A) Hardware requirement
Flash 16 GB
RAM size 4 GB or more
Processor speed 2.5 GHZ or more
B) Software requirement
Notepad ++
XAMP Server
Mozilla Firefox, Baidu browser
Microsoft office word 2016

♠ Backup and Recovery: - The system should store a backup database daily the system may face
some errors on the data base server.

♠ Others

► Internet connection.
► Dedicated lab room.

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2.3.3 Use case diagram

A use case is a sequence of action that provides a measurable value to an actor.
a. Use case components:

❖ Actor: is a person, or external system that plays a role in one or more interaction with the
system. And represented with:

Figure 2.1 actor notation

❖ Use case: describes a sequence of actions that provides something of measurable value to an
actor and is drawn as a horizontal.

❖ Horizontal ellipse.

Figure 2.2 use case notation

❖ System boundary: indicates the scope of the system project. Anything within the box
represent functionalities in side in scope.

Figure 2.3 Notation for system boundary

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❖ Include relationship: A part of use case which appears in the same identical form in other use
cases may be transferred to its own use case and re-integrated universally via an Include
relationship in order to avoid the redundant specification of these identical parts.

Figure 2.4 Notation of include relationship

❖ Extend relationship: The Extend relationship points to the use case to be extended, and starts
from that use case which describes the extension's behavior.

Figure 2.5 Notation of extend relationship

Actor description
Customer: - a Person who wants to see information of the products and can get access of the
Admin: -is the person who is in charge of managing and administering the system. He manages the
system access right for others. Register the shop owners and manage their accounts.

Seller: - an actor that posts the product information and can make any modification on them. He has a
role of a supervisor in the sense that he controls the sites, enter new product information, update,
delete and search for product information.

Owners: -is the person who owns the shop. He manages the system access right for sellers i.e
Register sellers and manage their accounts.

Content manager: - plays a crucial role in managing and organizing the content that is displayed on
the website or online store. The content manager is responsible for ensuring that the website's content
is accurate, up-to-date, and engaging for the customers.

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Figure 2.6 Use case diagram of the system.

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2.3.4 Use case documentation

Table 1.1 Use case documentation of Login

Use case name Login

Use case number Uc#1

Actor(s) Owner, Seller, Customer, Admin,Content Manager,Bank

Description Helps to control the system from unauthorized persons to access the system

Typical course action Actors action: System response:

Step1.The actor clicks on login Step2. The login page displayed.
Step5.The system verifies the authority.
Step3.The actor enters user name
and password. Step6. The system displays the actor’s page.
Step8. The use case ends.
Step4.The user click login button

Alternate course of action Step7.If the actor enters invalid user name or password, the system displays error
message and goes to step 3.

Pre-condition: The actor must be registered first and the list must be found in the database.

Post-condition: The actor can do anything in the main page with his/her privileges.

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Table 1.2 Use case documentation of registration

Use case name Register

Use case number Uc#2

Actor(s) Customer

Description Helps to register the customer for accessing the products.

Typical course action Actors action: System response:
Step1.The customer wants to Step2: The system displays registration
register himself to access services. page.
Step5: The system validates whether the
Step3: The user enters the information submitted is correct or not.
necessary information in to the Step7: The system registers and displays
form in the registration page. registration successful message and leads
Step4: The user clicks on to home page.
register button. Step8: The use case ends

Alternate course of action Step6.If the entered information is not valid the system displays an error message
and goes to step 3.

Pre-condition: The customer must fulfill whatever required information like first name, last name,
phone number etc…

Post-condition: The customer can easily access the service by login to the system.

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Table 1.3 Use case descriptions for Create an Account.

Use case name Create Account

Use case number Uc#3
Actor(s) The admin creates an account for Owners so as they can manage the sellers.

Typical course of Actor Action System Response

action: Step1: This use case is initiated Step2: The system displays the create
when the actors clicks on the account page.
create account option Step4: The systems check the
Step3: The actor enters the information is correct or not.
required information. Step6: Use case ends.

Alternative course of Step5: If the actor does not fill the required information, then the system
action: display error message and return to step 3.

Pre-condition: The Actor must have a privilege to create an account.

Post-condition: The Actors should create account.

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Table 1.4 Use case documentation of Manage Account

Use case name Manage Account

Use case number Uc#4

Actor(s) Administrator

Description Helps to create, delete, and deny user account for users of the system
and sets privilege to them.
Typical course action Actors action: System response:

Step1.The administrator wants Step2.The system includes login

to update Account of a user page.

Step4.The administrator clicks Step3.The system displays an

on manage account button. account page.

Step6.The administrator selects Step5.The system displays the

a seller, for whom to manage Owners account page.
Step8.The system verifies validity
Step7.The administrator then
of the Owners information and
update/delete the Owners
response with success message.
account by inserting necessary
Step10.Use case ends.

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Alternate course Step9.If the entered incorrect information while updating, the system
of action displays an error message and goes to step7.

Pre-condition: The Administrator must have a privilege to login.

Post-condition: The Administrator will update/delete Owner’s account.

Table 1.5 Use case documentation of delete products

Use case name Delete Product

Use case number Uc#5

Actor(s) Sellers

Description The seller can delete any products at a time when he wants.
Typical course action Actors action: System response:

Step1.The seller wants to delete Step3.The system displays the seller’s

product information from the page.
Step2.The seller login to his Step5.The system displays the
page. available products.
Step4.The seller clicks on
products button. Step7.The system displays a pop-up
Step6.The seller clicks on the menu asking you want to delete?
products he wants to delete. Query.
Step8.The seller clicks on OK Step10.The use case ends.
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Alternate course of action Step9.If the seller clicks on cancel button the system will go back to
step5 .

Pre-condition: The seller must have a privilege to login.

Post-condition: The seller successfully deletes the product from the system and the
products will not be accessible forward.

Table 1.7 Use case documentation of view product

Use case name View product

Use case number Uc#6

Actor(s) Seller, customer

Description The actors can view the products he wants to see and get access to.
Typical course action Actors action: System response:

Step1.The actor wants to view Step3.The system displays the

the products. homepage.
Step2.The actor visit the site. Step5.The system displays the
products page.
Step4.The actor clicks on the
products he wants to view. Step7.The use case ends.

Step6.The actor views the


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Alternate course of action Step8.

Pre-condition: The actor must have application installed on his device.

Post-condition: The actor views the products.

Table 1.9 Use case documentation of post products

Use case name Post products

Use case number Uc#7

Actor(s) Seller

Description Seller uploads lists of products to the database.

Typical course action Actors action: System response:
Step1. The Seller wants to Step3: The system displays add new
upload products. products form.
Step5: The system validates the data
Step2: The actor selects the entered
post products option. Step6: The system registers and displays
Step4: The Seller enters the registration success message and leads to
necessary information in to home page.
the form. Step8: The use case ends

Alternate course of action Step7: If the entered information is not valid the system displays an error
message and goes to step 4.

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Pre-condition: Seller must login into the system to post products.

Post-condition: The Seller can upload products for Customers.

Table 1.10 Use case documentation of send feedback

Use case name Send feedback

Use case number Uc#8

Actor(s) Customer

Description Helps customer to send feedback about the service to a seller.

Typical course action Actors action: System response:
Step3: The system displays the form on
Step1.A customer wants to send which feedback is given.
feedback. Step5: The system sends feedback to
the Seller.
Step2: The actor clicks on the
Step6: The use case ends
send feedback button.
Step4: A customer writes
his/her comment about the
products in to the form.

Alternate course of action

Pre-condition: Customer must open the homepage of the system to give comment.

Post-condition: The customer sends comment.

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Table 1.11 Use case documentation of view feedback

Use case name View feedback

Use case number Uc#9

Actor(s) Seller

Description Helps Seller to view feedback that is sent from customers.

Typical course action Actors action: System response:
Step3: The system displays feedback
Step1.A Seller wants to view that is given.
feedback. Step4: The Seller views all the received
Step2: The actor clicks on the Step5: The use case ends
view feedback button.

Alternate course of action

Pre-condition: A Seller must login into the system to view comment.

Post-condition: The Seller views feedback given.

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Table 1.13 Use case documentation of Update profile

Use case name Update profile

Use case number Uc#13

Actor(s) Seller

Description Helps Seller to personalize his/her account details.

Typical course action Actors action: System response:
Step2: The system displays the form of
Step1.Seller want to update profile.
his/her details. Step5: The system validates the
information entered.
Step3: The actor selects
Step6: The system updates information in
the update profile option.
database and displays success message.
Step4: A Seller enters the
Step8: The use case ends
necessary information to
be updated.

Alternate course of action Step7: If provided information is not valid the system displays an error
message and goes to step 4.
Pre-condition: Seller must login into the system to update his/her own profile.

Post-condition: Seller can easily update necessary information about his/her.

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2.3.5 Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams represent a dynamic model of use cases, illustrating the interaction between
classes within a defined timeframe. They visually depict the use case by showcasing the involved
classes, messages exchanged, and their respective timing.
In our system, sequence diagrams serve to formalize the system's behavior and visualize object
communication. They have proven instrumental in identifying additional objects that participate in
the use case. This phase of documentation establishes connections between use cases and objects
while demonstrating how a use case's behavior is distributed among its participating objects. (Scott w,

Department of Computer Science 29
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Fig.2.7 Sequence diagram for Seller login

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Figure 2.8 Sequence diagram for view Product

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Figure 2.9 Sequence diagram for post service

2.3.6 State chart diagram

A state chart diagram is utilized to depict the various states that objects go through during their life
cycle. These states represent the conditions an object can be in when specific events occur.

Figure 2.10 State chart diagram for Registration

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Figure 2.11 State chart diagram for Login

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Figure 2.12 State chart diagram for Post product

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Figure 2.13 State chart diagram for View product

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Figure 2.14 State diagrams for Search Product.

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2.3.7 Activity Diagram

One of the components in UML is the activity diagram, which focuses on depicting the various
activities carried out within a system. Each activity is represented by an elongated oval shape, and
these diagrams are utilized to document the logical flow of a single operation or method, a specific
use case, or the sequence of actions for a business operation. Activity diagrams serve as object-
oriented counterparts to traditional flow charts and data flow diagrams (DFD) commonly used in
structured development approaches. Within project documentation, this section includes an activity
diagram that visually illustrates how actions unfold within key use cases. (Charles S Wasson, 2008)

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Figure 2.16 Activity diagram for Customer registration.

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Figure 2.17 Activity diagram for Login

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Figure 2.18 Activity diagram for post product

Figure 2.20 Activity diagram for Manage account.

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Figure 2.22 Activity diagram for view product

2.3.8 A payment diagrams

Visual representation that illustrates the flow of information and actions involved in a payment
transaction. It shows the sequence of steps and interactions between various entities, such as the
customer, merchant, payment gateway, acquiring bank/processor, issuing bank/credit card network,
and the customer's bank or credit card account. The diagram provides a concise overview of how a
payment is initiated, authorized, processed, and settled between the parties involved in the

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Figer 22.1 A payment diagrams

2.3.9 Class diagram

A UML class diagram visually represents the classes within a system, illustrating their
interrelationships, such as inheritance, aggregation, and association. It also displays the operations
and attributes of each class. The purpose of a class diagram is to showcase the static structure of the
model by depicting existing elements like classes and types along with their internal composition and
connections to other components. In this project, a class diagram was utilized to design the system's

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structures and define its constituent entities.

Figure .2.23 Class diagram for the system

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2.3.10 User Interface prototyping

Our recently proposed Digital Marketing System features user-friendly interfaces that are
easy to navigate. The system integrates a comprehensive database, including information
on products, customers, sellers, and an administrator panel accessible through the web
application's server-side interface.
To provide a glimpse of the new system, we have prepared a sample prototype presented

Figure .2.24 User interface prototyping for the system

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Homepage: The homepage is the initial landing page that users encounter when
browsing a website on their device. It serves as an entry point and provides links to
various other pages based on the user's privileges. If the user is authorized or has an
account, they can access specific pages by entering their valid username and password.

Figure 2.25: User Interface Design for Home

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The login page: - serves as a means of authentication for users, ensuring that only
authorized individuals can access and make changes to the system and its associated
services. Its primary purpose is to prevent unauthorized access and maintain the security
of the system.

Figure 2.26: User Interface Design for Login

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3 System Design
System design involves transforming the analysis model into a system design model, which serves as
the initial step in transitioning from the problem domain to the solution domain during software
development. This chapter primarily focuses on converting the analysis model into a comprehensive
design model that considers non-functional requirements and constraints outlined in the problem
statement and requirement analysis sections discussed previously. During system design, the team
places emphasis on determining suitable data structures, software components, and hardware
components essential for implementing the proposed solution.

3.1 Purpose and goal of design

The system is designed with the purpose of addressing the problems identified during the analysis
phase. The design goals aim to create a high-quality model of the system. These goals are derived
from non-functional requirements, which describe the characteristics and attributes of the system, as
well as any constraints that may limit its scope.

Some key design goals inferred from these non-functional requirements include:

➢ User-friendly: The system should be easy for users to learn, understand, and operate. It
should provide interactive and intuitive interfaces that can be used by both professional and
non-professional users.

➢ Performance: The system needs to have maximum throughput in minimum time to support
multiple concurrent users. Additionally, it should require minimal storage space on users'
platforms while maintaining accessibility at all times.

➢ Maintainability: The application should be easily scalable and extensible to accommodate

future feature additions. It should also allow for modifications to its functionalities without
significant effort or disruption. This includes perfective enhancements (adding new
functionalities or changes), corrective maintenance (fixing errors), and preventive measures
aimed at improving maintainability and reliability.

➢ Usability: Usability encompasses two aspects - effectiveness and efficiency. The system must
provide services that help users achieve their goals effectively while minimizing their effort
and resource usage.

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➢ Reliability: The system should consistently perform its intended functions under various
conditions with minimal frequency of failure. It should also possess adaptability features in
response to failures.

➢ Security: Access to the system must be restricted only to authorized users who have created
accounts using unique usernames/passwords combinations.

➢ Accuracy: The system must provide valid results at all times. If no data is found based on
specified criteria, it should avoid providing invalid responses.

3.2 Proposed software architecture

In this project, the team has implemented a three-tier architecture that comprises of three distinct
layers. These layers include the Application or Presentation layer, the Logical layer, and the Data
Access layer.

➢ The Presentation tier is situated at the topmost level of the application, serving as an
interface for clients to directly interact with. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI)
through which clients can access and utilize the system's functionalities.

➢ The Logical tier, also known as the middle tier, acts as an intermediary between the data
access tier and presentation tier. It receives inputs from clients and facilitates detailed
processing operations required by the system.

➢ The Data Access tier is responsible for managing data persistence and storage. It
incorporates mechanisms to access databases without necessitating installation of database-
dependent drivers or libraries on client devices. This ensures seamless retrieval and
manipulation of data within the system.

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Figure 3.1 Proposed software architecture.

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3.3 Collaboration diagram

The collaborative diagram focuses on illustrating the context and overall structure of interacting
objects. It visually represents both the associations between objects and the messages exchanged
among them. The arrows in the diagram are labeled to indicate the nature of each message being sent.
Typically, these messages instruct a receiving object to perform one of its operations.

Figure 3.2 Collaboration diagram for Registration

Figure 3.3 Collaboration diagram for Login

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Figure 3.4 Collaboration diagram for Post product

Figure 3.5 Collaboration diagram for Manage product

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Figure 3.6 Collaboration diagram for Update profile

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3.4 Subsystem decomposition

Subsystem decomposition involves separating a module into an independent entity, which aids in
enhancing the system's comprehensibility, design ability, development process, and maintainability.
The Digital Marketing System comprises several significant subsystems including login functionality,
account creation and management, product management, report generation and viewing, feedback
submission, posting of products for sale, cart management (adding items to the cart and managing it),
order processing capabilities, along with other relevant functionalities.

Figure 3.7 Sub-system Decomposition of the system.

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3.4.1 Component diagram

The component diagram is a modeling tool that represents the physical aspect of an object-oriented
software system. It provides a visual representation of the software components' architectures and
their interdependencies. Below is the component diagram for our recently proposed system.

Figure 3.8 Component diagram of the system

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3.4.2 Deployment diagram

The deployment diagram defines a collection of elements that help describe the execution architecture
of systems. These elements represent how software artifacts are assigned to specific nodes within the
system. Nodes, which can be hardware devices or software execution environments, are
interconnected through communication paths to form network systems with varying levels of
complexity. Typically, nodes are organized in a nested manner to reflect their hierarchical

Figure 3.9 Deployment Diagram of the system

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3.4.3 Persistent modeling for object-oriented database

The purpose of this modeling is to illustrate the database design. The persistent classes are utilized for
storing crucial and permanent information within the system. During persistent modeling, team
members engage in various activities including:

✓ Identifying entities

✓ Determining keys

✓ Defining class methods

✓ Specifying data types and sizes.

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Figure 3.10 Persistent modeling for object-oriented database

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Figure 3.11 Database design for the system

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3.4.4 Access control and security

In this section, we will outline the specific privileges and authorities granted to different
actors within the system. The system comprises four main actors: Seller, Customer,
Owner, and Administrator. Each actor has distinct privileges that determine their level of
access to the system. These privileges are summarized in the following access control

Customer Seller Owner Admin

Login ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Update profile ✓

Post Product ✓

Manage product ✓

Register ✓

Create account ✓ ✓

Manage account ✓ ✓

View feedback ✓

Send feedback ✓

Order product ✓

Search product ✓ ✓

Make payment ✓

Table 1.14 Access control and security

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Chapter 4
4.1 Implementation and Testing
4.1.1 Objective of implementation
Our goal in implementing this project is to create a Digital Marketing system that excels in
efficiency, accuracy, and delivering high-quality services.

4.1.2 Constraints on implementation

The following section should include a comprehensive list of constraints that could potentially affect
the Digital Marketing system.

✓ Warning: There is a server version mismatch within the protocol.

✓ Resources: The resources utilized during the implementation phase are not optimized
to adequately support the programming environment.

✓ Error: There is a protocol version mismatch.

✓ Time constraint: Due to time limitations, we were unable to incorporate all necessary
validations and certain functionalities.

✓ Project complexity: Our project is intricate as it caters to multiple owners with

numerous products, making it challenging to ensure full functionality.

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4.2 Testing

4.2.1 Testing by Requirements

"Prior to delivery, the system undergoes a comprehensive testing process. This ensures that the
system accurately and completely fulfills user requirements. Testing is performed at various levels
individual components are tested independently, then integrated as sub-systems, and finally tested
together as a whole system. Additionally, acceptance testing may be conducted before final
acceptance of the system.
Testing can be defined as the validation and verification process for computer
programs/applications. It ensures that the program/application meets its design and development
requirements, functions as intended, maintains consistent characteristics during implementation,
and satisfies user needs. The testing process encompasses factors such as correctness,
performance, accuracy, security, among others.

4.2.2 Testing the correctness:

The correctness of a software system refers to how users can effectively interact with it and
how the system behaves when used correctly. Our Digital Marketing system ensures that users
can easily navigate and interact with the application through its user-friendly interface. The
application consistently responds accurately, which contributes to the overall correctness of
our system.

4.2.3 Testing the Accuracy

Our application ensures accurate results by providing valid responses. If no data is found based
on the specified criteria, the system still delivers a valid response. Thus, our application meets
these criteria and can be considered reliable.

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4.2.4 Testing the Performance

Performance testing evaluates the system's quality attributes, including scalability, reliability, and
resource usage. Our system incorporates efficient algorithms for each task to enhance speed and
minimize storage requirements. Consequently, our Digital Marketing system exhibits high
performance by swiftly delivering the desired outputs within seconds of execution.

4.2.5 Testing the security

The security of a digital marketing system revolves around user validation. Therefore, it is
necessary for users to log in to the system using their username and password in order to place
orders and access their ordered products. In case a user enters an invalid username or password,
the system will display an error message indicating that the entered credentials are incorrect.

4.2.6 Error Handling

The system check user inputs to the system to handle error. It handles and show error by
showing the message

4.2.7 Testing by scope

It tests the module of systems functionality individually and separately. Thus, we used scope by
scope testing i.e., each subclass is tested within its own class.

4.2.8 Unit testing

Unit testing involves testing the individual units of software in isolation. The primary objective of
unit testing is to assess the behavior and accuracy of the smallest testable component within an
application. By isolating a unit from the rest of the code, it can be evaluated independently to
ensure it functions as expected. Each unit test is conducted separately before integrating them into
modules, allowing for thorough examination and verification of module interfaces.

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4.2.9 Integration and system testing

Integration testing is the process of combining and testing individual unit parts to ensure they
function correctly when integrated together. It is also referred to as component testing. In this
process, multiple units are combined into components, which are then further consolidated into
larger parts of the program. The objective is to test the integration of units and take a bottom-up
approach by integrating units with other groups' modules. Integration testing helps identify any
issues that may arise when different units are combined.
System testing, on the other hand, occurs after all other tests have been performed and involves
professionals conducting tests on the entire system. The goal of system testing is to verify that
the overall system functions according to its defined requirements. This stage aims to uncover
defects that can only be identified through comprehensive system-level testing. System tests
utilize data specifically developed for this purpose. Similar to previous tests conducted, system
testing may reveal necessary modifications in programs, leading back to design phase tasks if
required. This iterative process continues until a successful system test has been achieved
4.3 Sample code and sample output screen
This phase, the coding is a phase where all the work during analysis and design will be turn off to a
functional system prototype for the project proposed; it is divided into three parts

User interface Implementation: it is designed and documented in the previous chapter (chapter four)
in which users are interface with the system.

Logical Implementation: - is the part in which the implementation of the functionality of the system.

Database implementation: - in this case the team members are going to develop in this phase but it is
also designed in the previous chapter.

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4.4. Installation
Installation process of this project makes the current manual system to be replaced by the new
system. This includes conversion of existing data, software, documentation, and working procedure
with the new system.

Thus, our newly proposed system can only function if and only if the user;

1.The administrator should have to have the working and installation of web browser on
his computer(platform) to install this new system.
2.Then he installs this new website. The installation procedure is quite easier and once the
user gets the username and password, they can easily get access to the system.
Note that: the server side is going to be installed on admins machine

Department of Computer Science 64
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Charles S Wasson, 2008. System Analysis, Design, and Development: Concepts, Principles, and Practices. 2nd
ed. america: Wiley-Interscience.

Elias M. Awad Richard D. Irwin, 1985 2nd edition.. Systems Analysis and Design. Systems Analysis and Design,
p. 201.

Gupta, P., 2008. System Analysis and Design. System Analysis and Design, II(Firewall Media,), p. 306.

Media, F., 2008. system Analysis and Design. s.l.: Firewall Media.

Scott w, A., 2001.. the object primer,. second edition ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University press (c).

Shelly, G., 2009. Systems Analysis and Design. In: Systems Analysis and Design. Cengage Learning: s.n.

Wasson, C. S., 2006. “System Analysis, Design, and Development: Concepts, Principles and Practices. s.l.:john
Wiley & Sons.

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