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NamNam My True Love

Adaptation from Operation: Break the Casanova’s Heart by Aly Almario

Chapter 1
I was just about to go to my classroom when a familiar aura caught up my attention. “ Hi Babes.
How are you doing today?” He whispered near my ear that made me puzzled. Excuse me? Are
we that close for you to call me Babes? Not yet, not already but soon I guess. By the way I’m
Stephen, your schoolmate that will be your handsome and lovable boyfriend soon. Hahaha…..

The Nerve of this guy. How could he called me such way of endearment. Hmmp..As if we’ve
known each other for long. All I know about him is he’s just a playboy. A guy who only knew
how to break all the girls heart in our Campus. As usual, He was surrounded by his fangirls and
he enjoyed flirting with them. I could hear the talking of the girls that they will be lucky if just
given a chance by Stephen to be his girlfriend and they will to everything just to please him and
to be his lifetime partner..
Ughhh…what a conceited thought of them. He’s just an ordinary guy who is so self centered and
look himself as a goddess.. No, not me. I will not be deceived by his looks. No,.never over my
dead body..
Disgusting of them…
Stephen Cruz has been my classmate since High School. He’s always been a heartthrob and that
fact alone has led me to have very low opinion of most of my own sex. Why would any girl
want to be with a guy whose relationship only lasted for days. He don’t even know what really
love is I guess.

He and I never been interacted. We’re classmates but we didn’t even have even a small talk
about our studies that’s why I know nothing about his personal life except for the fact that he was
called Mr. Casanova. He’s handsome I admit that’s why a lot of girls in our Campus admired
him. The way he looks and he dress. He’s a type of guy that will caught your attention to stare
with him for a long time without noticing yourself that you are fallen for him already. But I am
exception to the rule. Because I have a special someone whom I admired and that’s not exactly

Drew is a perfect gentleman for me. Also a heartthrob and a good looking guy who captured my
heart because of his simplicity. He’s not arrogant unlike Stephen Cruz blah blah. We are friends
and known each other for a long time. But sad to say. He just treated and look at me only as
friend of his. It really broke my heart into pieces knowing that the man of my dreams that I love
since then only saw me and treated me as simple as an ordinary girl and as his friend. He’s
gorgeous , and athletic (plays for the college basketball team), and genuinely a nice guy. If I
were to have a boyfriend, I want it to be someone like Drew and definitely not like Stephen

Chapter 2
As my daily routine during my break. I went to the cafeteria to look for my friends to be with
them. I saw Kryzel surrounded by her circle of friends and admirers. It’s not questionable for me
why she has a lot of admirer and suitors because Kryzel is a member of school’s pep squad.
She’s smart and pretty and very nice. She’s opposite with me when it comes to our dress style.
She’s a feminine type and a total lady while me is contented in wearing jeans and shirts like a
masculine type. Hahaha….
As we ate together, I saw Stephen walking near to us smiling. He stop beside Kryzel table to ask
her if she’s enjoying her lunch. Kryzel that time was madly inlove with the guy and just
contented for the effortless gesture of her new boyfriend. I saw the happiness and excitement in
my friends appearance if she’s with the guy. She’s always in flying colors and alive.
But that day afternoon, as I go near them on the bleachers in the gymnasium, I heard the sobbing
of my friend Kryzel. She’s crying in pain for her heartbreak with Stephen Cruz. How could be
that guy so insensitive that he hurt my friends feeling after the love and affection she shared with
him. She was now an ex-girlfriend of Stephen. The bastard had broken up with my friend in

That asshole will going to pay for what he did to my friend.

“He’s not worth of your tears Kryzel…Cheer up.. I don’t want to see you crying like this.
She turned to me, and her tearstained face broke my heart into pieces. “Look, I know what
you’re going to say… I should have listened to you before but I really can’t help myself but to
love him. But his so unfair with me. He humiliated me in front of everyone…
“He’s not worth to cry Kryzel, don’t waste your tears on him. I’d seen him earlier with other
girls flirting with them as if nothing happened with you two. He’d even had a face to wink at me!
“He’s dead. I’ll kill him,” I swore. I’ll let him pay for what he did on you.

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