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Analyzing the Time Management Strategies and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students

with Part-Time Employment

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your ability to manage your time effectively, with being 1
being poor and 5 being excellent?

2. How many hours per week do you spend on your part-time job?

3. Do you feel that your part-time job interferes with your study time? (Yes/No)

4. Are you satisfied with your current academic performance? (Yes/No)

5. On average, how many hours per day do you dedicate to studying for your classes?

6. Do you use any specific time management techniques or tools to balance your work, study, and
personal life? (Yes/No)

7. Have you ever felt overwhelmed due to the combination of school, work, and other commitment?

8. Do you believe that your part-time job has a positive impact on your overall life skills development?

9. Are you able to maintain a healthy work-study-life balance? (Yes/No)

10. Have you ever had to make sacrifices in your social life or personal interests due to your part-time job
and academic commitments? (Yes/No)

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