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About US Contact US

WWF stands for World Wildlife

Fund. WWF is an international
non-governmental organisation
that focuses on conserving
wildlife and endangered
species. WWF uses an indicator
called ecological footprint to
measure the impact of
activities on the planet.

123 Anywhere St., Any City

Vision and
Our Our
History Work The mission of World
Wildlife Fund is to
We helped by empowering conserve nature and
woman, advancing social reduce the most
policies. implementing pressing threats to the
World Wildlife Fund was
safeguards framework and diversity of life on Earth.
conceived in April, 1961, by a
group of passionate and other more. WWF's Our vision is to build a
committed individuals who Environmental and Social future in which people
sought to secure the Safeguards Framework is live in harmony with
funding necessary to protect designed to ensure nature.
places and species that were
meaningful community
threatened by human
development and set up engagement, which results
shop in September, 1961,at in better conservation, and
IUCN's headquarters in to identify and promptly
Morges, Switzerland. H.R.H. address risks associated with
Prince Bernhard of the our work.
Netherlands became the
organization's first

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