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Written Examination (Laptop based)

Position : Joint District Office Coordinator Date: 15th Bhadra, 2080 (1st September, 2023)
Workstation: Okhaldhunga Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Medium: Physical Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Full marks: 30
Pass marks: 12

1) Please rename the document name as “JDOC_Name” .
2) Please attempt all the questions
3) Please make sure that you save all of your work. The recruitment committee takes no responsibility for
any files that might be unsaved due to a candidate’s negligence.
4) Total time allocated for the examination is 1.5 hours [90 minutes]
5) Please try to be specific while answering and applicants found to be copy pasting from internet shall be
6) Please write answers in English for English questions and in Nepali for Nepali question.
7) Please mention your full name, date, and the post for which you are applying in the answer sheet.

1. Describe a situation when you needed to liaise and coordinate with diverse stakeholders in
your present or past jobs, and also mention the outcome of your effort.


During the more than 8-10 years, working experience I had coordinate with many stakeholders in the
Province, District and Municipal level. In this tenure I faced different type of issues, challenges and for the
mitigation this issues and challenges from my side I coordinate with diverse stakeholders for as given: -

S.N Key faced Stakeholders Effort from my Outcome after the effort
. issues/challenges side during the
working tenure
1 Political pressure Different political Clearly share the Problem solves, they are satisfied
during the staff parties, Mayor and working modality of in our requirement process and
recruitment process policy holder of Project and request share all of the platform in one of
Government for observation the examples.
hiring process from
their sides.
2 Barrier to District Coordination Coordination After the program DCC realized
implementation of Committee (DCC) meeting with this project relevant with SDG
Project in District. District level and relevant with our community
stakeholders lead by need.
the DCC and share
the key objective
and outcome,
impact of the
3 Project object is one District/Municipality Before the Stakeholders and community
side and community Community implementation feel, Project is ongoing in the
and stakeholders periods clearly share track and need of
demand is another about the project community/Municipality/Distri
side modality (Output, ct
Out, come and Province.
other fact)
4 Not allocated budget Province/Municipalit Regular meeting After the meeting Three
for the target Group y with the executive Municipality regularly allotted
During the planning team of budget for the Women/children
process Province/municipal focus program and conducted
ity MOU for the budget with our
5 GEDSI Policy not Municipality Conduct After the coordination and
indorsement from coordination collaboration, 5 municipalities
the Municipality core meeting with the (Dhanushadham, Janakpur sub-
team team and share the metropolitan city, Mathihani,
objective and past Jaleshwor, Ishworpur) Drafted
process/commitme the GEDSI policy in my
nt about the GEDSI leadership and 5 municipalities
policy (Laxminiya, Mithila, Malangawa,
Lalbandi, Hariwon)
municipalities were indorsement
GEDSI policy.
6 After the MOU and Municipality Coordination After the Meeting Palika says,
program meeting with the Province government not
implementation Mayor, Dpt. Mayor, provided the budget for this
budget not released Chief executive program then we can’t release
from the office and Account this, but we can write one
Municipality section about the meeting minute and coming year
MOU we provide the 1st quarter.
7 Heigh demand of Municipality/Focal Share the Policy of Agreed and problem has been
DSA during the person the Nepal solved.
monitoring government and
8 Corruption blame to Community/Municip Conducted Social Clear about the working modality
Organization ality Audit
9 Funding source not District Conduct meeting Municipality support for the
available during the with Service Providetravel from Janakpur to KTM
survivor referral time mechanism and other organization support
for the food and accommodation
10 District DAO Share the Annual, Issues closed.
Administrate Office Bi-Annual report in
not provide the letter the DAO official
for the organization email in timely
In Summary: in this position I found we need to overall knowledge about the managerial part, staff
mobilization, coordination with local government and other too, thus one manager can the handle all of
the issues.
2. नेतत्ृ वकतता र व्यवस्थतपककत समतनतत र भिन्नततहरु केलतउनुहोस । तपतई अहहले परीक्षत हिइरहे को
पिमत चयन हुनुियो िने तपतईले नेतत्ृ वितयी िुभमकत वत व्यवस्थतपककय िभु मकत के ननवताह गनप
ुा िा छ?
वववेचनत गनुह
ा ोस ।
क। नेतत्ृ वकतता र व्यवस्थतपककत समतनततहरु िे हतयबमोजिम छन ।
नेतत्ृ वकतता र व्यवस्थतपककत समतनततहरु
o नेतत्ृ वकतताले अभियतनको नेतत्ृ व गर्ा छ व्यवस्थतपनकले सम्पूर्ा कतयाक्रमको नेतत्ृ व गर्ा छ।
o नेतत्ृ वकतताले आफूमततहतकत समुहलतइ नेतत्ृ व गरी अगतडी बढतउँ र्छ । व्यवस्थतपनकले
आफ्नो मततहतमत रहे कत व्यवस्थतपककय कतमलतइ समतन अवसरले समुहलतइ ववितजन गरी
अगतडी बढतउँ र्छ।
o नेतत्ृ वकतताले कुनै पनन कतमलतइ कुशल तरीकतले नेतत्ृ व गर्ै व्यवस्थतपन गर्ै लैजतन्छ ।

ख। नेतत्ृ वकतता र व्यवस्थतपककत भिन्नततहरु िे हतयबमोजिम छन ।

नेतत्ृ वकतता व्यवस्थतपक
o सवै नेतत्ृ वकतता कुशल व्यवस्थतपक हुन o सवै व्यवस्थतपन कुशल नेतत्ृ वकतता हुन
सक्र्ै नन सक्र्ै नन
o नेतत्ृ वकतता अभियतनलतइ अगतडी बढतउने o व्यवस्थतपनले ननमतार् िएकत
नयतँ सोच अगतडी भलने कतया गर्ा छ र र्स्ततवेजहरुलतइ व्यवस्थतपककय तबरले
आफू भित्र रहे को सध
ु तरतत्मक पक्षहरुलतइ अगतडी बढतउँ र्छ ।
ननयतल्र्ै अगतडी भलएर जतन्छ नयतँ नयतँ
अभियतनहरु भसजानत गर्ा छ।
o नननतगत तह पररवतान गर्ाछन o नननतगत तहमत िएकत ननतीहरुलतइ
कतयतान्वयन गने कतममत अग्रसर हुन्छन
o नेतत्ृ वबतट अरुले पनन भसक्न खोज्छन o व्यवस्थतपकले कुशल व्यवस्थतपक िइ
र उननहरु उर्तहरर्कत पतत्र पनन हुन्छन कुनै ननश्चचत कतमकत लतगी कतया गर्ा छ ।
र यो भसकतइ अन्यत्र पनन लतगु हुन्छ
o नेतत्ृ व एक्लै पनन हहडन सक्छ o व्यवस्थतपकले सवैलतइ सँगै भलएर जतनु
पर्ा छ ।

म हतल हर्इरहे को पर्मत चयन िए िने मैले मख्

ु य रुपमत व्यवस्थतपककय िभु मकत ननवताह गनप
ुा छा र
कनतपय अवस्थतमत नेतत्ृ वर्तयी िभू मकत पनन ननवताह गनप
ुा र्ा छ । हतल यस कतयाक्रम मख्
ु य गरी कोशी
प्रर्े शकत श्जल्लतहरुकत स्थतननय तहमत सँचतलन हुन गै रहे को छ । यस अवस्थतमत यस कतयाक्रमको
हर्गोपनतकत लतगी स्थतननय तहलतइ नै नेतत्ृ वर्तयी िूभमकतमत हुन जरुरी छ । यस कतयाक्रम
कतयतान्वयकत ववभिन्न पक्षहरु छन ् ।
क प्रर्े श सरकतर
ख स्थतननय तह
ग रतश्रिय तथत प्रर्े श स्तररय अपतँग महतसँघ
घ समुर्तय लतितश्न्वत वगा

नय ववभिन्न सँस्थतहरु सँगकत ववचमत कतम गनाकत लतगी प्रिे श सरकतरले नननत बनतइ सकेको अवस्थत
छ । यस अवस्थतमत एक कुश व्यवस्थतपकले ववभिन्न दृजटिकोणबति हे नप
ुा ने हुन्छ ।
पहहलो समन्वय र सहकतया
र्ोश्रो कमाचतरी व्यवस्थतपन
तेस्रो सँस्थत तथत नेपतल सरकतरको लेखत तथत प्रशतसन नननत अनुसतरको कतमको कतयान्वयन
र उर्े चय अनुसतरको कतमके कतयान्वयन
चौथो अनुगमन तथत मल्
ु यतँकन

यसरी कतम गने क्रममत कुशल व्यवस्थतपकले अपहरर्ीय िभू मकत खेल्न जरुरी छ र कनतपय अवस्थत
नेतत्ृ व तहकत व्यश्क्तहरु सँग छलफल गनप
ुा ने पनन हुन सक्र्छ । एक कुशल व्यवस्थतपकले जहहले
पनन आफू मतत्तहतकत कमाचतरीहरुको क्षमतत अभिवद्धी गने कतमहरु गने गर्ाछ । उननहरुकत लतगी
कोही सतथीले नजतनेमत अगतडी नबढतउने वविेर् गने जस्तत कतमहरु हुँर्ैनन । यस कतरर् हतल
सँचतलन हुन लतगेको कतयाक्रममत व्यवस्थतपकको िभू मकत बढी छ र एक कुशल व्यवस्थतपकले
स्थतननय सरकतरकत नेतत्ृ वर्तनय िभू मकतमत रहे कत नननतगत पैरवीकत लतगी जनततबतट चनु नएर
ु एकत नेतत्ृ वकतताहरुलतइ अपतँगमैत्री सवतल पन
ु स्थतपानत सहहत हर्गोपनतकत लतगी कुशल
व्यवस्थतपन गना जरुरी रहेको छ ।

3. “Inclusion of all segments of society in the development process is essential to sustain the
development process and distribute benefits to all.” Do you believe this? If yes, respond to the
following questions putting disability in the center.
Yes, I agree with the first statement Inclusion of all segments of society in the development process is
essential to sustain the development process and distribute benefits to all.” But if we see the eye of
Disability person this statement gone in wrong in the Nepal context.

Because, In the current situation of Nepal, we seem, more than 60% policy indorsement about the
right of disability person and provision also available there. But, Due to lack of information, lack of
support system, and lack of awareness program, and lack of support mechanism of Nepal government,
more budget gone to freeze or divert to other program we can clearly ask “not proper utilization (No
o Current situation of community, many children and their household not registered in the disability
list, due to social behavior and feeling to how to my nigh ours and society see me. This is a social
o Another Community people who have living in hilly areas of Nepal, due to difficulties of
geographical reason disable person and their family not received the support from the Government
system and at last government says “we had allocated budget the budget for the disability person”
but no body come to received thus, our budget is gone freed.

In summary: in both condition we can see government allotted budget for the target group, but
they did not receive. We found there there is big gap between the service provider agency and
receiver thus, for the mitigation this gap we need to work in the ground level of community
between to policy holder’s agencies.

Thank You!

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