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A Report
“ A Study on (your topic)

Submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements of
B.TECH Program at
Dept.of Computer Science and Engineering
Jaima Hamdard,New Delhi,

By Submitted to

Dr Shakeel Ahmad Siddiqui

Your Name Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi -110062

S. No. Topic Page No.

1 Declaration (i)

2 Certificate of Originality (iii)

3 Acknowledgement (iv)

4 Introduction 1-3

11 Conclusion

12 References

I do hereby declare that this project entitled, “A Study on (Your

topic) with at Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Jamia
Hamdard, New Delhi -110062 has been done by me and is an
original work. This report is being submitted for fulfilling the
requirement of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science as a
summer training project, at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.

It has never been submitted nor been published elsewhere.

Your Name
Date: 20th Aug 23
Place: New Delhi
Certificate of Originality

To Whomsoever It May Concern


This is to certify that this assignment report entitled on (your topic)

and submitted by (your name), represents an original work done by me

, and has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

the BTECH Program ( batch).

Name and Signature of Faculty Guide

Dr Shakeel Ahmad Siddiqui


For the timely completion of the assignment, I am thankfull to all

the individuals who contributed in the successful completion of the
assignment from very beginning till its successful completion.
I am grateful to my mentor Dr Shakeel ahmad Siddiqui, for his
support and guidance.
I would like to give special thank to ( anybody elso) for his/ her
continued guidance and valuable encouragement.
I am also indebted to all the Dept. staffs that helped me in the
successful completion of this assignment.
“Successful passage and outcome of every work comes with
dedication, determination and team work. All these turn futile in the
absence of a visionary guidance”

Today is the era of quality education. As the level of income has
increased, parents also started giving the importance to the
education of their kids. If the city Jaipur 0has been considered then
there is a tough competition among schools. There is already good
and well established schools and also chain of schools. So for a new
arrival it becomes more difficult to develop its USP and making its
good image in terms of education and the overall development of a

Pearson School, Jaipur is a new organization in the city. So for a

new organization(School), it becomes essential for creating its
awareness and a good image so that parents can keep a thought of
it in their mind before taking the admission decision for their kids.

Learning from work:

• Team management
• Field knowledge
• Planning an event
• Executing the event
• Ground level realities
• Psychology of different people
• Budget planning
• Crisis management
• Interaction with different people
Apart from these learnings, I have learnt some other things like
how banners, leaflets are been designed for the events, corporate
culture, official conference calls, surviving in unfavorable
conditions and giving your best.
As I got the practical exposure so I could understand the difference
between planning and implementing the things.

Suggestions and
• The fee structure of Pearson School is equal to the other
established school, so parents prefer to send their wards in
established ones. So fee structure should not be that much high
as it is new to the Jaipur
• The main focus of the school should be on existing parents
rather than focusing the new ones. If the siblings of the existing
kids also take admission in Pearson than the graph will reach
to a good level
• More in house activities lead to more footfalls, so there should
be more events in campus itself so people can know more about
the school
• There are potential people in near by areas and to increase the
conversion ratio regular follow ups are required
• Infrastructure of a school makes the first impression on parents.
It should be attractive and Pearson is lacking in that part.

• In a span of 1 month, 19 events had been conducted in terms of

creating awareness

• Out of them approximately 800 data had been collected for

different locations at Mansarovar

• Tie ups with different organizations like Big Bazaar, Axis

Bank, Pink Square mall, Jaipuria institute of management etc.
that resulted a good branding of the organization

• Level of awareness among people for Pearson School has


• Number of footfalls have increased, more query from parents

had been generated

• That resulted in raising graph of admission which is the

ultimate goal of the organization

• (Official)

• (Official)

Total pages-Around 25
Font Size-20 and Heading 25
Times Roman
Spacing- 1.5
Spiral binding

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