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1. If 5/12 is equivalent of x/3, then x =
(a) 5/4 (b) 4/5 (c) 5/3 (d) 3/5
2. If 11/4 = 77/x, then x =
(a) 28 (b) 77/28 (c) 44 (d) 308
3. If 1/2 + 1/x = 2, then x =
(a) 2/5 (b) 5/2 (c) 3/2 (d) 2/3
4. The fraction to be added to 6 (7/15) to get 8 (1/5) is equal to
(a) 11/15 (b) 1(1/15) (c) 44/3 (d) 3/44
5. If 45/60 is equivalent to 3/x, then x =
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 20
6. 5/8 + 3/4 – 7/12 is equal to
(a) 15/24 (b) 17/24 (c) 19/24 (d) 21/24
7. What fraction of an hour is 20 minutes?
8. Write the natural numbers from 2 to 12. What fraction of them
are prime numbers?
9. Write the natural numbers from 102 to 113. What fraction of
them are prime numbers?
10. Kavita has 44 cassettes. She gives ¾ of them to Sonia. How
many does Sonia get? How many does Kavita keep?
11. Represent 2/7, 5/7 and 6/7 on a number line.
12. How many fractions lie between 0 and 1?
13. Convert each of the following into a mixed fraction:
(i) 226/15 (ii) 145/9

14. Find the fraction equivalent to 45/60, having(;

i) numerator 15 (ii) denominator 4

15. Ravish had 20 pencils, Shikha had 50 pencils and Priya had 80
pencils. After 4 months, Ravish used up 10 pencils, Shikha used
up 25 pencils and Priya used up 40 pencils. What fraction did
each use up? Check if each has used up an equal fraction of
their pencils.

16. Reduce each of the following fractions to its lowest term

(simplest form): (i) 40/75 (ii) 80/24

17. Isha read 25 pages of a book containing 100 pages. Nagma

read ½ of the same book. Who read less?
17. Arrange the following fractions in the ascending order:

(i) 7/8, 7/25, 7/11, 7/18, 7/10 (ii) 3/8, 3/12. 3/6, 3/4

18. Arrange in descending order in each of the following using the

symbol >: (i) 5/9, 3/12, 1/3, 4/15

(ii) 2/7, 11/35, 9/14, 13/28

19.Find answers to the following. (i) Is 5/9 equal to 4/5?

(ii) Is 9/16 equal to 5/9?

20. Solve: 3 (2/7) + 1/7 – 2 (3/7)

21. Shikha painted 1/5 of the wall space in her room. Her brother
Ravish helped and painted 3/5 of the wall space. How much did
they paint together? How much the room is left unpainted?

22. The teacher taught 3/5 of the book, Vivek revised 1/5 more on
his own. How much does he still have to revise?
23. Fill in the missing fractions: (i) 7/10 – ☐ = 3/10
(ii) ☐ – 3/21 = 5/21

24. Subtract: (i) 2/7 from 19/21 (ii) 21/25 from 18/20

25. Write each of the following as decimals:(i) 65 + 2/10 + 7/100

(ii) 45 + 9/100

26. Write each of the following as decimals: (i) 40 (2/5 )

(ii) 39 (2/10)
27.Write the following decimals as fractions. Reduce the fractions to
lowest form: (i) 3.8 (ii) 21.2

28. Write the decimal number represented by the points on the

given number line: A, B, C, D.

29. Write as decimals: Five hundred twenty five and forty


30. Write each of the following as decimals:

(I) 12(1/4) (ii) 7 (1/8)

31. Write each of the following decimals as fractions. Reduce the

fractions to lowest form: (i) 0.04 (ii) 2.34

32. Fill in the blanks by using > or < to complete the following:
(i) 25.35 …… 8.47 (ii) 20.695 …… 20.93

33. Express each of the following without using decimals:

(i) Rs 5.25 (ii) 8.354 kg (iii) 3.5 cm (iv) 3.05 km

(v) 7.54 m (vi) 15.005 kg (vii) 12.05 m

34. Choose the decimal (s) from the brackets which is (are) not
equivalent to the given decimals:

(i) 0.8 (0.80, 0.85, 0.800, 0.08)

(ii) 25.1 (25.01, 25.10, 25.100, 25.001)

35. Rahul bought 4 kg 90 g apples, 2 kg 60 g of grapes and 5 kg

300 g of mangoes. Find the weight of the fruits he bought in all.
36. The sum of two numbers is 100. If one of them is 78.01, find
the other.

37. Gopal travelled 125.5 km by bus, 14.25 km by pony and the

rest of distance to Kedarnath on foot. If he covered a total distance
of 15 km, how much did he travel on foot?
38. Vineeta bought a book for Rs 18.90, a pen for Rs 8.50 and
some papers for Rs 5.05. She gave fifty rupee to the shopkeeper.
How much balance did she get back?
39. Tanuj walked 8.62 km on Monday, 7.05 km on Tuesday and
some distance on Wednesday. If he walked 21.01 km in three days,
how much distance did he walk on Wednesday?
40.The place value of 5 in 0.04532 is_______
41. The value of 2 (1/25)is
(a) 2.4 (b) 2.25 (c) 2.04 (d) 2.40
42. 15 litres and 15 ml is equal to
(a) 15.15 litres (b) 15.150 litres (c) 15.0015 litres
(d) 15.015 litres
43. The value of 0.5 + 0.005 + 5.05 is
44. 0.35 − 0.035 is equal to
45. 2.5 + 3.05 − 4.005 is equal to
(a) 1.545 (b) 1.455 (c) 1.554 (d) 0.545
46. Which is greater among 2.3, 2.03, 2.33, 2.05?
47. How many lines can you draw through A point?
48. In Figure , name:

(i) Five line segments, (ii) Five rays,

(iii) Non-intersecting line segments

49. Count the number of a line segments in Fig. 10.34.

50. The number of triangles in figure is

(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14

51. The number of diagonals in a hexagon is ________.

52. In Figure:

(a) name any four angles that appear to be acute angles.

(b) name any two angles that appear to be obtuse angles.
53. Draw all the diagonals of a pentagon ABCDE and name them.
.54. In Figure, O is the centre of the circle.
(a) Name all chords of the circle.
(b) Name all radii of the circle.
(c) Name a chord, which is not the diameter of the circle.
(d) Shade sectors OAC and OPB.
(e) Shade the smaller segment of the circle formed by CP.

55. Darw a circle and label the parts of the circle.

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