Padilla, Julius Nathaniel C. - Week 16 Reflection

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Julius Nathaniel C.

BSAc 1st year – Block 1203

1. Reflect on your experience of the religious activity you participated in and supply the
following information:
a. Type of Religious Activity : Worship Service
b. Date and Time : May 7, 2022 – 6 PM
c. Means of Participation : Actual
d. Where or which platform? : INC Church
It is tough for us to live in today's world without realizing the reality. For money, fame,
and gain, we work ourselves to the bone. We still don't enjoy actual happiness because our lives
are so empty and bitter. Why is it that faith in God can bring peace and joy to one's life? It's because
God created humanity, thus everything is in His hands: birth, aging, sickness, and death; happiness
or agony; and people's futures. "As people act, Heaven watches" and "Man proposes, God
disposes," as the saying goes. If the things we do and say are in harmony with God's will, we will
be blessed. When we follow God, we are protected by Him, and we enjoy peace and joy in our
lives. You will be able to cast off your corruption, be saved by God, and experience true freedom
and joy if you accept the truth and put God's words into practice.

2. REFLECTION QUESTION: Reflect on your experience of the religious activity you

participated in. Give one alphabetical letter which you think best symbolizes your
experience and explain.
With this experience, I can compare it with the letter Z, because with this experience, I
learned that in every mistake that we made, we must continue on our live with the trust with God.
The last letter in alphabet is Z, this is the very end goal that we want to achieve, even we create
mistake on other letter in the process but the very end of the day, we will achieve our goal and
objectives in life with the proper guidance and help from above/


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