Background of Erith Talvera

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Background of Erith Talvera Erith Talvera was born in village of Amphail on the 20th of Hammer, 1347.

His mother Ereska died during the difficult birth that brought him into the Realms. Toler Talvera, Eriths father, was assisted in raising the newborn by his daughter Elenna. It was due to Elennas dutiful care that Erith survived infancy. She cared for her baby brother and he began to thrive under her nurturing care. Toler, a simple farmer with a small plot of land in Amphail took to drinking after the death of his wife. The widower Toler hid his grief by drinking every night. The two children as they grew older took more of the responsibilities over from their father as he slowly destroyed himself. When Erith was nine and Elenna fifteen, Toler died. He had gotten into a drunken argument with an unsavory man by the name of Gortum Bybey. The argument turned violent and Gortum ended it by plunging a dagger into Tolers heart. Witnesses saw the murderer depart on his horse and flee into the night. Although the Waterdeep patrols searched for him along the roads, he was never caught. Elenna married less than a year after her fathers death. Her husband, Ighmar Redhunt, was a journeyman blacksmith. He sold the Talvera farm and moved his young bride to Daggerford. Young Erith took a job as a stable boy at the Laughing Bandit Inn at the North end of the Amphail. It was here that Erith was exposed to travelers and to tales and the knowledge of traveling mages and swordsmen. The inns owner, Wym Firespear, discovered that the young stable boy Erith had a natural singing voice. Soon Erith found himself entertaining many a night by the hearth in the taproom. Several travelling bards took an interest in Erith, and trained him in their craft during their visits in Amphail. In 1361, the Laughing Bandit Inn was destroyed during a spell battle between Thalagh Tarn of Tethyr and a mysterious masked drow mage. The ensuing inferno took the life of Wym and many of the guests of the inn. Erith survived the incident, but only by blind luck. During the the spell duel that erupted inside the inn, Erith was thrown out a window by a spell blast a few moments before the Laughing Bandit erupted into flames. Days after the destruction of Laughing Bandit Inn, Erith left Amphail with Messara Daeroon, one of his former tutors. Erith and Messara traveled much during the next three years across the North and the Sword Coast. They visited Waterdeep, Neverwinter, Silverymoon, Baldurs Gate, and many places in between. Erith has recently reached Waterdeep once again. This time he is alone. His training now complete, Erith is ready to become a bard of great repute. He only needs to find a great event to sing about and share with the world.

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