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Question 2.

1 Explain how a business can promote its workplace sustainability

policy, and its expected outcomes, to key stakeholders.

Business can promote it’s workplace sustainability policy and it’s expected
outcomes to the key stakeholders through presentation, that shows the
communication and promotional campaign. This will help the stakeholders inform,
this also can provide to obtain their support and ensure that they are aware on new
policies and developments that is happening within the organization. This campaign
will provide them the information that describes the sustainability policy of the
workplace. The stakeholders and employees that will be involve in implementing the
policies procedure will need to be informed about their roles and responsibilities
about the implementation and also the monitoring processes and procedures that
will be followed to make sure that the measure for success will be achieved.

Question 2.2 What are the resources needed to implement sustainability policies?

This are the resources needed to implement sustainability policies:

 Copies of the legislation and regulation

 External consultants and experts
 The internet
 Sustainability research papers and results
 Advice from government agencies
 Advice from peak industry bodies
 Environmental scans
 SWOT, PEST, PESTEL and analysis etc
 Information about benchmarking and world’s best practice
 Media releases and programs related to sustainability
Resources needed to support and maintain the sustainability policies can also
include regular updated information and knowledge held within the organization.

Question 2.3

2.3.a What information should a procedure for implementing a sustainability

policy contain?

Implementation of procedure could describe :

 How to report on sustainability hazards
 Environmental duty of care steps
 How to measure and assess air quality
 How to manage noise control
 How to prevent pollution
 Sustainable procurement/ green or environmental purchasing
 Waste stream/waste management steps/ waste management of e-waste
 Recycling
 Product reuse
 The application of the environmental management system(EMS)
 Using the EMS
 Conducting an EMS audit
 Meeting sustainability KPIs
 Composting
 Greenbulking
 Life cycle cost assessment
 How to participate in continuous improvement processes
 Emissions toxic and non- toxic
 Carbon footprint and reduction measures
 The degree to which the organization actively participates in:
 Socially responsible investment, transparent accounting and reporting
 Corporate substantially
 The degree to which the organization is able to deliver goods and services in a
sustainable manner
 Fair treatment of employees, ethical business practices and appropriate
community interactions and support- locally and globally

2.3.b How can you support the implementation of a sustainability policy?

To support the implementation of sustainability policies

 Appropriate resources must be available
 Employees and other stakeholders must be informed
 Feedback from stakeholders should be collected, analyzed and used to make
adjustment if needed.
 There must be a good communication plan that is well executed
 Employee queries and concerns should be fully addressed
 Change management procedures should be introduced if needed
 Training, coaching or mentoring should be facilitated as needed

Question 2.4 What systems will help track continuous improvements in

sustainability approaches and who should be responsible for monitoring them?

Policy implementation requires the establishment of a system to record and

report on data and feedback associated with the policy and to track continuous
improvement in sustainability approaches. Recording and reporting ensures that
information that is important to the organization is retained and can be accessed as
needed. As organizations implement new programs or invest new technologies to
improve sustainability performance, they must indentify their data collection and
recording system needs and the relevant reporting requirements. Staff must know
who is responsible for collecting data, recording it in the system and maintining data
and information.

Question 3.1 Why is it necessary to document and record the outcomes of

sustainability policy implementation?

It is necessary to document and record the outcomes because the

information that they store is important because in some reason or for the future
purposes it can help them to review it and it can be accessed as needed.
Organizational data and information will be used to locate and track the continuous
improvement activities - planning, implementation and for monitoring. It will be use
for evaluations of the success activities and to the development of inventions or

Question 3.2
3.2.a Recorded data and information might indicate trends that require remedial
action. What is a trend and what types of trend might be indicated by performance
data that is collected within the organization?

To identify trends you need to monitor all the organizational records and
reports pertaining to sustainability activities and Set a clear, achievable,
communicated performance and improvement goals. A trend is a general direction
in which something is going or in changing. It is usually gradual, but incremental
change or pattern that applies to specific situations. Trend analysis also helps an
organization to understand its past sustainability performance and identify potential
improvements - areas requiring remedial actions.
The trend might indicate by a decrease in toxic waste or by an increase in
energy use. When identified trends should be assessed to determine the causes. If
the trend is for an unwanted, unexpected or negative outcome remedial action
should be taken to arrest the trend.

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