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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel

PACUCOA Accredited – Level 3 Status

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan


Skill-related fitness is sometimes called sports fitness or motor fitness because people
who possesses them find it easy to achieve high levels of performance in motor skills.
Improving your overall fitness can help you no matter what sport or other form of
exercise you engage in. But where performance is concerned, the greatest
improvements arise from training that develops skills specifically related to your activity
of choice.

1. Agility – is the ability to rapidly and accurately change the direction of the whole
body in space while maintaining balance.
2. Balance – is the ability to maintain equilibrium (control of your body) while stationary
or moving. There are two types of balance: Static and dynamic. Static balance is
when you are stationary and maintaining equilibrium like a gymnast performing a
stationary handstand. Dynamic balance is when you are moving and still
maintaining equilibrium such as a person skiing down a snow hill.
3. Coordination – is the ability to use the senses and body parts to perform motor
tasks smoothly and accurately. It’s the ability to skillfully execute movements while
performing other tasks. For example, dribbling a soccer ball and then kicking it
toward the goal.
4. Reaction Time – is the ability to react or respond quickly to what you hear, see, or
feel. An example of reaction time would be a goalkeeper diving to save a soccer ball
heading for the net or a batter hitting a fastball thrown by a pitcher.
5. Speed – is the ability to move quickly from one point to another. An example of
speed would be a sprinter running as fast as possible over 100 meters or a defender
running across the field to intercept a football.
6. Power – is the ability to perform a task quickly and forcefully; strength x speed. An
example of power would be a weightlifter quickly and forcefully lifting a heavy weight
overhead or a sprinter accelerating as fast as possible to reach top speed. Power
can be improved through activities like doing push-ups or jumping rope.

A. Activity 1
On a whole sheet of yellow pad paper, give a scenarios or situations (exercise)
wherein the components of skill-related of fitness are being executed.
1. Power
2. Agility
3. Coordination
4. Reaction Time
5. Balance
6. Speed
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 3 Status
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

II. Traditional and Recreational Games

A. Traditional Filipino games or indigenous games in the Philippines are games that
have been played across multiple generations, usually using native materials or
instruments. Playing traditional games, such as board or outdoor games help children to
think for themselves, learn cooperation and teamwork skills, work on strategies and
tactics, and learn how to hold a conversation with adults. Games are a fun way of getting
your child to learn – without them even realizing it!
B. Recreational game involves participants in which the main function is providing fun
and entertainment to participant. Recreation is a source of joy and provide relaxation for
one's body and mind. Recreational games play a very important role for school going

III. Philippine Traditional Games/ Laro ng Lahi

a. Tumbang Preso - Tumbang Preso is a unique traditional game in the Philippines,
where it is favoured by many Filipino children. The players must precisely hit a piece
of can, whilst the person guarding the can inside the IT zone must try and tag
another person.
b. Patintero - Patintero is the most widely played native game in the Philippines. You
don’t need any equipment to play it, but for an official game, prepare chalk to mark
lines on the ground and perhaps a whistle and a stopwatch to set a time limit. There
are two teams of about five players each. The object of the game is to get past the
lines, which are guarded by players of the opposite team. Most of the guards face
front or back, but one guard is perpendicular to them.
c. Luksong Lubid - The objective is for an individual or teams to score highest in
skipping or jumping over the rope while it is being turned continuously over the head
and under the feet of players. The two ends of the rope are held and turned over by
two people.
d. Piko - Piko is the Philippine variation of the game hopscotch. The players stand
behind the edge of a box, and each throws their cue ball. The first to play is
determined depending on the players' agreement (e.g. nearest to the markings of the
moon, wings or chest).
e. Luksong Baka - Luksong baka is a traditional Filipino game that originated in
Bulacan. It involves a minimum of three players and a maximum of 10 players, and
involves them jumping over the person called the baka, or "cow". The main goal of
the players is to successfully jump over the baka without touching or falling over the
f. Tug of War - The objective of the game is for each team to pull the rope along with
the members of opposition team to their side. As soon as the second mark on the
rope from the center red mark crosses over to center line, the team to pull the rope to
their area wins the game. The tug of war competition requires a judge.

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