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1. What tool is used to help you see tiny objects and living organisms?

A. Goggles

B. Microscope

C. Stethoscope

D. Telescope

2. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?

A. Eyepiece & mirror

B. Eyepiece & objective

C. Objectives & mirror

D. Objectives & diaphragm

For items 3 to 5, use the letters in the figure to answer the questions

3. What part moves the body tube and objectives up and down?

A. Part A

B. Part C

C. Part H

D. Part I

4. Which part makes possible the changing of the objectives?

A. Part I
B. Part J
C. Part L
D. Part H
5. Which part will you adjust if the onion cell you are observing under HPO is not

A. Part B

B. Part C

C. Part G

D. Part J

6. What makes a microscope determine how clearly a small object can be viewed?
A. Mirror & eyepiece
B. Mirror & magnification
C. Magnification & resolution
D. eyepiece & resolution
7. What is the science of investigating small objects and structures?
A. autopsy
B. colonoscopy
C. endoscopy
D. microscopy
8. What type of microscope uses visible light to form an image?
A. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
B. Electron Microscope
C. Optical Microscope
D. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
9. How does a mirror help in studying the specimen in a microscope?
A. It cleans the cover slip.
B. It cleans the glass slide.
C. It gives light directly to the eyes of the user.
D. It reflects light to illuminate the specimen.
10. The heart pumps blood throughout the body. To which organ system does heart belongs?

A. Circulatory System

B. Digestive System

C. Excretory System

D. Nervous System

11. Oxygen is an important gas for organisms. Which organ system is oxygen processed?

A. Excretory System

B. Digestive System

C. Circulatory System

D. Respiratory System

12. Which of the following parts of plants are used for reproduction?
A. Flowers

B. Leaves

C. Roots

D. Stem

13. Which is NOT a part of the digestive system?

A. Esophagus

B. Intestines

C. Kidney

D. Mouth

14. Which of the following is NOT an organ of plants?

A. Heart

B. Stem

C. Leaves

D. Flowers

15. Which of the following organs is used for the transport of nutrients in plants?

A. Artery

B. Heart

C. Kidney

D. Stem

16. Which of the following is NOT an organ system?

A. Digestive

B. Population

C. Excretory

D. Respiratory

17. Which of the following is not a level of biological organization?

A. organism

B. population

C. cells

D. abiotic
18. Which is the correct sequence of the level of biological organization in an organism?
A. cell- tissue –organ- organ system- organism-population-community-ecosystem-biome-
B. cell- organ system–organ- tissue – organism-population-community-ecosystem-biome-
C. cell- organ –- tissue organ system- organism-population-community-ecosystem-biome-
D. cell- organ- organ system- organism-population-community-ecosystem-biome-biosphere-
19. What do you call a group of individuals belonging to the same species and living in a particular

A. organism

B. community

C. population

D. ecosystem

20. Which major part of a cell is composed of jelly-like substance of mainly water as well as
substances like dissolved nutrients?
A. Nucleus
B. Nucleolus
C. Cytoplasm
D. Cell membrane
21. What is the function of the cell’s nucleus?
A. It is the site for protein synthesis.
B. It keeps all the parts of the cell inside and act as a boundary.
C. It is the place within the cell where all cellular activities happen.
D. It controls and regulates all cell activities and it contains the cell's DNA.
22. How does the cell membrane of an animal cell works?
A. It holds the organelles in place.
B. It contains water and food for cell.
C. It directs the activity of the cell – for example, when it grows and divides.
D. It controls what enters and exits the cell such as water, nutrients and waste and thereby
protects and supports the cell.
23. Which of the major parts of the plant cell is responsible for photosynthesis?
A. Cell wall
B. Cytoplasm
C. Chloroplast
D. Cell membrane
24. Which of the following are present in plant cell and are absent in animal cell?
A. Cell Wall and Chloroplast
B. Lysosomes and Ribosomes
C. Golgi Bodies and Mitochondria
D. Cell Membrane and Cytoplasm
25. Which of the following is the external stiff and rigid additional support for plant cell that cannot
be found in animal cell?
A. Cell Wall
B. Chloroplast
C. Plastid
D. Vacuole


1 B
2 B
3 A
4 C
5 A
6 C
7 D
8 C
9 D
10 A
11 D
12 A
13 C
14 A
15 D
16 B
17 D
18 A
19 C
20 C
21 D
22 C
23 C
24 A
25 A


1. What is the simplest form that cannot be broken down to anything simpler?
A. Element
B. Solution
C. Compound
D. mixtures
2. Which of the following is the correct definition of mixture?
A. A chemically combined substance.
B. A combination of elements to make a new substance.
C. A combination of substances where new substances are formed through a reaction.
D. A combination of two or more substances where each keeps its own properties and
both can be easily separated.
3. Mixtures can be classified into 2 types, homogeneous and heterogeneous. They are different
A. Heterogeneous has 2 substances while homogenous has 3 or more substances.
B. Heterogeneous looks the same throughout, with homogeneous you can see the
different parts
C. They are the same, just different names
D. Homogeneous looks the same throughout, with heterogeneous you can see the
different parts.
4. Which of these is a pure substance?
A. Bread
B. table salt
C. garden soil
D. sea water
5. Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?
A. oil and water
B. sand and water
C. air
D. halo-halo
6. A white powder was tested and heated. After some time, it melts completely. What does it
A. It is a mixture.
B. It is a pure substance.
C. It is a homogeneous mixture.
D. It is a combination of pure substance and mixture.
7. This type of mixture contains two or more substances that are visibly distinguishable.
A. Homogeneous
B. Heterogeneous
C. Suspension
D. solution
8. A substance which consists of two or more elements which have been combined chemically is
called _______________.
A. Element
B. Compound
C. Mixture
D. atom
9. Which of the following is an example of a mixture?
A. sugar solution
B. hydrogen
C. oxygen
D. helium
10. Which of the following is a way in which elements and compounds are similar?
A. Elements and compounds are both pure substances.
B. Elements and compounds are both listed on the periodic table.
C. Elements and compounds are both made up of different kinds of atoms.
D. Elements and compounds can both be broken down by physical changes.
11. What do you call when there is one type of atom?
A. Element
B. Compound
C. Homogeneous Mixture
D. Heterogeneous Mixture
12. Ethan wants to separate the marbles in a jar full of water. Which of the following is the BEST
way to separate the mixture?
A. Decantation
B. Dissolving
C. Evaporation
D. using a magnet
13. Which of the following materials will be used to separate a mixture of iron nails and sand?
A. filter paper
B. magnet
C. water
D. spoon
14. Which of the following will Jeffrey do to segregate the rubber bands of different colors?
A. Decantation
B. Evaporation
C. Filtration
D. physical manipulation
15. A combination of two or more substances where each keeps its own properties and both can be
easily separated.
A. Mixture
B. Compound
C. Element
D. Solution
16. What are the two types or classes of mixtures?
A. Elements and compounds
B. Protons and Electrons
C. Atoms and Molecules
D. Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
17. Two substances physically combined and that appears the same all throughout is classified as
A. A homogeneous mixture
B. A heterogeneous mixture
C. An element
D. A compound
18. Which of the following uses evaporation as a means of separating the components of the given
A. oil and water
B. pebbles and sand
C. sand and gravel
D. salt and water
19. Which of the following statements distinguishes pure substances from mixtures?
A. It can be separated by physical means.
B. It consists of two or more kinds of matter.
C. It has no specific solubility and densities.
D. It has constant boiling temperature and melting temperature.
20. Colored water is an example of what type of mixture?
A. homogeneous mixture
B. heterogeneous mixture
21. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?
A. Air
B. soft drink
C. stainless steel
D. oil and water
22. What is the difference between a substance and a mixture?
A. Substance can be separated while mixture cannot be separated.
B. Substance is pure while mixture is impure.
C. Substance has many components while mixture has one only.
D. Substance is heterogeneous while mixture is homogeneous.
23. Which of the following pairs of substances may best be separated through distillation?
A. sand and soil
B. water and soil
C. salt and sand
D. water and alcohol
24. Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture (solution)?
A. gelatin with blueberries
B. chicken noodle soup
C. juice
D. salad
25. A student makes a garden salad by stirring lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and croutons together in a
bowl. Why is the garden salad a mixture?
A. the student cut the vegetables into equally sized pieces
B. the vegetables are combined by maintain their physical properties
C. the croutons cannot be taken out of the salad
D. the salad grew from a garden
1 A
2 D
3 D
4 B
5 C
6 B
7 B
8 B
9 A
10 A
11 A
12 A
13 B
14 D
15 A
16 D
17 A
18 D
19 D
20 A
21 D
22 B
23 D
24 C
25 B


1. What do you call the process of charging a conductor by bringing it near another charged
A. Induction
B. Friction
C. conduction
2. Two like charges; ________________________.
A. neutralize each other.
B. repel each other.
C. must be neutrons.
D. attract each other.
3. Where do electrons go when you rub a balloon on your hair?
A. Into the balloon
B. Into your hair
C. Nowhere
4. After you rub a balloon on your hair, what charge does the balloon have?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral
5. After you rub a balloon on your hair, what charge does your hair have?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral
6. When you charge a balloon by rubbing it on your hair this is an example of what method of
A. Friction
B. Induction
7. The negatively charged balloon is brought near the two cans. What happens?
A. The negative charges in Can B move towards the balloon
B. The negative charges in Can A move away from the balloon
C. The positive charges in Can B move towards the balloon
D. The positive charges in Can A move away from the balloon
8. The cans are separated while the balloon is still near. What charge does each can have?
A. Can A and Can B are neutral
B. Can A is negative while Can B is positive
C. Can A is positive while Can B is negative
D. Both cans are positive
9. If a negatively charged rod touches a conductor, the conductor will be charged by what
A. Friction
B. Conduction
C. Induction
10. Ms. Rabiya rubbed two balloons with a piece of wool. What will happen when the balloons are
brought near each other?
A. The balloons will repel each other.
B. The balloons will attract each other.
C. The balloons will become positively (+) charged.
D. The balloons will pop.
11. For an object to have a positive charge, it must ____.
A. lose electrons
B. gain electrons
C. lose protons
D. gain protons
12. Neutral atoms contain equal numbers of positive ___________ and negative ____________.
A. Electrons and Protons
B. Protons and Electrons
C. Neutrons and Electrons
D. Protons and Neutrons
13. Charging by Friction results in two objects with the same charge.
A. True
B. False
14. A charged balloon is brought near an electroscope but DOES NOT touch the electroscope. This is
an example of charging by
A. Conduction
B. Induction
C. Friction
15. This is the study of the behavior of electric charges, including how charge is transferred between
A. Electric Charge
B. Static Electricity
C. Electricity
D. Conduction
16. An example of this type of charging is like when the hair on the wig stands up when it is placed
on the Van de Graaff generator when it is turned on:
A. Induction
B. Conduction
C. Friction
D. None of the above
17. An example of this type of charging is like when you have socks on and rub them on carpet,
building up a charge
A. Friction
B. Conduction
C. Induction
D. None of these
18. This type of charging occurs when two things are rubbed together because when this happens,
electrons from one objects are rubbed off to the other. This usually makes one object positive
and the other negative
A. Friction
B. Conduction
C. Induction
D. None of these
19. A method used to charge an object without actually touching the object to any other charged
A. Induction
B. Conduction
C. Friction
D. Grounding
20. When you charge a balloon by rubbing it on your hair this is an example of what method of
A. Friction
B. Conduction
C. Grounding
D. Induction
21. Your arm hair raising as you approach a television is an example of charging by induction
A. True
B. false
22. What is the name of the particle that is transferred?
A. Proton
B. Neutron
C. Electron
D. Positron
23. Which electrostatics phenomena is shown in this picture?
A. Contact
B. Friction
C. Grounding
D. Induction
24. What is the charge on this object?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral
25. What is the charge on this object?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral


1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. A
25. B
1. Which of the following steps to solve a problem must be completed last?
A. recognizing and identifying the problem
B. analyzing data
C. testing a hypothesis
D. drawing conclusions
2. What step should be completed first to solve a problem?
A. testing a hypothesis
B. recognizing and identifying the problem
C. analyzing data
D. drawing conclusions
3. What do you call the information gathered during experiments?
A. Theory
B. Hypothesis
C. Data
D. conclusion
4. What is an observation?
A. Using five senses to notice what is going on around you
B. To be unaware of your surroundings
C. The question that you want an answer to.
D. A scientific statement based on ideas
5. How do scientists test their hypothesis?
A. formulating questions
B. drawing conclusions
C. doing experiments
D. designing models
6. A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question.
A. metric system
B. data collection
C. scientific method
D. recipe
7. What skill is involved when you use five senses to gather information?
A. posing questions
B. developing hypothesis
C. observing
D. designing experiments
8. A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water
affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment, which is the
dependent or responding variable?
A. number of plants in the water
B. amount of salt in the water
C. temperature of the water
D. water
9. Which of the following hypotheses is written correctly?
A. If a tennis ball is frozen, it will not bounce as high as one that is not frozen.
B. If I freeze a tennis ball, then it will not bounce as high.
C. If I heat up a tennis ball it will bounce high.
D. If frozen tennis balls will not bounce as high.
10. What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method?
A. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions, analyze results,
communicate results.
B. Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a question, draw
conclusions, communicate results.
C. Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw
conclusions, communicate results.
D. Ask questions, conduct research, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze
results, draw conclusions, communicate results.
11. A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water
affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment, which is the
independent or manipulated variable?
A. number of plants in the water
B. water
C. temperature of the water
D. amount of salt in the water
12. Which of the following questions is best considered as testable and scientific?
A. Does the amount of salt in water affect the temperature at which it boils?
B. Who invented electricity?
C. How many koalas are there in Australia?
D. How long did dinosaurs live on Earth?
13. What variable can be changed or manipulated?
A. experimental variable
B. independent variable
C. uncontrolled variable
D. dependent variable
14. What do you call the things or variables in an experiment that must be kept the same all
throughout the experiment to make it fair?
A. constant or controlled variables
B. independent or manipulated variable
C. experimental variable
D. uncontrolled variable
15. A scientist is already contemplating whether the data of his experiments support his hypothesis.
At this point the scientist is __________________.
A. drawing a conclusion
B. asking a question
C. making observations
D. forming a hypothesis
16. Which refers to scientific procedure undertaken by scientists to test a hypothesis and make a
discovery or demonstrate a known fact?
A. Inference
B. Experiment
C. Conclusion
D. theory
17. In which step of the scientific method do we want to use tables and graphs?
A. analyze data
B. communicate results
C. asking questions
D. make hypothesis
18. A scientist hypothesizes that the temperature at which an ostrich’s egg is incubated will
determine whether the ostrich will be male or female. What is the independent variable of this
A. gender of the ostrich
B. temperature
C. incubator
D. scientist
19. A scientist hypothesizes that the temperature at which an ostrich’s egg is incubated will
determine whether the ostrich will be male or female. What is the dependent variable of this
A. Scientist
B. Temperature
C. Incubator
D. gender of the ostrich
20. What skill is used by a scientist when they listen to the sounds that are produced by whales?
A. making observations
B. interpreting data
C. making a hypothesis
D. drawing conclusions
21. Why is the Scientific Method an important process in doing experiments?
A. It takes more work but it’s worth it.
B. It ensures that the people doing the experiments are scientific.
C. It ensures that the results can be trusted and repeated.
D. It helps the experiment to take longer and be better.
22. What is a control group in an experiment?
A. Does not have the independent variable and is used for comparison
B. The parts of the experiment you keep the same
C. The only group you collect data from
D. The group you change on purpose
23. An educated or scientific guess based on information you already know is _________.
A. Data
B. Conclusion
C. Problem
D. hypothesis
24. Which term correctly fits in this part of the investigation. ________________: If I water one
plant and don't water the other plant, then the plant I water will grow more than the unwatered
A. scientific investigation
B. problem
C. conclusion
D. hypothesis
25. Why is experiment important?
A. It ensures that many tools are used safely and accurately.
B. It allows for new discoveries and knowledge in science.
C. It creates more questions to be answered.
D. It helps create jobs for scientists.


1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. D
20. A
21. C
22. A
23. D
24. D
25. B
1. 78% of the Earth's atmosphere is ___________ and 21% of the Earth's atmosphere is
A. Oxygen, Nitrogen
B. Nitrogen, Oxygen
C. Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide
D. Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide
2. In what layer of the atmosphere do all weather events occur?
A. Mesosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Exosphere
D. Troposphere
3. In the troposphere, the temperature _____ as altitude increases.
A. Stays the same
B. Increases
C. Goes up and down
D. Decreases
4. Why is the ozone layer vital to life on Earth?
A. Planes fly in the ozone layer
B. It shields the Earth from ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun
C. It causes clouds to be created
D. It is made up of oxygen (O2)
5. In which layer of the atmosphere do meteors burn up?
A. Exosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Troposphere
6. This layer is the hottest layer of the atmosphere?
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Mesosphere
7. This layer is the outermost layer of the atmosphere. Satellites orbit the atmosphere in this layer.
A. Mesosphere
B. Ozone Layer
C. Exosphere
D. Thermosphere
8. What is the order of the layers of the atmosphere, starting with the layer closest to Earth's
A. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere, Mesosphere
C. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere, Thermosphere
D. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Exosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere
9. Which explanation correctly describes the greenhouse effect?
A. The process of the atmosphere keep us from floating into space
B. The process of the atmosphere trapping the sun's radiation, and making the Earth warm
and livable for humans
C. The process of the atmosphere keeping the Earth's surface dense
D. The process of the atmosphere reflecting all of the Sun's heat back into space
10. Which atmospheric layer is the Aurora Borealis located in?
A. Mesosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Exosphere
11. Where would you find the ozone layer?
A. Thermosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. exosphere
12. It is a plant house used by farmers and plant keeper to protect the plants from excessive cold or
heat and pest.
A. Greenhouse gases
B. Greenhouse
C. Greenhouse effect
D. Global Warming
13. What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere at 78%?
A. carbon dioxide
B. argon
C. nitrogen
D. oxygen
14. What percentage of our atmosphere is made up of other gases such as argon, water vapor, and
carbon dioxide?
A. 21%
B. 90%
C. 1%
D. 78%
15. Which of the following are greenhouse gases?
A. Methane
B. All answers are correct
C. Water vapor
D. Carbon dioxide
16. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?
A. Water vapor
B. Nitrogen
C. Methane
D. Carbon dioxide
17. What is an increase in global temperatures believed to be caused in part by the greenhouse
A. Climate
B. Climate Change
C. Greenhouse Effect
D. Global Warming
18. What is a change in global and regional climate patterns attributed to an increase in
atmospheric carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels?
A. Climate Change
B. Greenhouse Gas
C. Radiation
19. A cool breeze is blowing from the ocean towards the land during the day. This is called a
A. Sea breeze
B. Monsoon
D. Land breeze
20. When the air is heated, it will __________.
A. Sink
B. rise
21. The moving air or the wind moves from __________ to ___________ pressure area.
A. High to Low
B. Low to low
22. The cold air that we experience from October to March is part of the wind system called
A. Amihan (Northeast monsoon)
B. Habagat (Southwest monsoon)
23. Land breeze and sea breezes are caused by the different _________ between land and water
A. Gases
B. Solids
C. Temperatures
D. rotations
24. A cool breeze is blowing from the land towards the ocean during nighttime. This is called a
B. land breeze
C. sea breeze
D. monsoon
25. A major wind system that seasonally reverses its direction—such as one that blows for
approximately six months from the northeast and six months from the southwest.
B. Monsoon
C. Typhoon
D. Wind System
26. The area where northeast trade winds meet with southeast winds from the Southern
Hemisphere is called __________.
A. sea breeze
B. monsoon
C. land breeze
27. The cold air that we experience from July to September is part of the wind system called
A. Amihan (Northeast monsoon)
B. Habagat (Southwest monsoon)
28. The layers of Earth's atmosphere are determined by changes in _________.
A. Color
B. Density
C. Temperature
D. pressure
29. A mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth like a blanket.
A. Troposphere
B. Nitrogen
C. Ozone
D. atmosphere
30. A group of compounds that are able to trap heat in the atmosphere, keeping the Earth's surface
warmer than it would be if they were not present.
A. climate change
B. greenhouse gases
C. CO2 emissions


1. B
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. B
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. A
20. B
21. A
22. A
23. C
24. B
25. B

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