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Micro-teach checklist – tips for a successful session

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 Decide on a topic that you feel knowledgeable about and confident to deliver,
one that is suitable for your group of learners. Try not to change your mind too
often about what you plan to do.

 Find out how many learners there will be and any particular needs they may

 Find out missing text.

 Prepare your plan in advance, ensuring you have a clear aim (what you want to
achieve) and SMART objectives (or tasks). Don’t use the words know or
understand when creating objectives as they are difficult to assess. It would be
useful to ask your observer to comment on your plan beforehand.

 Plan what will be covered during the beginning, middle and ending sections of
your session, and missing text.

 Keep things simple – don’t try to achieve too much too soon as time will go
quickly. Equally, don’t expect too much from your learners as they might be new
to your topic and will not want to be rushed.

 Prepare an extra activity in case you have spare time, along with extension
activities to stretch and challenge the more capable learners (if applicable).

 Know what you can reduce or remove if you run short of time.

 Prepare missing text.

 Rehearse your session with friends or family to check your timings.

 Plan ahead - practise using the relevant technology, equipment and/or

resources beforehand.

 Photocopy handouts and materials as required, reserve equipment if necessary.

 Have a missing text.

 Have spare pens and paper.

 Check if you can arrive early to prepare the room, equipment and resources.

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Gravells A (2017) Principles and Practices of Teaching and Training London Learning Matters SAGE

 Set up the area to suit your topic so that all learners can see and hear you.

 Have a watch or clock handy to keep track of the time.

 Keep your session plan in view so that you can look at it when necessary to
make sure you are on track with your timings, or to look at key words.

 Relax, take a few deep breaths and focus on what you are going to do, leave all
personal issues behind.

 Ten missing points

 Limit the use of jargon and acronyms and explain each one when used.

 Ask open questions to test knowledge and understanding (ones that begin with
who, what, when, where, why and how).

 Use the PPP question technique: Pose, Pause, Pick.

 Check learning has taken place by carrying out some form of assessment
activity, for example, observation, written or oral questions.

 If you set a group activity, think about what you will be doing whilst your learners
are active and give a target time for completion.

 Always confirm achievement (or otherwise) to each individual, and give

constructive feedback.

 At the end of your session, allow time for questions from your learners, but keep
an eye on the time as you could easily overrun.

 When summarising, recap your aim and objectives (or the tasks the learners
have achieved).

 It is useful to provide a handout to summarise your topic with further information,

for example, relevant text books and a website list.

 If you are unsure how to end your session missing text.

 Afterwards

 Two missing points

 Don’t be missing text.

 Evaluate what went well and why, and what didn’t go well and why, and take
into consideration the feedback you have received.

 Make sure you complete any required documentation and submit it by the target
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Gravells A (2017) Principles and Practices of Teaching and Training London Learning Matters SAGE

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