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3 The Invisible God

God created things that are visible to our eyes and things
that are not visible. In this world, there are many things
that cannot be seen with our eyes. What are some of the

Colossians 1:16, 1 Corinthians 4:18, 1 Timothy 6:16

My mother and father love me.

Although I can’t see love with my eyes, I know it.

Can God be seen with our eyes?
No, We can’t see God.
Then how can we know God who’s always with us?

Although God can’t be seen with my eyes,
God is with me.
Even when I play at the playground,
learn about the word at preschool class,
or joke around, God is always watching over me.
And He loves me very much.

Who is God?

In the bible, it says that God created man from the dust of the ground
and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. The first man that was
created is Adam.

God created it!

I played with clay with a friend. I made my mother and father, and
Ahram made her baby sibling that was born a few days ago.
“Hey Ahram, did you know? God created people like this.”
“God? God made us? Who is God? Where is He?”
Should I tell Ahram what kind of being God is? Nam-Woo decided
to ask his teacher.

Who is

How much do I know about God? How much do the people around
me know about God? Interview them.

Write down your thoughts.

Ask your parents.

Ask your Sunday School teacher.

Ask your friends.

-R\IXO Wind is when the air moves. Circle the
$FWLYLW\ things that are moved by the wind.

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Trace this verse:

whom no one has

seen or can see
1 Timothy 6:16
Write this verse:

To Teacher To parents


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