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Be an example for others to follow:Don’t be mean be green!

Roxin Denisa
Clasa IX A
Colegiul Național “Preparandia Dimitrie Țicindeal” Arad
Profesor coordonator:Tocaciu Violeta

In my opinion,the Earth is so precious but,unfortunately we don’t take enough care of

it.Many studies show us that if we don’t change our attitude towards this planet in less than
twenty years it will be gone.

There are so many global problems in this world but i would like to start by writing about
the climate change.Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather
patterns.These shifts can be natural but they are also stimulated by human actions,actions like burning
fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.When these fossil fuels are burnt they produce some gas that acts
like a blanket for the world and that gas is the reason why the temperatures are rising.The main
examples of gas that cause climate change are carbon dioxide and methane. Switching energy systems
from fossil fuels to renewables like solar or wind will reduce the emissions driving climate
change.Switching from going to work by car and polluting the air to taking a walk to work could also
help.Any small step can and will make a difference.Loss of spiecies,food becomes less and less,our
health becomes more fragile.These are only a few problems caused by climate change.

Not long ago people started talking about a project that could actually ruin the planet
faster than we ever thought:the Willow oil project.This projects is an eight billion dollar
proposed oil land gas project in Alaska.It would open up around 629 million barrels of oil and
produce 287 million metric tons of carbon dioxide over 30 years.Sadly it was approved by the
Biden administration on March 13.It will cause irreversible damage,some eco systems will be
gone,global warming will become unstoppable,some species of animals will dissapear.
Another big problem is water contamination.Water is vital for the human body,for
animals,for plants,for any living thing i could say.There are many countries that may have their
own water source but they can’t use it due to water contamination.Harmful germs and chemicals
can get in the water from many sources, including: Fertilizers, pesticides, or other chemicals that
have been applied to land near the water.If the water is poluted it becomes unusable for drinking,
cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities.Clean, fresh water may seem plentiful, but
there is a limited amount available on earth.You should use water-saving devices on sinks, in
toilets, and in showers or take short showers instead of baths to save more water.We have to be
careful with how we use our water because without it we will die.

In conclusion there are many problems in this world but with any problem comes a
solution you just need to look into the problem to find a way out.We need to understand that the
way things are going is in our hands and it only depends on how we act.Only we can save
ourselves and the planet.


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