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4 The Loving God

God loves me. He gave me eyes that can see

beautiful flowers and the blue sky, and a mouth
that can eat delicious food. He also gave me ears
that can listen to beautiful songs and a nose
that can smell the scent of flowers.

1 John 4:16, Psalms 139:13

He gave me strong legs that can run around

with my friends.
He gave me hands that can write words.
He gave me a head that can think and remember.

There are people that love me.
There are my family that always watches over me,
and my friends.
There’s also my teacher that teaches me about the bible.

What’s the reason behind why God gave me all these things?
It’s because He loves me. God! Thank you so much.

How can we meet God?

Namwoo told his teacher what happened when he was with Ah-
ram. After listening to Namwoo, the teacher asked him.
“Namwoo, what did you tell Ahram about God?”
“I told Ahram that He created this world.”
The teacher told Namwoo that he did a good job.

“Good job. God created all these things because He loves us.”
Namwoo was happy to hear his teacher compliment him. But he
was curious about one thing.
“Teacher. Then how can we meet God?”

-R\IXO This is what our bodies do.
Look at the example and write down the
$FWLYLW\ right answer.

example: balls, scents, bags, songs, words

With our ears, we can hear

With our nose, we can smell

With our mouth, we can sing

With our hands, we can hold

With our feet, we can kick

Write a thank you letter to God.
Jesus will deliver your letter.
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* The way to make this letter is written on the next page.

Cut along

Fold along

* How to make the letter:

1. Cut the letter along its shape.

2. Write the letter on Jesus’ chest.

3. Cut along the black line on both sides of the card.

Trace this verse:

We love Him because

He first loved us
1 John 4:19
Write this verse:

To Teacher To parents


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