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To the Almighty God

The accomplishment of this business plan becomes possible because of the guidance and

the wisdom he showered within the group. As the researchers seek for knowledge and protection,

God never hesitate to provide the researchers that capability of understanding and comprehend

every step needed.

To the Facilitator

To the OIC- College Administrator, Dr.Lilibeth P. Mayol, to the chairperson of Business

Department Mrs.Chastine D. Amparo; to the instructor Dr.Laurencio M. Andrino, Jr.the group

would like to dedicate this study as you give guidance and share reliable learning and extend

your patience towards the students,

To the Family

To the support of the family whom continuously provide the needs and for guiding the

students academically. The group would dedicate this study because everything becomes


To the students

To the students, the researchers would dedicate this study for reference and additional learnings

of the students. This study would give appreciation for the students who became part of this






Introduction 8

Rationale of the Study 9

Theoretical Background 10

The Law of Demand 11

The Law of Supply 12

Equilibrium Price 12

The Problem 14

Statement of the Problem 14

Significance of the study 14

Methodology 17

Research Design 17

Research Respondents 17

Research Environment 18

Research Instruments 19

Data Gathering Procedure 20

Definition of Terms 21




Equilibrium Price

Marketing Mix


Raw Materials

Sweet Potato Cheese Rolls

Watermelon Lagoon


Management Aspects 22

Organizational Chart 23

Marketing Aspects 26

Target Market 26

Marketing Mix 28

Marketing Strategies 31

Swot Analysis 32

Strengths 33

Weaknesses 33

Opportunities 33

Threats 34

Technical Aspects 34

Location 35

Product Preparation and Process 36

Raw Material 37

Legal & Taxation 39

Legal Aspects 40

SEC 40

Business Permit 41

DTI 42

BIR 44

SSS 46


Sanitary Permit 49

Financial Aspects 50

Sources of fund/capital 50

Start Up Cost 51

Pricing 52

Sales & Expense 54

Income Statement 56

Financing Aspects 58

Socio Economic Aspects 60


Conclusion 63

Recommendations 64



Appendix A: Questionnaire 73





A business is a structure or system of economics where products and services are traded

for profit. The production or distribution of goods and services is a part of this business

enterprise. Profit generation for owners or shareholders is a business’s main objective. Snackin’

Sissy exist products that will satisfy the taste of the customers, commit ourselves in building

customer loyalty by providing them the highest level of satisfy and quality of our product,

provide a friendly, comfortable atmosphere where the customers can receive best quality food

and entertainment at affordable price.

The customers always wanted to see something new for them. The proponents come up

with a product that can fill their needs and wants which can benefit not only the customers but

also others like entrepreneurs. The customers particularly the students in Mandaue City College

(MCC) always crave a snack that can get full and satisfy their taste. Their product can be an

alternative and innovative snack for students. The proponents ensure that it can satisfy the

craving and contribute to making them healthy. The purpose of this product is not just to gain

income or school purposes but also to help the customers become much healthier. The

experience can also give the proponents knowledge on how to be more productive and more

innovative in sustaining and maintaining the quality of your product.

Rational of the Study

The market is already filled with goods that will satisfy a great deal of consumers’ needs

today. The challenges facing potential entrepreneurs in nowadays will consider more creative

ways to grow their small business and make it better known, successful and better.

Snackin’ Sissy is a unique and innovative business that was founded in 2003 by a group

of friends. The company was born out of passion for snacking and a desire to create a fun,

stylish, and delicious snacking experience. The founders of SNACKIN’ SISSY are a group of

girls who share a love of food and a desire to build a successful business that reflects their

personalities and values. The idea for SNACKIN’ SISSY was inspired by the founders’ own

experiences with snacking. They noticed that that many snacks were either unhealthy or lacked

variety, and they wanted to create a company that would offer a wide range of tasty and

nutritious snacks in a fun and stylish way.

“Snack with Sassy Style” is a catchy slogan that suggests a fun, fashionable, and

confident way of snacking. It implies that snacking can be more than just a quick bite to eat, it

can also be enjoyable and stylish experience. The word “snack” refers to a small amount of food

eaten between meals; typically something light an east to prepare. Snacks can range from healthy

options like fruits and vegetables to indulgent treats like chips and candy. The word “sassy”

means being bold, stylish and confident playfully or provocatively. It suggest that snacking can

be done with flair personality, rather than being a mundane and routine activity. The word

“style” refers to a distinctive manner of doing something, often with an aesthetic or fashionable

element. It implies that snacking can be a way to express one’s individuality and personal taste,

as well as enjoy food in a visually appealing way. Overall, “Snack with Sassy Style” is slogan

that encourages people to enjoy snacking in a fun and fashionable way, while also highlighting

the importance of individuality and self-expression.

Theoretical Background

In this study, the researchers used the theory of Adam Smith and Alfred Marshall as the

basis for the theoretical background which is about the theory of supply and demand. Where

Adam Smith discusses that the concept of supply and demand as an "invisible hand" that

naturally guides the economy. According to Smith, the invisible hand is the automatic pricing

and distribution mechanisms in the economy. Smith described a society in which provide

products that individuals need and want, providing a supply that meets demand and developing

an economy that benefits everyone. On the other hand, Alfred Marshall discussed the important

contributions to microeconomics that tackles about of concept of price elasticity of demand,

which examines how price changes affect demand. In this theory, people buy less of a particular

product if the price increases, but Marshall noted that in real life, this behavior was not always

true. The prices of some goods can increase without reducing demand, which means their prices

are inelastic. Inelastic goods tend to include items such as medication or food that consumers

deem crucial to daily life. Marshall argued that supply and demand, costs of production, and

price elasticity all work together.

In addition, the law of supply and demand combines two fundamental economic

principles describing how changes in the price of a resource, commodity, or product affect its

supply and demand. As the price increases, supply rises while demand declines. Conversely, as

the price drops supply constricts while demand grows. Levels of supply and demand for varying

prices can be plotted on a graph as curves. The intersection of these curves marks the

equilibrium, or market-clearing price at which demand equals supply, and represents the process

of price discovery in the marketplace. It may seem obvious that in any sale transaction the price

satisfies both the buyer and the seller, matching supply with demand. The interactions between

supply, demand, and price in a (more or less) free marketplace have been observed for thousands

of years.

Importantly, supply and demand do not necessarily respond to price movements

proportionally. The degree to which price changes affect the product's demand or supply is

known as its price elasticity. Products with a high price elasticity of demand will see wider

fluctuations in demand based on the price. In contrast, basic necessities will be relatively

inelastic in price because people cannot easily do without them, meaning demand will change

less relative to changes in the price. Price discovery based on supply and demand curves assumes

a marketplace in which buyers and sellers are free to transact or not, depending on the price.

Factors such as taxes and government regulation, the market power of suppliers, the availability

of substitute goods, and economic cycles can all shift the supply or demand curves or alter their

shapes. But so long as buyers and sellers retain agency, the commodities affected by these

external factors remain subject to the fundamental forces of supply and demand. Now let's

consider in turn how demand and supply respond to price changes.

The Law of Demand

The law of demand holds that demand for a product changes inversely to its price, all else

being equal. In other words, the higher the price, the lower the level of demand. Because buyers

have finite resources, their spending on a given product or commodity is limited as well, so

higher prices reduce the quantity demanded. Conversely, demand rises as the product becomes

more affordable. As a result, demand curves slope downward from left to right, as in the chart

below. Changes in demand levels as a function of a product's price relative to buyers' income or

resources are known as the income effect. Naturally, there are exceptions. One is Giffen goods,

typically low-priced staples also known as inferior goods. Inferior goods are those that see a drop

in demand when incomes rise because consumers trade up to higher-quality products. But when

the price of an inferior good rises and demand goes up because consumers use more of it in place

of costlier alternatives, the substitution effect turns the product into a Giffen good.

The Law of Supply

The law of supply relates price changes for a product with the quantity supplied. In

contrast with the law of demand the law of supply relationship is direct, not inverse. The higher

the price, the higher the quantity supplied. Lower prices mean reduced supply, all else held

equal. Higher prices give suppliers an incentive to supply more of the product or commodities,

assuming their costs aren’t increasing as much. Lower prices result in a cost squeeze that curbs

supply. As a result, supply slopes are upwardly sloping from left to right. As with demand,

supply constraints may limit the price elasticity of supply for a product, while supply shocks may

cause a disproportionate price change for an essential commodity.

Equilibrium Price

Also called a market-clearing price, the equilibrium price is the price at which demand

matches supply, producing market equilibrium acceptable to buyers and sellers. At the point

where an upward-sloping supply curve and a downward-sloping demand curve intersect, supply

and demand in terms of the quantity of the goods are balanced, leaving no surplus supply or

unmet demand. The level of the market-clearing price depends on the shape and position of the

respective supply and demand curves, which are influenced by numerous factors.

Figure 1 Theory of Supply and Demand


Statement of the Problem

This study is intended to evaluate the feasibility of selling “Sweet Potato Cheese Balls

and Watermelon Lagoon” in the vicinity of Mandaue City Cultural Sports Complex (MCC


Specifically, it aims to evaluate and analyzes the following areas:

1. How practicable is the study of “Sweet Potato Cheese Balls and Watermelon Lagoon in the

vicinity of Mandaue City Cultural Sports Complex (MCC Campus) with regards to:

 Management Aspect

 Marketing Aspect

 Technical Aspect

 Legal and Taxation Aspect

 Financial Aspect

 Financing Aspect

 Socio-economic Aspect

2. What recommendations may be made based on the findings for the efficient production and

distribution of “Sweet Potato Cheese Balls and Watermelon Lagoon”.

Significance of the Study

It is anticipated that the findings of the study will pave way for the authorities of the

institute of finance management to accept the variable that affects employees’ working

environment and their performance at the organization. Such an acceptance could be utilized to

improve on the working conditions of employees. It will also visualize that the findings of this

study will enable the organization to know how to address issues concerning the employees and

its working environment and to consider office design as an important factor in increasing

employees’ performance. This study is beneficial to the following:

Snackin’ Sissy Employees: The study provides valuable insights into how the working

environment affects employee performance. This information can help employees understand

how their work environment impacts their productivity, motivation, and overall job satisfaction.

Business owners and entrepreneurs: The study provides insights into how the work

environment can impact employee performance, which is crucial for businesses to succeed.

Business owners and entrepreneurs can use this information to create a work environment that

fosters employee engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Investors: Investors can use the findings of the study to evaluate the performance of companies

they are considering investing in. By looking at how companies address their work environment,

investors can assess whether the company is likely to be successful in the long run.

Customers and clients: Customers and clients of SNACKIN’ SISSY can benefit from the

study’s findings because they can assess whether the company has a good reputation for treating

its employees well. This information can influence their decision to purchase or continue doing

business with the company.

Society: The study’s findings can have a positive impact on society because a healthy and

productive workforce can contribute to economic growth and development. When companies

create a positive work environment that fosters employee performance, it can lead to higher job

satisfaction, reduced stress levels, and improved mental health for employees, which can benefit

society as a whole.

Future Researchers: The study provides a framework to investigate the work environment’s

impact on employee performance, adding to existing literature on organizational behavior and

emphasizing the work environment’s importance. Additionally, it suggests practical implications

for improving employee performance that can guide interventions aimed at enhancing the work



Research Methodology

This Chapter describes the methods that were used to gather the data relevant to the

study. It contains the research design, research environment, research instruments, sample and

sampling procedures and data collection procedures.

Research Respondents

Research respondents refer to a plan which shows the strategy of an inquiry thought

appropriate to the research (Kothari, 2004). For the purpose of this study, descriptive research

was used. The descriptive design describes phenomena as they exist. It issued to identify and

obtain information on the characteristics of a particular problem or issue.

The proponents’ uses descriptive research design for the reason that it has the advantage

of producing good amount of responses from a wide range of people. Also, this design provides a

meaningful and accurate picture of events and seeks to explain people’s perception and behavior

on the basis of the data collected. The advantage with this design is that it helps to find as they

are in their natural setting.


No. Of Respondents Percentage
(SOB Students)

1st YEAR 30 25%

2nd YEAR 30 25%

3rd YEAR 30 25%

4th YEAR 30 25%

Total number of 120 100%


Table 1 Respondents

Population of the Study

Any group of people that share one or more traits with another population is referred to as

a population. The target population should be those that are widespread and those the researchers

are interested in.

1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year SOB students are the target population of this

study. The size of the entire population is 120 students.

Research Environment

The research will be conducted in the Mandaue City College situated at Mandaue City

Cultural and Sports Complex, Don Andres Soriano Ave., Mandaue City.

Research Instruments

The researchers made a quantitative questionnaire to be given to the respondents which

will be chosen through the use of sampling method which is a process or technique of selecting a

representative sample from an entire population. The slovin formula will be used to identify the

respondents from the total population that would calculate the samples required by the



𝑷= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎%


P- Percentage

f- Frequency

N- Total Number of Respondents

100%- Constant Multiplier

Data Gathering Procedure

The proponents prepare a survey questionnaire and given to Mandaue City College SOB

students. Each student will have enough time to complete the survey. 30 SOB students in each

year level will be picked randomly by the proponents to answer the survey questionnaires. The

content approach will be used to analyze the data collected. The approach can help with general

product-related tactics and ideas. The respondents are informed of the significance of their

participation in the study. The proponents will explain some words of the respondents in order

for them to complete the questionnaires from the respondents after they finalized their answers.

April 26, 2023, the proponents conducted their first survey. The initial survey

questionnaires will be distributed to the 30 first year and the second year SOB students during

their free periods. They will be informed the survey’s objectives and the importance of their

responses by the proponents. Aside from that, the proponents will also explain what they will do,

and assist them if ever they have questions in regards to the survey.

April 27, 2023, is the second day the proponents conducted the survey for the third year

and fourth year SOB students. Similar to the first day of the conducted survey, the proponents

will select 30 students per year level and will explain why the survey is being conducted before

providing the respondents with the survey questionnaires so that they are aware of it. After

everyone has finished responding, the proponents will compile all the survey forms so that the

next action can be taken.

Definition of Terms

Botanist- a person whose area of expertise is all things related to plant science, such as how

plants develop, how they differ from one another, etc

Clientele- is frequently followed by an adjective that identifies the precise kind of client.

Consumer- a person who buys goods or services for their own use.

Equilibrium Price- Also called a market-clearing price, the equilibrium acceptable to buyers

and sellers.

Marketing Mix- The set of strategies and tactics that businesses use to promote their products or

services and reach their target customers.

Proponents- These are those people who put out ideas or at least promote them by speaking and

writing in favor of them. The word proponent is derived from the same Latin root as proposal.

Raw Materials- are unfinished materials or natural resources used to produce or manufacture

finished products for sale. These materials can be used in their unprocessed or processed form as

found suitable.

Sweet Potato Cheese Ball- a Filipino recipe that is a sweet and delicious treat. Can be an

appetizer or an afternoon snack.

Watermelon Lagoon- a cold and sweet dessert consist of watermelon fruit, sago, water, and




This chapter presents the data and discussion of the different aspects of the business plan,

such as, management aspect, marketing aspect, technical aspect, legal and taxation, financial

aspect, socio- economic aspect and SWOT Analysis of Snackin’ Sissy.

A. Management Aspects

Management refers to the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling

resources (including people, materials and finances) to achieve organizational goals. It involves

making decisions and taking actions to coordinate and align the efforts of individuals and teams

towards a common purpose.

Effective Management is critical for the success of any organization. By setting clear

goals and objectives, developing strategies to achieve them, and establishing systems and

processes to measure progress, manages can ensure that their teams are working together

efficiently and effectively. (Robbins Coulter, & DeCenzo, 2020)






TOTAL 9 100%

Table 2 Management Aspect

In this table the frequency and percentage of the marketing which shows that the manager

only has a 1 person assigned that is equivalent to 11%. The chief cook and cashier made up 22%,

while the kitchen staff made up 44%.

This implies that the number of each staff matters to achieve the management aspect in

relation to the need to Snackin’ Sissy. However, there are a total number of 9 staffs in

management aspect and also the study shows that the kitchen staff made up the majority of the


A1. Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure refers to the way in which an organization arranges its goals.

That includes the formal system of authority communication, and roles within the organization,

as well as the relationships and interaction between individuals and teams. (Robbins, Coulter,

&DeCenzo, 2020)

There are many different types of organizational structures, each with its own advantages

and disadvantages. Some common structures include hierarchical, flat, matrix, and network

structures. The choice of structure will depend on various factors, such as the size of the

organization, the nature of its activities, and the external environment on which it operates. (Daft,


Effective organizational structure is critical to the success of any organization. It can help

to clarify roles and responsibilities, improve communication and coordination and enhance the

efficiency of operations. However, it is important to ensure that the structure is aligned with the

organization’s strategy and goals, and that it is flexible enough to adapt to changing

circumstances and environments.



Figure 2shows the division of labor, where you can see its specific roles to the

organization. This ensures that everyone knows what is expected of them and can work


This implies that as per the given role or position, you must make sure that you are

responsible enough to do what you must do, to help the business and the organization grow and

make more sale.

Manager – Is in charge to the overall responsibility for managing everything in the business and

to ensure that the goals of the business can be achieve properly.

Marketing Manager - This person is in-charge in creating and disseminating information to

communicate the business values. This person is also in-charge in determining the place where to

promote the products and also entertain the costumer’s comments suggestions, and inquires to

improve sales process.

Cook – The cook are the person who are going to prepare the products which includes buying the

ingredients and cooking. These persons are in-charge in producing the producing the products to

be sell.

Kitchen Staff – The are the one who are going to sell all the products in Mandaue City College

together with the help of the other members.

Cashier – This person are obliged to collect the sales of the group to be recorded as well. The

cashier will be the one who are going to keep the money secure.

Marketing Aspects

Marketing is the process of identifying and satisfying customer needs through the

creation and exchange of goods and services. It encompasses a range of activities, including

market research, product development, pricing promotion, and distribution. The goal of

marketing is to build strong customer relationships and create value strong customers, which in

turn leads to increased sales and profitability for the organization.(Approved 2017)

Marketing has evolved significantly over years, with new technologies and channels

emerging to connect businesses with customers. Digital marketing, in particular, has become

increasingly important in recent years, as more and more people use the internet and social media

to research and purchase products.

Marketing also plays a crucial role in shaping consumer behavior and perceptions.

Through advertising, branding, and other forms of promotion, marketers can create a sense of

desire and urgency around certain products or services, and influence consumers to make

purchasing decisions.

B1. Target Market

A target market is a specific group of consumers or organizations that a business aims to

reach with its products or services. This group is identified based on various factors such as

demographic, characteristics, geographic location, psychographic profiles, and behavioral

patterns. By understanding the needs and preferences of their target market, business can tailor

their marketing efforts and product offerings to better meet customer demand.

Target marketing is a critical aspect of any successful marketing strategy. By focusing on

a specific audience, businesses can more effectively allocate their resources and create more

personalized and engaging message. This can lead to higher levels of customer loyalty and

satisfaction, as well as increased sales and profitability. (Kotler& Armstrong, 2021)











TOTAL 120 100%

Table 2 Target Market

The table above represents the target market of Snackin’ Sissy for its product offering

among the School of Business (SOB) students, according to their year level. The table shows two

types of information for each year level: number of students per year level (Frequency) and the

Percentage of the total target market that each year level represents (Percentage or %).

The table shows that the target market of the proponents in each year level is 30 students.

In which the students per year level fills the 25% of the total target market.

B2. Marketing Mix

Marketing mix refers to the set of strategies and tactics that businesses use to promote

their products or services and reach their target customers. The marketing mix is also known as

the 4Ps, which include product, price, promotion and place. These elements are interrelated and

works together to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that can help businesses achieve

their objectives. A well-designed marketing mix can enable businesses to differentiate

themselves from competitors, increase sales, and improve customer satisfaction.

a. Product


Camote Cheese Roll 47 39.16%

Watermelon Lagoon 38 31.66%

New York Sandwich 35 29.17%

TOTAL 120 100%

Table 3 Snackin’ Sissy Products

Based on the table above, most of their votes is on Camote Cheese Rolls that has 47 vote

which is equivalent to 39.16% of the total respondents. Then the Watermelon Lagoon that has 38

votes equals to 31.66% of the total respondents and the New York Sandwich that has the least

votes which is 38 students equals to 29.17% of the total respondents.

b. Price for (Juice)


PHP 12.00 34 28.33%

PHP 10.00 86 71.66%

TOTAL 120 100%

Table 5 Snackin’ Sissy prices for Juice

Given on the table above, the choices for the price of juice isPhp 12.00 and Php 10.00.

The Php 12.00 price has 34 votes or 28.33% of the total respondents and the Php 10.00 price

have 86 votes or 71.66% of the total respondents.

This implies that in the total of 120 respondents, most of them prefer Php 10.00 as the

price of the juice than the Php. 12.00.

b1. Price for (Snack)


PHP 15.00 7 5.83%

PHP 12.00 22 18.33%

PHP 10.00 91 75.83%

TOTAL 120 100%

Table 6 Snackin’ Sissy prices for Snack

The table above shows that the proponents had Php 15.00, Php 12.00, Php 10.00 as the

choices for the price of the snack. The price 15.00 has 7 votes which is equal to 5.83% of the

total respondents. The Php 12.00 price on the choices has 22 votes that equals to 18.33% of the

total respondents, then the Php 10.00 rice for the snack got the 75.83% of the total respondents.

This implies that among the total respondents Php 10.00 got their votes than the two other

prices which is the Php 12.00 and the Php 15.00.

c. Promotion


Buy 1 Take 1 22 18.33%

Word of Mouth 10 8.33%

Free taste 88 73.33%

TOTAL 120 100%

Table 7 Promotions

The table above shows that the proponents make up some strategies to get the customers

attention and as per mentioned above, there’s “Buy 1, Take 1”, Word of Mouth and free taste as

the promotion. The ”Buy 1, Take 1” has 22 votes, the Word of Mouth got 10 votes and the free

taste got 88 votes, a total of 120 votes from the selected students.

This implies that in the 120 selected respondents, the “Free Taste” as a promotion got the

highest votes that take 73.33% of the total respondents and the Word of Mouth got the least that

has 18.33% of the total respondents.



Mandaue City College

42 46.67%
Students Lounge

Mandaue City College School

78 53.33%

TOTAL 120 100%

Table 8 Place

The table above shows selected location of the proponents which is the Mandaue City

College Students Lounge and the School Canteen. The Mandaue City College Students Lounge

has 42 votes and the School Canteen got 78 votes.

This implies that most of the respondents want the products to be displayed at the School

Canteen as it is the proper place to sell products. Also it is like an aisle where the students walk

through to go to their assigned classrooms.

B3. Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategies are the plans and actions that businesses use to promote their

products or services to their target market. These strategies typically involve a combination of

product, price, promotion, and distribution decisions designed to create a unique and compelling

value proposition for customers. (Kotler& Armstrong, 2021)

Some common marketing strategies include market penetration, market development,

product development and diversification. Market penetration strategies focus on increasing

market share within an existing market, while market development strategies involve expanding

into new markets or customer segments. Product development strategies focuses on creating a

new product or improving existing ones, while diversification strategies involve entering new

markets or industries. (Ferrell & Hartline, 2019)


BUY 1 TAKE 1 25 20.83%


25% OFF DISCOUNT 15 12.5%


TOTAL 120 100%

Table 9 Marketing Strategies

This table shows that the “Buy 1, Take 1” and “Product Giveaway had reach the majority

level with 11 votes (36.66%).

This implies that among the 4 choices that we had provided the 2 kinds of marketing

strategy which is the “Buy 1, Take 1” and the “Product Giveaway” catches their interest.


A strategic planning tool that wed to the internal and external factors that affect a

business or organization, it involves assessing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and

Threats that are present in the business environment. It’s also a structured and systematic

approach to evaluating the business current situation and can help organizations to identify

potential areas for growth and improvement. It can be used by businesses of all sizes and across

various industries
Strength these are internal factors that put a company advantage over its competitors. The

proponents consider the following as the business strengths:

- Affordability

- Convenient

- Low Cost manufacturing

- Strong customer relationship

Weaknesses - it is an eternal factor that put a company at a disadvantage compared to its

competitors. The proponent believes that there is a better probability of mitigating the problems

if such factors were discovered earlier.

- Messy Surroundings

- Lack of expertise

- Limited financial resources

- Not enough brand recognition

Opportunities - These are external a factors that a company can take advantage of to improve its

performance or achieve its goal. This covers matters that the company can keep an eye on or be

aware of since they can occasionally occur suddenly or without warming. The opportunities that

the proponents see include the following:

- Economic trends

- Increase of food marketing

- Fast growth of online marketing

- Presence of several transportation service

Threats - Are those external factors that could negatively impact the business performance or

prevent it from achieving its goal. The following opportunities appear to exist for the proponents.

- Sudden inflation

- Changing weather

- Presence of small vendors

- Shifts in consumer behaviour

By identifying these four elements, a business can gain a better understanding of its

current situation and develop strategies to improve its performance and competitiveness. This

makes the organization to make informed decisions about product development, marketing,

financial planning and overall business strategy.

B4. Technical Aspects

This study discusses about the process of production and activities of the company. It also

states the raw materials and equipment used in production and other aspects regarding bringing

the raw materials into a finish product ready for sale. Also product specification, the product

processes using flow chart. The list of raw materials, equipment and tools are enumerated with

their corresponding cost, the raw materials and source of funds are also cited.

A. Location

The proposed business and processing site will be operated at Panaghiusa, Tingub,

Mandaue City. We have seen that the place will be suitable for the business. It is also

accessible since most of the staff lives within the place.

Image 1 Panaghiusa, Tingub, Mandaue City

Satellite- Image 1 Public Transit Image 2

Product Specification

 Sweet Potato Cheese Balls

It is an amazing snack made using low cost and readily available ingredients. It is also

very easy to prepare with just simple steps. Sweet Potato Cheese Balls can be a healthier

substitute especially to people who are addicted to sweets. Since it is made from starchy

vegetable, it will make them full and satisfied without consuming too much. Sweet potato

cheese balls ingredients are all natural, used to keep our body healthy.

 Watermelon Lagoon Juice

This juice is one of the best thirst quenchers and can be an instant remedy to treat

sunstroke and heat during summer. It has a moisture content of up to 92% so it can

instantly hydrate us. It is a great drink after school or work, because it is high in

potassium which our body needs to recover. Watermelon lagoon juice is also a good

source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Biotin and many nutrients.

Product 1 Product 2

Image 2 Product Sample

B. Product Preparation and Process

The process of production should be practiced very well and perfected to have a product with

a high standard and quality that will be best trained proficiently and must be very

knowledgeable on hoe the process of production goes as well as the proper use of tools and

equipment. The business should also make sure that there are enough raw materials so as not

to delay the preparation process.

1. Preparation of Raw Materials

a. Sweet Potato Cheeses Balls

1kl of sweet potatoes

430 grams of quick melt cheese

½ cup of all-purpose flour

½ cup of sugar

½ cup powdered milk

200 grams of bread crumbs

½ kl of cooking oil

b. Watermelon Lagoon Juice

½ cup of sago

570ml of condensed milk and evaporated milk

½ sachet of powdered strawberry juice

3L of water

½ cup of sugar

2 sliced of water melon

2 pcs of Ice

C. List of Raw Materials, Tools & Equipment with Corresponding Costs

Quality Price Amount

Sweet potato 2kl. ₱ 70.00 ₱ 149.00

430 grams.
Quick melt cheese ₱ 240.00 ₱ 240.00
(½ grams./unit)

400 grams.
All purposed floor ₱49.00 ₱ 49.00
(1 cup/unit)

Sugar ₱ 54.75 ₱ 54.75
(½ cup/unit)

4 sachets
Powdered milk ₱ 8.50 ₱ 34.00
(½ cup/unit)

Bread crumps 200 grams. ₱ 37.10 ₱ 37.10

Cooking oil ₱ 73.00 ₱ 73.00
(½ kl./unit)

TOTAL ₱ 627.85

Table 10 Raw Materials(Sweet Potato Cheese Balls)

Quality Price Amount

Watermelon 3 slice ₱30.00 ₱90.00

Condense milk 1 can ₱38.50 ₱38.50

Evaporated milk 1 can ₱42.00 ₱42.00

3 packs ₱21.00 ₱63.00
powdered juice

Sugar 1kl. ₱70.00 ₱70.00

Water 5L. ₱105.00 ₱105.00

Ice cubes ₱52.00

2 bags ₱26.00
TOTAL ₱460.50

Table 11 Raw Materials (Watermelon Lagoon)

B5. Legal and Taxation

A. Taxation to be Paid

The owner of the business is necessary to pay each permit before the owner will build it.

Exclusively, the owner of the business must also pay the renewals and also the owner of the

business is obliged to follow the needed payments. It is because it’ll ensure the business to

run successfully and smoothly.

B. Tax Incentives

The business is needed to avail the basic requirements for registration/ recording of

corporation. The Security Exchange Commission or SEC will also help the business to

establish the business’s entities such as the business’s corporation/s, partnership, or

associations that is needed to be required to register. Moreover, the owner of business is

obliged to meet every transaction of the business and to fulfill each payment in its business.

C. Project Benefit Analysis

The business will bring a good influence to other people especially to employees and to

the customers as well. In the future, once the business will become successful, it’ll be a very

big help to the people who seeks a job that fit them. For the customer, they will also gain a

satisfaction in the product and they’ll be enjoying the owner’s accompany.

Legal Aspect

Small and big business specifically corporations such as the Snakin’ Sissy to fully

operate, need to accomplish the necessary legal requirements implemented by law preliminary to

the initial actual operations: This will be significant to refrain from any distinct legal issues.

This chapter will identify and present the certain registrations and requirements from

selected government agencies. Subsequently, the details with regards to the procedures for the

registration will also be discussed.

Security Exchange Commission(SEC)

Establishing business entities such as corporations, partnership, or associations

are required to register or numerous government agencies primarily among which is

under the Security Exchange Commission or SEC This national government regulatory

agency is responsible in regulating investigating, and supervising the activities of the

corporate sector of the Philippine Registering the business in Security Exchange

Commission or SEC will permit the entity to legally operate, issue receipts, and trade

financial assets

Image 3 SEC


A business permit is a document or license issued by a government authority that allows

an individual or organization to legally operate a business in a specific location. The

requirements for obtaining a business permit vary depending on the country, state or city

where the business is located and the type of business being operated .In general, a business

permit may require certain fees to be paid, a business plan to be submitted, inspections to be

carried out, and other criteria to be met. It is important to obtain a business permit to avoid

legal consequences and ensure compliance with the local laws and regulations governing

business operations.

Any business owner should understand the importance of obtaining a business permit

because doing so is frequently required by law. A business license or permit is a legal

authorization granted by a government body to run a company in a specific area. It ensures

that the business meets certain standards and regulations, such as health and safety

requirements, and pays any necessary taxes or fees. Without a business permit, a company

may be subject to fines, penalties, or legal repercussions. It may also be challenging to build

trust with clients, partners, and suppliers. Additionally, our company Snackin' Sissy needs a

business permit in order to be fully legal and to avoid going against the law. The business

permit is crucial because it demonstrates that our company is authorized to engage in trade

and communicate with other businesses.

Image 4 Business Permit


DTI stands for the Department of Trade and Industry. It is a government agency in

thePhilippinesthatisresponsibleforpromotingthecountry'stradeandindustry,as well as protecting

consumers and promoting competition. The agency was established in 1898 and has since then

undergone various reforms to better serve its mandate. The DTI's main objective is to create an

environment that encourages business growth and job creation by promoting and regulating

fair competition, supporting industry development, and providing consumer protection. The

agency also plays a crucial role in promoting the country's economic growth and

competitiveness by implementing policies and programs that attract local and foreign

investments ,improve trade relations, and enhance industry productivity.

The DTI, or Department of Trade and Industry, is an important government

organization that is essential to the growth and regulation of businesses. Overall, the DTI is

crucial in fostering a welcoming business environment in the Philippines and ensuring that

companies conduct themselves morally and legally. Additionally, it promotes business

expansion and development, which enhances the competitiveness and economic grow to the


Additionally, DTI also needed was known as Snackin' Sissy, was required for our business.

It's because we need to register our business name in order for it to be recognized by ot her

companies as legitimate and so that, once registered, we can communicate with them and

avoid any issues with our company. Overall, the DTI is crucial in fostering a welcoming

business environment in the Philippines and ensuring that companies conduct themselves

morally legally. Additionally, it promotes business expansion and development, which

enhances the competitiveness and economic growth of the nation.

Is valid from 27 April 2023 to 27 April 2040 subject to continuing
compliance with the above-mentioned laws and all applicable laws of
the Philippines, unless voluntarily cancelled.

Image 5 DTI Permit

BIR stands for the Bureau of Internal Revenue

It is a government agency in the Philippines that is responsible for collecting taxes and

enforcing tax laws in the country. The agency was established in 1904 and has since then

undergone various reforms to better serve its mandate.

The BIR is responsible for implementing tax policies and programs, as well as ensuring

compliance with tax laws by individuals and businesses in the Philippines. In summary, the

BIR is an important agency in the Philippines as it plays a crucial role in the country's

revenue generation and fiscal management. Its functions are essential in ensuring that tax

payers comply with tax laws and that the government collects the necessary revenue to fund

various public services and programs.

BIR is an important a crucial organization for businesses as it controls how they

comply with tax laws. Snackin’ Sissy Businesses must be needed to register with the BIR,

submit their tax returns on time, and pay the necessary taxes. In order to make sure that

businesses are accurately disclosing their income and paying the appropriate taxes, the agency

also conducts tax audits and investigations. Government programs and services, such as

infrastructure development, healthcare, education, and social services, are paid for with the

help of these taxes. It is necessary for us to have a permit from the BIR in order for our

business to be registered name “Snackin Sissy” to do the same in order for it to be legal and to

avoid any issues or problems down the road.

Image 6 BIR Permit


SSS stands for the Social Security System, which is a government agency in the

Philippines responsible for providing social security protection to workers in the private

sector. The SSS was established in 1957 and has since then undergone various reforms to

better serve its mandate.

SSS is an independent federal agency that administers compulsory military

service. Synonyms: Selective Service, Selective Service System. type of: independent

agency. An agency of the United States government that is created by an act of Congress

and is independent of the executive departments.

Social Security System (SSS) is important to businesses in the Philippines, because

it offers social security protection and benefits to workers in the private sector, which

includes many employees of businesses, the Social Security System (SSS) is significant to

businesses in the Philippines. Snackin’ Sissy also required a registration with the Social

Security Administration (S.S.S.) so that our company would be obligated to pay our

employees properly and legally without any impurities.

In general, the SSS is crucial to Philippine businesses because it encourages adherence to social

security laws, offers benefits to workers, and contributes to their overall welfare and financial


Image 7 SSS


Page-IBIG Fund stands for the Home Development Mutual Fund, which is a

government agency in the Philippines responsible for providing affordable housing and short-

term loans to its members. The Pag-IBIG Fund was established in 1978 to address the housing

needs of Filipinos and to encourage savings and investment. Here are some key features of

Pag-IBIG Fund: Affordable Housing, Savings and Investments, Short term Loans,

Membership Benefits.

The Home Development Mutual Fund, commonly known as the Pag-IBIG Fund,

is a government-owned and controlled corporation under the Department of Human

Settlements and Urban Development of the Philippines responsible for the administration of

the national savings program and affordable shelter financing for Filipinos.

The Pag-IBIG Fund is an important significant organization in the Philippines

because it offers its members short-term loans and affordable housing, encourages saving, and

adds to the general welfare and financial security of Filipinos. Our Businesses, that named “

Snackin Sissy”, value Pag-IBIG Fund because it offers employees a variety of benefits that

can improve their general well-being and job satisfaction. Businesses can increase the

financial security of their employees and assist them in achieving their financial goals by

promoting financial literacy, providing access to affordable housing ,and offeringshort-term



Mandaue City Cultural and Sports Complex, Don Andres Soriano Ave.,
Centro, Mandaue City, Mandaue City, 6014 Cebu

Image 8Pag-IBIG Fund

Sanitary Permit

Opening a food business in the Philippines is no small feat. You have a lot to do before

you can open your doors, including obtaining permits to operate and clearing environmental

health regulations. But getting approval is not as simple as filling out a form. Businesses must

submit sanitary permit requirements and undergo a thorough inspection. Sanitary permits are

among the requirements an establishment needs to secure to be issued a business permit. This

certification is a written assurance that an establishment is safe and clean for guests and staff.

Philippine laws require food and non-food establishments to apply for a permit and pass a

sanitary inspection. A local health unit in every city hall oversees the issuance of hygiene

certifications. Sanitary permits are not a done deal. Yearly renewals are part of business

operations. Plus, sanitation officers can visit you throughout the year for surprise inspections.

Most local health units even re-inspect quarterly.

Snackin’ Sissy

Image 9 Sanitary Permit

Financial Aspects
Finance aids management in having a comprehensive grasp of the company’s present financial

status, especially with regard to whether or not the organization is profitable. Planning their

finances carefully helps businesses of all sizes move steadily towards future expansion.

A.1 Sources of fund/capital

Members Cost

RenelynPantuan Php 150.00

Mary Joy Gazo Php 150.00

Pearl Angel Dagodog Php 150.00

Mary Rose Corton Php 150.00

Ivy Guinita Php 150.00

FlordelizaAuxtero Php 150.00

Gilraise Miao Php 150.00

Tricia JessaQuindao Php 150.00

Blessed Arnaiz Php 150.00

SUBTOTAL: Php 1,350.00

Table 12 Source of Fund

As an initial capital for the business, the members put a start-up capital which is Php

150.00 with a total of Php 1,350 as a sum of a members that give Php 150.00.

A.2 Start-up Cost


Food Supplies Cost Food Supplies Cost

Sweet Potato Php 70.00 Watermelon fruit Php 30.00

Quick melt Cheese Php 240.00 Condense Milk Php 38.00

All purposed flour Php 49.00 Evaporated Milk Php 42.00

Sugar Php 25.00 Sugar Php 25.00

Powdered milk Php 16.00 Powdered Php 20.00

Watermelon juice

Bread crumbs Php 37.10 Ice cubes Php 32.00

Oil Php 73.00 Water Php 10.00

Egg Php 6.00

SUBTOTAL: Php 516.1 SUBTOTAL: Php 197.00

Table 13 Start-up Cost

Serving Materials Cost Utilities & Transportation Cost

Plastic Cup Php 29.50 Butane Php 23.00

Siomai Plate Php 27.50 Transportation Php 30.00

Table napkin Php 10.00

SUBTOTAL:Php 67.00 SUBTOTAL: Php 53.00

Table 14 Other Expenses

The pricing is being computed that based of the units of product divided by the total

expenses and was multiplied by the desire mark-up percentage.

Sweet Potato Cheese Balls

During the first selling operation of the group which is the sweet potato cheese balls has a

total of 716.45 cost of ingredients and also includes the transportation and the utilities. On that

same day, the group were able to produce 96 pieces of sweet potato cheese balls.

Php 716.45/96 = Php 7.46 x 40% = 2.984

= 2.984 + 7.46

= 10.44

Therefore, the product cost of the sweet potato is Php 10.44 but the group decided to

cancel the decimal point or the centavo in the cost per unit which resulted into Php 10.00 amount

in each sweet potato cheese balls.

Watermelon Lagoon

The watermelon lagoon cannot be identified the total number of units, so the group

estimated the total number of units that might be covered with that 1 jar. And tried to ask some

vendors around the area that has almost the same products with the group as a reference for our

product costing.

Php 490/60 = Php 8.16 x 20% = 1.63

= 1.63 + 8.16

= 9.76

Therefore, the cost per unit of the watermelon lagoon will be Php 10.00 each cup as it

was being round off from 9.96 based on the computed cost of the product per unit.

C. Sales and Expenses

Day 1

The group was able to produce 96 pieces of sweet potato cheese balls and sold 60 cups of

the watermelon lagoon. So the total sale of the group is Php 960 for the sweet potato cheese rolls

and 600 pesos for the watermelon lagoon. Below is the total operation of the first day of May 02,

2023 together with the computation of the total net profit.

Sweet Potato Cheese Balls

Net profit = Total Sales – Expenses

= 960 – 716.45

Net Profit = Php 243.55

Watermelon Lagoon

Net Profit = Total Sales – Expenses

= 600 – 490

Net Profit = Php 110

Therefore, the total profit of the first operation is Php 353.55. It serves that in the first

operation the team was able to gain a little profit in the business.

Day 2

The last May 11, 2023 the ground sells again but the number of pieces was changed

because the team decided to use only a 1 ½ kilo of sweet potato that comes up with a total of 74


Sweet Potato Cheese Balls

Net Profit = Sales – Expenses

= 740-361

Net Profit = 379

Therefore, the total net profit of the team during our day 2 operations is Php 379.00. That

PHp 379.00 is the profit gained from sweet potato cheese balls since the group was not able to

sell or produce a watermelon lagoon.

D. Income Statement

Income Statement

Snackin’ Sissy

Income Statement

May 02 and May 11

Sales ₱ 2,300.00

Cost of Goods Sold 1,517.45

Gross profit ₱ 732.55

Operating Expenses

Administrative Expenses

Rent Expenses


Utilities Expense

Water 20.00

Fuel 75.00 95.00

Transportation 80.00

Total Operating Expenses


Operating Income


Net Income


The total sales of the Snackin’ Sissy was ₱2,300.00 from the operation of day 1 and day 2

of the group and there is a total of cost of goods sold amounted ₱1517.45 which comes up with a

total of gross profit ₱732.55 . Also the following operating expense is ₱175.00 was used in the

production of day 1 and day 2 that was also deducted from the gross profit that is ₱732.55. And

it totals the net profit of the Snackin’ Sissy amounted ₱557.55.

Financing Aspects

The financing aspect includes both the business expense statement and the source of the

funding for your business to succeed.

The capital of our business is worth of 1,350 deducted to used ingredients:









Therefore, the combined value of these ingredients is 627.85.









Also, the combined value of the Watermelon Lagoon ingredients is 460 pesos. To sum

up, The total of all ingredients are used is 1,087.85. Since our capital is 1350 and our

ingredients total is 1,087.85.So, we have 262.15 left.

We made 87 pieces of our product which is sweet potatoes ball and the cost of it is 10 pesos, thus

we get 870 pesos as our profit.

In Addition, we also made 60 pieces of our product which Watermelon Lagoon that cost 10

pesos. So, get 600 pesos as our profit.

To sum up all the profit we get 1470 pesos.

Socio Economic Aspects

This part of the study shows how the business will continue to benefit either the

government and others. This indicates that the company was established not only to make a

profit but also to improve the welfare of people.

The partners see to it that their staff members receive fair treatment, a salary that is

appropriate with their contributions to the success of the company, and benefits. The partners

guarantee that everything will be fair both to their employees and to them. The snackin' sissy

business was built with a specific goal in thoughts, and that target is to grow its customer base

across the city of Mandaue. This is the primary aim and the foundation for the business's long-

term success and stability. The capital provided by the partners is used to create high-quality

goods that will benefit the customers rather than only for profit.

Snakin sissy will appeal to the tastes of society's residents. The Mandaue City College

students and personnel nearby the campus where the store is located, are the company's target

market. When manufacturing sweet potato rolls, the company uses potatoes as the primary

ingredient to create a healthier version of the snack. Having an easy-to-carry snack on hand

makes it easier for customers to satisfy their cravings. The proponents want to provide a sweet

potato roll of the best quality at a fair price, and they want to make sure that the ingredients will

be safe and nutritious. It aims to serve as an inspiration for people to start retail businesses that

can give them additional income.



This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendation drawn from the findings

if this study


In all counts, the theory advanced by Adam Smith, law of supply and demand, was

proven applied in the business. The feasibility study involved discussion of Smith and

Marshall. The researchers really do not respond on any price movements. It is because

it might affect the product's demand and its supply. The more the product's price will

become higher, the lower the level of demand. Due to the customers who's spending on

a given product. For several reasons, the researchers did not make their product too

expensive. Lower price is also means reducing a supply. The researchers represents a

good price for the customers, which most of them are students, the product is not

expensive and not that cheap also.

This part shows the financial aspects of financial plan. It includes and displays the

predicted sales as well as the quantity of funds coming from the proponents. This

section also concluded the production costs, selling and marketing expenses, and the

profit made.


1. Management Aspects

Chapter 3 shows the management aspect of the business. It includes the company’s

recommended form of ownership, recommended organizational structure, job

descriptions and qualifications, salary and benefits or compensation scheme. It also

shows the company policy and management policy.

Recommended Form of Ownership

It is recommended that the form of ownership is partnership. Blessed Arnaiz, Flordeliza

Auxtero, Mary Rose Corton, Pearl Angel Dagodog, Mary Joy Gazo, Ivy Guinita,

Gilraise Miao, Renelyn Pantuan and Tricia Jessa Quindao are partners of the

foodbusiness every month.

The partners of the food business have agreed to contribute an amount of Php 150.00

for each partner for a total of Php 1,350.00 as a starting capital of the business. They

have also agreed to contribute another amount as an additional capital for the business if

the need arises. They have also agreed to contribute another amount as an additional

capital for the business if the need arises.

Production Manager

Assistant Cook Server Dish Washer

Figure .3 OrganizationalJob Analysis

Structure of the Business

Job title: Production Manager

Job Description

Responsible for overseeing the production process of a company’s goods. They manage the

production team and ensure that production runs smoothly, efficiently, and within budget. The

Production Manager also identifies and resolves production-related issue, such as equipment

malfunction, and ensures production goals are met.


Oversees daily production His/her job includes planning,

organizing, directing, and controlling

Work Schedules
all the employee of the organization
Assigning Employee Tasks
as well as its relationship to each

Ensure product quality other .

Keeps facility running and clean Responsible in checking sales records

Responsible in purchasing raw materials.

Job Qualifications

A graduate of any management courses Must have a good moral character

Male or female, from 21 and up With pleasing personality

At least 2 years work experience

Job title: Assistant Cook

Job Description

Works alongside the head cook to prepare and cook food in a restaurant or other food service

establishment. They may be responsible for preparing ingredients, operating kitchen equipment,

maintaining a clean and organized kitchen, and assisting with creating new menu items. Also

helps in managing inventory and ordering supplies,.


Preparation and serving of food including basic cookery

Assisting with kitchen duties

Assist in preparing ingredients

Maintain appropriate inventory of food and supplies

Maintain the highest level of sanitation in the kitchen

To perform whatever duties the head cook and kitchen manager see necessary.

Job Qualifications

Experience working with community agencies, partners and volunteers

Ability to work well under pressure

Cooking and food preparation skills

Positive attitude and willingness to learn and take direction

Job title: Waiter/ Server

Job Description

Responsible for providing excellent service to guests in a restaurant or other food service

establishment. They greet customers, take orders, serve food and drinks, and handle payment

transactions. Also ensures the tables are clean and properly set up for the next group of



Proven restaurant serving or as a waiter experience

Patience and costumer oriented approach

Relays any guest compliments and complaints to the management

Responsible for providing excellence service

Completes all established set-ups in timely manner.

Sets, cleans, and resets tables

Job Qualifications

Must be open AM availability

Previous restaurant server experience

Candidate must be able to work shifts including weekends and holidays

With pleasing personality and responsible

Job title: Dishwasher

Job Description


Ensuring the availability of clean dishes by bussing tables, washing dishes, pots, pans, and

flatware, and resetting dining areas.

Preparing dining areas and kitchen for next shift by cleaning and restocking dining areas and

cook stations.

Cleaning machines and appliances used in the kitchen, such as coffee makers, pots, and

pans, mixers, etc.

Job Qualifications

High school diploma or equivalent.

Minimal work experience.

Strong problem-solving and communication skills.

Exceptional time management skills.

Ability to stand or walk for 8-hour shifts

Willingness to comply with all food safety procedures.

Salary and Benefits/Compensation Scheme

The salaries and benefits of all working personnel are showed below:


1. Production Manager Php 20,000.00

2. Assistant Cook Php 5,000.00

3. Server Php 4,000.00

4. Dishwasher Php 4,000.00


1. All employees of the business are covered with SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-ibig

2. All employees of the business are entitled for a maternity or fraternity leave.

3. All employees of the business are entitled for 13th month pay, 5 days incentive,

Christmas bonus and performance bonus

4. All employees of the business are entitled for sick leave with pay

Marketing Aspects

Since it is the first thing a customer sees on the shelf, packaging design is very

important. So, get to work on your packaging design right away. There are many

resources available trendy packaging to generate original design concepts. As a

result, be sure to list only the information that is absolutely necessary for consumers

on the packaging. Decide whether the packaging is there to seal the product or to

protect it. You should create a cutting-edge packaging concept that enables customers

to use the product effectively. Also take into account the fact that your brand logo is

clearly displayed on your packaging for credibility and trust. In order to influence

both new and devoted customers, the logo design should also be visible up front to

consumers from a distance.

Advertising is a potential tool that can help you draw in customers and persuade

them to buy your product, which could significantly increase your overall sales. Try

to incorporate strong imagery when creating your ads, such as concise descriptions,

metaphors, or captivating images, to help your audience remember your message.

Additionally, you can reach a wider audience with the message of your brand by

utilizing various advertising strategies and platforms. Additionally, you can include a

succinct testimonial that attests to someone's qualifications for something, like the

caliber of a good or service. Customers read testimonials and frequently believe them

because they are provided by peers or people of status.

2. Technical Aspects

The research found that students like the raw materials used in making the product.

Therefore, it is recommended to the students for their future reference if they want to

make this kind of product they can use these raw materials to make it more efficient.

3. Legal and Taxation

The Snackin' Sissy was registered registered in Local Government Unit (LGU) to

secure the business. The researchers make sure that they all have required all of the

documents that is needed for the business. For claiming the business permit

application, the researcher goes to the location where LGU is located. They asked the

staff there for more information that can be needed for the business. The researchers

also listed the things that needed to do, such as what are the permit needs to process.

Moreover, it must be complete and pass all of the requirements. It is stated that the

process of takes 1-2 weeks where the business will be officially legal. The

researchers must renew their permit at the end of year to avoid suspension of their


4. Financial Aspects

After conducting all of the feasibility study needed, all of the analysis, and

computations. The proponents had come up with the findings and recommendations.

The proponents recommend that the projected sales will be used in production run.

Proponents also recommended lessening the volume of product produced in the day

of selling to avoid excess.

5. Financing Aspects

As a business partners, the potential owners will provide start-up funding for the

proposed project as business partners. The main source of funding will probably be

each partner contributing an equal amount at the beginning of the business. They can

also choose to borrow money from organizations like banks and financial institutions,

which might provide a variety of options for lines of credit.

6. Socio Economic Aspect

Business should have knowledge to improve their work ethics for the business to

stay in track and will not lose the confidence of the customer. the proposed business

should aim to balance its financial goals with its social and economic responsibilities.

By considering the needs and expectations of its customers, community, government,

and the environment, the business can create a sustainable and profitable operation

that benefits all stakeholders


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Appendix A: Questionnaire

Program and Year Level:

INSTRUCTIONS:Choose what you prefer with the given options HONESTLY Check the box

before the option that you choose. CHOOSE ONLY ONE.

1. Which among offer the given options do you prefer?

Sweet Potato Cheese Balls

Watermelon Lagoon

Combo (Sweet Potato Cheese Rolls and Watermelon Lagoon)

2. Which sweet potato cheese ball price offer do you prefer?

Php 15.00

Php 12.00


3. Which of the price offers from Watermelon Lagoon do you prefer?

Php 10.00 per cup

Php 12.00

4. What promotional strategy you think is the best and most effective?

Buy 1 take 1

Word of Moth

Free Taste
5. What specific locations around the school do you plan to use to access the products?

Student’s Lounge School Canteen

c c
v v
6. Which marketing strategy is the most effective in making you more convinced to buy the


Buy 1 Take 1
25% off discount
With Freebies
Free Taste



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