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M1 – Using Information

from Informative
Speeches in Everyday
Conversations and
Directions: Read the speech. Then, answer the given questions.
Activity 1
Directions: Read the speech.
Then, answer the given questions.

1. What type of speech was used by

the author? Why you say so?
2. What is its purpose?
3. How does this information lead
you to your conclusion?
Informative Speech
It shares information to an
audience to enhance their
understanding of a topic,
provide alternatives, or to
raise awareness.
Types of Informational Speeches

It provides It gives the

It informs the It explains how
details to allow audience a deeper
audience of the
something is understanding of
meaning of an idea. the audience to
It also helps done, focusing form a mental
a given topic by
clarify or simplify on the steps explaining,
image of a describing, and
concepts, theories, that comprise a person, place,
or ideas that are informing the
process. or thing.
unfamiliar to them. audience about
the hows and whys
Distance learning How to Wash How Prolonged
(focusing on the One’s Hands the Online Activity SAMPLE TOPIC:
origin of the term) Government’s
Right Way Affects One’s
Mental Health COVID-19 response
1. Definition Speech
It explains the meaning, theory, or philosophy of a
specific topic that the audience likely does not know
much about. The topics may be general, such as a sport,
or highly specific, like a particular person. The main
goal of this speech is to educate the audience so that
they understand the main points regarding this subject.
sample topics: distance learning, herd immunity,
globalization, peace education, etc.
✓ Focuses on what the topics is: origin of the term and other ideas about it.
2. Demonstrative Speech
It explains how to do something. Like most informative speeches, a
how-to speech will likely use visual examples that show the
audience how to move from step to step through a particular
activity. Visualizations help the audience retain what each step
looks like, increasing the likelihood that they will retain the
overall information of the speech.
sample topics: ‘How to Wash One’s Hands the Right Way’, ‘Ways on
How to Take Care of your Mental Health’, ‘10 Steps on How to
Manage Time Wisely’, etc.
✓ Focuses on how to do a set topic, steps involved, and other
processes included in doing it.
3. Descriptive Speech
It creates a vivid picture in a person’s mind regarding an
object, person, animal, or place.
An archaeologist who has discovered a new temple in South
America or a paleontologist who believes they have found a new
dinosaur may use a descriptive speech to inform an interested
audience about their recent discoveries.
sample topic: How Prolonged Online Activity Affects One’s
Mental Health, How Do COVID-19 Vaccines Minimize Risk of Virus
Contraction’, The Human Brain: How it Actually Works, etc.
✓ Focuses on the description that let the viewers use
their senses, imagination in particular
4. Explanation Speech
From General to Specific, from Complex to Simple
It gives the audience a deeper understanding of a given
topic by explaining, describing, and informing the
audience about the how’s and why’s of a subject.
An explanatory speech might give a description of the
state of a given topic. This is one way to condense
highly complex information into an easily retainable
package for the audience.
sample topic: Government’s COVID-19 response, New
Normal in Education: What We Have Accomplished So Far…,
West Philippine Sea: The Never-Ending Battle, etc.

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