Inkgenics T & C-783ccee

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How to make your body modification
experience better than ever.
Appointment MAKE A BOOKING


+27 82 887 7040.

Kindly provide the following info upon making an appointment

1. Name & Surname

2. Sizing of the tattoo in question (cm).
3. Reference: photo of the Tattoo in question.
4. Image of Canvas's skin tone.
5. Advise your availability, weekends or week days.
6. Specify if it will be your first tattoo.

Deposits are mandatory, without proof of payment, your appointment will not be confirmed
Please ensure you use your full name for the EFT reference.

Our Studio is situated at the following address:

11 Neserton Drive, Isandovale, Edenvale

Kindly prepare yourself with the following instructions:

1. Kindly Park under the signage by the grass if the space is available.
2. You may be accompanied by one additional person.
3. Wifi is available.
4. Do not consume alcohol / drugs within 48 hours prior to your appointment, as it may
cause excess bleeding and swelling which can compromise your tattoo.
5. Avoid: Disprin, Grandpa, Blood thinners, Antibiotics.
6. If you start excessive bleeding and swelling, your artist will end your session and you will
have to book an additional session.
7. Wear clothing that allows access to the area being tattooed.
8. Eat a big breakfast.
9. Bring some snacks.
10. No pets or Children are allowed in the studio.
11. Your appointment will be cancelled if no deposit or proof of payment is provided.
Payment & Deposits

Deposits are mandatory

50% - Normal circumstances
100% - Promotional material

Kindly note the following details regarding your payment and deposits:

1. Deposits are done through the Yoco link, be advised that refund comes at a 5% banking
charge of your refund.
2. Cash Payment / Geo Pay is preferable.
3. Normalize Tipping your artist, understand that tattooing is a long and intricate process,
show your artist some love.
4. Card Payments have surcharge of 5%.
5. We charge hourly under the following format:
minimum rate - 1 hour
additional time after the first hour:
<30min = 50% of the hourly rate
>30min = 100% of the hourly rate

EFT Details:
Name: Inkgenics
Bank: Mercantile Bank
Branch Code: 450105
Account Number: 101066115

Please note, that refunds of early cancellation come at a 5% fee of your deposit.

Kindly note the following details regarding your cancellation.

1. you are able to reschedule once, three days before your appointment.
2. no refund policy applicable to no shows.
3. if you are sick, kindly provide doctors note and you are approved for a rescheduling on the
day of your appointment.
4. if you are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, your artist is permitted to cancel
your appointment immediately with no refunds.
5. if you are 15 minutes late to your appointment, your artist is permitted to cancel your
appointment immediately with no refunds.
6. if you or your company are acting in a disruptive behaviour during your appointment, you
artist is permitted to cancel your appointment with no refunds.
Tattoo aftercare LOVE YOUR TATTOO AS

Tattoos only look as good as how much effort you put into looking after them.

Kindly note the following details regarding your aftercare

1. Be sure your artist cleans your tattoo, thereafter wrap it with second skin, never use cling
2. Remove the second skin after 24 hours. Gently wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap
and water and be sure to pat dry.
3. Apply a layer of aftercare balm twice a day.
4. Gently wash your tattoo area twice a day with soap and water and gently pat dry before
reapplying the aftercare balm.
5. Keep applying the aftercare balm after you clean it to keep it moist.
6. You should repeat this process for 2 to 4 weeks. Also try not to wear clothes that will stick
to your tattoo, and avoid swimming and the sun for about 2 weeks. And take cool showers.
Scalding hot water will not only hurt, but it can also fade the ink. Wear a physical blocker
sunscreen with at least 7% zinc oxide sunscreen during the daylight hours and/or cover it
up with clothing.
7. If your tattoo scabs a bit or develops hard layers, don’t worry. It’s normal. But never pick,
scratch, or peel it. You could get an infection or remove the color. If you think your tattoo
is infected, or isn’t healing properly, go see your doctor.
Piercing aftercare

Piercings are easy to take care of, please take good care of it.

Kindly note the following details regarding your aftercare

1. The skin around a new piercing might be swollen, red and tender for a few days. It might
bleed slightly. If the swelling, redness and bleeding last longer than a few days, contact
your doctor. Prompt treatment can help prevent potentially serious complications.

1. Clean oral piercings with mouthwash, rinse with an alcohol-free, antiseptic mouthwash
after each meal and before you go to bed. After your piercing, use a new soft-bristled
toothbrush to avoid introducing bacteria into your mouth. Once the area has healed, take
the piercing out at night and brush it to remove plaque. Consider taking it out when eating
or during strenuous activity, as well.
2. Clean skin piercings. If you've had your skin pierced, clean the site twice a day with soap
and water. Be sure to wash your hands before cleaning your piercing site.
3. Avoid swimming. Stay out of pools, hot tubs, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water while
your piercing is healing.
4. Don't fiddle with your piercings. Don't touch a new piercing or twist the jewellery unless
you're cleaning it. Keep clothing away from the piercing, too. Excessive rubbing or friction
can irritate your skin and delay healing.
5. Keep the jewellery in place. Most piercings heal within about six weeks, but some might
take several months or longer to heal. To maintain the piercing, leave the jewellery in
place during this time, even at night, to keep the hole from closing.

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