1984 Soluzioni

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1 1c – 2f – 3a – 4g – 5d – 6e – 7b 4 Possible solutions: doubleplusungood = terrible, awful –
2 1c – 2i – 3f – 4a – 5g – 6b – 7h – 8e – 9d fullwise = completely – bb = Big Brother – miniplenty = Ministry
1. grimy – battered; 2. filthy; 3. reek – rotting; 4. sordid – vile; of Plenty – upsub = submit to higher authority; personal
5. dingy – litter
5 personal
3 Romantic authors: education: 4 – relationship parents-
children: 2 – entertainment: 7 – games: 1; 1984: education: 6 – 6 personal
relationship parents-children: 5 – entertainment: 3 – games: 8 7 personal


1 Newspeak – left his wife – big numbers – conscious of their 4 1b – 2c – 3g – 4h – 5a – 6d – 7e – 8f
condition – picture – has only confused memories – his diary –
the dark-haired girl 5 personal
2 personal
6 1. Katherine – 2. Mrs Parson – 3. Katherine – 4. dark-haired
3 1T – 2F – 3T – 4F – 5F – 6T
Corrections: 2. His main job is destroying new words. girl – 5. Mrs Parson
4. Winston believes the Proles will still understand Oldspeak
in 2050. - 5. Winston believes the Party will vaporise Syme. 7 personal


1 Possible solutions: I love you – the canteen – Sunday enjoys her work at the Fiction Department even though she
(afternoon) – the Thought Police – (real) chocolate – a doesn’t love reading. She worked at Pornosec in the past, for
bird (singing) – corrupt (to the bones) – the Brotherhood / one year. - 4. She had her first love affair when she was 16,
rebelling – killing her – Mr Charrington’s shop – real food/ with a Party member who was 60 and committed suicide.
sugar, bread, tea and coffee – makeup (and perfume) – a copy 5. She is not interested in Party doctrine and doesn’t believe
of the Newspeak Dictionary – disappeared – eaten his sister’s
the Brotherhood exists. - 7. She thinks it would have been
a good idea for Winston to kill his wife. - 10. She thought
2 Flora: flowers (bluebells) – bushes – saplings; fauna: bird
Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia and isn’t
(thrush); other natural elements: sun; food: chocolate – sugar –
bothered about the Party’s lies.
bread – jam; drinks: milk – coffee – tea
personal 5 1b-f; 2a-c-e; 3d
4 1T – 2T – 3F – 4F – 5F – 6T – 7F – 8T – 9T – 10F 6 personal
Corrections: 3. She lives in a hostel with 30 other girls and 7 personal


1 1f – 2c – 3h – 4a – 5d – 6b – 7j – 8e – 9g – 10i on the other hand totalitarianism stops the habit of thinking and
2 1. a-d-e-f-i; 2.b-c-g-h therefore progress. - 6. Because if lower-class people have good
economical conditions they will have enough time to study,
3 Possible answers: 1. Eurasia includes the northern part of
understand that they are being exploited and rebel against the
Europe and Asia, Oceania is made up of North and South
upper classes. - 7. It is important to give people the feeling that
America, the Atlantic islands including the UK, Australia the destruction of goods is necessary; it unites the population
and South Africa. Eastasia is smaller and includes China, the by giving everybody a common enemy. - 8. To discover, against
countries below it, Japan, part of today’s Russia, Mongolia and their will, what other human beings are thinking, and to develop
Tibet. - 2. War involves very small numbers of people, mostly a way to kill several hundred million people in a few seconds
highly-trained specialists; battles are fought only at frontiers. without giving warning beforehand. - 9. Because the ruling
3. Because the super-states have the same power and have groups of all countries understood that a few more atomic
strong natural defences; moreover each super-state has all bombs would mean the end of organized society, and hence
the raw materials it needs, there is no need to conquer others of their own power. - 10. It is absolutely necessary for the
in order to produce goods that are needed. - 4. Because they governments of the three super-states that there should be no
contain important materials and especially because hundreds contact with foreigners, otherwise the people would discover
of millions of poor people live there and can provide cheap that foreigners are creatures similar to themselves and that most
labour. - 5. On one hand all the wars impoverished societies, of what they have been told about them is based on lies.
4 Possible answers: 1. He speaks with no accent and in a sharp 5. He has an alert, cold face and is about thirty-five years old.
voice. - 2. He has got black hair and doesn’t wear glasses. 5 personal
3. His body is straight and large. - 4. His eyebrows are not
6 personal
bushy, he has no wrinkles and a short nose.


1 the poet Ampleforth and Parsons – elbow – lies on a bed – Fascinating because: he fights tyranny and defends freedom –
defective memory – past – kill – martyrs – write – Do this to he loves Catherine deeply and manages to become very rich
Julia – meet again although he was poor and uneducated – he is kind with Jim –
2 1F – 2E – 3F – 4F – 5E – 6E he is good-looking and acts as a gentleman
3 Author: Milton – Brontë – Stevenson – Austen; Title: 4 personal
Wuthering heights; Villain’s name: Long John Silver; Evil 5 personal
because: he rebelled against God – he is arrogant, revengeful 6 personal
and enjoys ruining people’s lives – he is a violent pirate
and a killer – he seduces young girls for economic reasons;

EXTRA CONTENT by George Orwell – Politics and the English Language

1 Possible answers: in bad conditions – reversible – staleness – 2 a3 – b5 – c4 – d6 – e2 – f1
vagueness – dying – passive – gerunds – Latin – Greek – easy – 3 personal
politics – pacification – metaphors – active – break

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