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Sagaba, Sto Domingo, Nueva Ecija



Christian Jacob A. Abaja, Vj B. Acosta, John Carlo C. Agbayani,

Mikaila B. Cabanayan, Gilbert A. Cristobal, Jovelyn D.C. Garcia,
Ronalyn P. Nimes, Miguel A. Ramos, Rhea Joy A. Santaygillo,
Daniela A. Victorio

Chapter I

Every nation of the world aspires toward the quality of
life and social status. Career choice is one of many essential
responsibilities that students will make in determining their
quality of life and social status in society. Formulating a
career choice is a defining phase in every student's life.
Hence, wise career choices can make one's life fulfilled.
With that in mind, what students can do is consider
several factors before arriving at a decision regarding their
career choice. Career choice is one of the most significant
dilemmas and challenges in any student's life. It is not a
straightforward task and involves a complicated process of
decision-making. The influence of career choice has a lasting
impact on an individual. It serves to be a predictor and
determinant of their proposed level of income, nature of work.
Consequently, it leaves a mark on the personality, demeanor,
and outlook of an individual. Thus, one wrong decision can
change the future of an individual. (Kazi & Akhlaq, 2017)

The students’ appropriate career choice is critical,

having a high impact on their professional life and future
success. This choice will impart them throughout their lives.
It is that career choice is a crucial decision that impacts
an individual’s entire future.

Consequently, career choice decision-making is not an

easy task, yet individuals are faced with the task of choosing
a career at one time or the other. This choice point is
unquestionably the most crucial stage. This is because
executing an inappropriate career choice can make one’s
delight in life, resulting in career maladjustment. Erratic
career choices produced may spell destruction not only for
the person but also the entire society. Career choice is a
sensitive issue for students that requires attention and
serious considerations – factors concerning their decision

Most students nowadays are pressured to perform and

succeed, which experience severe stress in meeting these
expectations. Students tend to face deep stress in choosing
a career to continue their college journey. They are very
serious in picking what kind of future jobs they will have
because it is a significant decision and deeply concerns an
individual's life. What are most concerning now is what career
they pick concerning the people surrounding them. It is at
this stage when students need guidance in the proper selection
of their desired career.
Presently, many factors can affect students in their
career choices. One of these is the social environment, such
as family, friends, school, and personal factors (self
interests), which is the focus of this research. Those are
some factors influencing the students in choosing their path
for their future. It can give them failures or success but
also help them find the right track they want. An individual's
social environment influence career choice. (Kazi & Akhlaq,
Despite these factors' influence, there is a need to
guide students into an appropriate career. It is the
responsibility of a guidance personnel to conduct career
guidance to guide students in correctly choosing their future
careers. Their task is to supply students with enough
pertinent information and proper interpretations concerning
their abilities, interests, needs, and personal
characteristics to help them make crucial decisions. This
program keeps the students assisted in attaining a high
efficiency and satisfying results in the activities. As a
whole, they will help formulate systematic goals and plans
for the future of the students.
The aforementioned situations motivated the researchers
to conduct this study to identify and determine the factors
affecting their career choice. The study results provided the
students with experiences that expand the exploration process
so they may be able to explore widely before making their
choices and develop approaches that could be offered to
prepare them in their career choices. Thus, the need to find
out the influence of the social environment in career choice
among Grade 12 Senior High School students in Julia Ortiz Luis
National High School has been the impetus of this study.

Statement of the Problem

The study wanted to determine the social environment factors that
influence career choice among Grade 12 Senior High School
students. Also, the study aimed to come up with approaches that
could be offered to prepare students in their career choices.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the respondents be described in terms of their

Socio-demographic profile:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Sex;

1.3. Place of residence; and

1.4. Monthly family income (income cluster)?

2. How may the respondents’ choice of career be influence in

Terms of social environment factors:

2.1. Family;

2.2. Friends;

2.3. School; and

2.4. Personal factors (self-interest)?

3. What approaches could be offered to prepare students in

Choosing their career?

Synthesis of Related Literature

The study anchored of the social environment on career choice

among Grade 12 Senior High School students at Julia Ortiz Luis
National High. The influence of career choice has a lasting
impact on an individual because developing a career choice is a
specific stage in each student’s life. Therefore, wise career
choices can create fulfillment and success in a person’s life.
These include social environmental factors that influence
students in their career is one of the biggest problems and
challenges in any student’s life. This is not a straightforward
task and involves a complex decision making process so you just
have to think or think carefully before choosing the career you
will pursue.

To carry out the study, researchers will conduct a survey at

Julia Ortiz Luis National High School. As input, the researchers
will extract all the information about the influence of the
social environment. Consequently, researchers will be able to
explore the influence of social environment on career choice
among Grade 12 Senior High School students at Julia Ortiz Luis
National High School.

For a deeper understanding, the researchers gathered an overview

of previous research to showcase new contributions to the
knowledge base of the research field and add more amount of
information to the main focus of the research. study. it can be
concluded that all the educational implications of the cited
reviewed researches are all relevant to not only indicate space
for future research such as our study but to serve as tools also
for us to determine what to focus on and use these studies. in
the past for a better future regarding our supplement to the
purpose of our study.

Conceptual Framework
According to Gale Llewellyn Hobson, The University of Oklahoma,
(1982), The past century has witnessed an effort on the part of
various feminist groups to improve the status of American women
in contemporary society. Two or three decades of women’s
liberation and an increased sense of autonomy and opportunity for
women has raised some interesting questions. An important one
concerns a woman’s own ability to deal with her increase in
freedom. Horner (1968) showed that the expectancy of success in
achievement-related situations was followed by negative
consequences arousing a tendency to lower the level of successs
in an otherwise achievement motivated woman by lowering her level
of aspiration.

John A Ross, Curriculum Inquiry 11 (3), (279-295, 1981), The

adolescent years are a period of rapid maturation and increasing
personal responsibility. It is a time when students are placed
into difficult decision-making situations and are required to
make choices that have substantial long term consequences. North
American schools have recognized the difficulties that students
experience in addressing critical life decisions and have
developed programs, typically in the context of Guidance and
Health, designed to provide students with the requisite
Research Paradigm
The study is anchored on the influence of the social environment
in career choice among Grade 12 Senior High School students. It
involved social environment factors that influence students in
their career choice. To carry out the study, the researchers will
conduct a survey in Julia Ortiz Luis National High School.

As shown below, the researcher’s were used three-ways process,

which is the IPO format or the Input, Process, and Output.

• Profiles of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex;
1.3 General Average; and
1.4 Monthly Family Income (Income cluster?)
• How may the respondents’ choice of career be influence in
terms of social environment factors:
2.1 Family;
2.2 Friends;
2.3 School; and
2.4 Personal factors (self-interest)?
• Online survey questionnaire
(google form)
Figure 1:
Research Paradigm of the study of Influence of social environment
in career choice
among grade 12 senior high school at Julia Ortiz Luis National
High School.

Significance of the study

This is study will be undertaken to know Influence of social
Environment in career choice among Grade 12 senior high school
students at Julia ortiz luis national high school

Specifically, This research will influential the following:

Students — Some students do not begin to explore ‘real’ career

possibilities until after high school graduation. Technical high
colleges might more aggressively inform students earlier in their
schooling, of information, knowledge, and skills they could apply
to their daily studies.

Opportunities— The others have trouble choosing a course because

their current strand is not covered by the course they
want.Industry could see where, why, and when it could be
beneficial for them to invest resources for the purpose of
training, while still in technical schools.

Educators-Teachers and educators will benefit from this

research, such that they are the primary provider of knowledge
and learning to the students. The result provided them a
better understanding of the necessary information they can
utilize effectively to guide and teach students to choose the
right career.

Parents- Parents will benefit from this research, such

that they are the ones who struggle and yearn for their
children in choosing a proper career. They can use this study
as a guideline for improving their children's lives, such as
their social environment for their future, career-wise.

Guidance Personnel- Guidance Personnel will benefit from the

findings of this research. They can be provided with
empirical data regarding the social environment's influence
in career choice. The results can help them develop and
implement new strategies to guide students in pursuing wise
decisions to have an appropriate career.

Sociologists- Sociologists will benefit from this study,

such that they are the one who needs additional information
specifically about the topic of this study to help clients
who struggle with finding the career fitted for them due to
the influence of their social environment.

Future Researchers- The findings of this study will

benefit future researchers; hence, they are provided with
baseline information regarding the social environment's
influence in career choice. This study can be used as their
basis in doing their research with the prior references that
can be used as a credible source of information regarding the
influence of the social environment in career choice.

Scope and Limitations

This study is limited to the influence of the social environment
in choosing a career. The respondents were Grade 12 Senior High
School at Julia Ortiz Luis National High School.
The researchers conducted this study to identify the factors
affecting their career choice and seek to determine the assist
students in choosing a career path that is right for them. The
researchers were inspired to undertake this study to uncover the
factors that influence their professional choice as a result of
the previous situations.
This study entitled “Influence of Social Environment in Career
choice among Grade 12 Senior High School at Julia Ortiz Luis
National High School” aimed to determine the assist students in
choosing a career path that is right for them. The researchers
conducted this study to identify and determine the factors
affecting their career choice. The researchers were inspired to
undertake this study in order to uncover and determine the
factors that influence their profession choice as a result of the
aforementioned circumstances.

Defenition of Terms

INFLUENCE -The capacity to have an effect on the character,

development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect

SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT - The environment developed by humans as

contrasted with the natural environment; society as a whole,
especially in its relation to the individual.

CAREER - A person's progress or general course of action through

life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or

CHOICE - An act or instance of choosing;

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - A school attended after junior high school

and usually consisting of grades 10 through 12.


Barangay Sagaba, Sto.Domingo, Nueva Ecija

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