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Leyte Normal University

Tacloban City
Arts and Humanities Unit

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LEYTE NORMAL UNIVERSITY students enrolled in this subject

World History I 20-21

World History I:
Module I

The First Humans

Chapter Outline:
The Early humans:
Dating Artifacts and Fossils
Early Development
The Paleolithic Age

The Neolithic revolution

Neolithic Revolution
Civilization Emerges

Name: Balayanto, Lexthom Ace Section: Bapos AP1-


World History I 20-21

Activity Sheet 1 topic:
The Early Humans
Activity 1: What’s What?
Instruction: Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast Prehistory with Historic Era.
Use the space provided below.

Prehistory is the study of the

History is the study of the era prior to the
past, beginning with the development of writing and
History and
development of the writing the preservation of written
system and the keeping of documents. The time span
are both the
written records. between the use of stone
study of past
tools and the development
events and
of writing is the subject of
this study.

Processing Question:

1. Why do we need to study history?

We need to study history so that we know the steps our ancestors took to lead us to
the present we are living in, and to avoid making the same mistake they did so that it
won’t happen again.

2. Putting into consideration your field of specialization as a student, why do you think
it is important for us to revisit the events in the past?

World History I 20-21

It is important to revisit the events as a student because it is important to know how it
all started, to know what went right and what went wrong in the past so that we could
avoid the mistakes and take the right step that will lead us to the better future.

3. What assumption or hypothesis on the early humans was proven wrong due to the
discovery of Lucy?
Lucy was small-brained but capable of standing straight, disproving the myth that man
became bipedal as his brain developed.

Activity 2: Four Words-One Thought

Instruction: Complete the concept map by providing words / phrases that best
describe the word/s in the middle of the concept map.

Stone tools

Paleolithic Nomadic way of life

Early Homonids
Activity Sheet 2 topic:
The Neolithic Revolution

Activity 1: Compare them!

Instruction: Compare and contrast the different era that has emerged before
civilization started by completing the matrix below.

World History I 20-21

Category Paleolithic Neolithic

The Paleolithic age, The ultimate phase

often known as the of prehistoric
“Old Stone Age,” is humans’ cultural or
the phrase used to technological
describe the growth is known as
earliest period of the Neolithic, or
human history, New Stone Age. It
roughly from was distinguished
2,500,000 B.C. to by the use of
10,000 B.C., when polished or ground
people relied on stone tools,
primitive stone reliance on
tools to survive. domesticated
plants or animals,
Description settlement in
settlements, and
the emergence of
crafts like weaving
and ceramics. The
Neolithic Time, or
early period of
metal tool use,
came after the
Paleolithic Period,
or age of chipped
stone tools, and
before the Bronze

People’s way People’s way of life This is the age they

of life at this age was shift from gathering
nomadic, they had plants and hunting
to follow animal animals to farming
migrations and
vegetation cycles,
females were
responsible for
gathering and
taking care of the
children while the
males were

World History I 20-21

responsible for
hunting in order to

Simple rock Larger tools made

pounded to create of polished stone
sharp edge to be
included adzes for
used as a blade
tillage, axes for
Tools used / tree-cutting, and
present chisels for working
with stone, wood,
and bone (e.g.
stone vessels,
seals, figurines).

They lived in caves, Parts of Europe, the

simple huts or near east, Asia and
Residency of tepees that were Africa.
people located in eastern
Africa, east of the
Great Rift Valley

Activity 2: Cause-Effect
Instruction: In a form of graphic organizer, be able to illustrate the different events
that led to the emergence of civilization.

World History I 20-21

Processing Questions:
1. What made the people decide to stay in one place for good?

2. In the beginning of permanent settlement, how did it pave way to the emergence of

-End of Module 1-

World History I 20-21

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