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nba a THE MOSTLY SPELLLESS NECROMANCER: WEILD THE POWER WITHIN THE SOULS OF THE FALLEN TO BRING YOUR FOES TO = Baas) (ih, roi NECROMANCER ean eerrent eee eer ees ee from the earth, The skeleton's form, er eer eee Scere CC oe Ce eect oe! Se eee eee ce eee eS tundead emanated from behind it A rotten hand smashed Cre eee acer ey Phe eee ees neers Seer eee ee Comer og beckoned his ancestors back to the material plane. Their eee cee eee os charging the warriors of thei rival tribe. oe eee ee eee cer ‘on controlling negative energy and the souls of the dead to destroy their enemies. Using energy from the lower planes, eee ee eee cet Perro ened be uae UaB UEC S eee Uae Necromancers deal with the powers of death and the Pe ee ee ee they can exploit the unique energies contained within the soul Seer eet eee many forms, with some devoting their powers to summoning. oe coe eer Cee eee Renee tS develop powers that are fueled by the life force of their enemies, or by merging their very souls with another, as a noes Oreo) buy Uo) PZ wad Contrary to popular belief, necromancers are not necessarily evi-doers, nor do all of them seek to subjugate others. In fact, some of them seek to use their powers for Pere eater tr tare eee ry eg eee gear ee eee ee eee ster more generalized fear oftheir eapacities. Dee ee eee a Peete eee eee ereneen teens some form of power over the vital essences that move any living creature -and they seek to use this to their advantage. eee ener ane eeeeee en el aoe’ generals, raising the ancestral dead to honor their eternal eat cc ken ences often employ necromancers as a fear tactic, turning the fallen soldiers of their opponents against them. Necromancer typically have a solitary lifestyle, expanding their skillset with necromantic experiments in whatever lair they can manage to carve for themselves. The call to. adventure often comes from an opportunity to test their stalls, expand their knowledge, or gain grester powers over the dead, Deca Keene een ne en eed LO) Wei (ep ONL eho} e NLS Oa eee ey eee ee ee Ce which your necromancer lives and acts within. Some worlds. and cultures view necromancy, and by extension all acts that involve taking advantage of death and the afterlife, as inherently evil and will distrust any user of such dark powers. ‘Another item to consider is the reason why you chose to devote yourself to the art and practice of necromancy. Do you ‘have dark intentions and wish to harness underworld powers for personal gain? Are you an arcane explorer wishing to Pec ee eee ee ea Scr ee deceased friend or loved one and restore them back to life? Carefully consider the alignment of your character. A necromancer does not have to be evil, though it takes a specific kind of mindset to see the eternal soul of a creature Seer ae eerie disposition one would require to not view disturbing the dead eeeeer el See st eee ee one ea character was raised in, therefore it helps to flesh out where your necromancer is from and how that society viewed peated Cold: tty You can make a necromancer quickly by following these Peer ee ere ee tee eee ee eee en Haunted One background. ite oleae PC 2nd 2 Order Feature oy 2 Ropers cy 8 Order Feature oy Ey Rees od a Order Feature Vath a neers Vath 15 Order Feature Veth 45 Cee ears Vath Eg core ee en LPNS Suet Pear neeersenmeivrneratnnneny aaa Herrin pean nT Maa eC eres! HitPoints at Ist Level: § + your Constitution modifier ‘Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) | your Constitution modifier per necromancer level after 1st PROFICIENCIES eer ee ee cone eee see Se eR ney Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion unto Se et eer eee ey eee + (@) Alight crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple pore + G@)Asscholar’s pack or b) a dungeoneer’s pack Pee eee ce ent od SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD Pee ee ey the other side, you gain the ability to communicate with all undead creatures as ifyou shared a language. At 7th level, you can cast the speak with dead spell at will without Stores ol aU EWES UA CZ UU (Os Beginning at Ist level, you gain the ability to see the souls of Corer e emma eet te See nieg cree nett toe eee eet aay ee ee Se per Ce ee Cem succeeds, you can force it to reroll the saving throw and use the new roll. You can do this only once per soul. Ifthe target ‘succeeds this 2nd save, the soul burns up, and disappears. If the target has an Intelligence of 8 or higher, it rerolls the save with advantage. A creature with a CR equal to or lower than ‘one third your necromancer level automatically fails this save, Souls that you have not attempted to capture linger for 10 minutes before departing to the next life. Alingering soul ‘occupies the space the erealure died in, and does not require ‘asave to be consumed. You can have a number of captured ‘souls equal to half your level (rounded up). isle) tsst2 Coss ere ot eee ren rs Peer ere eee ete captured soul, ora lingering soul within 10 feet of you to ee eee teeny Pee er ee eee es ee ee toe eRe 1410 necrotic damage and you regain hit points equal to half, the damage done.This abilities damage increases by 1410 ‘when you reach Sth level (2410), 11th level (310), and 17th ree rer toy NECROMANTIC ORDER eee es eee ees Preece eee ert eo eee necromantic order whose teachings you adhere to. Your ‘options are detailed at the end ofthe class description. Your chosen order grants you features at 2nd level and again at Career tact Perea eee nuts ses ese oer SrecTRAL SHROUD Starting at 3rd level you learn to shape the necrotic energy ee ee ee eT of pure shadow energy. Your Shroud lasts for 1 minute. It ends early ifyou are incapacitated, or dismiss itas a bonus action, While your Shroud is active, you gain the following benefits ifyou aren't wearing medium, or heavy armor: Oe ee ee eo ce ae ee eters eee ee erage eee Pe Ore ee ere ey eC ee eee you're already adding your Wisdom modiffer to your AC ee ee eee er eerie rene De eon a enn es pene eee etre rot Tee eo cena ‘your Wisdom modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it oer PAUL B Seas) Ue tLe A LEY When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can inerease one ability score of your choice by eae once gT eaten ree eee mee mae teres ferent AurA OF CORRUPTION Seat ee eee eee res Srrree UL ar teen erecta a Crees takes a penalty to that saving throw equal to your Wisdom See es crete ee cece ee a penalty ASN een ee eee ed Noha ENL Re oe oe goes ‘whose soul you have captured. You may cast the spel Cet eS eer eee eee ea Pee ee eet kee as currently captured. As long as the spel is active, your voice also changes to match that of the individuals Sree ote eee acc expending a spell slot. The form must be that of the creature Seen reenter Unpyinc ENTITY RO ee eee eee ad bas made itself a part of you, represented by the following ae + You are immune to disease and the poisoned condition et + You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe. ROO Cer ce een Pe ree cerca yee a TUS Pet oo toe eee) ee eee eres your choice, within your Aura of Corruption, must make a Serena ec DC=8+ your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. On a failed save, the target is frightened of you for 1 minute. If creature frightened by this effect ends its turn ‘more than 30 feet away from you, it can attempt another Wisdom saving throw as an action to end the effect on it See een eetieteent proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it ‘when you finish a long rest. BO) 7 VA peu OP) Lees) Seen een eo era) in the face of defeat. Ifyou are reduced to 0 hit points, you ‘can use your reaction to consume a captured soul. You are Peo eect k a Aura of Corruption, takes Necrotic damage equal to half your See Rea ee You can't use this feature again until you finish along rest, MASTER OF DEATH By 15th level, you become impossible to kill by normal means. You can expend 10 hit dice, and 8 hours of work to hhide a segment of your soul into a mundane object. When you would die, and the abject is still intact, you instead resurrect atthe location of the abject of your choice Como Cater eine ce eecrd ere ee ee eee eed Persea cena ten en eet eer! eet eet ee eee regain 2 expended hit die per long rest. Once you use this ability you can't do s0 again for 30 days, FAA Ye) BD) Lel wg Rarer tee te e enna ers shadows and decay, As an action, you can activate this aura, Seeer rs ere serter gc sees en + The aura reduces any bright light in a 30-oot radius precedes eet een rer eet ar erence en ee eet ety penalty of 1) to their attack rol ‘+ Atthe end of each of your turns, each creature of your ere reat ence ete to half your level (rounded wp). pereeeeas eee er cetera lingering soul within 10 feet of you, to cause dark tendrils eee etree eats Set en scree ee eee pee eae reenact eee ered Prone Ne ea ged eee ne eee esa ee After activating this aura, you can’t do so again until you eres NECROMANTIC ORDERS ORDER OF THE REAPER [en eee eer eee eects Death. Often a calling if not a burden, a Reaper's path is often a lonely one as the everlasting presence of death that eet en eee eer ees Se eee ee eS the pain and fear they inflict; death can be complex and therefore a Reaper's dark calling doesn't necessarily go hand eer eed Perhaps the most straightforward of the necromantic orders, the Order of the Reaper feasts on the souls they collect, constiming their life energy to strengthen their own, Benen CONSUMED KNOWLEDGE ‘Through the consumption ofthe souls of ancient warriors, ‘you have learned how to effectively prepare for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor, and martial weapons. Ys ~\ Bk ry -~ CA ee aca Sle) sep 0 Wetg Beginning at 2nd level, you gain a unique way to interact with the souls of the dead, As a bonus action you can eee eer eae eee nee Eos ‘of you. For the next minute, you gain temporary hit points Perea ee eer ee ee ee er turns. When this ability ends, you lose any remaining en ea ee er ee ee eed benetits et een he eC er) vit SR nee Cree Ue Ce Poeeo eet een ne cre eens eee ttt eee ote Perera {At Lath level you can consume an additional soul as part of this bonus action. Ifyou choose to do so, you gain an See eee eee ey ‘saving throws, and may analyze both souls at once. (2 total) Cee ee eee kn ee te REAPER WEAPON en ee eee level, you can transform one weapon into your Reaper ‘Weapon by consuming a captured soul, while you hold the ‘weapon, to perform a special ritual. You ereate a dark connection between yourself and the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which ean be done cece ‘The weapon gains the following properties: ee ee ee Cee of $0320 ifit's a ranged weapon. Ifthe weapon has the eee eee) + Your Reaper Weapons damage die is changed to 344, and er eee? Seen ts a ore ees your Wisdom modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, een een Perec nectar er enn ee ye eee eee en eer) ee aoe ee ears Se ea oe ee ee statistics. You can only have one Reaper Weapon ata time, ‘and if you would use this feature again while having a Reaper Serene eer ee eee Seen Bc ou LW Wu Xe) ‘Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice instead of once, So eee eee ees ee eee ce umber of altacks increases to three when you reach 14th level. Moreover, you can use your Sou! Siphon ability in place rena ener INTRODUCTION | CLASS FEATURESINECROMANTIC ORDERS] PROXY106 DEATH APPROACHES SC oo ee gee eee eee eee before making an attack on your turn you can consume 2 souls, captured, or a lingering soul within 10 feet of you, to teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. You then have advantage on the first attack you make with your Reaper Weapon before the end of the turn, BCE Mo) BP) 7 ut [At LAth level, you learn to empower your Reaper Weapon with the souls of the dead, making it an even more terrifying instrument of Death, You learn new ways to impart deaths eer Once per round, choose one ofthe following: ee eee een striking and cleaving through enemies around you. You can, use your action to consume up to three captured souls. You rove 5 feet without provoking opportunity attacks for each, soul you consume, and can make a melee attack against each creature you pass within 5 feet of while moving this way. Rain of Death. You can use your action to constime up to eta ees Ree ec em eee eee enn ST one ee ona perenne eens each target, as normal, and you make a separate attack roll eran core a eee ees eee eee ere Se eee err next successful attack with extra necrotic energy. The damage equals your Necromancer level, its type is either [Necrotie or Cold damage, You can instead consume three souls, if you do so, the extra damage is instead twice your eens DEATH WALKs AMONG US Cer ooo ee eee ee Ce ee ee etd Ce eens Peete enn ete eS ee ae ay Insts for I minute, while transformed you gain following on Oe te eee ee ees Persea a es Cen ens Se cn ee een ee ea ees a eed Oe cn oes ee ee eco Dory errs OO org eg one eee Cenc Cold Damage and treats immunity as if it were resistance Immediately after the ability ends, you must sueceed on a res ere ee oan Prete ORDER OF THE MANIFESTER Manifesters are as unique to the orders of Necromancers as they are Rare, What motivates them to pursue their Necrotic path? Desire to reconnect with a fallen mentor? A desire for power? A fateful encounter? Regardless, instead of ‘manipulating Souls for their own strength, they choose to ee ee nc eo ceed eat ec Je eae DU eRe tee Beginning at 2nd level you form a partnership with the Soul of a powerful agent of Death. You graft its soul on to ee er aad lends you its strength and expertise, and can once again do Serres Choose the form of your Spiritual partner: the Null Knight, es eee ee eee aa together, and your Spiritual Partner determines the benefits cet eee Co een id ‘occupy your body, you ean no longer be possessed. [As you grow more experienced, your Spiritual Partner lends St he ees pose ee ese eee eee ene CMe Se! Dieses xa (es-6y Pec e Lan eee ed thing only. There are strong magies being misused, Null Koights wield strange abilities and armaments with the sole purpose of wiping out Magi I's rumored their blades are so sharp, they can even tear through magic itself. When you form a partnership with this Spiritual Partner you inherit their zealotus distaste for magic, and those who wield it. AnTI-MAGIC WARRIOR At 2nd level, you merge your soul with the soul of the Null Knight. Under the tutelage of your partner, you acquire the training necessary to effectively arm yourself against the ets You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and Pern earns Additionally, you can manifest a token of the Null Knights Sete ee ew vee ee eee Cnr ey eee cee ene weapon you're holding with the properties of AntiMagic eee CeCe eee Sree eee eee ee ties Bee ene tree ceesin ee ees een genes Teeter etc eee a disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its pacer ee eee es eee ead Ce oe eer spell attack bonus for the next minute, oF until they ee ee oe een ere ret Ces enn penalized caster with your Anti-Magie Blade renews the Coren coro fect eevee Iyou are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while wielding your Anti Magic Blade. FIGHTING STYLE At 2th level, the merging of your souls allows you to adopt the en ee ees Choose one of the following options: ee en eesy Pomena ot fea eee eee hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to cee aes eer a eee ee eed other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack rol eee eens Oe ee ae ee Ces eee ere Cece ore weapon one or two-handed until the beginning of your or es eee eee bonus to your Armor Class and your attack rolls with that weapon. When you wield it two-handed you gain +2 Pent oe cen ea ners Steen rece eee even ifyou later get to choose again. DSA WEAVE SENSE Finally at 2nd level, the Null Knight within you has connected ‘you to the weave, granting you a better understanding of the ‘magic you are purpose driven to combat. You gain proficiency with the Arcana skill, and when you roll a skill eee eS re eae cena cen een rete es Ce ee ee en open your senses to the presence of the weave. For the next minute, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of ‘you. you know if any creature or object you can see is magical in nature, is casting or concentrating on a spel, aris affected bya spell, curse, of other magical effect ‘At 10th level, the range of your weave sense increases to 60 oes HUNGERING BLADE Starting at 6th level, you can attack with your Anti-Magic Blade tice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack. action on your turn. Additionally, your AntiMagic Blade Ce een Se nee SST USB TUE) ee Co ee ere ee rece ce eee eee See teed [Anti-Magic upon them. Whenever the branded creature casts pe on ee eee etree penta ee eee en eee ars psychic damage equal to your wisdom modifier times the level of the spell (minimum of 1 damage). The brand lasts for 1 minute. The brand ends earl if the target dies, you die, you are incapacitated, or you apply the brand to another target. A Remove Curse cast on the target removes the brand early, NBS e Shs) ‘At 10th level, you've developed techniques for slicing through threads of the weave directly. Once per round, choose one of peat ts Dispelling Strike. When you hit a creature or object that is Re eee eee eer Peg ee aor een dispel the spell. Consume a number of eaptured or lingering ‘souls, on a hit the target suffers the weapon aftack's normal Cet ne ete rs Pee Recenter Ending spells on willing targets requires no attack roll, deals no damage, and still expends souls as above. ‘Spell Absorbing Strike. You can use your Anti Magic Blade erent emer en eens oe eee eee ee ee cma) consume 3 captured souls and reduce the incoming damage by 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier + your Necromancer level ‘Magical damage you reduce is absorbed and stored within your weapon and unleashed on your next attack. Before the ‘end of your next turn, when you it a creature with your Anti- ore pe eee eee ete es eee ee ae en ee eee ee eee as ‘Spell Disrupting Strike. You gain the ability to anticipate a foe's magic. As @ reaction, when an opponent within 60 feet ‘of you attempts to cast a spell, you may consume 3 captured souls to immediately make a single attack against them, ee eee ey Se eee ee ees ‘and the creature cannot cast spells until the start of your next ry IMPROVED ANTI MAGIC BLADE Ret terme tener neers ne ree can instead consume 3 souls to give it additional properties, Sy cee er eee eee ee eee ce) barriers such as Wall of Force unimpeded. See ee Core ee eee properties and powers of the target. Targets temporarily ee eee cee tee eee Anti-Magic field spel for the duration ofthe attack. ROD 2ee eb NES At 20th level, you can sever one creature from the weave ree eee eee eet eee cee ‘make a melee spell atack against a creature within 5 feet of Pet te Un ee ee ed the weapon attack’s normal effects, and all spells, or magica Se en? eo eee eee itmust make a save against your Soul Capture DC, to ee eee eee ea creature immediately takes 10410 psychic damage. Ifthe Creature was attempting to cast a spell, the spell fails and has Per ere trees reer acee et crc with limited uses, the use is expended but the effect does not Pore eee en with a permanent effect, the effec is suppressed, This effect ‘on the creature ends on a successful save, or the next time the creature finishes a long rest. ee eee ce ees ROTA Details about Reavers are sparse. Not many who have seen thera live long enough to tel the tale. What few details ee ot eee ey shadowy grasp, i's the reaver it send’s to collect the soul it feels it is owed. The Ancient spirit ofthe Reaver excelled at dealing death swiftly, and silently; feeling most at home in the shadows. A Reaver lets their spectral blades do it's speaking for them, silent, brutal, and efficient, When you graft the Reavers spirit onto your soul, ou learn to use your Soul Cerra St ge ATTACK FROM THE SHADOWS SE oe eee tap into a fragment of ts former expestise. You learn how to sitike subtly and exploit a foe's distraction, Once per turn, ena ea eters with an attack if you have advantage oa the attack roll, The Pte ete Ree ee are an section) You don't need advantage on the attack rol if another enemy ofthe target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack et ‘The amount of the extra damage increases by 1d6 as you gain levels in this class at 6th level, (246 Total), 10th (346), encom Cr) EMISSARY OF DARKNESS {At 2nd level, you learn to give form to the formless, using the souls you capture to manifest an effigy of shadow. As a bonus eee emt tee ken nen ey Roos ee ecg eer eee cd space you can see within 15 feet of you. This shade lasts until comet cee tte ‘you manifest another shade, or until you're incapacitated, Seed ee he Ces ce cena bit point, and immunity to all conditions. IFit has to make a Se esc a eee eee eer eae On your turn, you can mentally command the emissary to move up to 30 feet in any direction (no action required). If your emissary is ever more than 30 feet from you at the end Pere eer mers See eee cee as asif they were dificult terrain. your emissary is immediately Peer gee eee ee eee ces ‘more than 30 feet from you at the end of your turn. ne ee ee cae a ee aoe Ue mnNT (200 feet), and 20th level (1 mile). You can use the shade in the following ways: Sern eC eee your commands. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and tee eee a eee cs other actions as normal ee Cece places with your shade at a cost of 15 feet of your movement, regardless of the distance between the two of you. a Cee ee eed Pt ee ee nae Co ect eso pr + When a creature that you can see within 5 feet of your Se ee ei seaction to make an opportunity attack against that creature as ifyou were in the shade’s space, ee ne eC eS eee Seren eee eee ee create a second one, the previous one vanishes, When an emissary is destroyed, it sinks into the ground and reverts back to being your shadow. Once you use this feature, you ee ot ho ee ets Peroni Thee aie rea auknaree s REAVER’S BLADE [At 2nd level you gain the ability o manifest a token of the eRe ‘wreathed blades of pure necrotic energy. By consuming a captured soul, ora lingering soul within 10 feet of you, you can manifest a twin pair of deadly necrotic blades instantly. ‘They appear in your hands, as long as they are free, I'you create a second pair of blades, the previous ones vanish, ee es finesse and thrown properties. They have a normal range of 60 feet and no long range, and your Reaver Blade returns to your hand immediately ater itis used to make a ranged oe On a hit, they deal Necrotic damage equal to 1d6 plus the ability modifier you used for the attack roll, ‘When you use the Attack action with a Reaver Blade, you can make a melee or ranged weapon attack with a second Reaver eee eens HAND OF DARKNESS Po eS ean knowledge, allowing you to strengthen the shade you Sree ene ester) souls instead of I to give your emissary a more corporeal form, and granting it ts own pair of Reaver Blades. Your shade now has the ability to take the attack action. You can command your emissary (no action required) to take the ce eee enter ers Proficiency Bonus for the attack roll, and adds your Dexterity Perea ee eee eee ete Ce Cees hits, provided you did not use your Attack from the Shadows fon the turn you commanded it and it meets the requirements, Seen E CC Mark OF DEATH [At th level the reaver within you helps you stalk Death's foes, allowing you to mark your prey. When you hita target, Pere ne ee eens ted blade's normal effects, and you can immediately consume a ‘captured soul to inflict deaths mark spon them, While the creature is marked, you can't have disadvantage on attack rolls against them. You always know in what plane of existence the marked creature is located, and you know their Peer eee teen ere ee reese eet target whenever you, or your shade deals damage with your Reaver blades. The mark lasts for 24 hours or until you use this feature again. FAGELESS STALKER SC en eee oS ce Ce cl your emissary. As an action, your shade becomes a perfect Sennen eee eg ee ee Peer ee eg eee Ces EU ene ra eaces pete ret cet eo eer eee you were located where itis, On each of your turns as a ferent ee eke eee ters your own, or back again. While you are using its senses, you are blinded and deafened in regard to your own surroundings. A creature can use its action to examine the ‘shade with an Intelligence (Investigation) check (DC equal to Sot oe estate omen coer te etc eck ney Senate Se) Bt i) at 14th level your connection with the Reaver within you strengthens further, allowing you to better manifest the token ofits power. When you manifest your Reaver Blades, you can consume an additional soul to give your attacks with a Reaver Blade the ability to tear the fabric ofa creature's soul, Your Reaver Blades gain the following benefits: Your attacks now score a critical hit on a 19-20. When you deal damage with your Attack from the eee oto ee eee eee cn ete eee oe a eee for a critical hit with your Reaver Blades. This increases Pe oR eee aca Any LasT Worps? et en ee eee eee ce eee ey vith your shadow. Nothing can stop you from fulfilling your oo ee ee ee tin eer tee eet enters PR eMac Roe ee ee ee Se eee ee Oa Sree ‘a creature that is surprised is aeritical hit. You can then Sec ean ‘one of the targets you hit or missed, You can use this feature once per Long Rest Tae Banke Cul Te} er) nay A A Fy F A n rn 3 4 5 A A G 4 5 iu 4 G A 4 G p A a 10 A 7 i A A rH 5 A 3 A A “ G A 15 G 10 16 G 10 ” G n 8 G i 19 G 2 Fr) G 2 Dark MAGE ‘The Ancient spirit of the Dark Mage was a master of the ee ao Seer en eed ere te een ee ee any Defy Death, and walk the earth once more. Or simply because it amuses them. Whatever reason it may have, grants you the ability to wield great dark magic. Dark MacEs GIFT Sea a ae eee eee talent, granting you the ability to tap into their prodigious Pee Cesare oa CANTRIPS You know three Cantrips of your choice from the Dark Mage spell lst. You learn one additional cantrip of your choice at 6th, 10th, and 1th level oan Forty ‘The Dark Mage Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Dark Mage spells. To cast one of your Dark Mage spells of Ist level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spells level or higher. Saal a) pore eee eens =) BBEBBRBBEEA EE re a er SS setE ol te BSR LBS ey Seen esr ncs enn ett erg ‘Mage spell lst. You learn new Dark Mage spells of your Co es ane t med eee ess Pree Cet eon eee ‘choose one of the Dark Mage spells you know and replace it eee ete es eee eee eee ent ete SPELLCASTING ABILITY Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Dark Mage spells, you ase your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your eee etre ee eee the saving throw DC for a Dark Mage spell you cast and ‘when making an Attack roll with one. ‘Spell save DC 8 ~ your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom er ‘Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus * your heres Dark MAGES UNDERSTANDING Se era a eee oes understanding it possessed, giving you stronger insight into the ebb and flow of the weave. You gain proficiency in the eS eC Se oe ee SUR eC ee eed ets cer a eee re pertaining to a magical item, effect, or spell you can gain knowledge from a success as if you had cast the Identify spell Sout Macic oe eRe ae eee ec the secrets of manipulating the life embers within the soul to a oe Cee tes you offer up a piece of yours as part of that exchange to gain See nea Senet se dieu a ING) A eee eee one ‘expend a number of Necromancer hit die equal to the spells evel to cast the spell without expending a spell slot. CO ee eee soul and expend a number of Necromancer hit die equal to the spells level to create additional spell slots. You can create spell slots no higher in level than Sth. OE ec ney erie ConverTING Spett Stots To Hit Dice Ota ecco t and consume one captured soul to regain a number of Sera ne em ten nse! SouL EMPOWERED SPELLCASTING ‘Starting at 6th level, you learn to infuse your spells with the ‘remaining embers of power contained within the souls you carry, When you cast a Dark Mage spell of Sth level or lower, you can consume a captured soul and a number of hit die up een actrees ‘consumed hit die and reduce both your current and ‘maximum hit points by half the result (rounded up. Se ener ec eee Cee eT Cee a ee ete eee ees a ‘When you cast a spell using this ability, you can choose to ee eC eee aE cd resistance to necrotic damage and treats immunity to peer ee Cea enc So eee re eee ee eee Pee Ce eee ee een td eens Sa 2 tae Ou e SC Oo eee eee energies, when you are the sole target ofa spell of Sth level Soe eee eee sca Make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC Sees he ee eee Cece spell fails, has no effect, is absorbed, and you regain one expended spell slot equal tothe level of the spell consumed. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you cera INN ho NEB SEU ALLOY Serer ape aes Coen Pa Ke pepper ts ee EA PES RE ego +L paeaamainiitie tara ihre a ee cameron Ge conan utter R creer ateg 7 * . Sout Puppet (Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest Per eee ee ae sean ere rr DarK Mace SPELL LIsT CoOL LEZ a DCm Coat Bee et Paes cas cae oma Cae esr) ore eg ey Pena acts Ray of Frost Pecans Sein Cea Toll the Dead erent rs agers Sap ec na cL TET ca Re Ca Bestow Curse reo ered Cd een cso) Pees Peed rd Hypnotic Pattern ea Peas nd Pie Tea ae Stinking Cloud A Se Ce Sed Se! NaC Cae Pence Cea crag foe emir oe aay Per] Pee ed econ) Prey eects eae aera Sem Corre err oc Pee cd Peed Peery ec Hold Monster ed Infernal Calling Negative Energy Flood Raise Dead Sas Wall of Force nears eas ery eo ee eet) Pe acy a Tors Mass Suggestion Mental Prison Soul Cage See) yarns Conjure Celestial one ey Fire Stora ene’ Pea eco ened Resurrection Neng ORDER OF THE MONARCH One phenomenon that is most often associated with necromancy: the raising of the dead. This field is exactly what feo nt ee one een eee Pe ee ee ‘those who join the ranks ofthis Order rely on the souls of the departed to accomplish their goals Pvt SU eee ec ereature into your service, as part of the reaction you take Sern Creer te eee eee service until you choose to release it. The creature can be no bigger than ‘medium’ size, and its CR can be no higher than, L AL 6th level, you can now raise undead soldiers with a CR toyour Necromancer level divided by 2. Additionally, you can Pc Stee ret eon Soe ge ee ee Serer ea er eet soldier's soul and you are already at your limit you must release one ofthe souls in your service (your choice). Undead soldiers do not count as collected souls for the purposes of Cen eer een meso Searcy Decoy tena) ‘The types of souls that you can raise change as you gain. aan eee Pee cn ec aoa Cece BS Cente tes e eC r partons OOS eee Cag rey re Leena perros CoE FortH My SHADOWS At 2nd level you can Materialize and summon forth an Po ee tery ‘materialize and control one undead soldier ata time. Peer US Rea ong in your service, When you summon your undead soldier, you ‘manifest A shadowy body of the former creature. ec ee ete tong versions ofits former tools, weapons, and equipment. ‘The creature isa reconstruction ofthe original creature that was used to make the undead soldier and hes all the ee eee ee ees eae Peete es ee ee ee Poe + Itloses any multiattack action it may have had, Segre e ot eee Serer eee en neers ceach of these abilities can only be used once per day. eee er cece ccannat be used to ascend more than 5 feet off the ground. eC Seer ore) or eure wounds, or magic items such as Healing potions. Sout Dick Se eC ee otro ee) soldiers with necromantic vitality called soul dice. The number of dice in the pool equals your Necromancer level + ae ea eee et een ‘unavailable until you finish a short or ong rest. POND U Ra RV easter When you Materialize an undead soldier you expend one of your soul die. The creature's current and maximum health CoS RO ee ee ee eer ee eun tee es passive traits it had in life, they may use your proficiency bonus rather than its own for their attacks, saves and skills, OU a eee otro Cate ener etey Pee eee eee ees per eee een ee Cece Peete ot reer eee ‘unoccupied space. An undead soldier creature disappears if it is reduced to 0 HP, until you cal it forth again Sere on eee eee ar ae eee ae he Cees cane eer eee est eer ete ‘expend a number of Soul dice up to your proficiency bonus. Prose Re he Eo) PN or MOO ENE) You may use your action to give your soldiers verbal orders ‘which they will obey tothe best of their ability, even if they do not share a language with you. You must be able to use your See eee eed ee ere ad When you give your soldiers a command, they share your re ee eee eee ese) and may move and use any of their attacks, abilities, or spells available to them, as long as they are able to do so. Ifyou choose to not give them a command, orifyour soldier cannot hear you, they will automatically move into range of the closest enemy that they can see and will use the attack Renee eee eer een eM Coot cad ones At 6th level, you and your undead soldiers have mastered the ability to act synchronously, your undead soldiers now pereeeeeretecets Da Soldiers last 10 minutes, or until they are dismissed. Soldiers are dismissed if they move outside the Monarchs Domain, (dctaled later inthis section), oF ifthey or you fall eee tee eee soldier disappears and returns to being a Soul contained SO ee a ae Eee Rear asy ‘An undead soldier can be summoned and resummoned a Sree eee ea eens Eee een eet erent ees re dependent on rests until completing a short or long rest peed Monarcu's DoMAIN ree een a eee enor eee eee times. You cannot willingly move an undead soldier beyond, this range. Ifever your undead soldier finds itself outside this distance, itis immediately dismissed, Your domain range inereases every time you reach a new Order Feature. At 6th level (50 feet), 10th level (100 feet), eae eee ese ey MONARCHS ARMAMENTS Sere eens rer er em econ cee ed state, though the item keeps all abilities and statistics. Your ‘equipment changes size to match the form of its new wielder, as long as its capable for the undead soldier to wield, You Oe ee te eens oe ee ee eee ord CeCe ee eo aa ‘one such item at a time. If another item is given, the previous Peer ete re eee eee ian SOVEREIGN DECREE Cee en ee eee captured souls to spur your undead soldiers to greater action. Once per round, choose one ofthe following: er eeecy When you're within 10 feet of an undead soldier and a creature makes an attack against you, you can use your reaction and expend one soul die and consume one captured soul to switch places with that undead soldier, provided it isn't incapacitated, This movement doesn't provoke ‘opportunity attacks. Roll the sou! die. Until the start of your next turn, the undead soldier gains a bonus to AC equal to cere ee eeeren) Se cee cece ey eee eee et eet rere Eee Sts ee ae ee ee eee ‘weapon's normal effects, and becomes marked wntil the end ‘of our next turn, Roll the soul die, The first attack made on eee eer eee seen damage equal to the result of your soul die + your Wisdom eer ToM You can consume one captured soul, and expend one soul die, to have an undead soldier of your choice, within 30 feet ‘of you, and that can hear you, use their reaction to move up to their full movement speed toward you without provoking ‘opportunity attacks. Roll the sou! die. Ifyour undead soldier cree eee ee ee ete ee cee Hit points equal to the result of your soul die + your Wisdom pore IV COD PU Lola Z AUR Ceh Se oe eee ect es soldiers begins to permeate their newly corporeal flesh. Your Pt ot een eee eet ccs purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non: errors Additionally, as you grow in strength, the undead soldiers you currently have in your service grow more powerful Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement class feature, your undead soldiers’ abilities also improve. Your undead soldiers can increase one ability score of your choice eer ee ee eee por et econ eee eed score above 20 using this feature unless its description, ee ee gee ee Oecd Pore nee Finally, ifyou are targeted by an attack or a spell, you may Peete ees Penn et re one ert ceed Percent ene ete ere ener ‘WE ARE LEGION At 10th level your Necrotic mastery allows you the ability to expand the number of Soldiers you can wield. You can now control a number of undead soldiers equal to your proficiency Peer beeen fo eter eae eee Se a eee eee eee However, each soldier is unique, and when you summon Ste eee rete ans ‘The Cumulative value of your soldier's CR may be no higher See eects command your soldiers, you command all active soldiers. ewer eee eee onsrw it Se Oe ee aU ve nie? Conversely you can have 2 Undead soldiers with @ CR of peers as Additionally Oe eee a ae a ee en eee! SU ei) SO ers oe cee se the original creature had the ability to do so. They cannot use abilities that summon other creatures, however. eee ee Son eee ee aa es ead Sen Se eee coe ec HAND OF THE KING eC See Retest eet cere cary ren eee ee undead soldier you control or possess encase youin a pee eet eet ae een oy re ee eee ere eee ioe ste + Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the undead soldier, but you retain your alignment, personality, size, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. If rer rece reece eres the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, you may use the soldier's bonus instead of yours, Ifthe soldier has any Damage Resistances, Immunities, and Vulnerabilities Seer ee eet eae ee eee ed coe eee os Your AC equals 13 + your Wisdom modifier. Ifthe undead soldier has a natural armor that is higher than yours, you ‘may use the soldier's armor class instead of yours. eae eee ei anc

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