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Table Of Contents Sculpting Style

Soul Sculptor Carving

Parchment, Quartz, and Shears
Expanded Explanations Tough Hands
Mechanics Explanation Stone's Might
Lore Explanation Jagged Edges
Class Features Insulated Seal
Shell Fragment
Flashing Modeling
Screening Substance Mimicry
Malleable Weaponized Substance
Sculpting Style Soul Food
Ability Score Improvement Style and Substance
Extra Attack Strategic Mimicry
Permeate Untouchable Style
Vapor Assembly
Enameling Soul Shot
Infinite Canvas Reassembly
Soul Recovery Soul Piece
Soul Surge Restructure
Empowered Soul Moving Parts
Soul Artist Broken Piece, Intact Whole
Clearly Shaped Soul
Casted Mold
Signature Shapes
Marbled Cloth
Secondary Shape
Perfect Form
Relief Style
Will of Stone
Accurate Depiction
Deep Relief
Versitile Sculptor
Overpowering Will
Free Form
Around the Round
Power Through Limitations
Second Round
Perfect Angle
Perpetual Viewing
Mechanics Credits:
Art Credits:
Soul Sculptor

iolet haze enshrouds a halfling as he looks up
at the Goliath that just insulted him. The room
goes quiet as the menacing bloodlust of the
halfling fills the air, causing the Goliath to
sweat with fear. The halfling then smiles and
says, "That's no way to make friends. How
about we have a friendly sparring match
outside to determine who's stronger?"
A changeling takes a deep breath to calm themselves
down. They need to be at their best or the plan won't work.
They step into the bank and while they're chatting with a
bank teller, they reach into their bag to produce a set of
documents that were not there before to smooth over the
conversation. The teller buys it. The changeling follows the
teller to the deposit boxes in the back.
A blind orc stands against an assassin who was certain his
poison would have killed the orc already. The orc pulls back
his fist and ends the encounter with a single strike. Reports
of the aftermath the following day suggest that the assassin
was obliterated by the foot of a wandering Tarrasque.
Soul Sculptors are warriors that use the power of their
soul to enhance their bodies, sharpen their talents, and
create magical effects.
Soul Power
Through sheer force of will, you've become able to
manipulate your own soul. Souls are the currency of the Nine
Hells for a reason: Soul Power is remarkably strong, and
doesn't follow the usual rules of magic. Instead of casting
spells, you can create magical effects through a direct
manipulation of your soul. This makes your body more
powerful and direct attacks using your body enhanced
through the power of your soul.
As a result, the force of your unbreakable will has made
you into a unique abberation of existance with strange
powers that most would find baffling. Your strength belongs
to no god, no arcane tradition, and no magical creature. YOU
are the source of your own power, and your desires are so
strong that you managed to tap into a power so potent that
Devils the multiverse over spend all of their time trying to
obtain souls specifically to obtain this power.
Unstoppable Will
Soul Sculptors are beings that have dedicated themselves to
a purpose that defines their existance and, as such, they will
use anything to achieve that purpose.
As a result, they take the idea of using their body and soul
as literally as possible. However, the sheer madness most
Soul Sculptors exhibit makes them unique outliers in
practically any population the exist within. Unless a soul
sculptor takes measures to remain hidden, they will
undoubtedly stand out from the crowd.


Lore Explanation
Expanded Explanations Now, to answer the million-dollar question:
This section is here because while the concept of dropping a How do I explain someone that uses their soul as a
magical fighter into a fantasy setting isn't inheriently difficult, weapon appearing?
dropping in one so strange into settings where magic is The answer is thankfully simple:
common and this form of magic isn't well-known can be. It's They possess a willpower that borders on madness.
also here to explain the mechanical identity of the class, as Manipulating one's soul is an extremely difficult form of
well as give you first-time Soul Sculptors a chance to wrap magic. Most people actively seeking to learn how to do magic
your head around the intricacies of this class. typically find a faster route to power through natural talent or
So, if you want to understand how to make the most of this arcane manipulation. However, every living creature that
class and help your DM understand how it works, look at possesses a soul possesses a form of magical energy that
Mechanics Explanation. cannot be stripped from them without their permission.
If you want to help your DM fit your character into the Thus, beings with an absurdly strong will can, tapping into
game easier or just want some ideas of how to write a the essense of their existance, draw out a power that is theirs
character of this class into your game, read the Lore alone. It's not the sort of thing that a being can simply do,
Explanation. however. It requires repeatedly following one's desires to
what many people would consider gratuitous or downright
Mechanics Explanation unhealthy. An elf that spends centuries solely honing their
Let's get the big one out of the way first: martial arts, ignored the entirety of society and even
You are a mix between a monk and a sorcerer. neglected their families in their pursuit of strength to the
This class's core features, Soul Points and Soul Dice, are point of being disowned would be a good example of the sort
in some ways similar to Ki Points and Martial Dice. However, of the insane unyeilding willpower required for one to access
while the Monk's abilities focus primarily on mobility, the power of their soul.
evasion, and hit and run tactics, the Soul Sculptor does not This doesn't mean that they are insane, just that are more
neccesarily fall into that roll. Like Sorcerers, Soul Sculptors willing to act in ways that normal people would view as
can expend Soul Points to augment their abilities and their unsettling or concerning to achieve their goals.
range of abilities is heavily influenced by their subclass. As a Soul magic is rare and viewed as dangerous.
result, Soul Sorcerers are a martial class that can focus on a Seeing as the most common form of soul magic is
specific style of combat or utility and become powerhouses in necromancy, wherein the soul is typically perverted or
their areas of expertise. One thing they all have in common, extinguished for the purpose of gaining magical power, most
however, is the power of their unarmed strike. arcane casters would probably be unsettled by witnessing
Your unarmed strikes are powerful. soul magic at work, as the implications of regularly using it is
No matter which subclass you select, since your soul is that the individual is experienced with some form of bizzare
your power, your center of power is typically the center of necromancy.
your body, where your soul is (typically) stored. As a result, The reaction of a cleric typically depends on thier stance
your body can damage others exponentailly harder as your on necromancy. If they are opposed to it, they'll probably
willpower, represented by Charisma, rises. However, this initially feel unsettled by the use of soul magic, if they
does not mean that you are limited to simply punching recognize that it is soul magic. If they're used to necromancy,
everything because you have a wide variety of options when it they probably won't care much.
comes to subclasses. That said, if someone were to witness the Soul Sculptor
Your Sculptor Style will determine your area of use their magic multiple times, it would become clear that
combative expertise. they are not, in fact, necromancers, and that their powers are
Since doing this in any form other than a list would be silly, very different from that of necromancy, even if they do use
here's a list: their powers to animate corpses (cough, cough, Relievers).
Moving on, these factors all contribute to the last effect:
Carvers are brutish sluggers that can tank attacks and Soul Sculptors tend to make a strong first impression.
deal heavy damage. Since their very existance has been consciously warped by
Modellers are tricky elemental combatants with versitile their desires, it's difficult for most Soul Sculptors to go
bonus action options. unnoticed unless they go to great pains to remain hidden. Be
Assemblers are ranged masters that can strike opponents it as a result of the actions they take in the pursuit of their
from afar. desires, their strange magical powers, or some combination
Casters are versitile fighters with addional utility skills of the two, most people will remember their first encounter
and tools to find alternative routes. with a Soul Sculptor.
Relievers are sneaky charmers that use objects animated
objects and mind-manipulation to gain the upper hand.
Freestanders are strange fighters that place limitations
on their powers to recieve remarkable power in return.
DMs, to challenge a Soul Sorcerer, make them fight
outside their area of expertise. They have the tools to fight
outside their specialized role, but doing so requires them to
change tactics and use their resources carefully.
Creating a Soul Sculptor Quick Build
Soul Sculptors are defined by 2 factors: their main goal and Make Charisma your highest score, followed by Constitution.
their methods. So the two main questions you need to Then, take the Hermit, Urban Bounty Hunter, or Folk Hero
answer when creating a Soul Sculptor are: "What does this background.
person what to achieve?" and "How does this person go about
achieving their goals?"
Typically, Soul Sculptors are durable beings that typcally
seek out larger than life goals and their biggest limitation is
typically the amount of power they can draw out of their soul.
The myriad of subclasses available to this class will typically
reflect the methodology and personality of the soul sculptor.
Brute force, quick improvisation, general versatility, careful
planning, or unparalleled willpower are all methods available
to the soul sculptor to achieve their goals. Once you know
how they want to achieve their goal and what methods they
will employ to do so, you're good to go.


Soul Sculptor
Proficiency Soul Soul
Level Bonus Points Features Dice
1st +2 2 Shell, Flashing, Screening 1d4
2nd +2 2 Malleable 1d4
3rd +2 5 Sculpting Style 1d4
4th +2 6 Ability Score Improvement 1d4
5th +3 7 Extra Attack 1d6
6th +3 8 Permeate, Vapor 1d6
7th +3 10 Sculpting Style Feature 1d6
8th +3 11 Ability Score Improvement 1d6
9th +4 12 Enameling 1d6
10th +4 13 Sculpting Style Feature 1d6
11th +4 14 Infinite Canvas 1d8
12th +4 15 Ability Score Improvement 1d8
13th +5 16 Soul Recovery 1d8
14th +5 17 Soul Surge 1d8
15th +5 18 Sculpting Style Feature 1d8
16th +5 20 Ability Score Improvement 1d8
17th +6 21 Empowered Soul 1d10
18th +6 22 Sculpting Style Feature 1d10
19th +6 24 Ability Score Improvement 1d10
20th +6 25 Soul Artist 1d10

(a) one simple weapon or (b) one improvised weapon of

Class Features your choice.
Your Class gains the following features. (a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
(a) 1 musical instrument or (b) 1 gaming set.
Hit Points Shell
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Soul Sculptor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Beginning at first level, you begin to understand how to draw
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (5) + your Constitution out your soul to begin reforming it. By continually pulling on
modifier per Soul Sculptor level after 1st. your soul's power, you create a steam-like shroud of ethereal
energy which empowers your body.
Proficiencies While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield,
Armor: None. you gain the following benefits:
Weapons: Simple weapons, Improvise weapons, 1 Martial
weapon of your choice. You can use Charisma instead of Strength for the attack
Tools: 1 set of artisan's tools and either: and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
(a) 1 musical instrument or (b) 1 gaming set. You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your
Saving Throws: CON, CHA unarmed strike. This die changes as you gain soul
Skills: Choose 2 from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, sculptor levels, as shown in the Soul Dice column of the
Investigation, Perception, and Stealth. Soul Sculptor table.
Equipment When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the on your turn, you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus
equipment granted by your background: action.
(a) one simple weapon or (b) one martial weapon you are You may add your Charisma Modfier to your Armor Class.
proficient with.
Flashing Extra Attack
At first level you are able to flare your soul, causing its power Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, insteade of once,
to burst forth in explosive flashes, allowing you to harness its whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
power futher.
When you finish a long rest, you recover all expended Soul Permeate
Points. When you finish a short rest, you regain half of your Starting at 6th level, you've learned to strengthen and extend
maximum Soul Points, rounded down. your soul beyond just your body and into objects you are
Using a bonus action, you may expend 1 soul point to begin handling, turning them into extentions of yourself.
Flashing for 1 minute. Flashing ends early if you are Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of
incapacitated and you may end it early using a free action. overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks
While you are flashing, you gain the following benefits: and damage.
You may add 1 soul dice to each attack roll and damage Additionally, using a bonus action, you can expend 2 Soul
roll you make. Points to extend your soul to any non-sentient object you are
holding, so long as the object is size Small or smaller. For 1
If you make an intimidation (charisma) check, you may hour, until you stop holding the object, or you dismiss
add 1 soul dice to the roll. Permeate with a free action, you gain the following benefits:
If you are benefiting from the Shell feature, add your Attacks made with the selected object count as unarmed
proficiency bonus to your current Armor Class. strikes.

Screening Vapor
At first level, you learn how to draw your soul inward to Starting at 6th level, you have learned how to extend your
conceal your presence. However, doing so makes you soul to cover a large distance. In doing so, you can sense
vulnerable and can be dangerous if not done carefully. objects and disturbances within your soul's shroud.
You can begin Screening as a bonus action on your turn. Using a bonus action, you can spend 3 soul points to
While you are Screening, you may add a Soul Dice to any extend your soul's shroud to cover a circle around you for 1
Stealth checks you make. minute. The range of this circle is equal to half of your
While you are Screening, you cannot benefit from any proficiency modifier (rounded down) multiplied by 5.
other feature of this class unless they specifically mention While your soul is expanded over an area, you have
that they can be used while you are Screening. Other features blindsight inside the range specified above. You have
which have a duration (such as Flashing) end when you begin advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks while your soul is
Screening. You may stop Screening using a free action on any expanded over an area.
of your turns after the turn you began Screening.
Malleable Starting at 9th level, you've learned to quickly shift the focus
At second level, you have started recognizing how to apply of your soul to protect your body from oncoming attacks.
your soul to your mind and specific parts of your body at the Using your reaction when an enemy you can see makes an
same time. attack against you, you may expend 1 Soul Point. Roll 1 Soul
As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 1 Soul Point Dice and subtract the rolled value of the Soul Dice from the
and select 1 skill. For the next minute, when you make a skill enemy's attack roll.
check using that skill, roll 1 Soul Dice and add it to the skill
check roll. Infinite Canvas
Beginning at 11th level, you are now keenly aware of the
Sculpting Style interactions between souls in the world around you, allowing
At third level, you've started to find your own style that works you to be more attuned to nature and other living things as
well with your soul. Select a Sculpting Style, which will grant your senses become sharper.
you features at 3rd, 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level. You gain advantage on any Perpection (Wisdom) checks
that rely on sight, smell, taste, and sound. Also you can add
your Charisma modifier to any Animal Handling (Wisdom)
Ability Score Improvement checks.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Soul Recovery
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by Starting at 13th level, you can start drawing on your soul's
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 power to keep yourself stable.
using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat (see You no longer require sleep. Instead spending the time in a
Chapter 6 for a list of feats). semi-conscious state gives you the same benefits. While
semi-conscious, you can still see and hear but have
disadvantage on any Perception (Wisdom) checks.


Additionally, when you finish a short rest, you regain You gain resistance to Bludgeoning, Slashing, Piercing, and
additional Soul Points equal to your Constitution modifier. Force damage.
Additionally, any friendly creature within 10 feet of you can
Soul Surge add 1 Soul Dice to a saving throw which would inflict the
Starting at 14th level, you can push yourself beyond your Charmed or Frightened condition on them.
normal limits for a short time. On your turn, you may take an Soul Artist
additional action.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long At 20th level, your unarmed strikes score a critical hit on a
rest before you can use it again. roll of 19 or 20. Additionally, when you land a critical hit, you
regain a number of Soul Points equal to your Charisma
Empowered Soul modifier.
Beginning at 17th level, the strength of your soul provides a
more potent defense which even extends to your allies.


Sculpting Style Starting at 18th level, you've molded your soul into a lethal
As you hone your power with your soul, you begin to fall into weapon that can tear others from their mortal frame.
one of the styles of soul sculpting that works best with your When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can
particular soul. spend 4 soul points to use your soul to attempt to rip the soul
from the target. When you use this action, the creature must
Carving make a Constitution saving throw. The DC is 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma Modifier. If it fails, it is
Carving is the art of using overwhelming force to craft your reduced to 0 hit points. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 force
soul into a deadly weapon, as well as a powerful defense. damage.
Forcing your soul through the most rigorous training makes
you more durable and more physically capable.
Parchment, Quartz, and Shears
At 3rd level, using an action, you may expend 1 Soul Points to
make an unarmed strike using either your action or your
bonus action.
The damage for this unarmed strike is equal to 1 Soul
Dice + your Charisma modifier + your Constitution
modifier, and you may the damage type to be Piercing,
Slashing, or Bludgeoning. This damage counts as magical for
the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
nonmagical attacks and damage
The damage dealt by this attack increases by 1 Soul Dice
at 7th (2 soul dice), 10th(3 soul dice), and 15th level (4 soul
Tough Hands
Additionally at 3rd level, your body's natural healing is
enhanced as well, allowing you to recover from injuries
If you expend any number of Hit Dice to recover hit points,
you add 1 Soul Dice to each Hit Dice roll.
Stone's Might
Starting at 7th level, most attacks barely faze you and your
physical prowess is awe-inspiring.
You are treated as one size larger when determining your
carrying capacity and the weight you can push, pull, drag, or
lift. You also gain advantage on skill checks and saving
throws which use your Strength modifier.
Jagged Edges
Starting at 10th level, the edges of your soul can be pushed
within a small range.
While you are Flashing, whenever an enemy within 5 feet
of you makes a melee attack against you, that enemy must
make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma Modifier. On a failure,
they take force damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Insulated Seal
Starting at 15th level, your soul has hardened into a
consistent wall of force.
If an enemy you cannot see makes an attack roll against
you, that attack does not have advantage. Additionally, when
you use the Enameling feature, you may spend 1 soul point to
make an unarmed strike against the creature that is attacking
Weaponized Substance
Modeling Additionally at 3rd level, using an action, you may expend 2
Modelers fashion their soul to have the properties of Soul Points to make an unarmed strike against a creature
substances they are familiar with, allowing them to create within 30 feet of you.
unique substances with special powers. The damage for this unarmed strike is equal to 1 Soul
Dice + your Charisma modifier + your Constitution
Substance Mimicry modifier, and that damage is one of the types which
At 3rd level, select 2 properties from the Substance Mimicry corresponds to the Substances you selected from the
chart. Substance Mimicry chart.
You may use a bonus action to use either of the effects The damage dealt by this attack increases by 1 Soul Dice
listed on the chart from the 2 substances you selected, and at 7th (2 soul dice), 10th(3 soul dice), and 15th level (4 soul
the damage type related to the substance determines what dice).
kinds of damage you can choose from when you use the
Weaponized Substance feature.
Substance Mimicry
Substance Effect Type
Acid Take the Disengage Action or dissolve 1 non-magical object that weighs 5 pounds or less Acid
and isn't being worn or carried by you.
Air Take the Dodge Action Action or move 1 non-magical object that isn't being worn or carried Thunder
within 30 feet of you that weighs 5 pounds or less up to 10 feet in any direction.
Electricity Take the Dash Action or touch 1 non-magical object that weighs 5 pounds or Lightening
less, it glows, shedding dim light within 15 feet of it for 1 minute.
Fire Take the Help Action or set fire to 1 flamable object within 30 feet of you Fire
that is not being worn or carried by a creature hostile to you.
Gum Take the Grapple Action. When you make a grapple check using this effect, Slashing
you use Intimidation (Charisma) for the roll instead of Athletics (Strength).
Ice Take the Hide Action or freeze the surface of 5 square feet of water which can support Cold
up to 250 pounds of weight.
Iron Take the Use an Object Action or increase your AC by 2 until the start of your next turn. Bludgeoning
Rubber Take the Shove action. When you make a shove check using this effect, Piercing
you use Intimidation (Charisma) for the roll instead of Athletics (Strength).
Venom Take the Ready Action or add 1d6 poison damage to each melee or ranged attack Poison
you make until the start of your next turn.

Soul Food Substance Style

Substance Skill
Starting at 7th level, your soul has become capable of using
the substance it mimics as fuel for its power. Acid Survival.
If you are hit by one of the Damage Types corresponding to Air Acrobatics.
the Substances you selected from the Substance Mimicry Electricity Perception.
table, you may elect to ignore any resistances and immunities
you have to that damage. Fire Athletics.
If you do, you regain a number of Soul Points equal to the Gum Sleight of Hand.
number of damage dice rolled for the source that dealt you Ice Stealth.
Iron Persuasion.
Style and Substance Rubber Athletics.
Starting at 10th level, you've gotten to the point where you Venom Deception.
can use your abilities to make you as functional as you are
Add your Charisma Modifier to the skills listed on the
Substance Style table which corresponds to the Substances
you selected from the Substance Mimicry table.


Strategic Mimicry Untouchable Style
Starting at 15th level, when you use the Weaponized Starting at 18th level, you gain immunity to the damage types
Substance feature, you may select any number of targets which corresponds to the damage type of the Substances you
within 30 feet of you. selected from the Substance Mimicry table.


The piece of your soul is intangible, lasts for 1 minute or until
Assembly you recall it with a free action, and if a creature occupies the
Assemblers realize that a soul, much like a statue, can be same space as it, it moves to the closest unoccupied space of
formed into pieces which then can be reassembled or your choice. When you make an unarmed strike, you may do
transformed seperate from the whole or returned to the so as though you were standing in the space occupied by the
whole. This allows them to send pieces of their soul out to piece of your soul. Soul Pieces are not dismissed if you use
attack at long distances and recover them. the Screening feature while they are active, but instead
become invisible while you are Screening.
If you recall the piece of your soul early, you gain 1 Soul
Soul Shot Point.
At 3rd level, using an action, you may expend 1 Soul Points to
make an unarmed strike against a creature within 60 feet of Restructure
you. Starting at 10th level, you've learned to quickly dissassemble
The damage for this unarmed strike is equal to 1 Soul your form and reassemble it around your soul pieces.
Dice + your Charisma modifier + your Constitution Using an action, you may expend 3 soul points to teleport
modifier, and that damage is force damage. to a space occupied by one of your soul pieces created with
The damage dealt by this attack increases by 1 Soul Dice the Soul Piece feature. If you do so, that Soul Piece occupies
at 7th (2 soul dice), 10th(3 soul dice), and 15th level (4 soul the location you teleported from.
Reassembly Moving Parts
Additionally at 3rd level, whenever you use the Soul Piece Starting at 15th level, you've learned how to influence pieces
feature, if your attack misses, you may expend a reaction to of your soul while they are active.
regain 1 Soul Point or reroll the attack roll. When you make an unarmed strike, you may move each of
If you reroll the attack roll, you must use the new roll. your soul pieces up to 10 feet.

Soul Piece Broken Piece, Intact Whole

Starting at 7th level, you've learned to warp the pieces of your Starting at 18th level, you've learned how to selectively allow
soul that you break off to make them more versitile. pieces of your soul to be expended in order to keep the rest of
Using a bonus action, you can expend 2 Soul Points to your soul from leaving your body.
select an empty 5-foot cubic space within 60 feet of you. An If your HP would be lowered to 0, you may expend 1 soul
piece of your soul occupies that space, appearing as a point and dismiss 1 soul piece created using the Soul Piece
glowing ball of light that can be as small as 1 feet in diameter feature. If you do, you do not regain 1 soul point and your HP
or as large as 5 feet in diameter. is lowered to 1 instead of 0.


Casting Casted Mold
Casters, drawing on the world around them for reference, are Additionally at 3rd level, using an action, you may expend 2
able to use their soul to create tangible objects that are either Soul Points to create an object to help you with the selected
exact copies or, among experience casters, completely unique skill, the selected artisan's tools, or the selected weapon from
objects that aid them in any situation. the Clearly Shaped Soul feature. The object must weigh less
than 20 pounds, costs less than 50 gold, and, upon close
examination, is made of material that appears to be fake.
Clearly Shaped Soul Anything you summon using this ability vanishes if it is
At 3rd level, you become able to use your soul to create more than 100 feet away from you, the object is broken.
objects that you have a supernatural talent for using. However, these objects do not disapear when you are
Select each of the following: Screening. If you use this ability while an object you
summoned is in existance, the object previously created
1 skill you do not have proficiency with. disappears.
1 set of artisan's tools you do not have proficiency with. While you have an item created with this feature to help
you with the selected skill, you may add your Charisma
1 simple or martial weapon you do not have proficiency modifier to your bonus for the selected skill.
with. While you have a set of artisan's tools created with this
feature, you may add your Charisma modifier to your bonus
You gain proficiency with the selected skill. for the selected skill.
You gain proficiency with the selected artisan's tools. While you have a weapon summoned using this feature,
You gain proficiency with the selected weapon. attacks made with this weapon count as unarmed strikes and
you may add your Charisma modifier instead of Strength or
Dexterity for attack rolls and damage rolls made with this


Signature Shapes Weapon Shape
Property Effect
Starting at 7th level, you've mastered the art of molding your
soul in objects with unique properties that differentiate them Aerodynamic This weapon gains the
Thrown property, gaining
from ordinary objects. a range of 20/60.
Select 1 option from the Skill Shape table. The object you
summon to help you with your skill gains that property and Big This weapon gains the
its corresponding effects. Reach property.
Select 1 option from the Tool Shape table. The artisan's Pre-Loaded You may ignore the Loaded
tools you summon gain that property and its corresponding property of this weapon.
effects. Scoped If this weapon has a range,
Select 1 option from the Weapon Shape table. The double it.
artisan's tools you summon gain that property and its
corresponding effects. Sentient The item gains a personality
of your specification, can speak,
Some of the effects require a saving throw against your and counts as a magical item
Shape DC. Your shape DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + for the purposes of bypassing
your Charisma Modifier. immunity resistance to non-
magical attacks and damage.
Skill Shape
Property Effect
Marbled Cloth
Ordinary This object is indistiguishable from
objects created using normal Starting at 10th level, you've become able to craft armor from
materials. your soul to defend you from danger.
Subtle This object cannot be seen unless
Using an action and expending 4 soul points, you create a
the creature looking for it passes set of common clothes. These clothes, while worn by you,
a Perception check against your provide an AC of 14 + your Charisma modifier.
Shape DC. These clothes dissapear if they are more than 100 feet
Sturdy This object adds your Constitution
away from you. If you use are Screening, then these clothes
modifier to the skill it assists you with. do not disappear, but they do not provide an AC while you are
Screening and you become invisible if you are wearing them
Versitile Select 1 other skill. This object can while you are Screening.
be used to help you with that skill
and adds your Charisma modifier
to that skill when it is used for Secondary Shape
that skill. Starting at 15th level, you've expanded your repitoire begun
the process of expanding your arsenal of creation while
Tool Shape becoming faster and more efficient at it.
Property Effect When you use the Casted Mold feature, you may do so
Professional Select 1 skill you are proficient in. using a bonus action. If you do, you may do so by expending 1
You may double your proficiency Soul point and you may create up to 2 objects with the
bonus with that skill. Casted Mold feature. If you use Casted Mold a third time
while 2 objects created by it are in existance,
Soothing During a short rest, you may
use these tools to roll 1 Soul Dice
Additionally, select each of the following:
and regain HP equal to the roll. 1 skill you are not proficient with.
Unique Objects crafted using these tools
are worth 1.5 times their 1 weapon you are not proficient with.
normal value.
Unsettling If you make an Intimidation roll while You gain proficiency with that skill and that weapon. You
you have these tools, you gain may summon an item to help you with that skill using the
advantage on that roll. Casted Mold feature and you may summon that weapon
using the Casted Mold feature.
Select 1 proptery from the Skill Shape table to apply to the
item that helps you with the selected skill and 1 property
from the Weapon Shape table to apply to the weapon


Perfect Form
Starting at 18th level, even your worst attempts of creation
are comparable to that of masters.
If you attempt a skill roll or an attack roll using an item or
weapon created using the Crafted Mold feature and you roll
lower than a 10, you may treat the roll as a 10.


Light Relief
Relieving Using an action, you may expend 2 Soul Points and select a
Relievers, upon realizing that their soul can be manipulated, creature within 30 feet of you. That creature makes a
seek to use it in a way that allows them to manipulate either Charisma saving through against your Relief DC. If the target
inanimate objects, other living creatures, or even their own is hostile towards you, it has advantage on the saving throw.
body. If the target fails the saving throw, it is charmed for 1 hour
or until it takes damage.
Relief Style
At 3rd level, select one of the following Relief Styles. You can't Will of Stone
take a Relief Style option more than once, even if you later Additionally at 3rd level, you become immune to the charmed
get to choose again. and fear conditions.
Most of these Relief Styles require a saving throw against
your Relief DC. Your Relief DC is equal to 8 + your Accurate Depiction
Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. Starting at 7th level, you may expend 2 Soul Points.
Low Relief
For the next minute or until you are incapacitated, you
Using an action, you may expend 2 Soul Point to to touch an must use your action to make an unarmed strike. If you
object that weigh 5 pounds or less. cannot make an attack, you must take the dodge action.
That object becomes a Small construct with an AC equal to For that minute, if you make an unarmed strike or an
8 + your Charisma modifier, 1 HP, and any saving throws they attack roll, you may add 1 soul dice to the roll.
make are made using your proficiencies. The Small construct
does not have a turn and cannot move on its own. Deep Relief
You may use an action to move the construct up to 30 feet Starting at 10th level, you gain a second Relief Style.
and make an unarmed strike. Unarmed strikes made by this
construct are counted as though you had made the unarmed Versitile Sculptor
Constructs created by this ability last for 1 minute or until Starting at 15th level, you may ignore immunity to the
the HP of the construct is reduced to 0, at which point the charmed condition for creatures you attempt to charm using
construct reverts back into object it was before being turned a Relief Style.
into a construct. If you create an animated construct using the Low Relief
style, that construct's HP is equal to your Soul Sculptor level.
High Relief
When you hit an unarmed strike, you may expend 5 Soul Overpowering Will
Points to force the hit target to make a Charisma saving Starting at 18th level, when a creature makes a saving throw
throw against your Relief DC. against your Relief DC, you may use your reaction and
If the target fails the saving throw, you may command them expend 2 Soul Points to roll 1 Soul Dice from their saving
to attack another creature, go prone, or flee. throw.
If you do not specify what attack to use or you specify an
attack the target cannot perform, the target will use thier
least powerful attack.
If the target is already prone, telling them to go prone does
If you tell the target to flee, they immediately move directly
away from you as far as their movement speed will allow.
Sunken Relief
Using an action, you may expend 4 Soul Points to create a
sphere of influence that extends 15 feet in all directions and
lasts for 1 minute.
When creatures within the sphere of influence attempt to
make an attack roll against you, they must make a Charisma
saving throw against your Relief DC. On a failure, the
creature cannot attack you on the turn they fail the saving
You have advantage on Persuasion, Deception,
Intimidation, Insight, and Animal Handling checks targeting
creatures within your sphere of influence.


The damage dealt by this attack increases by 1 Soul Dice
Freestanding at 7th (2 soul dice), 10th(3 soul dice), and 15th level (4 soul
Having taken your soul into your own hands, your existance dice).
is entirely your own, to the point where your very presence
exhudes a strength that is uniquely your own, molded by your Around the Round
quirks and habits. Even among other Soul Sculptors, your Additionally at 3rd level, you must select 2 conditions from
powers stand alone. the Form Condition chart. You may only use the Free Form
feature when 1 or more of these conditions are met.
Free Form When you use the Free Form feature, select 1 of the effects
At 3rd level, using an action, you may expend 2 Soul Points to that corresponds to the condition you meet. That effect is
make an unarmed strike. applied to the unarmed strike made using the Free Form
The damage for this unarmed strike is equal to 1 Soul Dice feature.
+ your Charisma modifier + your Constitution modifier,
and you may the damage type to be Necrotic, Psychic, or Power Through Limitations
Radiant. Starting at 7th level, when you meet 2 or more of your
selected conditions from the Form Condition chart, add 1
Soul Dice to the damage roll for your unarmed strikes.
Form Condition
Condition Effect
You expend 1 hit dice before you make the attack roll. You may add 1 Soul Dice to the damage dealt.
Your eyes are closed from when you make the attack roll You have advantage on this attack roll.
until the start of your next turn.
You have advantage on the attack roll for the You may add -5 to the attack roll to add
unarmed strike. +10 to the damage dealt by the attack.
You speak to the target before you make the attack on the same Your unarmed strike gains a range of 60 feet.
turn you make the attack, and the target hears you.
Your attack hits. The target has disadvantage on attacks
against you until the start of your next turn.
You do not use your action on your previous turn. Triple the number of damage dice rolled for
this unarmed strike.
You hear your target verbally agree to let you hit You may heal your target for half of this attack's
them the same round you use this ability. damage instead of dealing them damage.
The target hit you with an attack roll this round. If the attack roll for this unarmed attack is a 9 or
lower, the rolled value is treated as a 10.


Second Round Perpetual Viewing
Starting at 10th level, you may select another 2 conditions Starting at 18th level, if you meet all 4 of your selected
from the Form Condition chart. conditions from the Form Condition chart, regain 1 Soul
Point when you use the Free Form feature.
Perfect Angle
Starting at 15th level, when you meet 2 or more conditions
you have selected from the Form Condition chart, you may
select up to 2 of the effects corresponding to the conditions
you meet to apply to the unarmed strike made with the Free
Form feature instead of 1 effect.


Credits: Art Credits:
A huge thanks to the Homebrewery that allowed me to make These lovely folks made the wonderful art in this document, I
this pdf so pretty, Togashi for being the mangaka of Hunter X own none of these images.
Hunter, which helped inspire this class's concept, my close Go check out these folk's other works, they're all very
freinds and family that put up with me while I talked talented.
endlessly about how much fun this class would be once I Chrollo on the Front Cover: Taro-K
made it, and anybody who has fun with this class and making
all my efforts worth it. Kite on page 1: Tommy Lee
Kurapika on page 3: Linlye
Mechanics Credits:
Additional thanks go to the following people that built the Hisoka on page 6: LeonLampard
original base mechanics of this class, which were adapted Netero on page 7: あかこっこ
into what you see here now:
Killua on Page 9: kaomojis
WhiteShadow1124, who created the Nen-User homebrew
class, much of which was used to help create the base Leorio on Page 10: ksop
features of this class and certain features of some of the Kite on Page 11: L (seedling) largely inactive
subclasses, especially the Carving Style, link to that class
here. Shizuku on Page 13: baimonart
Julia H., u/TheGreatPunking, and u/dragonhunter2151, Illumi on Page 14: jacobnobleart
who assisted in the creation of and editted the Nen-User Neferpitou on Page 15: M3owie
class created by u/WhiteShadow1124.
Komugi on Page 16: Kuzay-i
Gon on the Back Cover: Kay-Jay97



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