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Topic: Abuse of Powers

Members: Soligam, Charles Khyn M., Lingaling, Laarni Kate B., Bardoquin, Juris
Yohan P., Yampan, Nellbvess Eleanor T., Lubante, Rowyne Clark L.,

CHARLES: Powerful people like government officials should limit how they use
their powers.

LAARNI: They have the right to use those powers that were given to them since
they are the ones leading our country. Especially when people are capable of
committing violations such as selling and taking drugs, human trafficking,
kidnapping, robbery, murder, theft, harassment, and others.

CHARLES: You have a point, but I KNOW THAT what it takes to be a good leader is
to listen to the voice of his people and what his country needs. Thus, he will earn
his people's trust and respect.

The 3 people walk in

JURIS: Good morning, everyone. Thank you for waiting for us.

NELLBVESS: My apologies we're late.

JURIS: So, what is to be our topic for today?

ROWYNE: I THINK they're arguing about how people should use their powers...

NELLBVESS: Precisely.

CHARLES: Oh, good morning.

LAARNI: That is exactly what we were talking about. I said people with great
power can use it anytime they want but Charles said they should limit how they
use it.

NELLVBESS: Oh, I see. I agree with her.

ROWYNE: No, I don't. I don't feel the same. I DON'T THINK that's right.

JURIS: I'M AGREEING with Charles this time. Power should have limits because not
all people will use it for good.

NELLVBESS: What do you mean by that?

JURIS: What I mean is that some people might use it for bad reasons, for their
benefits, for selfish gains, or simply for cruelty.

NELLBVESSs: Well, I BELIEVE they should use their powers anytime and anywhere
to maintain peace and order in the country. They can't be timid about it. If they
are, then what kind of leader is that?
JURIS: FROM WHAT I KNOW, the last time they did abuse power people got hurt,
countries went to war, they faced financial circumstances, poverty, and a decline
in production, and all hell broke loose.

CHARLES: Why don't we look at the examples we have? Let's take a look at Adolf
Hitler and his tyranny and delusional reason for World War Two, the policeman
who shot a mother and his son simply because of a heated argument, and may I
remind you about what happened to George Floyd, and the abuses from the
authority during the Martial Law in the Philippines.
JURIS: Yes, let’s talk about George Floyd. He was an African-American man who
was suffocated by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Floyd had been
arrested on suspicion of using counterfeit $20 bill. chauvin knelt on Floyd's neck
for over nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and lying face-down in a street.
His dying words, "I can't breathe," became a rallying slogan for protests against
police brutality.

LAARNI: Well let me also say something about police officers and their using of

NELLBVESS: And what about the rampage increase in drug syndicates in the
Philippines, huh? How was it kept in line? Duterte used his presidential powers—
No offense to people here who might not agree with his methods of leading our
country. He was stern and strong in his rule. Because of him, the numbers of drug
dealers and syndicates we're kept in line.

LAARNI: FURTHERMORE, criminalities regarding drugs weren't the only crimes

that decreased during the rule of our President Duterte. Most of the crimes also
JURIS: FIRST OF ALL, there were alleged violations of Human Rights during his
implementation of the "War on Drugs". Some authorities abused their power and
killed people even if they were innocent!

LAARNI: But they weren't! They were drug dealers!

JURIS: How do you know?


CHARLES: Now, tell me should power be given limitless, or not?

JURIS: How will we know the person who holds it will use it for good?

ROWYNE: That's exactly the point, we won't know, that's why there are limits to it
to keep power in line and balanced. IN CONCLUSION, power is needed to keep
order and peace in a particular place. Although that doesn't mean it is to be used
extensively and carelessly.

CHARLES: We have to keep in mind that power was not given to be utilized as a
cage of orders. It has boundaries and morals. Right and wrong.

JURIS: There is a proper time to execute it, and there's a time when we must
remain humble, understanding, and thoughtful.

CHARLES: Be compassionate to your people, and they do the same to each other.
ROWYNE: Yes, leaders should limit or balance the way they rule over a group of
people, but leaders should do their role properly by using their power thoroughly.
Not by fully abusing their power too much or not even using it properly.

CHARLES: Just like a statement from a movie that I watched before it stated that
"A true queen does what's best for her people"

ROWYNE: And that ends our topic for today. Thank you.

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