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Here’s 12 principles of public administration

1. Transparency

Transparency is one principle that aims at keeping public servants in check as far as their operations is
concerned. We can only achieve transparency when there is free flow of information that concerns the
interests of the people to be served. Such information should also be made easily accessible.

2. Equity

Public servants deal with people from diverse backgrounds and all deserve their service. The aspect of
equity places paramount importance to striking a balance in giving opportunities to all men and women
regardless of who they are.

3. Economy

When researching the pillars of public administration, economy comes in under the banner ‘efficiency
and effectiveness.’ This is the most prominent principle of public administration. Human beings’ primary
instincts care about survival and their relationship with public administrators is focused on the
distribution and management of resources. The main goal is to deliver the best public service at very low
costs. However, the idea is not only to put the existing resources to use, but also ad value or make more
out of them for the benefit of the people.

4. Subsidiarity

Due to public administration’s concern with efficiency, effectiveness and improvement, focus has been
placed on question of formal organization in service delivery. This birthed the principle of subsidiarity,
where departments, ministries and agencies are organised on the basis of common or closely related

5. Pluralism

Pluralism places emphasis on the dispersement of power among different economic and ideological
groups. Pluralism accepts diversity as a beneficial element to society and that autonomy should be
enjoyed by disparate functional or cultural groups within a society, including religious groups, trade
unions, professional organizations, and ethnic minorities for principles of administration. With regards
to public administration, pluralism puts servants in a position where they ought to serve these diverse
groups of people with impartiality.

6. Accountability

As societies became more organized and the control of resources went into the hands of elected
government structures, the public became dependent on these governments for services and quality is
of importance. Providing public good in a cost effective manner is the main goal of public service. As
such public administrators are held highly accountable by principles of administration and the
constituents they serve. Accountability is a a critical principle that has the power to make or break
governments. It requires ethical decision making, equal representation, legitimacy, efficiency,
effectiveness, responsibility.

7. Participation

Public administration accepts that all people are equal irrespective of their backgrounds, ethnicity,
gender and/or affiliations. As such, participation of all men and women in matters of public interest is

8. Access to services

For equity to be achieved, every citizen ought to be afforded equal access to public services such as
health care, education among others. This principle role works hand in glove with that of transparency
which then shows how resources are being distributed through free access to information.

9. Representation

The fundamental building block around the principle of representation is the idea of “the people’s will!”
It becomes a question of, “Who will represent the will of the people?” Are they those who are elected
by the people themselves? Representation is not the cornerstone of public administration but it is the
cornerstone of the entire government system. So the people chose who is going to be responsible and
accountable for the country and them. All democratic power that governments yields comes from the
people. So without people, the government has no power.

10. Legitimacy
For legitimacy to be carried out, public administrators should provide a conducive environment for
adequate public involvement. “There must also be opportunities for empirical research and decision
making in order to accomplish legitimacy in the state.” Public approval of a state’s power is the
determining factor, whether or not it is legitimate.

According to Dr. Beaumaster, “The person who has the authority and power is legitimate . Legitimacy
Power is derived from authority; authority is derived from legitimacy; legitimacy is a moral or normative
standing. So whenever that person makes an unethical decision, this will reflect in his power and he may
lose it.”

11. Responsibility

When looking ag the pillar in the form of Responsibility in the realm of Public Administration, you will
come across a myriad of scholarly emphasis regarding the importance and reasons for responsible civil
servants. Public administrators are held accountable by the public and they cannot act on their own
accord because they are held responsible to the officials who have been elected by the public.

12. Integrity

Integrity as a principle in public administration has more to do with one’s ethical conduct more than
anything else. Public authorities must behave appropriately in their dealings with private citizens,
businesses and other public authorities. Office holders, elected representatives and public servants must
behave professionally and ethically.

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