Question Bank PA

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PA Question Bank

1. Explain PORTB with respect to interrupts.

2. Differentiate polling and interrupt. Mention different types of interrupts in PIC18F458.
3. Write a note on LCD interfacing with PIC18F458

4. Draw CCP1CON register and explain the steps involved in programming PIC
microcontroller in compare mode
5. Explain interfacing of stepper motor with PIC18
6. Find the values of PR2, CCPR1L, and DC1B1:DC1B0 so that the wave with Frequency = 2KHz,
Duty cycle = 75% is generated. (XTAL=10MHz)
7. Explain external hardware interrupts.
8. Explain following serial communication protocol.
i) RS232
ii) I2C
9. Find the values of PR2, CCPR1L, and DC1B1:DC1B0 so that the wave with Frequency = 1KHz,
Duty cycle = 25% is generated. (XTAL=20MHz)
10. Explain interfacing of keyboard with PIC18.

11. Draw CCP1CON register and explain the steps involved in programming PIC
microcontroller in capture mode
12. Differentiate between external hardware interrupt and Port-B change interrupt.
13. Find the PR2 value and prescaler needed to get the following PWM frequencies.
Assume XTAL- 20MHz
a) 1.22 KHz
b) 4.88 kHz

14. Write a note on Serial communication interrupt.

15. Explain following serial communication protocol.

iii) SPI
iv) UART

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