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Teacher : Mrs.

Bouredha Hizia

Level : 1st year Language Form : Prepositions.

File : « 03 Sports »
Function : Naming and locating places .
Sequence : Two
Phonetics :
Lesson : Two
Produce Lexis : School places, sport centre, Prepositions (next , opposite, near,
right, left).
Material needed: School plans, sport centre and card.

Objective : The students will be able to locate places and say where places are.
Time Procedure Pp’s Task
Teacher’s Role

 Ls count &
05m Warm ** The teacher revises the previous lesson. distinguish
Up between cardinal
& ordinal
20m Present - Step One:
The teacher sticks some pictures to present the new
1- Left – Right:
Ls follow

*The ruler is on my right hand.

* The pen is on my left hand .

1- Behind – Next to – Opposite:

Ls repeat

The man is behind The small dog is The man on the left is
The chair next to the big dog. opposite the man on the
Practice right.

Step Two:
The teacher keeps the preposition written on the board.
Step One:
The teacher asks the students to open their books on
page 68.
 Where is the swimming pool? Ls listen
Use  It is on the left next to the aerobics club.

10m Step Two:

The teacher keeps this pattern on the board and asks the Ls practice in
students to take their copybooks and practice in pairs pairs

Step One:
The teacher sticks this picture on the board and asks the
students to fill in the gaps using these words.
(left – opposite – next to – behind)

Ls fill in the

1- The dog is …………………the teacher.
2- The books are …………………the table.
3- The ruler is in the …………………hand of the
4- The teacher is ………………… the table.

Ls copy down.

Step Two:
The teacher checks the students work and asks them to
correct the activity on the board and then copy it in their

Homework : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

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