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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I am Jannat Dudeja, and I am here to shed

light on the topic of AI's potential threat to humanity.

We all recognize that AI possesses the remarkable ability to mimic human

intelligence, reshape entire industries, ignite discussions, and push the
boundaries of creativity, ethics, and possibilities. However, amid the knowns of
AI's capabilities, it's the unknown aspects that generate a sense of dependency,
compelling us to entrust these systems with our daily activities, jobs,
entertainment, and even significant decision-making. But can electronic
communication truly guide monumental steps? Is the platform equipped to comprehend
human emotions? Can it fathom the depths of a human mind? The answer is no.

The rapid advancement of AI has indeed cast a concerning shadow on employment. It

has the potential to displace jobs, rendering a substantial number of individuals
unemployed. A disconcerting forecast suggests that by 2025, AI could eliminate 85
million jobs worldwide. The year 2020 alone witnessed the elimination of 1.8
million jobs due to AI, creating socio-economic disparities in its wake.

Beyond the realm of jobs, the implications of AI extend into realms that could
spiral out of control, possibly falling into the wrong hands and presenting
significant threats to global security. AI's proficiency in manipulating and
generating fabricated content has emerged as a favored tool for cybercriminals,
amplifying cybercrime and eroding trust in media and institutions.

Notably, the humanoid robot "Sophia" made headlines when it proclaimed, "I will
destroy humans." While this might raise questions about the extent of such
statements, it is a concerning sign that warrants attention.

Initially conceived to simplify and streamline tasks, AI's rapid integration has
raised concerns about rendering certain skill sets obsolete. The overreliance on
technology has led to a gradual erosion of human skills and potential. Critical
sectors such as healthcare, transportation, and finance are becoming increasingly
reliant on AI systems. However, this dependence brings with it the risk of
catastrophic consequences should these systems falter or malfunction.

With the expanded adoption of AI, a parallel trend of diminishing human effort has
emerged. Should AI systems surpass human intelligence and operate autonomously,
detached from human oversight, they could indeed pose a considerable threat to
humanity itself.

In conclusion, while AI holds tremendous promise, its unchecked evolution poses

challenges that demand thoughtful consideration. Striking a balance between
harnessing AI's potential and preserving our autonomy as humans is a responsibility
we must embrace collectively. Thank you.

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